e-Course [1231] - Reading - Level 5 - Early History

e-Course [1231] - Reading - Level 5 - Early History
e-Course [1231] - Reading - Level 5 - Early History: Learn to
comprehend, interpret, apply, analyze and synthesize the verbal, graphic, and
numerical contents of level 5 reading passages dealing with world history
through the Middle Ages.
e-Unit [12311] - Reading About Cradles Of Civilization: Learn to
identify paragraph topics, correctly define words used in paragraphs, locate
facts, recognize opinions, and determine the connotations of words and
simple figures of speech in level 5 reading passages about very early
civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, and the Americas.
e-Lesson [123111] - Reading About Mesopotamia: Learn to
identify the topic of paragraphs in level 5 reading passages about people,
places, things, events, and ideas related to Mesopotamian civilization.
e-Lesson [123112] - Reading About Ancient Egypt: Learn to
define word meanings in context in level 5 reading passages about
people, places, things, events, and ideas related to ancient Egyptian
e-Lesson [123113] - Reading About Ancient India: Learn to
locate important facts contained in level 5 reading passages about people,
places, things, events, and ideas related to civilizations in ancient India.
e-Lesson [123114] - Reading About Ancient China: Learn to
recognize opinions expressed in level 5 reading passages about people,
places, things, events, and ideas related to early civilization in ancient
e-Lesson [123115] - Reading About Ancient America: Learn to
determine the connotations of words and/or figures of speech found in
level 5 reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas
related to America's first civilizations.
e-Unit [12312] - Reading About Hellenic Influences: Learn to
identify main and subordinate ideas in paragraphs, select supportive details,
specify paragraph organization, derive meaning from context clues, and
summarize essential content in level 5 reading passages about early Greek
e-Lesson [123121] - Reading About Early Crete: Learn to
identify the main idea and subordinate ideas in level 5 reading passages
about people, places, things, events, and ideas related to early Cretan
e-Lesson [123122] - Reading About Early Greece: Learn to
identify the details used to support the main idea and subordinate ideas in
level 5 reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas
related to early Greek civilization.
e-Lesson [123123] - Reading About A Golden Age: Learn to
identify the different types of organization used in level 5 reading
passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas related to the
"Golden Age" of Greek civilization.
e-Lesson [123124] - Reading About Life In Greece: Learn to use
context clues to determine the meaning of words, phrases, and
expressions in level 5 reading passages about people, places, things,
events, and ideas related to life at the height of Greek civilization.
e-Lesson [123125] - Reading About Alexander’s Era: Learn to
summarize the essential content of level 5 reading passages about people,
places, things, events, and ideas related to the spread of Greek culture.
e-Unit [12313] - Reading About Rome’s Rise & Fall: Learn to match
specifics and generalizations, make comparisons and contrasts, draw
inferences, identify causes and effects, and predict probable outcomes, using
the content contained in level 5 reading passages about Roman civilization.
e-Lesson [123131] - Reading About The Roman Republic:
Learn to correctly match specifics and generalizations found in level 5
reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas related to
early Roman civilization.
e-Lesson [123132] - Reading About Punic Times: Learn to
discriminate similarities and differences between items described in level
5 reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas related
to the Punic Wars.
e-Lesson [123133] - Reading About Caesar: Learn to supply
missing information by inferring from information contained in level 5
reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas related to
the career of Julius Caesar.
e-Lesson [123134] - Reading About The Roman Empire: Learn
to identify cause and effect relationships by analyzing pertinent
information contained in level 5 reading passages about people, places,
things, events, and ideas related to the Roman Empire.
e-Lesson [123135] - Reading About The Fall Of Rome: Learn to
predict the most likely results of particular circumstances, actions, or
changes described in level 5 reading passages about people, places,
things, events, and ideas related to the fall of Rome.
e-Unit [12314] - Reading About Europe’s Middle Ages: Learn to
identify the primary purposes and methods of presentation used, determine
the adequacy of the content, abstract information from visuals and numerical
tables, and locate important stylistic features in level 5 reading passages
about the Middle Ages in Europe.
e-Lesson [123141] - Reading About Charlemagne’s Era: Learn
to identify the primary purposes of level 5 reading passages about
people, places, things, events, and ideas related to the Frankish Empire.
e-Lesson [123142] - Reading About Feudal Society: Learn to
identify writing methods used to achieve different purposes in level 5
reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas related to
feudalism during the Middle ages in Europe.
e-Lesson [123143] - Reading About The Church: Learn to
determine the accuracy, relevance, and completeness of content
contained in level 5 reading passages about people, places, things,
events, and ideas related to the Church during the Middle Ages in
e-Lesson [123144] - Reading About Medieval Life: Learn to
abstract information from visuals or numerical tables found in level 5
reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas related to
towns and trade during the Middle Ages in Europe.
e-Lesson [123145] - Reading About Medieval Authority: Learn
to locate important stylistic features of level 5 reading passages about
people, places, things, events, and ideas related to church and state
relations during the Middle Ages in Europe.
e-Unit [12315] - Reading About Other Civilizations: Learn to identify
underlying concepts, find logical reasons, draw correct conclusions, choose
suitable solutions for problems, and project future developments by
synthesizing information included in level 5 reading passages about early
Asian, African, and American civilizations.
e-Lesson [123151] - Reading About Byzantium: Learn to
identify underlying concepts in level 5 reading passages about people,
places, things, events, and ideas related to the Byzantine civilization.
e-Lesson [123152] - Reading About Islamic Times: Learn to
find logical reasons for actions or outcomes that are not explained in
level 5 reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas
related to Islamic civilization from the 8th to the 14th centuries.
e-Lesson [123153] - Reading About Early Africa: Learn to draw
correct conclusions based on information presented in level 5 reading
passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas related to early
African civilization.
e-Lesson [123154] - Reading About Early America: Learn to
choose appropriate solutions for problem situations discussed in level 5
reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas related to
early American civilization.
e-Lesson [123155] - Reading About Early China & Japan:
Learn to project future developments based on information provided in
level 5 reading passages about people, places, things, events, and ideas
related to China and Japan in the era of the khans and shoguns.