
The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
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charges at US$50/page beyond two pages. There is an additional charge of $900 per page
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the Page Charges Form is not returned within two weeks, an invoice will be sent to the
corresponding author.
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charges is required for each manuscript. The final number of printed pages for each article
will be determined only after it has been printed; authors will not receive proofs. The form
signed by the corresponding author must be sent in at the time of manuscript submission.
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signatures will not be accepted).
Free PDF off-prints will be given to the corresponding author (one PDF file will be attached
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or by email at
(Checklist revised as of October 2005, superseding all earlier versions)
(Check Each Item Prior to Submission of Manuscript)
Follow instructions exactly to prevent delays in review and handling of your manuscript.
I. General Instructions
[ ]
Articles must be submitted in English. British spelling is permitted, but must be used
consistently. Authors whose primary language is not English must have their
manuscripts checked by someone with English as primary language to see that it is
written in correct English and without ambiguities. Manuscripts written in poor
English will be rejected without review.
[ ]
Use 8.5 x 11 inch paper (21.14 x 25.6 cm). Leave a 1-inch (2.54 cm) margin on all
sides. DO NOT use proportional spacing.
[ ]
[ ]
DO NOT alter the margins to indent text. Indent only by typing one tab
character. DO NOT use multiple spaces to indent. DO NOT use tab characters
for any other purpose.
[ ]
DO NOT use line justification or hyphenation. DO NOT use page breaks. DO NOT
use columns.
[ ]
DO NOT use hard returns, except at the ends of paragraphs and after section
headings. DO NOT add extra lines between paragraphs or sections, after heads or
[ ]
Bold, italics, underline, superscript, and subscript are the ONLY formatting
commands that may be used. Rather than underline text, use word processor
functions to make text bold and italic.
[ ]
Use a 12-point font that distinguishes the letter el from the number one (i.e. do not use
[ ]
Number pages consecutively.
[ ]
Assemble manuscript in this order: 1) Title page, including footnotes, 2) Text, 3)
Literature Cited, 4) Figure legends, 5) Tables. Figures, see below.
Abbreviations and technical expressions:
[ ]
All chemical and mathematical terms, formulae, abbreviations, acronyms, and
symbols should follow the style used by The Journal of Biological Chemistry
( For other style questions, consult the sixth edition of the Council of
Biology Editors Manual of Scientific Style and Format or contact the Editorial Office.
[ ]
Use the metric system only. Use these abbreviations: g, ml, h, min, s, yr, mo, wk,
diam., SD, (Spell out liter.). Use g (italicized) not rpm for centrifuge information.
[ ]
Spell out numbers and abbreviations at the beginning of sentences.
[ ]
All abbreviations and acronyms are placed in parentheses following the names written
out in full the first time they are mentioned in the text.
[ ]
DO NOT italicize common Latin words, abbreviations or phrases such as “et al.”,
“e.g.” or “in vivo”. DO italicize the names of genes (e.g. Arpl gene, Arpl mRNA).
DO NOT italicize the names of proteins (e.g. Arpl protein, antibody raised against
[ ]
Leave a space between mathematical symbols and numbers (i.e. 5 + 4 and 6 < 9).
DO NOT leave a space in these cases: 6X solution and 13%.
[ ]
Hyphenate measurements when used as a compound adjective (e.g. a 10-ml tube, a
45-kb sequence).
[ ]
Use 1,000 not 1000. Use 0.13 not .13. Use 13% not 13 percent. Use 12 °C not 12°C
nor 12° C.
[ ]
Write out numbers “one” to “nine,” UNLESS used as a measurement or in an
equation (e.g. four organisms, 4 ml, 4 + 5).
[ ]
Type two hyphens between RANGES of numbers, such as page numbers and
measurements (i.e. 41:123--189 and about 6--7 min).
II. Short Communications
[ ]
A Short Communication should be approximately 1,500 words of text. If it includes
one figure and one table, the text should consist of fewer words. If the article
exceeds 2 printed pages, authors are responsible for additional page charges.
