Hispanic American Timeline

Hispanic American Timeline
1100 - Mayán Civilization at its height in Central America
1325 - Aztecs conquer Toltec empire
1438 - Inca Rule begins in Perú
1492 - The year of Discovery (note: Spain Occupied and Ruled the present country of
Italy for 400 years continuously from the early 1300s' to the mid 1700s' - )
1492 - The Spanish Admiral Cristóbal Colón , Officers, Crew, ships the Niña, the Pínta
& the Santa María travel across the ocean to a new land that they named Nuéva España
and Tiérra Nova, (New Spain and New Found Lands). Mapmakers later, changed the
original name of Nuéva España and Tiérra Nova to "America". The name "America"
originated in the country of Spain.
1492 - Martín Alonso Pinzon , a shipowner, was part owner of the "Pinta" and the
"Niña". Don Pinzó:n procured crews, prepared the ships and was commander of the
Pinta during the 1492 expedition. Don Pinzons' brother Vicente Yañez commanded the
Niña 1492 -1493 and remained with Cristóbal Colón throughout the expedition.
1493 - Cristóbal Colón explores rim of Caribbean in three voyages (1493 -99)
1499 - Ojeda explores Venezuelan coastline.
1500 - Férnandes explores Labrador.
1501 - Rodrígo de Bastidas explores Central America Coast and Caribbean
1508 - Velasquéz-Cortés-Pónce de León - conquest of Cúba
1508 - Juán Pónce de León explored Puérto Ricó
1508 - Vicénte Yanez Pinzon and Juán Diáz de Solís sailed along the coast of Yucatán.
1509 - Juán Poncé de León explored Jamaica.
1512 - Poncé de Leon explores both sides of the Florida Peninsula.
1513 -Vasco de Nuñez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and became
the first European to see the Pacific ocean.
1513 - Vasco de Nuñez de Balboa names body of water the "Pacific" ocean.
1517 - First Spanish effort to colonize mainland Mexico.
1518 - Juán de Grijalva sails alon the Mexican coast, from Cozumel to Cabo Roxo,
collecting the first European impression of Mesoamerian.
1519-1522 - Ferdinand Magellan completes voyage around the world.
1519 - Cortés founds the first Spanish settlement in México,La Villa Rica de la Vera
Crúz. Begins inland exploration.
1519 - Hernan Cortés brings horses from Spain to the Americas.
1520 - Alvaréz de Pinéda sails across the Gulf of México from Texas to Florida.
1520 -Pànfilo de Narvàez arrives for orders for Cortés arrest. When Cortés leaves
Tenóchtitlán to join Narvaez in battle, Pedró de Alvarado was left in charge of the city.
De Alvarado allows a religious festival that turns into the Massacre of the Templó
Máyor. The Spaniards are caught trying to escape are attacked and are killed in large
numbers. This event is know as the "Noche Triste, The Sad Night".
1521 - May 1521 Spaniards begin the siege de Tenochitlan/Mexico lasts 75 days.
1521 - Poncé de León in Florida -effort to establish colony.
1521 - Gordillo and Quexos explore Atlantic coast to Cape Hatteras (off North
1519-1521 - Cortés conquers México
1523 - Estéban Gomés scouts North American coast from Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia is
east of Main, the most northern part of the eastern USA ), and to the most southern of
theUSA Florida.
1525 - Estéban Gomés - Explores from Cape Charles to Cape Code and the Hudson,
Delaware and the Connecticut rivers (most northern NE USA & up into Canada).
1526 - First European settlement was in present day Georgia , San Miguel de
Gualdape, Founded and settled by Spain.
1530 - Tampico (Modern day Texas), established by Fray Andrés de Olmos
1531 - The Appearance of the Virgin Mary to Juán Diégo, in the city of Guadalúpe.
Our Lady of Guadalupe becomes Méxicos' patron Saint.
1536 - Pedró de Mendóza founds Buenos Aires.
1536 - Quesada, conquest of Colombía
1536 - Almagro begins conquest of Chilé
1539 - The first press is introduced in the North American Continent by the Spanish.
1539-1542 - Hernando de Sóto explores the lower south of the present day United
States of America, leaves Cubá, travels inland across ten states, discovers the
Mississippi River.
1540 - Francisco Vasquéz de Coronado Fráncisc7oacute; Vasquéz de Coronado
explores California, Kansas, Arizona, New México, Texas, Oklahoma.
1540 - A soldier in Coronado's army, Garcí;a Lopéz de Cardénas was the first
European to see the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
1540 - Melchor Diáz discovers California
1541 - De Sotó explores the Mississippi River and the Gulf Coast.
1542 - Juán Rodríguéz Cabrillo and Bartolome Ferrelo, explorer/reconnaissance up the
west coast of North America up to Oregon and including the area of San Diégo.
1551 - The First University on the North American continent established, the Real y
Pontificia Universidad de Mexico. The University of Salamanca, Spain, was the
leading University in Europe of its time.
1566 - Juan Pardo explores sections of Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama.
1566 -South Carolina & Virginia Areas, Spanish Santa Elena, founded in by Spain,
present state of South Carolina & Virginia Areas
1565 - Manila Galleons, from New Spain, begin their voyages of commerce to the
Philippines. Upon returning they pass the coastline to Acapulco.
1570-72 - Father Segura establishes Mission in Chesapeake bay area (thats between
New York City & our nations capitol Washington D.C.)
