doc - North Dakota State University

Publications – W1188 – January 1 – December 31, 2007
Abdu, H., D.A. Robinson and S. B. Jones. 2007. Comparing bulk soil electrical
conductivity determination using the DUALEM 1-S and EM-38DD EMI
instruments. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71:189-196.
Baker, J.M., T.E. Ochsner, R.T. Venterea, and T.J. Griffis. 2007. Tillage and carbon
sequestration--What do we really know? Agr. Ecosyst. Environ. 118:1-5.
Berli, M., A. Carminati, T.A. Ghezzehei, and D. Or. 2007a. Unsaturated hydraulic
conductivity of aggregated soils under compression. Water Resour. Res. (Special
Issue). In revision.
Berli, M., T. Caldwell, E.V. McDonald, and D.A. Gilewitch. 2007b. Modeling desert
pavement deterioration due to heavy vehicle traffic. J. Terramechanics. In review.
Børgesen, C.D., B.V. Iversen, O.H. Jacobsen, M.G. Schaap. 2007. Pedotransfer functions
estimating soil hydraulic properties using different soil parameters. Hydrol. Proc. In
Bradford, S. A., and N. Toride. 2007. A stochastic model for colloid transport and
deposition. J. Environ. Qual. 36: 1346-1356.
Bradford, S. A., and S. Torkzaban. 2008. Colloid transport and retention in unsaturated
porous media: A review of interface, collector, and pore scale processes and
models. Vadose Zone J. In press.
Bradford, S. A., E. Segal, W. Zheng, Q. Wang, and S. R. Hutchins. 2008. Reuse of
CAFO waterwater on agricultural lands: Potential environmental contaminants,
transport pathways, and treatments. J. Environ. Qual. In press.
Bradford, S. A., S. Torkzaban, and S. L. Walker. 2007. Coupling of physical and
chemical mechanisms of colloid straining in saturated porous media. Water Res.
41: 3012-3024.
Butler, J. J., Jr., G. J. Kluitenberg, D. O. Whittemore, S. P. Loheide, II, W. Jin, M. A.
Billinger, and X. Zhan. 2007. A field investigation of phreatophyte-induced
fluctuations in the water table. Water Resour. Res. 43:W02404
Caldwell, T.G., E.V. McDonald, and M.H. Young. 2007b. The seedbed microclimate and
active revegetation of disturbed lands in the Mojave Desert. J. Arid Environ. In
Caldwell, T.G., E.V. McDonald, S.N. Bacon, and G. Stullenbarger. 2007a. The
performance and sustainability of vehicle dust courses for military testing. J.
Terramechanics. In press.
Casey, F.X.M., P. Odour, H. Hakk, and G.L. Larsen. 2007. Transport of 17ß-Estradiol
and Testosterone in a field lysimeter. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM].
ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Chen, W., A.C. Chang, and L. Wu. 2007. Assessing long-term environmental risks of
trace elements in Phosphate fertilizers. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 67:48-58.
Chen, W., A.C. Chang, L. Wu, L. Li, S.-I. Kwon, and A.L. Page. 2007. Probability
distribution of Cd partitioning coefficients of cropland soils. Soil Sci. 172:132-140.
Chen, W., L. Li, A.C. Chang, L. Wu, S.-I. Kwon, and R. Bottoms. 2007. Modeling the
uptake kinetics of cadmium by field-grown lettuce. Environ. Pollut.
Chief, K., T.P.A. Ferré, and A. C. Hinnell. 2007b. The effects of anisotropy on in situ air
permeability measurements. Vadose Zone J. Accepted.
Chief, K., T.P.A. Ferré, and B. Nijssen. 2006. Field testing of a soil corer air
permeameter (SCAP) in desert soils. Vadose Zone J. 5:1257-1263.
Chief, K., T.P.A. Ferré, and B. Nijssen. 2007a. Predicting saturated hydraulic
conductivity from air permeability in unburned and burned soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am.
J. Accepted.
Conrad, M. E., D. J. DePaolo, K. Maher, G. W. Gee, and A. L. Ward. 2007. Field
evidence for strong chemical separation of contaminants in the Hanford vadose
zone. Vadose Zone J. 6:1031-1041.
Corwin, D. L., J. D. Rhoades, and J. Šimůnek. 2007. Leaching requirement for soil
salinity control: Steady-state vs. transient-state models. Agric. Water Manage.
Covino, T.P., and B.L. McGlynn. 2007. Stream gains and losses across a mountain-tovalley transition: Impacts on watershed hydrology and stream water chemistry.
Water Resour. Res. 43, W10431, doi:10.1029/2006WR005544.
Das, N.N., and B.P. Mohanty. 2007. Dynamics of PSR-based soil moisture in a large
agricultural landscape during SMEX02: A wavelet approach wavelet analyses.
Rem. Sens. Environ.
Das, N.N., B.P. Mohanty, M.H. Cosh, and T.J. Jackson. 2007. Modeling and assimilation
of root zone soil moisture using remote sensing observations in Walnut Gulch
watershed during SMEX04. Rem. Sens. Environ.
Derby, N.E., F.X.M. Casey, and D.W. Franzen. 2007. Comparison of Nitrogen
management zone delineation methods for Corn grain yield. Agron J.
10.2134/agronj2006.0027 99:405-414.
Devitt, D.A., M.H. Young, M. Baghzouz, and B.M. Bird. 2007. Surface temperature, heat
loading, and spectral reflectance of artificial turfgrass. J. Turfgrass Res. In press.
Dousset, S., M. Thevenot, V. Pot, J. Šimunek, and F. Andreux. 2007. Evaluating
equilibrium and non-equilibrium transport of bromide and isoproturon in disturbed
and undisturbed soil columns. J. Contam. Hydrol. 94, 261-276.
Doyle, T.E., D.A. Robinson, S.B. Jones, K.H. Warnick and B.L. Carruth. 2007. Modeling
the permittivity of two-phase media containing monodisperse spheres: Effects of
microstructure and multiple scattering. Physical Review B 76 (5), 054203.
Dragila, M. I. 2007. Improved characterization and quantification of flow and transport
processes in soils. W-1188 Regional Project Annual Report for 2007
Eggers C.G., M. Berli, M.L. Accorsi, D. Or. 2007. Permeability of deformable soft
aggregated earth materials: From single pore to sample cross section. Water
Resour. Res. 43. Art. No. W08424.
