UVBS14Hh1enA14- - Nordvestsjællands HF & VUC

Stamoplysninger til brug ved prøver til gymnasiale uddannelser
Maj/Juni 2014
Nordvestsjællands HF og VUC
Fag og niveau
Engelsk A, ½-årigt
Cecilie Bepler (CBE)
Hh1enA14 13/14jan
Oversigt over gennemførte undervisningsforløb
Titel 1 The Spectator
Titel 2 Love
Titel 3 Evil
Titel 4 Man and Nature
Side 1 af 7
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Titel 1
The Spectator
Auden, W.H., ‘The Unknown Citizen’ (1939) in Wider Contexts. Gyldendal (2012),
p. 20 (poem)
Jackson, Shirley, ‘The Lottery’ (1948) in The New Yorker, June, 1948:
http://archives.newyorker.com/?i=1948-06-26#folio=025 (short story)
Le Guin, Ursula K., ‘The Ones to Walk Away from Omelas’ (1964) in The Wind's
Twelve Quarters (1975) Harper & Row, pp. 275-284, (short story)
Millhauser, Steven, ‘The Knife Thrower’ (1998), in: The Knife Thrower and Other
stories (1998), Crown Publishing Group INC, Random House, New York, pp. 3-18
(short story)
Payne, Mary, ‘The Song of the Spectators’ (1964) in Wider Contexts. Gyldendal
(2012), pp. 22-23 (poem)
Supplerende tekster:
Hume, Mike,’ Is Abu Ghraib the Military Version of Reality TV’ (2004)
in Spiked-online: http://www.spiked-online.com/site/article/2373/ 2004, (article)
Goulston, Mark, ‘Charlie Sheen and Voveurism’ in THE BLOG, Huffington
Press, 03/08/2011, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-goulston-md/charliesheen-voyeurism_b_830487.html (blog-article)
Meyers, David G.: ‘Exploring Psychology’ (2008) in Wider Contexts. Gyldendal
(2012)(non-fiction, excerpt)
2 x PowerPoint presentations with different art works regarding the theme The
Spectator (Images)
- Indsigt i stofområde
- Indsigt i litteraturhistorien
- Udtale, kommunikation
- Udvidelse af ordforråd
- Stigende krav til tekstanalyse - herunder introduktion til fiktion og non-fiktion
samt til forståelse af ’how to analyse’ og ’how to interpret’.
- Grammatik: Ordklasser, sætningsanalyse, kongruens og verber - Skriftlighed
- Arbejde med analyseredskaber til hhv. fiktion og billeder
Klasseundervisning, pararbejde, gruppearbejde, individuelt arbejde
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Side 2 af 7
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Titel 2
Atwood, Margret, ‘Happy Endings’ (1983) in Murder in the Dark (1983), New Canadian Library, pp. 63-70 (short story)
Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice (1801), Cambridge University Press, London (2006),
pp. 1-3 (Excerpt, novel – 1. chapter)
Carver, Raymond, ‘What We Talk About When We Talk About Love’ (1981), in
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love: Stories, Vintage Classics (2009), pp.
114-129 (short story)
Grahame-Smith, Seth, Pride, Prejudice and Zombies (2009), Quirk Books, pp. 13-15
(Excerpt, novel – 1. chapter)
McGough, Roger, ‘At Lunchtime’ (1967) in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), pp.
Marlowe, Christopher, ‘The Passionate Shepherd to His Love’ (c. 1588/published
1599) in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), p. 75 (poem)
Marvell, Andrew, ‘To His Coy Mistress’ (1651/52 – published 1681) in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), pp. 78-79 (poem)
Shakespeare, William, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, Act I, sc. 5, ll. 92-105 & Act II, sc. 1, ll.
25-73. (c. 1594/95 – first published 1597) in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), p. 8891, (Excerpt. Play)
Ae Fond Kiss (2004) written by Paul Laverty, Directed by Ken Loach
Supplerende tekster/materiale:
Auden, W.H., ’Stop all the Clocks’ (1936) in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), p. 95
Chopin, Kate, ’The Story of an Hour’ (1894), in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012),
p. 106-108 (short story)
Keats, John, ‘Letter to Fanny Brawne’ (1819) in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012),
pp- 92-93 (poem)
Morrison, Tony, Recitatif (1983) in
http://www.nbu.bg/webs/amb/american/5/morrison/recitatif.htm (short story)
Shakespeare, William, ‘Sonnets 18 and 116’ (c. 1593-1597/published in 1609) in
Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), pp. 84-85 (sonnets)
1 x PowerPoint presentations with different art works regarding the theme
Madden, John, Shakespeare in Love (1998) (movie)
Side 3 af 7
- Indsigt i stofområde
- Litterær tematik/litterært motiv
- Viden om Shakespeares teknikker
- Indsigt i litteraturhistorien
- Udtale, kommunikation
- Udvidelse af ordforråd
- Stigende krav til tekstanalyse - herunder introduktion til fiktion og non-fiktion
samt til forståelse af ’how to analyse’ og ’how to interpret’.
