2013-2014 Calendar Proof FACULTY OF ARTS General Office: Tilley Hall, Room 26 Mailing Address: Faculty of Arts University of New Brunswick P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N.B., Canada, E3B 5A3 Phone: (506) 453-4655 Fax: (506) 453-5102 Email: arts@unb.ca Website: http://www.unbf.ca/arts/ Dean: James S. Murray, BA, MA, PhD Associate Dean: John C. Ball, BA, MA, PhD Assistant Dean: Stephanie Slauenwhite, BA Coordinator, Arts Advising: Deborah Johnston, BA, MA, DPhil General Information The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree at UNB Fredericton may be earned for study in humanities, languages, sciences, social sciences, or interdisciplinary programs. Within the different branches of knowledge, a collection of some thirty different disciplines at UNB (Fredericton campus) offers students an opportunity for the learning experience of their choice, in preparation for their personal academic goals, which may include: entry into advanced professional programs (such as architecture, business, education, journalism, law, divinity, social work, etc.); employment in the broad and growing number of career fields which require the skills developed in an Arts degree—the ability to critically analyze a text, to research a topic, to communicate orally and in writing, to work independently or on a team, to apply general principles to a specific problem, to demonstrate flexibility, to adapt to and grow in new situations, and to take initiative; admission into graduate training and research in their chosen discipline. The structure of the four-year Bachelor of Arts program encourages Arts students to gain a basic understanding of a variety of academic disciplines as they begin their studies, and then to focus on one or two of those disciplines as they complete the degree requirements. Years 1 and 2 lay a foundation by broadening students’ perspectives on the many different ways we have of understanding the world and by strengthening the thinking and communication skills necessary for the students’ success in university and beyond. Years 3 and 4 build on that broad foundation by further developing the students’ understanding of the approaches, methodologies, and subject matter of the discipline(s) chosen by the students to be their central area(s) of interest—their “Major(s).” An even more intensive specialization is possible for students who maintain high grades, if they chose to complete their degree “with Honours.” Students may also choose to complement their Major or Honours subject(s) with a Minor in another discipline. The BA program may also be combined with complementary fields in other degree programs: BAA (Bachelor of Applied Arts (Craft and Design))— a four-year articulated degree program (offered in cooperation with the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design) offering a unique combination of the traditional strengths of liberal arts education with practical experience in studio art courses; BAS (Bachelor of Arts and Science) — a four-year joint degree program (offered in co-operation with the Faculty of Science) which offers a chance to gain broader experience of academic work in both faculties; 1|Page 2013-2014 Calendar Proof BA/BCS (Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Computer Science) — a five-year concurrent degree program (offered in co-operation with the Faculty of Computer Science) which leads to both a BA and a BCS; it combines indepth scientific training with the development of sophisticated analytical, communication, and critical skills; BA/BSc (Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science) — a five-year concurrent degree program (offered in cooperation with the Faculty of Science) which leads to both a BA and a BSc; it provides an academic framework for students who have a strong interest in one of the Science disciplines and in one of the Arts disciplines and want to work in both. THE PROGRAMS AND COURSES AVAILABLE IN THE FACULTY OF ARTS “H” = Honours Program; “M” = Major Program; “m” = Minor Program; “Ce” = Certificate Program; “Co” = Courses Subject H M Ancient Philosophy m Ce Co Anthropology Archaeology Biology Chemistry Chinese Classical Studies Classics Creative Writing (ENGL) Drama (ENGL) Earth Sciences Economics Economics Studies English Ethics Family Violence Issues Film Production (MAAC) Film Studies French German German Studies Greek (Ancient) Greek (Modern) History History of Philosophy International Development Studies Japanese Latin Law in Society Mathematics Media Arts & Cultures Music Studies Neuroscience (PSYC) Philosophy Physics * * * * * 2|Page * ** ** ** * ** * ** * * For information, see Classics & Ancient History/Philosophy Anthropology Anthropology/Classics & Ancient History Biology Chemistry Culture & Language Studies Classics & Ancient History Classics & Ancient History English English Earth Sciences Economics Economics English Philosophy Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre Culture & Language Studies Culture & Language Studies/English French Culture & Language