Ewing, R. P., and R. Horton. 2007. Thermal conductivity of a cubic lattice of spheres
with capillary bridges. J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 40: 4959-4965.
Fan, Z. 2007. Measuring and modeling fate and transport of natural hormones in soilwater systems. Research Dissertation, North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Fan, Z.S., F.X.M. Casey, H. Hakk, and G.L. Larsen. 2007a. Persistence and fate of 17βestradiol and testosterone in agricultural soils. Chemosphere 67:886-895.
Fan, Z.S., F.X.M. Casey, H. Hakk, and G.L. Larsen. 2007b. Discerning and modeling the
fate and transport of testosterone in undisturbed soil. J. Environ. Qual. 36:864-873.
Farahbakhshazad, N., D.L. Dinnes, C. Li, D.B. Jaynes, and W. Salas. 2008. Modeling
biogeochemical impacts of alternative management practices for a row-crop field in
Iowa. Agricult. Ecosys. Environ. 123:30–48.
Flury, M. and J. Mon. 2007. Dyes as hydrological tracers. In: The Encyclopedia of Water,
edited by J. H. Lehr, J. Keeley, and J. Lehr, John Wiley, New York. In press.
Flury, M., and H. Qiu. 2007. Modeling colloid-facilitated contaminant transport in the
vadose zone. Vadose Zone J. In press.
Flynn, E.S., C.T. Dougherty, and O. Wendroth. 2007. Assessment of Grassland Condition
with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Agron. J. (accepted, in press).
Gargiulo, G., S. A. Bradford, J. Simunek, P. Ustohal, H. Vereecken, and E. Klumpp.
2007. Bacteria transport and deposition under unsaturated conditions: the role of the
matrix grain size and the bacteria surface protein. J. Contam. Hydrol. 92: 255-273.
Gargiulo, G., S. A. Bradford, J. Šimůnek, P. Ustohal, H. Vereecken, and E. Klumpp.
2007. Transport and deposition of metabolically active and stationary phase
Deinococcus Radiodurans in unsaturated porous media. Environ. Sci. Technol.
Gaur, A., D. B. Jaynes, R. Horton, and T. E. Ochsner. 2007. Surface and subsurface
solute transport properties at row and inter-row positions. Soil Sci. 172:419-431.
Gee, G. W., M. Oostrom, M. D. Freshley, M. L. Rockhold, and J. M. Zachara. 2007.
Hanford site vadose zone studies: An overview. Vadose Zone J. 6:899-905.
Hanson, B. R., J. Šimůnek, and J. W. Hopmans. 2008. Leaching with subsurface drip
irrigation under saline, shallow ground water conditions. Vadose Zone J. In press.
Hanson, B.R., J.W. Hopmans, and J. Simunek. 2007. Leaching with subsurface drip
irrigation under saline, shallow groundwater conditions. Vadose Zone J. In press.
Haruta, S., W. Chen, J. Gan, J. Simunek, A. Chang, and L. Wu. 2007. Leaching risk of Nnitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in soil receiving reclaimed wastewater.
Heinse, R., S.B. Jones, S. Steinberg, M. Tuller, and D. Or. 2007. Effects of variable
gravity on liquid behavior in particulate porous media: Measurements and
modeling. Vadose Zone J. In press.
Heinse, R., S.B. Jones, S. Steinberg, M. Tuller, and D. Or. 2007. Uncovering the
challenges of watering plants in space. Crops, Soils, Agronomy (CSA) News.
Heinse, R., S.B. Jones, S.L. Steinberg, M. Tuller, and D. Or, 2007. Measurements and
modeling of variable gravity effects on water distribution and flow in unsaturated
porous media. Vadose Zone J. 6:713-724, doi:10.2136/vzj2006.0105.
Heitman, J.L., A. Gaur, R. Horton, D.B. Jaynes, and T.C. Kaspar. 2007. Field
measurement of soil surface chemical transport properties for comparison of
management zones. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71:529-536.
Heitman, J.L., R. Horton, T. Ren, and T.E. Ochsner. 2007. An improved approach for
measurement of coupled heat and water transfer in soil cells. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.
71:872-880. 10.2136/sssaj2006.0327.
Heitman, J.L., R. Horton, T.J. Sauer, and T.M. DeSutter. 2008. Sensible heat
observations reveal soil-water evaporation dynamics. J. Hydromet. In press.
Hopmans, J.W. 2006. Plant water and nutrient uptake in soil-root systems. 5.1.
Rhizosphere Models. In Handbook of Methods used in rhizosphere research.
COST. Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf, pg. 495-96.
Hopmans, J.W. 2007. A plea to reform soil science education. Commentary. Soil Sci.
Soc. Am. J. 71:639-640.
Huang, H., D.T. Thorne, M.G. Schaap, and M.C. Sukop. 2007. A priori determination of
contact angles in Shan-and- Chen-type multi-component multiphase lattice
Boltzmann models. Phys Rev E., 76, 066701
Hyatt, J., O. Wendroth, D.B. Egli, and D.M. TeKrony. 2007. Soil Compaction and
Soybean Seedling Emergence. Crop Sci. 47:2495–2503.
Istok, J.D., M.M. Park, A.D. Peacock, M. Oostrom, and T.W. Wietsma. 2007. An
experimental investigation of nitrogen gas produced during denitrification. Ground
Water 45:461-467.
Jacques, D., J. Šimůnek, D. Mallants, and M. Th. van Genuchten. 2008. Modeling
coupled hydrological and chemical processes in the vadose zone: a case study on
long term uranium migration following mineral P-fertilization. Vadose Zone J.
Special Issue “Vadose Zone Modeling”. In press.
Jana, R., B.P. Mohanty, and E.P. Springer. 2007. Multi-scale pedo-transfer functions for
soil water retention. Vadose Zone J. 6:868-878.
Jaynes, D.B., D.C. Olk, T.S. Colvin, T.C. Kaspar, and D.L. Karlen. 2007. Response to
“Comments on ‘Need for a soil-based approach in managing nitrogen fertilizers for
profitable Corn production’ and ‘soil organic nitrogen enrichment following
Soybean in an Iowa Corn-Soybean rotation’”. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71:255.
