Multiple Choice History of Modern Psych, 3e: Study Guide, Chapter 6 6-1 1. Prior to William James, what was true about psychology in America? a. it didn’t really exist b. it was based entirely on the Wundtian model c. it was modeled on faculty psychology d. it was taught as part of the biology curriculum 2. Which of the following is true about Upham’s Elements of Mental Philosophy? a. it was based on faculty psychology b. it included information about the new experimental psychology found in Germany c. it proclaimed that psychology was an empirical science d. it deliberately avoided any discussion of morality 3. The concept of the women’s sphere included the idea that a. women, although treated unfairly in the nineteenth century, had abilities equal to those of a man b. women could only be free of elderly parent caring if they had an older brother in the home c. women were considered to be intellectually incapacitated once a month d. women were thought to have a wider range of abilities than men 4. All of the following characterize James’s concept of consciousness except a. it is personal b. its elements are connected (train metaphor) c. it is ever changing and continuous d. it is sensibly continuous 5. In the Principles, James defined psychology as a. the study of immediate conscious experience b. the scientific study of observable human behavior c. the science of mental life d. the study of human faculties 6. All of the following are associated with G. Stanley Hall except a. founded and became first president of APA b. created American Journal of Psychology, America’s first psychology journal c. became first American student to earn a doctorate at Leipzig with Wundt d. was first president of Clark University 7. In her research on memory, Calkins investigated frequency, vividness, primacy, and recency. All enhanced memory, but which was the most critical factor, according to her results? a. frequency b. vividness c. primacy d. recency 8. My reputation is based primarily on my ability as a textbook writer. My Elements of Physiological Psychology, which appeared in 1887, was the first detailed description of the new Wundtian laboratory psychology in the English language. I spent most of my career at Yale. Who am I? a. James Mark Baldwin b. William James c. G. Stanley Hall d. George Trumbull Ladd -1- Multiple Choice History of Modern Psych, 3e: Study Guide, Chapter 6 6-2 Answers 1. a. it existed in courses on mental or moral philosophy b. mental or moral philosophy preceded Wundt c. CORRECT ANSWER – from the Scottish Realist ideas d. it existed in courses on mental or moral philosophy 2. a. CORRECT ANSWER – typically divided into faculties having to do with the intellect and those having to do with action (behavior) b. it preceded the German laboratory psychology c. it considered psychology empirical (based on experience), but it did not promote the idea that psychology was scientific d. morality was a central component of these courses 3. a. equal abilities were not assumed at this time b. in this case, the sister, not the brother, was assumed to be the caregiver c. CORRECT ANSWER – the so-called periodic function d. the opposite was true (variability hypothesis) 4. a. true – the ideal of the self was important to James b. CORRECT ANSWER – James preferred the metaphor of a continuously running stream c. true – and consistent with the stream metaphor d. true – also consistent with the stream metaphor 5. a. this was the narrower definition of the new German laboratory psychology b. this was the later definition used by behaviorists c. CORRECT ANSWER – as used by James in the Principles d. this is what Upham would have said 6. a. true – Hall did this in 1892 b. true – Hall created AJP in 1887 c. CORRECT ANSWER – Hall visited Wundt’s lab, but earned his PhD. from Harvard d. true – appointed in 1888 and the school opened a year later 7. a. CORRECT ANSWER -- and the basis for her conclusion that repetition aids memory b. a factor affecting associative strength (stimuli that stand out in some fashion), but not as essential as frequency c. a factor affecting associative strength (stimuli presented first), but not as essential as frequency d. a factor affecting associative strength (stimuli presented last), but not as essential as frequency 8. a. Baldwin was known more for his work in developmental psychology b. James’s Principles is psychology’s most famous text, but James was known for much more than textbook writing c. Hall was known more for his work in professionalizing psychology (e.g., APA and AJP) d. CORRECT ANSWER – Ladd’s book was the best introduction, in English, to Wundt’s work -2-