Subject: [RedDevils] Digest Number 107

Subject: [RedDevils] Digest Number 107
- 27th May 1999
Reply to: - subscribe to the list..
There are 14 messages in this issue.
Topics in today's digest:
From: "brendymegs" <>
From: "brendymegs" <>
3. List : Reports amd pictures
From: Boon Wee <>
4. Justice !
From: DA <>
5. What a season!
From: Vijaye Jayanath <>
6. The streak lives on
From: David A R Sanders <>
7. What can we say....
From: "Andy Roberts" <>
8. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Oded Regev <>
9. Re: Guess Who? (fwd)-for sharon (fwd)
From: Oded Regev <>
10. Letters to Dear Abbey (fwd)
From: Oded Regev <>
11. Female Humor.. (fwd)
From: Oded Regev <>
12. Treble
From: Oded Regev <>
13. "We are the Champions, and we'll keep on fighting to the end"
14. New memories
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 09:33:03 +1000
From: "brendymegs" <>
Fellow Reds,
The game has now been over for a couple of hours and I'm still in a state
of disbelief. After resigning myself to defeat I'd prepared my thoughts
along the lines of "tough, we've done the double and had a great season". I
wouldn't have hung myself from the rafters either as I honestly didn't
think we'd done anywhere near enough to win the thing. And then we went and
scored. It's an amazing game all right.
I don't think I will ever doubt the concepts of 'fate' and 'destiny' again.
It was obviously meant to be.
I must spare a thought for the Bayern fans though (usually I couldn't give
a shit about the opposition) If we had lost the big one in that fashion I'd
probably be facing enough charges to put me away for the next 25 years.
Winners are grinners though and I'm gloating
Think I'll go and watch injury time again (for the 200th time)
Teddy IS a God
Chris Ryder (Gorton Red in exile)
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 09:50:35 +1000
From: "brendymegs" <>
Fellow Reds,
The game has now been over for a couple of hours and I'm still in a state
of disbelief. After resigning myself to defeat I'd prepared my thoughts
along the lines of "tough, we've done the double and had a great season". I
wouldn't have hung myself from the rafters either as I honestly didn't
think we'd done anywhere near enough to win the thing. And then we went and
scored. It's an amazing game all right.
I don't think I will ever doubt the concepts of 'fate' and 'destiny' again.
It was obviously meant to be.
I must spare a thought for the Bayern fans though (usually I couldn't care
less about the opposition) If we had lost the big one in that fashion I'd
probably be facing enough charges to put me away for the next 25 years.
Winners are grinners though and I'm gloating
Think I'll go and watch injury time again (for the 200th time)
Teddy IS a God
Chris Ryder (Gorton Red in exile)
p.s. list members in Barcelona are going to have the party to end all
parties. I'd die to be there. I can't believe Linda can take notes in that
scenario for a match report. I'd have problems remembering my name in the
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 07:57:20 +0800
From: Boon Wee <>
Subject: List : Reports amd pictures
A big hello to all,
A big congrats to all Manchester United fans. We have finally done it!
I'll post up my thoughts later in the day. Meanwhile, you can get all the
reports and so far 56 pictures from :
For survey form
Once again, congrats.
Boon Wee
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 20:54:21 -0700
From: DA <>
Subject: Justice !
What is there to say, as I sit and wipe tears of joy from my face, we
proved our character, our courage, and our never say die attitude.
We are worthy Champions
Congratulations to all reds throughout the World on an amazing season,
thanks for being members of this list, its times like this that make me so
glad that I decided to start it up.
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 14:19:49 +0800
From: Vijaye Jayanath <>
Subject: What a season!
Hi all,
What a wonderful day it is, not just European Champions but treble
winners as well. If the world ended today it wouldn't be that bad a
thing :-))
Anyway here is my tuppence worth on this season.
The turning point had to be in the Cup s/f replay against Arse when
Anelka's goal was disallowed for offside. A week before we had one goal
ruled out against Juve and then one more on Sat. in the original s/f. I
thought to myself when I saw the linesman flag but Anelka still
celebrating " The way things have been going the bloody refs going to
give the goal ", but he didn't and the rest as they say is history.