Studies Culture & Language Studies Classics & Ancient History Classics & Ancient History History Philosophy Anthropology Culture & Language Studies Classics & Ancient History Sociology Mathematics and Statistics Culture & Language Studies Culture & Language Studies Psychology Philosophy Physics 2013-2014 Calendar Proof Political Science Psychology Public Policy Russian Sociology Spanish & Latin American Cultures Statistics Women's Studies World Literature & Culture Studies * ** * ** Political Science Psychology Economics/Political Science Culture & Language Studies Sociology Culture & Language Studies Mathematics and Statistics English Culture & Language Studies * Indicates a BA specializing in one of the Science disciplines. Interested students should direct their inquiries to the Department concerned. ** Indicates subjects which are available only as part of a Joint Honours or Double Major program. General Regulations I. This section outlines what students need to do to complete a BA degree at UNB on the Fredericton campus; all students are encouraged to review carefully the regulations in this section, to seek assistance regularly from Faculty and Department advisors, and to take overall responsibility for their own progress through the degree program. While UNB makes every effort to ensure that academic advice is available to all students, it remains the students’ responsibility to seek such advice and to ensure they fully understand what is required of them. (Any matter not addressed by the General Regulations of the Arts Faculty will be governed by the General University Regulations in Section B of this Calendar. Questions concerning the application of regulations should be directed in writing to the Associate Dean of Arts.) II. The BA degree requires the successful completion of both (a) the general Arts Faculty requirements and (b) the specific requirements of an Honours/Major program. The general Arts Faculty requirements include the first-year and second-year distribution requirements (see below under First-Year Regulations and Second-Year Regulations); the successful completion of at least 51 credit hours (ch), and normally 60 ch, of upper level courses (3000 or higher); and the successful completion overall of at least 120 ch of approved courses with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0 (C) or higher. The specific Honours/Major requirements are described by Department or Program in the Programs of Study section, below. III. Students should note the following additional regulations: 1. In the Faculty of Arts, almost all courses are given a weighting of 3 ch per term, so that a one-term course normally counts for 3 ch, and a full-year course for 6 ch. Courses taken outside the Faculty of Arts with a weighting of 3-5 ch (one term) receive a value of 3 ch towards the BA degree; those with a weighting of 68 ch (full-year) receive a value of 6 ch toward the BA degree. Courses taken outside the Faculty of Arts with a weighting of 1 or 2 ch do not count toward the BA. 3|Page 2013-2014 Calendar Proof 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The regular academic year, from September to April, is made up of two terms: Fall and Winter. The typical course load for a student is 15 ch (or five 3-ch courses) each term. A student may register for up to 18 ch each term and must register for at least 12 ch each term to be considered full-time (for tuition purposes). As far as possible, requirements should be completed in sequence: first-year distribution requirements; then second-year distribution requirements; then upper-year courses to complete Major(s) or Honours requirements. With the exception of laboratory courses and field schools, any appropriate courses completed successfully in the Faculties of Science or Computer Science may be counted toward a BA degree. In addition, if a student completes the requirements for a Minor in Business (24 ch), the full Minor will count towards the BA; otherwise, no more than 12 ch of courses in Faculties other than Arts, Science, and Computer Science may be counted toward the completion of the BA. Only students completing a BA degree may earn a Major or Honours designation in an Arts discipline, with the following exceptions: students may complete a BBA in Economics or in Law in Society; students may complete a BSc in Economics or in Psychology. Students who have successfully completed the First Year (30 ch) of the BA program on the Saint John campus of UNB shall have their full First Year accepted as equivalent to that offered in Fredericton. To complete the BA degree, students transferring from another university should note that at least 60 ch of the total credit hours, at least 30 ch of the upper-level courses, and at least half of the courses counting towards their Majors, Honours, and/or Minor, must be taken at UNB. FIRST-YEAR REGULATIONS (1 - 30 Credit Hours) The first year is designed to offer a strong, broad-based core of knowledge and skills from various Arts disciplines and to provide a foundation for the remainder of the degree program. To fulfill the Faculty’s distribution requirements, students should choose their first-year courses (the first 30 ch) as follows: 1. 