Style and format are identical to that of full-length papers except that RESULTS
AND DISCUSSION are placed together. Papers must be complete in themselves,
presenting sufficient information to allow repetition of the results. Do not include an
III. Title Page
[ ]
Running Head. Authors’ last names and a short title in uppercase letters separated
by three hyphens (see below). Maximum length 60 characters including spaces.
[ ]
Title. Capitalize first letter of each word, except articles, prepositions, and
conjunctions. In bold.
[ ]
Authors’ names. First name, middle initial, last name. Capital letters, all bold. Use
superscript lowercase, not bold, letters, (a, b, c) after names to denote affiliations. Use
superscript numbers (1, 2, 3) after names to denote footnotes for current address
[ ]
Authors’ addresses: List in order of affiliation, preceded by lower case letter in
superscript. Addresses, in italics, may include street addresses and PO boxes if
necessary. Write out state names.
[ ]
Research Lab, School of Science, City, State Postal Code, Country
Corresponding Author: In this unnumbered footnote include, the first initial and
last name of the corresponding author, complete street address, followed by telephone
number, FAX number, and e-mail address as follows:
Corresponding Author: D. Lynn, Department of Integrative Biology, University
of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada---Telephone
number: 519-826-5724; FAX number: 519-826-5725; e-mail:
[ ]
Footnotes. Below the Corresponding Author footnote, include additional unnumbered and all numbered footnotes.
IV. Text (begin on page 2)
[ ]
Begin with a brief introduction. DO NOT tab indent first paragraph. DO NOT use a
heading such as “Introduction”.
[ ]
Headings. Do use the following headings, in this order: MATERIALS AND
headings are all capitals, not bold. Double-space between these sections of the text.
[ ]
Subheadings: Tab indented, in bold, end with a period. First word begins with a
capital letter. Text follows immediately on same line. Limit the use of subheadings
and do not use lower subheadings.
[ ]
Cite each figure and each table in numerical order in the text.
[ ]
Use “Fig.” (never Figs. or fig.) throughout the manuscript (i.e. Fig. 3, Fig. 3--5, Fig.
2, 3). To cite tables and figures together, use (Table 1 and Fig. 2, 3).
[ ]
Check that every text reference is cited in the LITERATURE CITED section and that
each reference in the LITERATURE CITED section is included in the text. Double
check this after revisions of the manuscript.
[ ]
Strain/subspecies information must be included under MATERIALS AND
METHODS. See General Policies, item #7.
[ ]
For special reagents and equipment necessary to repeat the procedures described in
the MATERIALS AND METHODS section, please provide (in parentheses) the
company/supplier name, city, and state or country, upon first mention. If abbreviated,
spell out the company/supplier at first mention.
Literature citations within the text are as follows:
[ ]
Published and in press citations are referenced in square brackets ([]) by reference
number. .
[ ]
Unpublished materials are cited in the text in parentheses as follows:
For an author: (SS., unpubl. data) or (SRS., pers. observ.).
For other sources: (Smith, S. R., unpubl. data) or (Smith, S. R., pers.
[ ]
Manuscripts in preparation and those submitted but not yet accepted must be cited
as unpublished data.
V. Acknowledgments
[ ]
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS are arranged in paragraph form as brief comments.
Alternatively, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS can be placed at the end of the RESULTS
AND DISCUSSION section. The editors consider it professionally ethical to consult
individuals before they are acknowledged for their assistance.
VI. Literature Cited. Limit citations to only the most relevant publications.
[ ]
Continue double spacing. Use hanging indents.
[ ]
Articles in preparation or submitted are NOT listed in the LITERATURE CITED
section. Cite these in the text. See above.
[ ]
Begin with the heading: LITERATURE CITED, all capitals.
[ ]
Arrange and number references alphabetically by last name of first author.
References by a single author precede multi-authored works by the same senior
author, REGARDLESS of date. List works by the same set of authors
chronologically, beginning with the earliest. See below:
Smith, S. R. 1994.
Smith, S. R. & Jones, J. B. 1984a.
Smith, S. R. & Jones, J. B. 1984b.
Smith, S. R. & Jones, J. B. 1993.
Smith, S. R. & Sanford, Y. M. 1988.