Jones, S.B., and K. Shenai. 2007. Subsurface measurement needs for ecological,
hydrological and agricultural applications. Proc. 50th IEEE Int. Midwest Symp. on
Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). August 5-7, Montreal, CA, Invited.
Kaspar, T.C., D.B. Jaynes, T.B. Parkin, and T.B. Moorman. 2007. Rye cover crop and
gamagrass strip effects on NO3 concentration and load in tile drainage. J. Environ.
Qual. 36:1503–1511.
Khaleel, R., M. D. White, M. Oostrom, M. I. Wood, F. M. Mann, and J. G. Kristofzski.
2007. Impact assessment of existing vadose zone contamination at the Hanford Site
SX tank farm. Vadose Zone J. 6:935-945.
Kim, S.B., H.S. On, D.J. Kim, W. A. Jury, and Z. Wang. 2007. Determination of
bromacil transport as a function of water and carbon content in soils. J. Environ.
Sci. Health Part B 42:529–537.
Kluitenberg, G.J., T.E. Ochsner, and R. Horton. 2007. Improved analysis of heat pulse
signals for soil water flux determination. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71:53-55.
Knight, J.H., W. Jin, and G. J. Kluitenberg. 2007. Sensitivity of the dual-probe heat-pulse
method to spatial variations in heat capacity and water content. Vadose Zone J.
Kodešová, R., M. Kočárek, V. Kodeš, J. Šimůnek, and J. Kozák. 2008. Impact of soil
micromorphological features on water flow and herbicide transport in soils. Vadose
Zone J. Special Issue “Vadose Zone Modeling”. In press.
Last, G. V., C. J. Murray, D. A. Bush, E. C. Sullivan, M. L. Rockhold, R. D. Mackley,
and B. N. Bjornstad. 2007. Standardization of borehole data to support vadose zone
flow and transport modeling. Vadose Zone J. 6:906-912.
Lazarovitch, N., A. Ben-Gal, J. Šimůnek, and U. Shani. 2007. Uniqueness of soil
hydraulic parameters determined by a combined Wooding inverse approach. Soil
Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71, doi:10.2136/sssaj2005.0420, 860-865.
Lazarovitch, N., A. W. Warrick, A. Furman, and J. Šimůnek. 2007. Subsurface water
distribution from drip irrigation described by moment analyses, Vadose Zone J.
Lebron, I., M.D. Madsen, D.G. Chandler, D.A. Robinson, O. Wendroth, and J. Belnap.
2007. Ecohydrological controls on soil moisture and hydraulic conductivity within
Pinyon-Juniper Woodland. Water Resour. Res. 43, W08422,
Lee, K. H., N. Zhang, and G. Kluitenberg. 2007. A frequency-response permittivity
sensor for simultaneous measurement of multiple soil properties: Part I. The
frequency-response method. Trans. ASABE 50:2315-2326.
Lewis, S.A., P.R. Robichaud, B.E. Frazier, J.Q. Wu. and D.W. Laes. 2007. Using
hyperspectral imagery to predict post-wildfire soil water repellency. Geomorphol.
In press.
Li, H., and L. Wu. 2007. A generalized linear equation for non-linear diffusion in
external fields and non-ideal systems. New J. Physics 9:357.
Li, H., and L. Wu. 2007. A new approach to estimate ion distribution between the
exchanger phase and solution phase. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71:1694-1698.
Li, H., H. Li, W.-J. Shi, and Z. Wang. 2007. Research of finger flow in porous media Summary and perspective. Soils.
Liu, G., B. Li, T. Ren, and R. Horton. 2007. Analytical solution of heat pulse method in a
parallelepiped sample space. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71: 1607-1619.
Loescher, H.W., J. Jacobs, O. Wendroth, D.A. Robinson, G.S. Poulos, K. McGuire, P.
Reed, B.P. Mohanty, J.B. Shanley, W. Krajewski. 2007. Enhancing water cycle
measurements for future hydrologic research. Bulletin of American Meteorological
Society (BAMS) 88:669-676. DOI:10.1175/BAMS-88-5-669.
Lu, S., T. Ren, Y. Gong, and R. Horton. 2007. An improved model for predicting room
temperature soil thermal conductivity versus water content. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.
Ma, L., R.W. Malone, P. Heilman, D.B. Jaynes, L.R. Ahuja, S.A. Saseendran, R.S.
Kanwar, and J.C. Ascough II. 2007. RZWQM simulated effects of crop rotation,
tillage, and controlled drainage on crop yield and nitrate-N loss in drain flow.
Geoderma 140:260–271.
Meadows, D.G., M.H. Young, E.V. McDonald. 2007. Influence of surface age on
infiltration mechanisms of desert pavements, Mojave Desert. Catena 72:169-178.
Moffett, K., S. Tyler, T. Torgersen, M. Menon, J. Selker and S. Gorelick. 2007.
Distributed temperature sensing of thermal trends and anomalies in the bed of an
intertidal salt marsh and channel: The tidal thermal blanket effect. Environ. Science
Tech. In press.
Mohanty, B. P., and J. Zhu. 2007. Effective hydraulic parameters in horizontally and
vertically heterogeneous soils for steady-state land–atmosphere interaction. J.
Hydrometeorol. 8: 715-729.
Murray, C. J., A. L. Ward, and J. L. Wilson. 2007. Influence of clastic dikes on vertical
migration of contaminants at the Hanford Site. Vadose Zone J. 6:959-970.
Nachshon, U., N. Weisbrod, M.I. Dragila. 2007. Quantifying air convection through
surface-exposed fractures. Vadose Zone J. Submitted.
Ochsner, T.E., T.J. Sauer, and R. Horton. 2007. Soil heat storage measurements in energy
balance studies. Agron. J. 99:311-319. 10.2134/agronj2005.0103S.
Oostrom, M., J.H. Dane, and T.W. Wietsma. 2007. A review of multidimensional,
multifluid intermediate-scale experiments: Flow behavior, saturation imaging, and
tracer detection and quantification . Vadose Zone J. 6:610-637.