- Grammatik
- Arbejde med analyseredskaber til hhv. metafiktion, drama, poesi
Klasseundervisning, pararbejde, gruppearbejde, individuelt arbejde, teaterbesøg og
Q&A with the actors
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Titel 3
American Psycho (2000) written by Bret Easton Ellis, directed by Mary
Harron (film)
Ellis, Bret Easton, ’Killing Child’ in American Psycho (1991), in Wider Contexts,
Gyldendal (2012), pp. 178-181 (novel, excerpt)
Hughes, Ted, ’Hawk Roosting’ (1960) in Ted Hughes: Collected Poems ed. By Paul
Keegan, Ferrar, Straus and Giroux/New York (2005) p. 68 (poem)
Poe, Edgar Allan, ’The Tell-Tale Heart’ (1843) in Edgar Allan Poe: Complete
Tales and Poems, Castle Books (2009), pp. 199-202 (short story)
Shakespeare, William, ’Macbeth’, Act I, sc. 5, ll. 1-70 (c. 1605-1607/first
publi-shed 1625), in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), pp. 145-147 (play)
Supplerende tekster/materiale
Oates, Joyce Carol, ’Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been’ (1966) in
Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), pp. 162-175 (short story)
’Why Not Everyone is a Torturer’ (2004) by Stephen Reicher and Alex Haslam
in in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), pp.189-193 (article)
1 x PowerPoint presentations with different art works regarding the theme
Side 4 af 7
Evil (Images)
Different articles, you-tube interviews and clips about Evil
Lecture by Henrik Harksen (SDU) on evil and literature
- Indsigt i stofområde
- Indsigt i litteraturhistorien
- Udtale, kommunikation
- Udvidelse af ordforråd
- Stigende krav til tekstanalyse - herunder introduktion til fiktion og nonfiktion samt til forståelse af ’how to analyse’ og ’how to interpret’.
- Grammatik – herunder skriftlighed og analyse
- Arbejde med analyseredskaber til hhv. the gothic novel, artikler og film
Klasseundervisning, pararbejde, gruppearbejde, individuelt arbejde
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Titel 4
Man and Nature
Atwood, Margaret, ’Chicken Little Goes Too Far’ (2006) in Margaret Atwood, The
Tent, Anchor Books, New York (2007), pp. 67-72 (fable/short story)
Blake, William ’The Ecchoing Green’ (1789) in The Complete Poetry & Prose of William
Blake ed. By David V. Erdman, Commentary by Harold Bloom, Random House,
Newly Revised Edition, New York (1988), p. 8 (poem)
Bradbury, Ray, ’A sound of Thounder’ in in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), pp.
227-236 (short story)
Chief Seattle (attr.) ’Selling Our Land’ (1854) in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012),
p. 199 (speech, excerpt)
Jensen, Liz, ’Survivor Syndrome’, in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), pp. 242-247
(short story)
Kipling, Rudyard, The White Man’s Burden (1899), in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal
(2012), pp.262-263 (poem)
Side 5 af 7
Krakauer, Jon, Into the Wild (1992), in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), pp. 208-209
Pack, Robert, ’Dominion Over Nature’ (1993), in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012),
p. 200 (article, excerpt)
Supplerende tekster/materiale:
Adiga, Aravind, ’The White Tiger’ (2008) in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), p.
291-295 (novel, excerpt)
’Barack Obama’s speech to the Copenhagen climate summit’, December 18, 2009 at
McDougall, Dab: “Time runs out for islanders on global warming's front line”. In:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/mar/30/india.flooding (Bangladesh and
Climate Change)
Orwell, George, ‘Burmese Days’ (1934) in Wider Contexts, Gyldendal (2012), p. 272274 (novel, excerpt)
- Indsigt i stofområde
- Indsigt i litteraturhistorien
- Viden om sagprosa
- Forfatterbiografi
- Udtale, kommunikation
- Udvidelse af ordforråd
- Stigende krav til tekstanalyse - herunder introduktion til fiktion og non-fiktion
samt til forståelse af ’how to analyse’ og ’how to interpret’.
- Grammatik – herunder skriftlighed og analyse
- Arbejde med analyseredskaber til hhv. non-fiction, critical theory, post-colonialism
Klasseundervisning/virtuelle arbejdsformer/projektarbejdsform/anvendelse af
fagprogrammer/skriftligt arbejde/eksperimentelt arbejde
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Side 6 af 7
Side 7 af 7