Cover Letter

Contact details and personal data
Department of Economics and Business
Universidade of the Azores
Rua Capitao Joao D Avila
9700-042 Angra do Heroismo
Nationality: Portuguese
Date of Birth: 05 March 1979
Telephone: +351295402200
Current Academic Appointment
Assistant professor
Department of Economics and Business
University of the Azores
Angra do Heroismo, Portugal
University of Cambridge (Magdalene College)
PhD in Economics.
Dissertation title: Philosophy and Methodology of A.K. Sen’s Capability
Approach to Human Development
Supervisor: Dr Tony Lawson
University of Cambridge (Magdalene College)
MPhil in Economics.
Dissertation title: Economic Modelling and Prediction
Supervisor: Dr Tony Lawson
Portuguese Catholic University (Porto)
Licenciatura in Economics
Research Interests:
Political Economy, Human Development and Capabilities, History of Economic
Thought, Economic Methodology, Social Ontology, Political Philosophy.
a) Books:
Martins, N. (forthcoming 2013), The Cambridge Revival of Political Economy, London:
b) International edited books:
Lawson C., J.S. Latsis and N. Martins (eds.), (2007), Contributions to Social Ontology,
London: Routledge.
c) Articles in international academic journals
Martins, N. (2006), “Capabilities as Causal Powers”, Cambridge Journal of Economics,
30(5), pp. 671-685.
Martins, N. (2007), “Ethics, Ontology and Capabilities”, Review of Political Economy,
19(1), pp. 37-53.
Martins, N. (2007), “Realism, Universalism and Capabilities”, Review of Social
Economy, 65(3), pp. 253-278.
Martins, N. and M. G. Moura (2008), “On Some Criticisms of Critical Realism in
Economics”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32(2), pp. 203-218.
Martins, N. (2009), “Sen’s Capability Approach and post Keynesianism: Similarities,
Distinctions and the Cambridge Tradition, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 31
(4), pp. 691-706.
Martins, N (2009), “Rules, Social Ontology and Collective Identity”, Journal for the
Theory of Social Behaviour, 39(3), pp. 323-344.
Martins, N. (2009), “The Ethics of Freedom: On the Moral Foundations of Economic
Analysis”, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 65(1-4), pp. 349-375.
Martins, N. (2009), “A Transformational Conception of Evolutionary Processes”,
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 6(1), pp. 71-102.
Martins, N. (2011), “The Revival of Classical Political Economy and the Cambridge
Tradition: From Scarcity Theory to Surplus Theory”, Review of Political Economy,
23(1), pp. 111-131.
Martins, N. (2011), “Globalisation, Inequality and the Economic Crisis”, New Political
Economy, 16(1), pp. 1-18
Martins, N. (2011), “Can Neuroscience inform Economics? Rationality, Emotions, and
Preference Formation”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 35(2), pp. 251-267.
Martins, N. (2011), “An Evolutionary Approach to Emergence and Social Causation”,
Journal of Critical Realism, 10(2), pp. 192-219.
Martins, N. (2011), “Sustainability Economics, Ontology and the Capability Approach”,
Ecological Economics, 72, pp. 1-4.
Martins, N. (forthcoming 2012), “Classical Surplus Theory and Heterodox Economics”,
American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Martins, N. (forthcoming 2012), “Sen, Sraffa, and the Revival of Political Economy”,
Journal of Economic Methodology
d) Articles in international books
Lawson C., J.S. Latsis and N. Martins (2007), “Introduction: Ontology, Philosophy and
the Social Sciences”, in Lawson, C., J.S. Latsis and N. Martins (eds.), Contributions to
Social Ontology, London: Routledge, pp. 1-14.
Martins, N. (forthcoming 2012), “Values, Objectivity and Moral Realism”, in Caldas, J.
C., and Neves, V., Facts, Values and Objectivity in Economics, London: Routledge, pp.
Martins, N., and A. Mendes, “Social Exclusion of Immigrants in Portugal from a
Capability Perspective”, in Capello, R. and T. Dentinho (eds.), Emergent Challenges in
Regional Development, Edward Elgar.
e) Articles in international encyclopedias
Martins, N. (forthcoming), “The Capability Approach as a Human Development
Paradigm and its Critiques”, Encyclopedia of Life Supporting Systems, Paris, UNESCO.
Martins, N. (forthcoming), “Capabilities”, Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social
Sciences, SAGE.
f) National edited books:
Soares, C., Gonçalves, H., Baptista, I., Cunha, J., Martins, N. and Espiña, Y. (eds.),
(2011), A Sustentabilidade do Planeta, Leça da Palmeira, Minima Theologica
g) Articles in national academic journals
Martins, N. (2009), “Ética, Economia e Sustentabilidade”, Prima Facie – Revista de
Ética, 3(1), pp. 7-30.