Smith, S. R., Jones, J. B. & Miller, P. K. 1992.
Smith, S. R., Jones, J. B. & Zimmer, L. M. 1989.
Smith, S. R., Jones, J. B., Miller, P. K. & Zimmer, L. M. 1986.
[ ]
List every author’s name for every reference. DO NOT use et al. or a long dash.
[ ]
Format references as shown below:
Oh, S. W. & Jeon, K. W. 1998. Characterization of myosin heavy chain and its gene
in Amoeba proteus. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 45:600--605.
Van Houten, J., Hauser, D. C. R. & Levandowsky, M. 1981. Chemosensory behavior
in protozoa. In: Levandowsky, M. & Hutner, S. H. (ed.), Biochemistry and
Physiology of Protozoa. 2nd ed. Academic Press, New York. 4:67--124.
Fenchel, T. 1987. Ecology of Protozoa. The Biology of Free-Living Phagotrophic
Protists. Science Tech Publishers, Madison, Wisconsin. p. 53--57.
Vacchiano, E. 1992. The establishment of Vorticella as a model system for the study
of calfilamins. Dissertation. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
155 p. Available on microfilm from University of Michigan, Accession
Number AAG9310158.
Hinkle, G. & Sogin, M. L. 1998. Preliminary genomic analysis of the microsporidian
parasite Spraguea lophii. Abstract 2. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 45:1A.
[ ]
Use a space between initials. For multi-authored works, use “&” for “and.”
[ ]
Journal names should be italicized and abbreviated (except for one-word titles)
following the Serial Sources for the BIOSIS Previews Database, published annually
by BIOSIS, 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103-1399 USA.
[ ]
Make the volume number BOLD but NOT the colon following. Page numbers are
flush with the colon; not bold. Place 2 hyphens between page numbers.
[ ]
“In Press” citations must have been accepted for publication and the name of the
journal or publisher included.
[ ]
Verify all entries against original sources, especially journal titles, accent and
diacritical marks, and spelling in languages other than English. Capitalize all nouns
in German. Authors bear responsibility for accuracy.
VII. Figure Legends (continue page numbering)
[ ]
Start Figure Legends on a new page. Use paragraph form and double space the text
beginning with “Fig”. Figure numbers only are in bold.
[ ]
Figure captions should be brief and self-explanatory. Species names are italicized
and spelled out in full the first time they are used in each caption. For plates
with more than one figure, a first sentence or phrase should summarize all figures on
the plate. Then describe each figure on the plate individually.
Fig. 1--4. Life cycle of Gregarina coronata n. sp. 1. Trophozoites. 2.
Immature gamonts. 3. Mature gamonts. 4. Oocysts.
[ ]
DO NOT use a new page for each legend.
[ ]
Symbols appearing in a figure must be explained in the legend, and used preferably in
the text of the legend. List other symbols alphabetically, like this: C, cell; N, nucleus.
VIII. Tables (continue page numbering)
[ ]
Use a separate WORD document for each table. Double-space everything. Assign
each table an Arabic number.
[ ]
DO NOT reduce type size anywhere in tables, including superscripts and subscripts.
[ ]
The table caption should be brief and self-explanatory. Species names are italicized
and spelled out in full the first time they are used in the caption. Use phrases or
sentences typed above the table as below (only the number is in bold).
Table 1. Lipid composition of cell membranes of Pneumocystis carinii.
[ ]
Indicate footnotes with lower case superscript letters, like thisa, and like thisb. DO
NOT reduce the type size. The footnotes themselves should be typed under the table,
like this: aSome experiments conducted at 4 °C.
[ ]
Use asterisks to indicate statistical significance.
[ ]
DO NOT use any vertical lines.
IX. Figures
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Illustrations may be black and white or color photographs, halftones, line drawings or
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Arrange related figures to form plates. Figures must be arranged in the order in which
they are cited in the text. They should be assigned Arabic (1, 2, 3) numbers.
[ ]
DO NOT combine line drawings with halftones. Arrange them on separate plates.
[ ]
Figures of gels must include a high-quality photograph of the gel and be labeled with
high quality lettering.
