References - University College London

Appendix 1
Constraint of linear model parameters for inversion (Lewis, pers. comm.)
The inversion of linear kernel-driven BRDF models against measured reflectance
data can, in practice, result in model inverted parameter values that are physically
unrealisable (Strugnell and Lucht, 2000). This tends to occur when a chosen kernel
combination cannot describe surface reflectance adequately. There are two reasons for
this failure. Firstly, the selected kernel combination may simply be inappropriate for the
cover type under observation. This typically occurs in areas where the surface may be at
the extremes of what was envisioned in the kernel formulation e.g. sparse canopies over
very bright/rough soils; canopies with extreme LAD (departure from spherical
assumption of volumetric kernels); dense forest canopy where the assumptions of discrete
crown and ground areas break down. Secondly, there may be insufficient information in
the signal (variation related to surface structure in the reflectance data) for a full linear
model comprising an isotropic, volumetric and GO kernel, to be inverted, hence the bestfit solution (lowest RMSE) may be physically unrealistic.
If the parameters are to be used indirectly e.g. as an additional channel of
information for classification (beyond the spatial and spectral) then the absolute values
are not important, only the spatial variations. As demonstrated in chapters 5 and 6,
inverted linear model parameters do contain biophysical information related to the
volumetric and GO scattering properties of a surface, and this is the important issue for
indirect use. If parameters are to be used directly however e.g. to extrapolate/interpolate
directional reflectance values, or to derive associated surface properties such as
directional hemispherical reflectance or spectral albedo, then clearly it is sensible to place
physical constraints on the derived properties. These constraints can then be used to direct
the inversion procedure.
Recall from section that a linear model of BRDF can be represented
as  canopy  f 0  f1k1  f 2 k 2 . Recall also that the unconstrained inversion of such a model
against a set of observations over varying k1, k2 is simply the minimisation of e2, the sum
squared error between modelled and measured reflectances i.e.
e2 
i N
    f
i 1
 f1 k1  f 2 k 2 
A 1.1
which results in a series of linear equations, one for each observation. This can be simply
solved using matrix algebra (see section, after Lewis, 1995) i.e. P  M 1V where
V 
  ,  k
i 1
i 1i
,  i k 2i 
A 1.2
1 iN 
M    k1i
N i 1
k 2i
k 2i k1i
k 2i 
k1i k 2i 
k 22i 
A 1.3
Lagrange multipliers can be applied to such a system to impose arbitrary
constraints under which inversion may be carried out. Lagrange multipliers allow the
minimum (or maximum) of a function f(f0, f1, f2) to be found by using a relationship
between the function parameters and some constant i.e. (f0, f1, f2) = constant (e.g. Boas,
1983). In this case, the function (f0, f1, f2) is the constraint equation, based on some
physical limits. e2 can now be minimised based on the original model in addition to the
constraint equation i.e. we wish also to minimise   af 0  bf1  cf 2  d  0
C  P  d where C is the transpose of the matrix containing the Lagrange multipliers i.e.
C  a, b, c  and the minimisation is now a function of the constraint equation in addition
to the original expression i.e.
e2 
i N
    f
i 1
 f1 k1  f 2 k 2   2 af 0  bf1  cf 2  d 
A 1.4
Minimisation therefore leads to V  MP  C and V  C  MP and multiplying by the
inverse of M i.e. M 1V  M 1C  P or P  C  P where P  M 1V and C   M 1C ,
and P’ is the parameter values obtained from unconstrained minimisation. Now,
clearly P  C  C  C  P  C and we have already seen that C.P=d, so that we can derive
an expression for  i.e.