Oostrom, M., M. L. Rockhold, P. D. Thorne, M. J. Truex, G. V. Last, and V. J. Rohay.
2007. Carbon Tetrachloride flow and transport in the subsurface of the 216-Z-9
trench at the Hanford Site. Vadose Zone J. 6:971-984.
Oostrom, M., M.J. Truex, P.D. Thorne, and T.W. Wietsma. 2007. Three-dimensional
multifluid flow and transport at the Brooklawn site near Baton Rouge, LA: A Case
Study. Soil Sediment Contamin. 16:109-141.
Oostrom, M., T.W. Wietsma, M.A. Covert, and V.R. Vermeul. 2007. Zero-valent iron
emplacement in permeable porous media using polymer additions. Ground Water
Monit. Remed. 27:122-130.
Or, D., B.F. Smets, J.M. Wraith, A. Duchesne, and S.P. Friedman. 2007. Physical
constraints affecting bacterial habitats and activity in unsaturated porous media - a
review. Adv. Water Resour. Special Issue: Biological processes in porous media:
from the pore scale to the field. 30:1505-1527.
Pan, F., M. Ye, Y.-S. Wu, B.X. Hu, J. Zhu, and Z. Yu. 2007. Uncertainty assessment of
unsaturated flow and tracer transport in heterogeneous fractured media. J. Contam.
Hydrol. In revision.
Pang, L., M. McLeod, J. Aislabie, J. Šimůnek, M. Close, and R. Hector. 2008. Modeling
transport of fecal coliforms and Salmonella bacteriophage in ten undisturbed New
Zealand soils under dairy shed effluent irrigation. Vadose Zone J. In press.
Riveros-Iregui, D.A., R.E. Emanuel, D.J. Muth, B.L. McGlynn, H.E. Epstein, D.L.
Welsch, V.J. Pacific, and J.M. Wraith. 2007. Diurnal hysteresis between soil CO2
and soil temperature is controlled by soil water content. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34.
L17404. doi:10.1029/2007GL030938.
Robinson, D.A., S.B. Jones, T. Doyle, J.M. Blonquist, H. Abdu, V. Urdanoz, R. Aragues.
2007. Hydrological processes and properties of soil using electromagnetic
measurement. Proc. Int. Conf. Microwaves Optoelectronics 2007 (ICMO),
December 17-20, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad,
Saito, H., J. Šimůnek, J. W. Hopmans, and A. Tuli. 2007. Numerical evaluation of the
heat pulse probe for simultaneous estimation of water fluxes and soil hydraulic and
thermal properties. Water Resour. Res. 43: W07408, doi:10.1029/2006WR005320.
Saleh, A., E. Osei, D.B. Jaynes, B. Du, and J.G Arnold. 2007. Economic and
environmental impacts of LSNT and cover crops for nitrate-nitrogen reduction in
Walnut Creek watershed, Iowa, using FEM and enhanced SWAT models. Trans.
ASABE 50: 1251-1259.
Sansoulet, J., Y.-M. Cabidoche, P. Cattan, S. Ruy, and J. Šimůnek. 2008. Spatially
distributed water fluxes in an Andisol under banana plants: experiments and 3D
modelling. Vadose Zone J. Special issue “Vadose Zone Modeling”. In press.
Sauer, T.J., T.E. Ochsner, and R. Horton. 2007. Soil heat flux plates: Heat flow distortion
and thermal contact resistance. Agron. J. 99:304-310. 10.2134/agronj2005.0038s.
Schaap, M.G, M.L. Porter, B.S.B. Christensen, and D. Wildenschild, 2007a. Comparison
of pressure-saturation characteristics derived from computed tomography and
lattice Boltzmann simulations. Water Resour. Res. 43, W12S06,
Segal., E., S. A. Bradford, P. Shouse, N. Lazarovitch, and D. Corwin. 2008. Integration
of hard and soft data to characterize field-scale hydraulic properties for flow and
transport studies. Vadose Zone J. In press.
Seibert J., and B.L. McGlynn. 2007. A new triangular multiple flow-direction algorithm
for computing upslope areas from gridded digital elevation models. Water Resour.
Res. 43, W04501, doi:10.1029/2006WR005128.
Shafer, D.S., M.H. Young, S.F. Zitzer, T.G. Caldwell, E.V. McDonald. 2007. Impacts of
interrelated biotic and abiotic processes during the past 125,000 years of landscape
evolution in the northern Mojave Desert, Nevada, U.S.A. J. Arid Environ. 69:633657.
Šimůnek, J. 2007. Models for soil pollution risk assessment, Proc. of NATO Advanced
Research Workshop “Air, Water and Soil Quality Modelling for Risk and Impact
Assessment”, Eds. A. Ebel and T. Davitashvili, NATO Security through Science
Series – C: Environmental Security, Springer, ISBN-10 1-4020-5876-4 (PB), 221233.
Šimůnek, J., and M. Th. van Genuchten. 2008. Modeling nonequilibrium flow and
transport with HYDRUS. Vadose Zone J. Special Issue “Vadose Zone Modeling”.
In press.
Šimůnek, J., M. Th. van Genuchten, and M. Šejna. 2007. Modeling subsurface water flow
and solute transport with HYDRUS and related numerical software packages, In:
Garcia-Navarro & Playán (eds.), Numerical Modelling of Hydrodynamics for
Water Resources, An International Workshop, Centro Politecnico Superior,
University of Zaragoza Spain, June 18-21 2007. Taylor & Francis Group, London,
ISBN 978-0-415-44056-1, 95-114.
Šimůnek, J., M. Th. van Genuchten, and M. Šejna. 2008. Development and applications
of the HYDRUS and STANMOD software packages, and related codes. Vadose
Zone J. Special Issue “Vadose Zone Modeling”. In press.
Smucker, A., and J.W. Hopmans. 2007. Soil biophysics. doi:10.2136/vzj2007.0057.
Vadose Zone J. 6:267-268.
Srivastava, P., K. W. Migliaccio, and J. Šimunek. 2007. Centennial manuscript:
Terrestrial models for simulating water quality at point, field, and watershed scales,
Trans. ASAE 50:1683-1693.
Suarez, F., J. Bachmann, J.F. Munoz, C. Ortiz, S. Tyler, C. Alister and M. Kogan. 2007.