Martins, N. (2009), “A Ética Kantiana e o Espírito do Cristianismo”, Humanística e
Teologia, 30(1), pp. 149-201.
h) Articles in national books
Martins, N. (2010), “Migrações, Desigualdade e Integração: Uma Breve Análise do
Caso Português”, in Dentinho, T. e Viegas, J. (eds.), Desafios Emergentes para o
Desenvolvimento Regional, Lisboa, Principia, pp. 185-204.
Martins, N. (2011), “Valor e Distribuição nos Modelos Clássicos e Neoclássicos”, in
Castro, E., Haddad, E. and Ramos, P. (eds.), Modelos Operacionais de Economia
Regional, Lisboa, Principia, pp. 517-546.
Martins, N. (2011), “Desigualdade, Democracia e Crise”, in Reis, J. and Rodrigues, J.
(eds.), Portugal e a Europa em Crise, Lisboa, Actual, pp-180-186.
Martins, N. (2011), “Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade no Pensamento Económico”
in Soares, C., Gonçalves, H., Baptista, I., Cunha, J., Martins, N. and Espiña, Y. (eds.), A
Sustentabilidade do Planeta, Leça da Palmeira, Minima Theologica, pp. 73-100.
Martins, N. (forthcoming 2013), “Marx e o Determinismo: Observações acerca de um
comentário de Sampaio Bruno” in Catolicismo, tradição e progresso na Segunda
metade de Oitocentos (1850/1910), Lisboa, INCM.
Presentations at Conferences
June 2005:
“Collective Identity, Social Ontology and Capabilities”,
Workshop on Capabilities and Identity, Robinson College,
Cambridge, United Kingdom.
September 2005:
“Sen’s Capability Approach and Economic Methodology”,
Annual Conference of the Human Development and Capability
Association, UNESCO, Paris, France
June 2007
“Neuroscience and Economics: Understanding Conflicting
Motivations and Preference Formation”, Oxford Poverty and
Human Development Initiative Conference, Department of
International Development, University of Oxford, United
July 2007
“An Evolutionary Approach to Institutional and Technological
Change: Challenging Deterministic Explanations of SocioEconomic Transformation”, 13th Conference of the Portuguese
Association for Regional Development, University of the Azores,
Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal.
September 2007
“Neuroeconomics, Rationality and Preference Formation:
Methodological Implications for Economic Theory”, Annual
Conference of the Human Development and Capability
Association, New School For Social Research, New York, United
November 2007
“A Darwinian Approach to Socio-Economic Transformation: The
PVRS model”, Annual Conference of the European Association
for Evolutionary Political Economy, University of Porto,
July 2008
“Rules, Identity, Collective Intentionality and Social Ontology”,
Collective Intentionality VI Conference, University of California
at Berkeley, United States.
November 2009
“Social welfare, immigrant population and labour market
exclusion”, 4th Workshop of the Portuguese Association for
Regional Development, Portuguese Catholic University, Porto,
March 2010
“Ethics, Ontology and Economics”, 2nd CES International
Seminar on the Foundations of Economics: Facts, Values and
Objectivity, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra,
March 2010
“Is there any role for collective identity in contemporary
economic thought?” Conference on Christianity, Values and
Economics, Portuguese Catholic University, Porto, Portugal.
April 2010
“Value and Distribution in Classical and Neoclassical Models”,
6th Workshop of the Portuguese Association for Regional
Development, University of the Azores, Angra do Heroísmo,
May 2010
“Development and Sustainability in Economic Thought”, Seminar
on Economics, Ethics, Nature and Sustainability, Faculty of
Economics and Management, Portuguese Catholic University,
Porto, Portugal.
October 2010
“Heterodox Economics and the Revival of Political Economy”,
Coimbra Conference 2010 on the Revival of Political Economy:
Prospects for Sustainable Provision, Faculty of Economics,
University of Coimbra, Portugal.
September 2011
“Agriculture in the Structure of the Classical Economic Models”,
Workshop on Decision Models in Agriculture and the
Environment, University of the Azores, Angra do Heroísmo,
Presentations at Seminars
February 2004:
“Sen on Maximization and the Act of Choice”, PhD
Microeconomics Workshop, Faculty of Economics, University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom.
February 2005:
“Methodology and Evolutionary Theory”, Shadow Talks
Workshop, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom.