2. 3. 6 ch – ARTS 1000. 18 ch – Six credit hours in each of three different disciplines. Three of the four groups of disciplines (A, B, C, D) listed below must be represented. 6 ch – The remaining six credit hours may be taken in one discipline from any of Groups A, B, C, or D, or taken as three credit hours in each of two disciplines, including Drama and Music. In either case, the discipline(s) should be different from the three taken under regulation 2, above, since first-year students may take no more than 6 ch in any one discipline. A (Languages) 1 B (Humanities) C (Social Sciences) D (Sciences) 2 Chinese Classics Anthropology Astronomy French English Archaeology Biology German History Economics Chemistry Greek (Ancient) Media Arts & Cultures Political Science Computer Science Greek (Modern) Philosophy Psychology Earth Sciences Japanese World Literature & Culture Studies Sociology Mathematics Latin Physics Russian Spanish Statistics Notes: 4|Page 2013-2014 Calendar Proof 1. 2. Other languages such as Arabic, Maliseet, and Mi’kmaq (when available) may be taken to satisfy the requirements of Group A. Laboratory courses taken in other Faculties will not be counted in the credit hour total but will be counted in the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA) for the BA program. SECOND-YEAR REGULATIONS (31-60 Credit Hours) Students may choose their second-year courses from the disciplines listed under the First-Year regulations, as well as from Drama, Film, Music, International Development Studies, Law in Society, and Women's Studies. To fulfill the Faculty’s distribution requirements, students should chose their courses as follows: 1. 2. 18 ch – Six credit hours in each of three disciplines. 12 ch – At least three credit hours in a fourth discipline; the remaining credit hours may be elective courses in any discipline, as long as no more than 12 ch of the 30 ch total are taken in any single discipline. During the Winter term of their second year, students must consult with the academic advisor(s) in the discipline(s) in which they intend to complete a Major or Honours program in their final two years, in order to declare a Major or apply for Honours, and to have their proposed course selection approved. THIRD- AND FOURTH-YEAR REGULATIONS (61-120 Credit Hours) General Information 1. Choice of Major/Honours program: By the beginning of the Third Year, students declare their Major, or apply for admission to Honours, in the discipline(s) of their choice with the Department(s) or Interdisciplinary Program(s) involved. (Students who wish to specialize in two subjects may declare a Double Major or apply for Joint Honours.) The Honours program is designed for students with a high level of ability who wish to undertake intensive study of one or two subjects, especially in preparation for graduate work. 2. Upper-level courses: Normally, all courses taken to fulfill the last 60 ch of the BA degree will be upper-level courses (i.e., with 3, 4, or 5 as the first digit of the course number). In consultation with their academic advisor(s), students may choose to include up to 9 ch of 1000-level or 2000level courses in the final 60 ch of their degree program. 3. Approval of courses: All the courses in which a student enrols must be selected in consultation with the academic advisor(s) in the Department(s) or Interdisciplinary Program(s) in which the student is majoring or honouring. The final selection of courses that will count toward the completion of the BA degree must be approved by the Dean. 4. Minors: Students may take a Minor in an Arts discipline in which they are not majoring or honouring, or in Business, Computer Science, or a Science discipline. A Minor comprises 24 ch, with at least 12 ch at the upper level. BA Majors Program 1. 5|Page A student may earn a Major by successfully completing at least 30 ch in that subject, 24 of which must be in upper-level courses. Departments may require Single Major students to take up to 42 ch in upper-level courses and Double Major students to take up to 30 ch in upper-level courses. 2013-2014 Calendar Proof 2. A student will normally declare his or her intention to complete a Major or Double Major before beginning the final 60 ch, and preferably during the Winter term of the second year, by meeting with the academic advisor(s) in the relevant Department(s) (and, if applicable, the relevant Interdisciplinary Program). 3. Students may major in Women's Studies, Law in Society, or International Development Studies only as part of a Double Major. 4. Most Departments and Interdisciplinary Programs require a grade of C or above in all courses that count towards Major or Honours requirements. 