Transport of Simazine in unsaturated sandy soils and prediction of leaching under
field conditions. J. Contam. Hydrol. 94(3/4):166-177.
Thornton, E. C., L. Zhong, M. Oostrom, and B. Deng. 2007. Experimental and theoretical
assessment of the lifetime of a gaseous-reduced vadose zone permeable reactive
barrier. Vadose Zone J. 6:1050-1056.
Thorp, K.R., R.W. Malone, and D.B. Jaynes. 2007. Simulating long-term effects of
nitrogen fertilizer application rates on corn yield and nitrogen dynamics. Trans.
ASABE 50:1287-1303.
Torkzaban, S., S. A. Bradford, and S. L. Walker. 2007. Resolving the coupled effects of
hydrodynamics and DLVO forces on colloid attachment to porous media. Langmuir
23: 9652-9660.
Torkzaban, S., S. A. Bradford, M. Th. van Genuchten, and S. L. Walker. 2007. Colloid
transport in unsaturated porous media: The role of water content and ionic strength
on particle straining. J. Contam. Hydrol. In press.
Torkzaban, S., S. S. Tazehkand, S. L. Walker, and S. A. Bradford. 2008. Transport and
fate of bacteria in porous media: Coupled effects of chemical conditions and pore
space geometry. Water Resour. Res. In press.
Tumlinson, L.G., J.W. Hopmans, Liu, and W.K. Silk. 2008. Thermal neutron computed
tomography of soil water and plant roots. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. In press.
Twarakavi, N. K. C., H. Saito, and J. Šimůnek. 2008. A new approach to estimate soil
hydraulic parameters using only soil water retention data. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. In
Twarakavi, N. K. C., J. Šimůnek, and H. S. Seo. 2008. Evaluating interactions between
groundwater and vadose zone using HYDRUS-based flow package for
MODFLOW. Vadose Zone J. Special Issue “Vadose Zone Modeling”. In press.
Tyler, S.W., S. Burak, J. McNamara, A. Lamontagne, J. Selker and J. Dozier. 2007. Fiber
optic measurement of distributed base temperatures of two snowpacks. Journal of
Glaciology. Submitted
Vereecken, H., T. Kamai, T. Harter, R. Kasteel, J. Hopmans, and J. Vanderborght (2007),
Explaining soil moisture variability as a function of mean soil moisture: A
stochastic unsaturated flow perspective. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L22402,
Wang, Q., and R. Horton. 2007. Boundary layer theory description of solute transport in
soil. Soil Sci. 172:835–841.
Wang, X.-P., M.H. Young, Z. Yu, and Z.-S. Zhang. 2007 Long-term effects of restoration
on soil hydraulic properties in revegetation-stabilized desert ecosystems. Geophys.
Res. Lett. doi:10.1029/2007GL031725.
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Watanabe, K., N. Toride, M. Sakai, and J. Šimůnek. 2007. Numerical modeling of water,
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Wehrhan, A., R. Kasteel, J. Šimůnek, J. Groeneweg, and H. Vereecken. 2007. Transport
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Ye, M., R. Khaleel, M.G. Schaap, and J. Zhu, 2007. Simulation of field injection
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Young, C., W. Wallender, G. Schoups, G. Fogg, B. Hanson, T. Harter, J. Hopmans, R.
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Yu, Z., Q. Lu, J. Zhu, and E. A. Sudicky, 2007. Spatial and temporal scale effect in
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Zhang Z. F., M. Oostrom, and A.L. Ward. 2007. Saturation-dependent hydraulic
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Zhang, J.X., K.-T. Chang, and J.Q. Wu. 2007. Effects of DEM resolution and source on
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Zhang, Y., J. Lu, L. Wu, A. Chang, and W.T. Frankenberger Jr. 2007. Simultaneous
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Zhao, B., J. Zhang, M. Flury, A. Zhu, Q. Jiang, and J. Bi. 2007. Groundwater
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Zheng, W., S. R. Yates, and S. A. Bradford. 2007. Analysis of steroid hormones in dairy
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Zhu, J. 2007. Equivalent parallel and perpendicular unsaturated hydraulic conductivities:
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Zhu, J., and D. Sun. 2007a. Tension-dependent hydraulic conductivity anisotropy of
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Zhu, J., and D. Sun. 2007b. Effective soil hydraulic parameters for transient flows in
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Zhu, J., and M.H. Young. 2007a. Uncertainty and sensitivity of evapotranspiration
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Zhu, J., and M.H. Young. 2007b. Sensitivity of unlined canal seepage to hydraulic
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Zhu, J., M.H. Young, and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2007. Upscaling schemes and
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Zhuang, J., J.F. McCarthy, J.S. Tyner, E. Perfect, and M. Flury. 2007. In-situ colloid
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Zlotnik, V. A., T. Wang, J. Nieber, and J. Šimůnek. 2007. Verification of numerical
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Arora, Bhavna, Binayak Mohanty, Jennifer T. McGuire, J. M. Köhne, and Paolo
Castiglione. 2007. Comparison of two-domain models for simulating bromide
transport in three different column setups. ASA abstracts, ASA, Madison, WI.
Bradford, S. A., S. Torkzaban, F. J. Leij, N. Toride, and J. Simunek, Modeling the
coupled effects of pore space geometry and velocity on colloid and nanoparticle
transport and retention, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
H54C-04, 2007.
Bradford, S. A., S. Torkzaban, S. L. Walker, and J. Simunek, Colloid retention in porous
media at different scales: Processes and models, American Chemical Society, 81st
ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark,
Delaware, June 24-27, 2007.
Buchner, J., J. Šimůnek, J. H. Dane, A. King, J. Lee, D. Rolston, and J. W. Hopmans,
Using a process-based numerical model and simple empirical relationships to
evaluate CO2 fluxes from agricultural soils, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet.
Suppl., Abstract H13F-1654 INVITED, 2007.
Castiglione, P., and J.M. Wraith. 2007. ConvTDR: Software for numerical convolution of
time domain signals. ASA abstracts, ASA, Madison, WI.
Castiglione, Paolo, Yongping Chen, Jon M. Wraith and Dani Or. 2007. Temperature
effects on soil dielectric permittivity. ASA abstracts, ASA, Madison, WI.