[ ]
Maximum figure width following reduction: one column = 89 mm, full = 181 mm.
Maximum height = 231 mm.
[ ]
To conserve space, figures will be reduced to one column width (89 mm) whenever
practical. Please ensure that capital letters and numbers are not less than 2 mm high
after reduction. Authors will be required to redo figures if they do not meet these
standards or will be charged if the Printer must do the revisions.
[ ]
DO NOT combine color figures with any other type of figure. Each plate must be
printed either black and white or color. (Color figures can be placed on plates with
black and white figures if the whole plate is to be printed black and white.) Indicate
in the cover letter which figures are to be printed in color. If no notice is given,
all figures will be printed in black and white. Try to place all color figures on one
plate. There is a considerable extra charge for color reproductions. Authors are
responsible for these charges. Contact the Editorial Office for information about
submitting color figures.
Figure preparation:
[ ]
Crop unnecessary area from each figure.
[ ]
Individual figures of a plate should be butted together. Leave NO space between
figures. The printer will add the separator lines. Do leave a 2.54 cm margin on each
side of the plate.
[ ]
Label individual figures on plates with an Arabic number in the LOWER
RIGHTHAND CORNER. DO NOT use letters. Place labels at least 2 mm from the
edge of figure to allow space for the separator lines. Figures to be printed individually
should be numbered in the legend only.
[ ]
Add labels and symbols to figures, preferably Helvetica or Franklin Gothic. Labels
must be at least 2 mm tall following reduction.
[ ]
Photomicrographs must include scale bars. Define the bar in the legend (e.g. Scale bar
= 4 µm).
[ ]
Figures must be prepared to professional standards. For production purposes, authors
will be asked upon acceptance of their papers to submit:
--Manuscript text and each table submitted separately in WORD files,
--Line artwork (vector graphics) as EPS with a resolution of at last 300 dpi at final
--Bitmap files (halftones or photographic images) as TIFF with a resolution of at
least 300 dpi at final size. Detailed information on submitting electronic artwork can
be found at
Line drawing and graph preparation:
[ ]
DO NOT place “legends” within a graph or figure. This information must be
included in a regular figure legend at the end of the text file.
[ ]
Labels on axes should begin with a capital letter, centered on the length of the axis.
Units of measurement follow in parentheses. Multiplication factors are associated
with the axis label not with the unit of measurement.
[ ]
Line drawings may be reduced by the editor. Be sure to use symbols and labels that
are large enough to be at least 2 mm tall after reduction.
Sequence data:
Prepare sequence data as a figure with an appropriate legend.
[ ]
Sequence alignments should be edited to exclude long sections of identical positions.
[ ]
Sequence original width must be 180 mm. Sequence original height must be < 259
[ ]
Each letter must be 2.6--4 mm tall. Use Courier 16-point for mostly small letter, and
Courier 14-point for mostly capital letter sequences.
Note: The final width of the figure will be 140 mm. (The sequence will be centered
on the page.) The final height of each individual character should be no less
than 2 mm and no more than 3 mm.
Note: Be sure to proofread your manuscript carefully. It is a major responsibility of the
author(s) to insure that the manuscript is written clearly and is grammatically correct.
[ ]
Please ensure that each figure, each table, and each reference is cited in the text.
Check this after revision of the manuscript.
X. Cover Letter
[ ]
State which author should be billed for the page charges. If no author is named, the
corresponding author will be invoiced.
XI. What and Where to Submit
[ ]
Submit the following:
1. One cover letter (see X).
2. The manuscript file in WORD format.
3. The tables, in WORD format and each submitted as a separate file.
4. The figures with resolution of at least 300 dpi in Encapsulated PostScript (eps) or
Tag Image File (tif) formats, each plate submitted as a separate file.
5. Signed Page Charge Agreement Form sent by FAX (+1-513-556-5280) or mailed
to Edna Kaneshiro (see address below).
Send the electronic file of the manuscript as an attachment to an email to the Guest
Editor-in-Chief at:
or mail the electronic file saved on a disc to:
Dr. Edna S. Kaneshiro
Department of Biological Sciences
614A Rieveschl Hall
College Court
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0006