5. Candidates for the degree of BA (Major) are listed at graduation in three divisions based on the CGPA of all courses taken. See Section B of this Calendar, “Listing of Graduates.” A student who attains a Grade Point Average equal to or greater than 3.75 over credit hours 61-120 and no grades below C over the last 90 ch shall be awarded a Distinction upon graduation. BA Honours Program 1. Single Honours students are required to complete at least 36 ch in upper-level courses in the Honours subject. Individual Departments may require up to 48 ch in upper-level courses. Joint Honours students must complete at least 24 ch in upper-level courses from each Department. Departments may require up to 30 upper-level ch. 2. In most subjects, Honours may be taken singly or jointly with Honours in another subject. These subjects are: Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Studies, Classics, Earth Sciences, Economics, English, French, German, German Studies, History, Mathematics, Media Arts & Cultures, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish, Statistics, World Literature and Culture Studies. Honours in International Development Studies, Law in Society, and Women's Studies must be taken jointly with Honours in one of the above disciplines. 3. Students seeking admission to a Single Honours or Joint Honours program are strongly encouraged to apply before beginning the final 60 ch, and preferably during the Winter term of the second year, by meeting with the academic advisor(s) in the relevant Department(s). For a Joint Honours program, a single admission will be made by the Departments (or, if applicable, the Department and the Interdisciplinary Program) acting in collaboration. Only under exceptional circumstances will Fourth-Year students be permitted to enter an Honours program. The basic requirement for admission to Honours is that the student shall have demonstrated a high level of ability in previous work in the subject(s) in which Honours is proposed. Departments may refuse to admit to Honours any student whose CGPA is below 2.5 at the completion of 60 ch. 6|Page 4. Single Honours students who successfully complete the requirements for a Double Major in a second discipline may, if they choose, declare that Double Major. Upon graduation, their transcript will record that they have fulfilled the requirements for a Major in that subject. 5. A first-class Honours degree requires a GPA of 3.6 in the courses of the Honours subject or subjects, excluding introductory courses. For an Honours degree an average of 3.0 is required in these courses. Averages in the Honours subject(s) are calculated on the basis of the minimum number of credit hours required by individual Departments or Interdisciplinary Programs; credit hours successfully completed above this minimum are treated as “non-required” courses. 2013-2014 Calendar Proof Students are required to sustain a GPA of 2.5 in “non-required” courses taken for credit hours 31-120. Courses which Honours students are obliged to take must be counted as part of the minimum number of credit hours for the purpose of calculating the GPA in the Honours courses. The recommendation to award an Honours degree will be made to the Dean of Arts by the Department(s) concerned. In the case of Joint Honours, the standing is determined by the overall average in the courses required to fulfill the minimum requirements in both programs, and is subject to the agreement of both Departments (or of the Department and the Interdisciplinary Program) concerned. Regulations for Granting a Second UNB Bachelor of Arts Degree BA graduates of UNB may apply for admission to and follow a program towards a second BA degree under the following regulations: o o The general regulations of the University must be satisfied. The regulations of the Degree program and Departmental regulations concerning Major or Honours must be satisfied. Normally, the minimum number of credit hours to be successfully completed beyond the work required for the previous degree will not be less than the normal load of the final academic year in the degree program concerned (typically, 30 ch). More than the minimum number of credit hours may be required. The courses taken must be approved by the Dean and the Department(s) (or the Department and the Interdisciplinary Program) offering the Major or Honours program. The general regulation that at least half the credit hours for a degree must be taken at this University still applies. Candidates for a second undergraduate degree may not choose a Major or Honours in the same discipline as in the first undergraduate degree, whether the first degree involved a Single or Double Major or Single or Joint Honours. Candidates may not choose a Major or Honours in a discipline in which they previously completed a Minor. Students must apply to the Associate Registrar (Admissions) for entry to the second degree program. Only under special circumstances will students be admitted to a third undergraduate degree program. After completing a first degree, students may be permitted to upgrade a Minor to a Major or Honours, or to upgrade a Major to Honours, but in either case a notation only will be included on the student record and a second degree will not be awarded. 7|Page