Conde, K, V. Pacific, B.L. McGlynn, and D. Welsch. 2007. Relationship between soil
CO2 concentrations and soil water alkalinity. Posters on the Hill, Counsel for
Undergraduate Research and the American Chemical Society. Conference on
Capitol Hill, Washington DC.
Conde, K., V. Pacific, D. Riveros, B.L. McGlynn, and D. Welsch. 2007. Relationship
between soil CO2 concentrations and soil water alkalinity. Undergraduate Scholars
Research Conference, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.
Deng, H, Ye, M, Schaap, M.G., and R. Khaleel, 2007. Uncertainty Assessment of Soil
Hydraulic Parameter Estimated From Cokriging and Artificial Neural Network,
AGU Fall meeting San Francisco, H23B-1316.
Dinwiddie, C., D. Or, S. Stothoff, R. Fedors, J. Pohle, and M. Tuller, 2007. Sensors and
Monitoring Techniques for the Deep Unsaturated Zone: Reducing Uncertainty
Related to Seepage and Transport in Fractured Rock. Unsaturated Zone Interest
Group (UZIG) Meeting, Los Alamos, New Mexico, August 27-30, 2007.
Dinwiddie, C.L., D. Or, S.A. Stothoff, R.W. Fedors, J.A. Pohle, and M. Tuller, 2007.
Sensors and Monitoring Techniques for the Deep Unsaturated Zone: Reducing
Uncertainty Related to Seepage and Transport in Fractured Rock. AGU Fall
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Dontsova, K., J. Šimůnek, J. Pennington, and C. Price, Facilitated transport of high
explosives in mineral soils, Soil Science Society America annual meeting,
Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 283-9, ASA, Madison,
Fayer MJ, and JM Keller. 2007. Recharge Data Package for Hanford Single-Shell Tank
Waste Management Areas. PNNL-16688, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Richland, WA
Forkutsa, I., M. Gribb, J Šimůnek, J. McNamara, and D. Chandler, Effect of different soil
hydraulic properties estimates on soil water content predictions, Dry Creek
Experimental Watershed, Idaho, Soil Science Society America annual meeting,
Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 183-8, ASA, Madison,
Forkutsa, I., M. Gribb, J. Šimůnek, J. McNamara, D. Chandler, Estimation of effective
soil hydraulic properties at Treeline site, Dry Creek experimental watershed, Idaho,
Environmental Sensing Symposium, October 25-26, 2007, Boise State University,
Boise, Idaho, 52, 2007.
Freedman VL, ZF Zhang, JM Keller, and Y Chen. 2007. Development of Waste
Acceptance Criteria at 221-U Building: Initial Flow and Transport Scoping
Calculations . PNNL-16585, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,
Fuentes, R., J. Šimůnek, L. Cáceres, Mauricio Escudey, Simulacion y modelacion
matematica del perfil de temperatura de suelos derivados de materiales volcanicos
afectados por un impacto termivo mediante la aplicacion del software HYDRUS 1D, XVII Congreso Latinoamericano de la Ciencia del Suelo, Leon Guanajuato,
Mexico, Septiembre 17 al 21, 2007.
Gardner, K. and B.L. McGlynn. 2007. Spatio-Temporal Controls of Stream Water
Nitrogen Export in a Rapidly Developing Watershed in the Northern Rockies.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007.
Gebrenegus, Th., B.E. Lassiter, N. Araki, and M. Tuller, 2007. Evaluation of Global and
Local Image Binarization Techniques for Quantitative Analysis of X-Ray CT
Images of Geological Materials. SSSA International Annual Meeting, New Orleans,
LA, November 4-8, 2007.
Guber, A. K., Ya. A. Pachepsky, D. Jacques, M. Th. van Genuchten, J. Šimůnek, T. J.
Nicholson, and R. E. Cady, Multimodel prediction of water flow in field soil using
pedotransfer functions, AGU Spring meeting, Acapulco, Mexico, 2007.
Hanson, B. R., D. M. May, J. Hopmans, and J. Simunek, Drip Irrigation As A Sustainable
Practice Under Saline Shallow Ground Water Conditions, USCID Fourth
International Conference, Sacramento, CA, 715-725, September 30- October 6,
Hardelauf, H., M. Javaux, M. Herbst, S. Gottschalk, R. Kasteel, J. Vanderborght, H.
Vereecken, and J. Šimůnek, PARSWMS: a parallelized model for simulating 3-D
water flow and solute transport in soils, EGU Annual meeting, April, 2007.
Jencso, K, B.L. McGlynn, M.N. Gooseff, S.M. Wondzell, K.E. Bencala, and R.A. Payn.
2007. Topographic controls on hillslope–riparian water table continuity in a set of
nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana. American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting. Fall, 2007.
Jones, S. B., R. Heinse, J. Šimůnek, M. Tuller and D. Or, Numerical modeling of porousmedia hydrodynamics in variable-gravity during parabolic flight, Eos Trans. AGU,
88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H53E-1471, 2007.
Jones, S.B., R. Heinse, J. Simunek, M. Tuller, and D. Or, 2007. Numerical Modeling of
Unsaturated Flows in Variable Gravity During Parabolic Flight. AGU Fall Meeting,
San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Kleissl, J., J. M. H. Hendrickx, and J. Šimůnek, HYDRUS Simulations of Surface
Temperatures, SPIE, 2007.
Kleissl, J., J. M. H. Hendrickx, H. Moreno, and J. Šimůnek, HYDRUS Simulations of
Soil Surface Temperatures, SPIE, 2007.
Knight RJ, JD Irving, P Tercier, EJ Freeman, CJ Murray, and ML Rockhold. 2007. "A
Comparison of the Use of Radar Images and Neutron Probe Data to Determine the
Horizontal Correlation Length of Water Content ." In Subsurface Hydrology: Data
Integration for Properties and Processes: Geophysical Monograph Series, vol. 171,
ed. David W. Hyndman, Frederick D. Day-Lewis, Kamini Singha, pp. 31-44.
American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.
Köhne, J. M. and J. Šimůnek, Modeling surface runoff and infiltration in soil with mobile
and immobile water regions, EGU Annual meeting, April, 2007.