Full credit to all the players and of course AF, they were absolutely
MARVELLOUS and special thanks also to all the other staff at OT who
played just as an important role as the players.
Schmikes has to be my player of the season. I know my choice might be
heart over head but he really wanted the treble (maybe even more than
Alex!) and towards the end when others were getting tired he picked them
up and wouldn't let the dream go. Hope he retires at the top or better
yet stays for many seasons to come. The greatest goal keeper ever?
Congratulations to all us fans and fanatics, particularly those who go
to OT every week. Without you'll our club wouldn't have won the
'quadruple'. I can just see Rupert Murdoch's face now, serves him and
the board right for thinking "a few" fans wouldn't matter. Pity Fartin'
Martin is still around, well I guess you can't have everything :-)
Also let's not forget two men who made this all possible but won't have
a winners medal to show for it. Brian and Eric our sincere thanks goes
out to you'll, without the two of you our boys would have never come
this far, pity you didn't stay on.
Overall it was a GREAT TEAM effort!!
P.S: Thanks for listening to my rambling, and enjoy your summer. I can't
wait till the Charity Shield. For those of you going to the parade
(surely now they must have one) give our boys a big cheer for me :-)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 08:03:11 +0100 (BST)
From: David A R Sanders <>
Subject: The streak lives on
Well, as a long-time silent member of the list, and until last December a
permanent member of the IRC channel (dars1), I have my own little story to
tell...After spendign a long time in the soccer back-water known as
Arizona, I finally got the chance to move back to Britain this past
December, and since the time I set foot back on these shores, Manchester
United (to please Pete Hargreaves :-) ) have remained undefeated, though
last night definitely pushed my faith in The Streak continuing..How long
will it continue - Stay Tuned next season !!!
Well done to all the lads on the team, and all the lads and lasses in the
crowd and on the list :-)
Dave Sanders (dars1)
* David Sanders, Ph.D.
* School of Biomedical Sciences
* University of St. Andrew's, UK
Message: 7
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 08:32:34 +0100
From: "Andy Roberts" <>
Subject: What can we say....
......saldy I didn't get to meet anyone but thanks to the Norwegian FA and a
small matter of 35000 pesetas I had a great time in the Nou Camp......How
are your nerves?
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 10:42:54 +0300 (IDT)
From: Oded Regev <>
Subject: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nou Camp?Camp Nou?Rami Vaitz can say whatever he likes now,he and the Nou
Camp stadium will forever have a special place in my heart.The way he
screamed after the 2nd goal was brilliant.I actually only heard it when I
watched the injury time today.Yesteray I was too busy jumping around the
room to listen to the commentary.I liked it when he asked who scored-he
was obviously stunned by what at happened.
The 90 minutes were probably United's worst of the season and Fergie's
worst tactically,but there is no doubt they both deserved to win over the
whole season.And the identity of the scorers was brilliant-2 people who
have sat all season aon the bech got their just rewards.
I bet Teddi thought on Saturday it doesn't get better than this.It
certainly does Teddi.I felt sorry for the Bayern fans.Nobody deserves to
lose like that.They were better on the night,but not over the season.My
only glee was to the Liverpool fans who were praying we'd lose and than
had to see us do it against all odds.They are previliged fans though-thay
got a sneak preview in the cup!
See you soon!
Message: 9
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 10:44:08 +0300 (IDT)
From: Oded Regev <>
Subject: Re: Guess Who? (fwd)-for sharon (fwd)
Great jokes.I'll send more soon!
Message: 10
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 10:45:38 +0300 (IDT)
From: Oded Regev <>
Subject: Letters to Dear Abbey (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ---------Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:45:28 +0300 (IDT)
From: Isachar Ivashkovski <>
To:, Osama Saad <>,,,
Arnon Gal <>,,,,,,
Galit Turgeman <>,
Subject: Letters to Dear Abbey (fwd)
DEAR ABBY: I've been married for six years and have five kids.
My husband still wants to have sex every night and sometimes in
morning too. I told him he should get himself a hobby, and he says
that is his hobby.
DEAR ABBY: I have a man I never could trust. Why, he cheats so
I'm not even sure this baby I'm carrying is his.
