Stone Age Somerset

Stone Age Somerset
Somerset Heritage Learning
Learning Objectives:
 To know facts about the Stone using primary sources as evidence
 To investigate Stone Age tools and clothes through handling
 To recognise the complexity of Stone Age culture and tools
By the end of the session the children will have handled real and replica
objects related to the Stone Age including hand axes, furs, bone and wooden
tools. They will have used some of the tools and made their own Stone Age
replica to take away. Finally they will also explore the fantastic prehistory
galleries in the Museum of Somerset (through a guided interactive tour).
Fur clothing, bone tools, Stone hand axes (x2), replica wooden tools, bone
needles, leather replicas for sewing, replica teeth for jewellery making and
tour worksheets.
5 items from the collection on a timeline. Find out about the
mysterious Stone Age people of Somerset.
Group 1
Gallery tour: Stone Age crafts,
creatures and continued
existence in Somerset. What do
we know about the people and
their survival?
Group 2
Explore fur clothing, tools and
images. Then make your own
replica to take away! Choose
to sew with a bone needle or
make your own Stone Age
Explore fur clothing, tools and
images. Then make your own
replica to take away! Choose to
sew with a bone needle or make
your own Stone Age necklace.
Gallery tour: Stone Age crafts,
creatures and continued
existence in Somerset. What
do we know about the people
and their survival?
Use a Stone Age tool together. Are we as skilled as people in the
Stone Age?
Consider what we’ve learnt in pictures and actions!
Teaching and Learning Tasks:
Stone Age crafts, creatures and continued existence in Somerset:
The children will listen to a chronological narrative of the Stone Age in
Somerset, guided by an experience member of the museum team. They will
be encouraged to consider people’s experiences as well as their skills. The
tour will involve handling of replicas, some drama and lots of information!
Exploring Stone Age materials and making a replica to take away: the
children will be able to explore some object handling tables and then choose a
creative activity. They can either make a Stone Age necklace or sew using
bone needles. The children will only be able to do one of the activities on offer
but they will be able to take their creations back to school with them.
For Your Information:
The session requires the class to be in two groups, although the
session leader will start the session with all the children together down
in the learning space at the museum.
It is important that children are managed when you are exploring the
object handling tables. Make sure the children follow the basic ground
rules and if in doubt suggest children look rather than touch.
One of the activities has a ‘photo opportunity’ so you may wish to
organise to have the class camera available. We would love you to
share these with us, please speak to your session leader if you are
happy to do this. Additionally, please let us know if we can also take
pictures of your visit.
We endeavour to deliver the best service we can so we would be very
grateful if you would complete our evaluation form. This form is
Many thanks and I look forward to seeing you soon!