Kuroda, S., H. Saito, T. Okuyama, M. Takeuchi, J Šimůnek, and M. Th. van Genuchten,
Quasi 3D model construction of artificial recharge through the vadose zone using
time-lapse zero-offset profiling of cross borehole radar, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52),
Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41H-06, 2007.
M.G. Schaap, M. Porter, and D. Wildenschild, 2007b. Simulating Water Retention
Characteristics with Lattice Boltzmann Methods. ASA-CSSA-SSSA meetings in
New Orleans, November 4-8, 2007. Poster 183-4, Tuesday November 6, 2007
M.G. Schaap, M. Tuller, A. Guber, and Y. Pachepsky, 2007c. Observing and Simulating
Macropore Flow with Computed Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Methods.
ASA-CSSA-SSSA meetings in New Orleans, November 4-8, 2007. Poster 184-7,
Tuesday November 6, 2007.
Martín, M.A., M. Tuller, A. Guber, C. García-Gutiérrez, F. San José, Y. Pachepsky, and
J. Caniego, 2007. CT Data and Analysis for Large Soil Columns. International
Meeting on X-ray Computed Tomography of Soil, University of Guelph, Guelph,
Canada August 19-22, 2007.
Martin, M.A., M. Tuller, A.K. Guber, C. García-Gutiérrez, F. San Jose Martinez, Y.A.
Pachepsky, and J.F. Caniego, 2007. Pore Space Statistics From the X-ray CT of
Large Undisturbed Soil Columns. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
December 10-14, 2007.
McGlynn, B.L., K. Jencso, R. Payn, M. Gooseff, T. Covino, and J. Seibert. 2007.
Conceptualizing, testing, and transferring watershed characteristic-runoff
generation relationships. Fall AGU [Invited].
McGlynn, B.L., Riveros-Iregui, D.A., Emanuel, R.E., Muth, D.J., Epstein, H.E., Welsch,
D.L., Pacific, V.J., and Wraith, J.M., Diurnal Hysteresis between Soil CO2 and Soil
Temperature is controlled by Soil Water Content. American Geophysical Union
Fall Meeting, 2007.
McNamara, R., B.L. McGlynn, K. Gardner, and P. Jenkins. 2007. In-Stream Nitrate
Immobilization Across Development Gradients and Stream Network Position in a
Rapidly Developing Mountain Watershed, West Fork of the Gallatin River, Big
Sky, Montana. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007.
Muth, D.J., H. Epstein, R. Emanuel, B.L. McGlynn, D. Welsch. 2007. Net Ecosystem
Exchange in a Forested Montane Watershed: Trends and Trials in Complex Terrain.
Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B21D-06.
Oostrom M, PD Thorne, GV Last, and MJ Truex. 2007. Modeling of Carbon
Tetrachloride Flow and Transport in the Subsurface of the 200 West Disposal Sites:
Large-Scale Model Configuration and Predicted Future Carbon Tetrachloride
Distribution beneath the 216-Z-9 Disposal Site. PNNL-17181, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
Pacific, V.J., D.A. Riveros-Iregui, B.L. McGlynn, D.L. Welsch, and H.E. Epstein. 2007.
Comparison of soil CO2 concentrations and surface CO2 efflux across riparianhillslope transitions: wet versus dry growing seasons. American Geophysical Union
Fall Meeting. Fall, 2007.
Pang, L., M. McLeod, J. Aislabie, J. Šimůnek, M. Close, and R. Hector, Removal rates of
faecal bacteria and phage viruses in 10 NZ soils under dairy-shed effluent
irrigation, Proc. of New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference, Rotorua, New
Zealand, 20-23 November 2007.
Payn, R., M. Gooseff, B.L. McGlynn, K.E. Bencala, and S.M. Wondzell. 2007. Multiple
spatial scales of surface water - groundwater exchange in a headwater stream in
Montana, USA. 2007 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver.
Payn, R., M. Gooseff, B.L. McGlynn, S. Thomas. 2007. Sensitivity of whole-stream
metabolism estimates to fully characterized stream-groundwater exchange. North
American Benthological Society Annual Meeting. #497.
Payn, R.A., M.N. Gooseff, B.L. McGlynn, K.E. Bencala, S.M. Wondzell, K. Jencso.
2007. Relationships between stream – ground water exchange and topography of
the channel, valley, and watershed. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Fall, 2007.
Peterson RE, RJ Serne, PD Thorne, MD Williams, and ML Rockhold. 2007. Uranium
Contamination in the Subsurface Beneath the 300 Area, Hanford Site, Washington .
PNNL-17034, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
Pontedeiro, E. M., J. Šimůnek, M. van Genuchten, and R. Cotta, Performance assessment
modeling of a radioactive mining waste disposal site, Soil Science Society America
annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 184-5,
ASA, Madison, 2007.
Pontedeiro, E., M. Cipriani, M. Th. van Genuchten, and J. Šimůnek, Evaluation of the
transport of natural radioactive materials in large lysimeters using Hydrus-1D, Eos
Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H53F-1496, 2007.
Porter, M.L, D. Wildenschild, and M.G. Schaap, 2007. Investigating Interfacial Area in a
Multiphase Porous System Using Computed Microtomography and LatticeBoltzmann Simulations, AGU Fall meeting San Francisco, H43J-04.
Riveros-Iregui, D.A., McGlynn, B.L., Epstein, H.E., Welsch, D.L., Pacific, V.J., Muth,
D.J., Emanuel, R.E., Jencso, K.G., Wraith, J.M., 2007. Tenderfoot Creek
Experimental Forest, Montana: Measuring and modeling carbon and water fluxes
from point to watershed scales (Part I). AmeriFlux Annual Meeting, October 17-19,
Boulder, CO.
Riveros-Iregui, D.A., McGlynn, B.L., Pacific, V.J., Epstein, H.E., and Welsch, D.L, Soil
CO2 Efflux Variability in Complex Terrain: Towards Estimation of WatershedLevel Rates. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007.
Riveros-Iregui, D.A., McGlynn, B.L., Pacific, V.J., Epstein, H.E., Welsch, D.L. and
Jencso, K.G. Soil CO2 Efflux from a Subalpine Catchment. National Center for
Atmospheric Research "Regional Biogeochemistry: Needs and Methodologies."
