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Engelsk FP10: Folkeskolens prøver - Fri skriftlig fremstilling

Engelsk FP10
Folkeskolens prøver
Hæfte 2
Dette hæfte består af to opgaver i fri skriftlig fremstilling – vælg én af opgaverne.
Tidsforbrug til en opgave i fri skriftlig fremstilling er ca. 2,5 time (150 minutter)
Mandag den 7. maj 2018
kl. 13.00-16.00
Der må anvendes ordbøger, grammatiske oversigter samt, i den frie skriftlige
opgave, tekstbehandling med stave- og grammatikkontrol. Ordbøger og
grammatiske oversigter, som ikke kan medbringes eller opbevares lokalt, kan efter
skolelederens nærmere anvisninger tilgås via internettet.
Opgaven findes som:
1. Papirhæfte
2. PDF til elever, der aflægger
prøve på særlige vilkår
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1. My Gap Year
Planning your gap year in an English speaking country? Then look no further! My Gap Year is here
to help you – the choice of things to do in your gap year is almost limitless!
Whether it’s volunteer work with children and communities, getting
work experience in teaching or healthcare, or doing conservation
work in India or Africa, we offer it all. Volunteering abroad can be
a rewarding and enjoyable experience and be a great start to your
Train to be an adventure instructor! From scuba diving in
Florida to bungee jumping in New Zealand, from white
water rafting in Canada to trekking in the Australian outback
or in the Scottish mountains, your gap year is the perfect
time for an adventure!
Work Experience
Make a difference
to your future
working life by
gaining invaluable
experience abroad.
Work in Britain or the
US: in a company,
a shop, a cafe or a
private home. We can even offer you a role as an extra in Hollywood
or as a farmhand. The choice is yours!
Write an email (500-600 words) to My Gap Year, applying for your dream gap year. Include the
following points:
• Introduce yourself.
• State the background for your choice of activity and place.
• Explain how you expect to develop as a person.
• Describe the experiences you hope for.
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2. American Lives
You are travelling by train in the USA and strike up a conversation with the passengers
sitting opposite you. They end up telling you the story of their lives in the US.
Start and finish your blog entry like this:
The young people sitting opposite me were not speaking English. I assumed they were
tourists like me and asked them if they were enjoying their vacation in the US. But I
was completely wrong. It turned out that…
… Listening to my fellow passengers’ story made me realise that not everyone living in
the US lives the same kind of life. They might all be Americans but their backgrounds,
their families, their neighborhoods and their dreams can be very different.
Picture: Colourbox
Write the main part of the story in your travel blog (500-600 words).
It is not necessary to rewrite the texts given.
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