Cradle to Kinder Program: intensive ante and postnatal support for Victorian families April 2015 Background The Cradle to Kinder program is an intensive ante and postnatal support service to provide longer term, intensive family and early parenting support for a group of vulnerable young mothers and their children. The service commences in pregnancy and continues until the child reaches four years of age. Six Cradle to Kinder programs, including one Aboriginal program, have been operating since April 2012. Another three programs, including a second Aboriginal Cradle to Kinder program, were announced in January 2014. The successful service provider for the tenth program, to be located in Central Highlands Area, will be announced in early 2014. Service description The Cradle to Kinder program provides a whole-of-family service in the form of pre-birth support, intensive and longer term interventions and case work support until the child reaches four years of age. Cradle to Kinder builds the capacity of parents to not only provide for their children’s health, safety and development, but to build their own self reliance and sustainability through access to education, vocational training and employment. The target group for the Cradle to Kinder service is young pregnant women (under 25 years of age): when a Report to Child Protection has been received for their unborn child, where the referrer has significant concerns about the wellbeing of the unborn child, or where there are a number of indicators of vulnerability/concerns about the wellbeing of the child when born and the young woman is not yet involved with the Child Protection system. Child FIRST teams provide a consolidated intake service to family services within sub regional catchments. There are 24 Child FIRST catchments across the state. These 'hubs' provide a central, community-based referral point to a range of community based family services and other supports. The Cradle to Kinder service uses Child FIRST catchment areas and networks to provide a coordinated and enhanced service, based on existing local arrangements. The catchment for Aboriginal Cradle to Kinder programs may include more than one Child FIRST catchment. Families within this target group are referred to the Cradle to Kinder program through Child FIRST, providing Child FIRST with an enhanced range of service options for vulnerable families expecting a new child. Referrals are accepted from a broad range of service providers, including, but not limited to: maternity services; general practitioners; community health; Aboriginal community controlled organisations; maternal and child health services; housing services; youth services; disability services; early parenting and family services; and child protection services. The Cradle to Kinder program brings together a strong case work response to the underlying areas of concern associated with the family’s vulnerability. It provides intensive and specialised early parenting support to strengthen the relationship between the parent/s and child, and help parents meet the health, development, safety and wellbeing needs of their infants and young children. While the Cradle to Kinder program is a targeted, specialist secondary support service, it is also closely aligned with the Victorian universal early childhood services, such as maternal and child health, child care and kindergarten, as well as tertiary child and family services such as child protection and out-of-home care services, to achieve the best outcomes for families. Service locations Cradle to Kinder and Aboriginal Cradle to Kinder Stage 1 Programs: commenced April 2012 Locations Local government area Service providers East Division Outer East Area Cradle to Kinder – Outer East Catchment Yarra Ranges Anglicare (lead) Knox Mercy Health-O’Connell Family Centre Maroondah Cara Inc East Division Goulburn Area Cradle to Kinder – Goulburn Valley catchment Greater Shepparton Moira The Bridge Youth Service East Division Goulburn Area Aboriginal Cradle to Kinder - Goulburn Valley catchment Greater Shepparton Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative South Division Southern Melbourne Area Cradle to Kinder – Outer South catchment Strathbogie Goulburn Valley FamilyCare Inc (lead) Strathbogie Moira Casey Cardinia Queen Elizabeth Centre (lead) Greater Dandenong Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency South Division Inner Gippsland Area Cradle to Kinder – LaTrobe and Baw Baw catchment La Trobe Anglicare (lead) Baw Baw Quantum Support Services West Division Western Melbourne Area Cradle to Kinder – Western catchment Hobson’s Bay Melbourne City Mission (lead) Maribyrnong Kildonan Melbourne VACCA Moonee Valley ISIS Primary Care Queen Elizabeth Centre Wyndham Cradle to Kinder Stage 2 Programs: announced January 2014 Locations Local government area Service providers West Division Western District Area Cradle to Kinder – South West catchment Warrnambool Centacare West Division Central Highlands Area Cradle to Kinder – Greater Grampians catchment Moyne Glenelg Southern Grampians Ararat Centacare Pyrenees Hepburn Ballarat Golden Plains Moorabool Cradle to Kinder Information Sheet January 2015 2 North Division Mallee Area Cradle to Kinder – Mallee catchment North Division North Eastern Melbourne and Hume Moreland Areas Aboriginal Cradle to Kinder – North East and Hume Moreland catchments Buloke Gannawarra Swan Hill Whittlesea Mildura Nillumbik Mallee Family Care (lead) and Mallee District Aboriginal Service (MDAS). . Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency Darebin Banyule Yarra, Hume Moreland General information Additional information about the Cradle to Kinder program can be obtained by contacting your local Child FIRST service or the local agency: To receive this publication in an accessible format phone 03 9096 9901, using the National Relay Service 13 36 77 if required Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. © State of Victoria, April 2015 Available at,-programs-andprojects/programs/children,-youth-and-family-services/cradle-to-kinder-program Cradle to Kinder Information Sheet January 2015 3