THE AGE GROUP AT WHICH A MAJORITY OF CHILDREN COMPREHEND EACH LINGUISTIC ITEM TESTED Form Classes and Function Words Nouns Coat, glass ball, car, tree, chair, dog bicycle, baby, table, man, plane, pencil, farm, box, mother, sheep, boy, paint, spoon, bird, shoe, book, hand, cat, fish, girl 3.0 3.6 4.0 4.6 5.0 5.6 6.0 6.6 X X Half Pair Verbs Jump, run, eat X X Hit X Catch X Give Adjectives Qualitative contrasts Little/big, fast/slow X X X Tall/short X Alike/different Color Red, brown, blue X X Orange, black, green, yellow Number or relative quantity Two X X Some, many, middle More, four Few, fourth Direction or space relations Left/right Adverbs Direction of space relations Up/down Demonstratives These/those That/this Interrogatives Who/what Prepositions On, under, in By, between In front of X X X X X X X X X X 7.0 LINGUSTIC COMPREHENSION BY AGE GROUPS (continued) Morphological Constructions 3.0 3.6 4.0 Noun/Noun + Derivational Suffix “er” Farm/farmer Paint/painter 4.6 5.0 5.6 6.0 6.6 7.0 X X Verb/Noun + Derivational Suffix “er” Catch/catcher X Adjective/Adjective + Derivational Suffix “er” Tall/taller X Noun/Noun + Derivational Suffix “ist” Piano/pianist Cycle/cyclist Grammatical Categories Gender and Number, Pronoun Masculine, singular/feminine, singular, and neuter plural of third person, nominative case: he/she, they X Feminine, singular/masculine, singular and neuter plural of third person, nominative case: she/he, they X X Plural/singular, third person, nominative case: they/he, she Feminine, singular/masculine, singular and neuter plural of third person, nominative case: her/him, them Masculine, singular/feminine, singular, and neuter plural of third person, nominative case: his/her, their X X Number, Noun Singular/plural, marked by inflection: ball/balls, chair/chairs Plural/singular, marked by inflection: coats/coat, tables/table Number, Verb Singular/plural: is/are Plural/Singular: are/is Tense, Verb Present progressive/past, future: is riding/rode, will ride Past/present, future: painted/paints, will paint X X X X X X Future/present, past: will jump/jumps, jumped X Present, perfect/present progressive, future: has eaten/is X eating, will eat Voice, Verb Doer/receiver, active voice: The car bumps the train/ The train bumps the car, the boy pushes the girl/ The girl pushes the boy Receiver/doer, passive voice: The man is hit by The boy/ the boy is hit by the man X X LINGUSTIC COMPREHENSION BY AGE GROUPS (continued) Grammatical Categories (con’t) Voice, Verb (Con’t) The boy is chased by the dog/ The dog is chased by the boy Status, Verb Affirmative/negative: The baby is crying/ The baby is not crying Negative/Affirmative: The girl is not riding/ The girl is riding Negative/Affirmative: The girl isn’t running/ The girl is running Negative/Affirmative: Neither the boy nor the girl is jumping/ The boy and the girl are jumping Mood, Verb Imperative Syntactic Structure Prediction, Noun-verb, Number Agreement The cat plays The boy jumps Complementation Direct/indirect object: Show me the ball 3.0 3.6 4.0 6.0 6.6 7.0 X X X X X X X X X X Simple Imperative Sentence: Stand up X Complex sentence with independent clause and dependent adjectival clause: Bring me the car that is on the chair X X Complex imperative sentence with conditional clause: If you are a (girl, boy) show me the car, if not, show me the ball Compound imperative sentence using EITHER…OR: Either open the door or show me the pencil 5.6 X Noun phrase with two adjective modifier: a large blue ball/ a large red ball, a small blue ball When I clap my hands stand up Coordination Compound imperative sentence using AND: Put the car under the table and bring me the book 5.0 X She showed the girl the boy Modification Noun phrase with single adjective modifier: a big cat / a small cat 4.6 X X X M.A. Carrow, The development of auditory comprehension of language structure in children. JOURNAL OF SPEECH HEARING DISORDERS 33: 105-108