June 2007, Boulder, CO.
Saito, H., J Šimůnek, A. Tuli, and J. W. Hopmans, Improving heat pulse probe sensitivity
without changing its geometry, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl.,
Abstract H53F-1477, 2007.
Saito, H., J. Šimůnek, J. W. Hopmans, and A. Tuli, Numerical evaluation of alternative
heat pulse probe designs and analyses, 2007 Environmental Sensing Symposium,
October 25-26, 2007, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, 119-123, 2007.
Saito, H., K. Seki, and J. Šimůnek. Variably-saturated water flow in kriged hydrological
parameter fields, Soil Science Society America annual meeting, Agronomy
Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 282-5, ASA, Madison, 2007.
Schaap, M., M. Tuller, A. Guber, and Y. Pachepsky, 2007. Observing and Simulating
Macropore Flow with Computed Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Methods.
SSSA International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007.
Schaap, M.G, M. Tuller, A. Guber, M.A. Martin, F.S. Martinez, and Y. Pachepsky, 2007.
Macropore Flow in Soil Columns: Investigations with Computer Tomography and
Lattice Boltzmann Simulations. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December
10-14, 2007.
Schaap, M.G. 2007. Hydraulic Functions, Lecture in “Vadose Zone Modeling Course”
(Lead J.W. Hopmans), University of California, Davis. April 26, 2007.
Schaap, M.G. 2007. Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Interfacial Processes in Porous
Media. Invited presentation. Workshop on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of
Multiscale Nonlinear Systems, Oregon State University, Corvallis, June 25-29,
Schaap, M.G. 2007. Soil Physics and Micro-Meteorology at the Soil-Atmosphere
Interface. Invited lecture for the Atmospheric Sciences Department, University of
Arizona. October 18, 2007.
Schaap, M.G., M. Tuller, A. Guber, M.A. Martin, F.S. Martinez, and Y. Pachepsky,
2007d. Macropore Flow in Soil Columns: Investigations with Computer
Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Simulations. AGU Fall meeting San Francisco,
Šimůnek, J., K. Dontsova, J. Pennington, and H. Saito, Implementation of new
physical and chemical nonequilibrium models into the HYDRUS-1D software
package and their application to column experiments with explosives under
saturated and unsaturated conditions, Army Research Office Meeting, Springfield,
Virginia, January 31-February 1, 2007.
Schuh, M. F.X.M. Casey, and H. Hakk. 2007. Farm-scale reconnaissance of Estrogens in
subsurface waters. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and
SSSA, Madison, WI.
Seo, H. S., J. Šimůnek, and E. P. Poeter, Documentation of the HYDRUS Package for
MODFLOW-2000, the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model,
GWMI 2007-01, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of
Mines, Golden, Colorado, 96 pp., 2007.
Šimůnek, J., H. Saito, J. W. Hopmans, and A. Tuli, Numerical evaluation of alternative
heat pulse probe designs and analyses, Environmental Sensing Symposium,
October 25-26, 2007, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, 35, 2007.
Šimůnek, J., K. Dontsova, and J. Pennington, Implementation of colloid and colloidfacilitated solute transport module into the HYDRUS-1D software package:
numerical verification and applications, ARO meetings, September 23-24, 2007,
Vicksburg, MS, 2007.
Tartakovsky AM, AL Ward, and P Meakin. 2007. Pore-scale Simulations of Drainage of
Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Porous Media. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, vol. 19
(10), pp. NIL 240-NIL 247.
Truex MJ, VR Vermeul, PE Long, FJ Brockman, M Oostrom, S Hubbard, RC Borden,
and JS Fruchter. 2007. Treatability Test Plan for an In Situ Biostimulation
Reducing Barrier . PNNL-16424 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Richland, WA.
Tuli, A., T. Kamai, H. Saito, J. Hopmans, and J. Šimůnek, Experimental and numerical
sensitivity analyses of heat pulse probe designs, Soil Science Society America
annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 88-8,
ASA, Madison, 2007.
Tuller, M., and Th. Gebrenegus, 2007. Assessment of the Impact of Physico-Chemical
Factors on Initiation and Evolution of Dessication Cracks in Bentonite-Sand
Mixtures with X-Ray Computed Tomography. SSSA International Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007.
Tuller, M., and Th. Gebrenegus, 2007. Evaluation of Local and Global Segmentation
Techniques for Quantitative Analysis of X-Ray CT Images of Geological Materials.
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Twarakavi, N. K. C., J. Šimůnek, and M. Schaap, New pedotransfer functions for
estimating soil hydraulic parameters using the Support Vector Machines method,
Soil Science Society America annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a
CD-ROM as abstract 180-9, ASA, Madison, 2007.
van Genuchten, M., Th., F. J. Leij, N. Toride, and J. Šimůnek, Analytical solute transport
modeling using the STANMOD computer software package, Soil Science Society
America annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract
284-2, ASA, Madison, 2007.
Vermeul VR, MD Williams, BG Fritz, RD Mackley, DP Mendoza, DR Newcomer, ML
Rockhold, BA Williams, and DM Wellman. 2007. Treatability Test Plan for 300
Area Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection. PNNL-16571, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
Wang, T., V. A. Zlotnik, J. Šimůnek, and D. Wedin, Using process-based models and
pedotransfer functions for soil hydraulic characteristics to estimate groundwater
recharge in semi-arid regions: Is this a right approach? Paper #128602, GSA
Denver Annual Meeting, 28–31 October, 2007.
Ward AL, SO Link, CE Strickland, K Draper, and RE Clayton. 2007. 200-BP-1 Prototype
Hanford Barrier Annual Monitoring Report for Fiscal Years 2005 Through 2007 .
PNNL-17176, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
Ward AL. 2007. Geotechnical, Hydrogeologic and Vegetation Data Package for 200UW-1 Waste Site Engineered Surface Barrier Design . PNNL-17134, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
Wellman DM, EM Pierce, M Oostrom, and JS Fruchter. 2007. Experimental Plan: 300
Area Treatability Test: In Situ Treatment of the Vadose Zone and Smear Zone
Uranium Contamination by Polyphosphate Infiltration . PNNL-16823, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
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