March 2005:
“Capabilities as Causal Powers”, Cambridge Realist Workshop,
Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, United
September 2005:
“Human Capabilities: a Multidimensional Approach to
Development”, Research Seminars of the Faculty of Economics
and Management, Portuguese Catholic University, Porto, Portugal
April 2007
“An Evolutionary Perspective on Institutional and Technological
Change”, University of the Azores, Angra do Heroísmo,
February 2008
“Neuroeconomics: Methodological Issues on Dispositions,
Motivations and the Somatic Marker Hypothesis”, Cambridge
Realist Workshop, Faculty of Economics, University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom.
November 2009
“Emergence and Social Causation”, Oxford Seminar for
Conventions and Rules, Balliol College, University of Oxford,
United Kingdom.
November 2009
“The Nature of Social Evolution”, Cambridge Realist Workshop,
Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, United
November 2010
“An Assessment of the Neoclassical Research Programme”,
Department of Economics and Management, University of the
Azores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal.
February 2011
“The Revival of Political Economy in the Cambridge Tradition”,
Cambridge Realist Workshop, Faculty of Economics, University
of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Prizes and scholarships awarded:
Helen Potter Award for the best article by a young scholar in the Review
of Social Economy, given by the Association for Social Economics.
Awarded for: Realism, Universalism and Capabilities
Emanuel Miller Prize in the Philosophy of Science, with special
reference to the Behavioural Sciences (Psychology and Social Sciences),
given by St John’s College, University of Cambridge.
Awarded for: Rules, Social Ontology and Collective Identity
Doctoral Studies Scholarship, given by the Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology
Honorary Fellowship by the Cambridge European Trust
BCP award for the student with the highest mark in the Economics
degree at the Portuguese Catholic University (Porto), given by the BCP
(Portuguese Commercial Bank).
Merit Scholarship, given by the Portuguese Catholic University
Teaching experience:
Assistant Professor, University of Azores, Department of Economics and
Courses taught to undergraduate students:
2010-2012: Applied Mathematics (faculty lectures)
2010-2012: Statistics I (faculty lectures)
2010-2012: Statistics II (faculty lectures)
2010-2011: Financial Analysis (lectures)
Assistant Professor, Portuguese Catholic University, Faculty of
Economics and Management.
Courses taught to undergraduate students:
2006-2010: History of Economic Thought (faculty lectures, course
2008-2010: Development Economics (faculty lectures, course
2006-2008: European and Portuguese Economy (faculty lectures, course
2006-2008: Ethics and Social Philosophy (faculty lectures)
2006-2007: Supervisor for the final year research project in the field of
Development Economics
Postgraduate teaching:
2008-2010: Sustainable Development (to the students of the Master in
Economics degree)
2006-2007: Development Economics, in the Management for
Development Agents postgraduate course (course coordinator)
2006-2007: Philosophy (to the students of the Master in Economics
2007-2008: Economics and Social Policy (to the students of the Master in
Economics degree)
2010-2011: Regional Policy and Cohesion (to the students of the Master
in Regional Economic Integration degree)
Invited Lecturer, Portuguese Catholic University, Faculty of Economics
and Management.
Courses taught:
- Economic History (faculty lectures, course coordinator)
- History of Economic Thought (faculty lectures, course coordinator)
Teaching Fellow, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics.
Courses taught:
- Quantitative Methods in Economics (faculty lectures)
Supervisor, St. Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge.
Courses taught:
- Statistics (supervisions)
Teaching Assistant, Portuguese Catholic University, Faculty of
Economics and Management.
Courses taught:
- Microeconomics (class teaching)
- Introduction to Economics (class teaching)
- Ethics (supervisions)
Additional relevant experience:
2004-Present: Referee for the following journals: Cambridge Journal of Economics,
Journal of Critical Realism, Review of Social Economy, Review of
Political Economy, Review of International Political Economy, Journal
of Human Development and Capabilities, Ecological Economics, Energy
Policy, British Journal of Sociology, Review of Economic Philosophy
(Revue de Philosophie Économique), Portuguese Review of Regional
Studies (Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais). Referee for
Routledge books.
2003-Present: Member of the Cambridge Social
interdisciplinary research network
2008-Present: Member of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development
2011-Present: Member of the Research Centre on Portuguese Thought of the Faculty of
Theology of the Portuguese Catholic University
2007-Present: Invited Lecturer on the Regional Sustainable Development course at the
University of Azores.
Chief researcher of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology project “Social Welfare, Immigrant Population, and Labour
Market Exclusion”.
PhD examiner for the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto.
Examiner of Masters’ theses for the Faculty of Economics and
Management of the Portuguese Catholic University, and for the Instituto
Superior de Serviço Social do Porto.
Supervisor of Masters’ theses for the Faculty of Economics and
Management of the Portuguese Catholic University, and for the Instituto
Superior de Serviço Social do Porto.
Co-organiser of the Eighth Annual International Association for Critical
Realism Conference, in Cambridge, UK.