1580-1640 - Horses introduced to the American Southwest. Prior to this, Native
Americans had hunted buffalo by foot,
1590 - First attempt to colonize New Mexico by Gasparde Sosa.
1598 - Juan de Onate colonizing expedition establishes first Spanish capital at San Juan
de los Caballeros. He leads the wagon train of settlers northward across deserts and
plains. Onate's men wore polished armor. After many tribulations suffered by the
colony, Spanish New Mexico was finally founded in 1598.
1602 Sebastian Vizcaino, also in search of good harbor, discovers Monterey Bay. His
discovery sets the scene for the settlement of the Alta California region.
1608 - New Mexico made a Royal Province.
1610 - Palace of the Govenors Built in Sante Fe, New Mexico. This still stands and is
in use!
1610 - Pedro de Peralta established The Oldest Continuous Governing Body on the
North America continent, Santa Fe, New Mexico. San Estevan Church at Acoma
Pueblo constructed 1629.
1628, Father Estevan de Perea with them, left for Rio Del Norte where the territory of
New Mexico begins.
1629 - Soldiers and Franciscan Priest set out and arrived for the provinces of Penalde
Acoma and the provinces of Zuni and Moqui (territory of New Mexico).
1666 - San Antonio de los Llanos (Texas) founded
1680 - Pueblo Revolt: Spanish forced to flee to El Paso del Norte (present-day Cuidad
1680- 1692 - Indians rule from the Palace of the Governors.
1669-1693 - Diego de Vargas reconquers New Mexico.
1696 - Second Pueblo Revolt.
1696 - Religious liberty was granted to all except Catholics
1769 - Father Junipero Serra and Captain Gaspar de Portola begin exploration and
settlement of Alta California.
1702 - British from Carolina unsuccessfully attack Castillo de San Marcos
unsuccessfully, St. Augustine, Florida, is razed.
1704 - British destroy the Spanish missions in North Florida.
1728 - British again raided Spanish St. Augustine, Florida.
1738 - The Spanish build Fort Mose, for the African born slaves who escaped from
British Carolina.
1740 - The British again unsuccessfully attack St. Augustine unsuccessfully.
1742 - The Spanish build Ft Matanzas at an inlet 14 miles south of St. Augustine,
1763 - Spanish Florida ceded to England by Treaty of Paris.
1773 - Perez at Nootka Sound (Vancouver Island- Canada) Navigator Juan Perez
discovers the Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island, and claims it for Spain.
1776 - The War of Independence, the American Continental Army (George
Washington and its Allies the Spanish Army ) defeat the British. The American
Revolution was partly funded by people living in the present states of Texas, New
Mexico, Arizona and California--then a part of Mexico. "New Spain", now called
Mexicao, contributed much financial support as well. Thousands of Spanish troops
fought British troops throughout the Americas
1776. Spanish Captain Francisco de Saavedra defeats the British at the battle of
Yorktown. This represents an important turning point of the War of Independence.
King Carlos from Spain donated 1,000,000 pounds to the Continental Congess toward
the defeat of the Briitsh at Yorktown. Cuba donated 500,000 pounds. Hispanics from
Spain, the present day USA, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Santo Domingo, Venezuela, Costa
Rica fought with the Continental Army the British.
1781 - The Spanish capture Pensacola from the British.
1784 - Spanish re-occupied Florida from the British.
1789 - May 5 "The Nootka Incident," the Spanish government dispatches two vessels
to protectc Nootka harbor.
1790 - Catholics eastern USA are finally given the right to vote.
1794 - Miguel de la Grua Talamanca, Marques de Branciforte, succeeds Juan Vicente
Pacheco de Padilla, conde de Revilia Gigedo, as Viceroy of New Spain (Mexico).
1794 - October 17 Miguel Costanso, a military engineer with geographical knowledge
of the area, sends a letter to Branciforte containing a plan for the bolstering of
California's military defenses.
1797 - Viceroy Branciforte orders the establishment of the Pueblo de Branciforte on a
bluff above the San Lorenzo River. The recruitment of settlers for the pueblo begins in
New Spain.
1797 - The first group of colonists from Guadalajara arrive at Branciforte.
1861-1865 - The Civil War US is fought and Hispanics a major force.
1879 - Dr Carlos Juan Finlay , a Cuban physician originated the theory of yellow fever
transmission by mosquitoes.
1914 - April 20 Colorado Miners: State militiamen and company guards began
shooting directly at the tents and setting them on fire. Of the 18 people killed, half were
Mexican-Americans and many were children who had been burned to death.
1921 - The Orden Hijos de América (Order of the Sons of America) in San Antonio,
Texas. To combat unfair wages, education, housing, and civil rights abuses against
1921 - Immigration Act restricts the entry of Southern and Eastern Europeans. Efforts
to include Mexicans in the restrictions are blocked by agriculture interests.
1929 - The League of Latin American Citizens formed (LULAC) to combat the Civil
Rights against Hispanics.
1948 - The American GI Forum, a Hispanic Veterans Organization to stand up for the
rights of Hispanic Veterans returning from World War II that were being abused and
denied medical care by Veterans Hospitals.
1960s-1970s - The Chicano Movement organized, Hispanics Civil Rights continue to
be violated.
1968 - Science Luis Alvarez won the Nobel Prize for his work with subatomic particles
1995 - Mario Molina , along with two other scientists, wins Nobel Prize Prize in