Application for Registration or Renewal of Registration as a

F 8-02
Application for Registration as a Beekeeper
Livestock Disease Control Act 1994
A person must not keep bees unless he or she is registered as a beekeeper under the Livestock Disease
Control Act 1994. Registration expires on 30th June each year and application for renewal of registration
must be made prior to this date to avoid a lapse of registration. For inquiries please phone 1800 356 761.
Applicant Details (please print)
Surname: ....................................................................... Given names: .........................................................................................
Address: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................Postcode: ....................................
Phone: .................................................... Fax:.......................................................... Mobile: .........................................................
I have been registered as a beekeeper in Victoria before and my Former Registration Number is: ........................................
Number of hives kept or proposed to be kept: .........................................................................................
Prescribed Fee
Number of hives
Prescribed Fee
Where a person keeps at least one but not more than 60 hives
Where a person keeps more than 60 hives
25 cents per hive
Please Note: these
fees are exempt
from GST
The prescribed fee must accompany this Application for Registration as a Beekeeper.
I apply for registration under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 for the year ending 30th June 2012 and I forward the
sum of $ .......................................................... Signature ............................................................................................................
The Prescribed Fee can be paid in person, only at the Department of Primary Industries office - Corner Midland Highway and
Taylor Street, Epsom OR as follows –
Please enclose a cheque or money order made payable to “DPI” for the prescribed fee and forward it with
the completed application form to the: Bee Registrar, DPI, PO Box 2500, Bendigo Delivery Centre, Victoria,
CREDIT CARD: Post the completed application form with your credit card details to the Bee Registrar DPI, PO Box 2500,
Bendigo Delivery Centre, Victoria, 3554 OR fax the completed application form with your credit card details
to the Bee Registrar on (03) 5430 4520.
PAYMENT DETAILS FOR REGISTRATION NUMBER:……………………………(insert number if previously registered)
Enclosed is my cheque/money order for $
or please debit my credit card:
Card Expiry date: _____ / _____
Name on card:
Amount $
Card Number:
_______ / _______ /______
If you have disposed of any bee hives please complete Notice of Disposal of Hives form on next page.
The Department of Primary Industries ABN is 90 719 052 204.
Application for Bee Registration
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Version: June 2011
F 8-02
Notice of Disposal of Hives
Livestock Disease Control Act 1994
Livestock Disease Control Regulations 2006
Regulation 50, Schedule 8
You are required to notify the Bee Registrar within seven days if you have disposed of some or all of your hives
by sending this ‘Notice of Disposal of Hives’ to the Bee Registrar, Department of Primary Industries, Box 2500,
Bendigo Delivery Centre, Victoria, 3554. For inquiries please telephone 1800 356 761.
I, .............................................................................................................................................................................
(insert full name)
of ............................................................................................................................................................................
(insert address)
Registration Number: ..............................................
give notice that I have disposed of ................................................................. hives, formerly my property
(insert number of hives)
TO ..........................................................................................................................................................................
(insert full name of new owner)
OF ..........................................................................................................................................................................
(insert address of new owner)
New Owner’s Registration Number: ...................................
I now own .................................................................. hives.
(insert number of hives)
Signed ......................................................................................... Date: ....................................
(signature of disposer)
Application for Bee Registration
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Version: June 2011