P  C  d
C  C
A 1.5
and since we know that M 1V  M 1C  P then
 P  C  d 
P  
C   P
 C  C 
A 1.6
i.e. if M-1 and P’ are calculated in an unconstrained manner then the inverse matrix can be
multiplied by the constraint vector C to obtain C’, and hence P, the set of constrained
parameters, can be calculated. Practically the difficulty is to find a constraint equation
that relates the model parameters to some constant. The most obvious physical constraint
is that the surface reflectance should be  0. In this case, we can say that f 0 , f 1 , f 2  0
i.e. f 0  f1  f 2  0 and f 0  f1k1  f 2 k2  0 . Furthermore, it seems sensible to constrain the
DHR and for both the maximum and minimum kernel values, to lie between 0 and 1 i.e.
0  f 0  f1 k1 0  f 2 k 2 0  1
A 1.7
 
 
0  f 0  f 1 k1    f 2 k 2    1
A 1.8
In which case it should also be reasonable to constrain the BHR to lie within the same
limits i.e. 0  f 0  f1k1  f 2 k2  1 . Constraint requires the calculation of the unconstrained
parameters followed by a test of the various products against each constraint in turn. If
any constraint is not met, all constraints should be applied 1. Following re-calculation of
the constrained model parameter sets, RMSE can be used to select a single, final set of
values. Although this may seem arbitrary, it requires no a priori assumptions to be made
about which constraints the model “should” and “should not” adhere to. The requirement
for speed may be what limits the application of constraints in practice, although the
number of extra calculations required for each constraint is not prohibitive.
Although individual constraints could be used, this is probably not physically very sound. If just one of the
constraints is not met, we can must conclude that the inversion is misbehaving.
Appendix 2
Figure A2.1 Proportional contribution of sunlit and shaded scene components
to total scene reflectance, for barley (four dates) and wheat (two dates).
Xv gr version 2.09 - PJ Turner OGI-ESE
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w ith a preview inc luded in it.
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other ty pes of printers.
a) barley – 18th April
Xv gr version 2.09 - PJ Turner OGI-ESE
Prev iew :
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w ith a preview inc luded in it.
This EPS picture w ill print to a
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other ty pes of printers.
b) barley – 13th May
Xv gr version 2.09 - PJ Turner OGI-ESE
Prev iew :
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w ith a preview inc luded in it.
This EPS picture w ill print to a
Pos tSc ript printer, but not to
other ty pes of printers.
c) barley – 4th June
Xv gr version 2.09 - PJ Turner OGI-ESE
Prev iew :
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w ith a preview inc luded in it.
This EPS picture w ill print to a
Pos tSc ript printer, but not to
other ty pes of printers.
d) barley – 24th June
Xv gr version 2.09 - PJ Turner OGI-ESE
Prev iew :
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w ith a preview inc luded in it.
This EPS picture w ill print to a
Pos tSc ript printer, but not to
other ty pes of printers.
e) wheat – 23rd March
Xv gr version 2.09 - PJ Turner OGI-ESE
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w ith a preview inc luded in it.
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f) wheat – 23rd April
Sunlit and shaded scene components of barley and wheat
The results presented in figure A2.1 should be compared with those in figure 4.7,
which were generated using no diffuse component of illumination, and hence have no
contribution to overall scene reflectance from the shadowed canopy components. The
reflectance and transmittance in each case are the same i.e. two 'synthetic' wavebands are
simulated, the first in which leaf = leaf = 0.5 and soil = 0 i.e. in this case all signal is (by
definition) scattering from vegetation only (only single scattered interactions are
counted); the second waveband has leaf = leaf = 0 and soil = 1 i.e. in this case all signal
is (by definition) single scattering from soil only. Results are presented from i = 0, 30
and 60, as well as for row = 0, 45, 90. Separation of the different row cases increases
with LAI. It can clearly be seen in figure A2.1a, for example, how the sunlit leaf is at a
maximum in the hotspot (i = v = 0) and shadowed soil is a minimum (close to zero).
It can be seen that in these cases, the sunlit soil is the dominant scene component
in both low LAI cases (figure A2.1a and e), particularly in the 23rd March wheat canopy.
In this case the sunlit soil component represents greater than 80% of the total reflectance
at all v,i with all other components representing less than 10%. For barley the
contribution of other components, sunlit leaf in particular, is significant.
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