DEAR ABBY: I am a twenty-three-year-old liberated woman who has
been on the pill for two years. It's getting expensive and I think
my boyfriend should share half the cost, but I don't know him well
enough to discuss money with him.
DEAR ABBY: I suspected that my husband had been fooling around,
when I confronted him with the evidence he denied everything and
said it would never happen again.
DEAR ABBY: Will you please rush me the name of a reliable
illegitimate doctor?
DEAR ABBY: Our son writes that he is taking Judo. Why would a boy
who was raised in a good Christian home turn against his own?
doctor a
DEAR ABBY: I joined the Navy to see the world. I've seen it.
Now how do I get out?
DEAR ABBY: My forty-year-old son has been paying a psychiatrist
an hour every week for two-and-a-half years. He must be crazy.
DEAR ABBY: I was married to Bill for three months and I didn't
he drank until one night he came home sober.
DEAR ABBY: Do you think it would be all right if I gave my
little gift? I tried for years to get pregnant and couldn't and he
finally did it.
DEAR ABBY: My mother is mean and short-tempered. I think she is
going through her mental pause.
DEAR ABBY: I met this nice guy who was in the service. He's the
chief petting officer.
------------- even better, ones with answers --------------DEAR ABBY: I've been going steady with this man for six years.
We see each other every night. He says he loves me, and I know I
love him, but he never mentions marriage. Do you think he's going
out with me just for what he can get? -GERTIEDEAR GERTIE: I don't know. What's he getting?
DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend is going to be twenty years old next
I'd like to give him something nice for his birthday. What do you
think he'd like?
-CAROLDEAR CAROL: Never mind what he'd like. Give him a tie.
DEAR ABBY: Are birth control pills deductible?
DEAR KAY: Only if they don't work.
DEAR ABBY: Our son was married in January. Five months later his
wife had a ten-pound baby girl. They said the baby was premature.
Tell me, can a baby this big be that early?
DEAR WONDERING: The baby was on time, the wedding was late.
>>>>> it.
DEAR ABBY: Do you think about dying much?
DEAR CURIOUS: No, it's the last thing I want to do.
DEAR ABBY: Is it possible for a man to be in love with two
women at
the same time?
DEAR JAKE: Yes, and also hazardous.
DEAR ABBY: I know boys will be boys, but my 'boy' is seventy-three
and he's still chasing women. Any suggestions?
DEAR ANNIE: Don't worry. My dog has been chasing cars for years,
but if he ever caught one, he wouldn't know what to do with it..
DEAR ABBY: I have always wanted to have my family history traced,
but I can't afford to spend a lot of money to do it.
Any suggestions?
-SAM IN CAL.>>>>>
DEAR SAM: Yes. Run for public office.
DEAR ABBY: What inspires you most to write?
DEAR TED: The Internal Revenue Service.
DEAR ABBY: When you are being introduced, is it all right to say,
"I've heard a lot about you"?
DEAR RITA: It depends on what you've heard.
DEAR ABBY: I am forty-four years old and I would like to meet a
my age with no bad habits.
DEAR ROSE: So would I.
DEAR ABBY: What's the difference between a wife and a mistress?
DEAR BESS: Night and Day.
Message: 11
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 10:46:12 +0300 (IDT)
From: Oded Regev <>
Subject: Female Humor.. (fwd)
/ @ @ /
/ % /
/ Isachar /
----M. K.----
---------- Forwarded message ---------Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 23:01:57 +0300 (IDT)
From: Assaf Razon <>
Subject: Female Humor.. (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ---------Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 11:23:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Amir Ben-Dor <>
To: restricted jokes alias at csd <>
Subject: Female Humor..
MEN: From A Woman's Perspective
Men are like department stores...
their clothes should always be half off.
Men are like vacations....
they never seem to be long enough.
Men are like computers...
hard to figure out and never have enough memory.
Men are like coolers...
load them with beer and you can take them anywhere
Men are like chocolate bars...
sweet, smooth, and they usually head right for your hips.
Men are like coffee....
the best ones are rich, warm, and can keep you up all night long.
Men are like horoscopes...
they always tell you what to do and are usually wrong.
Men are like plungers...
they spend most of their lives in a hardware store or the bathroom.
Men are like cement....
after getting laid, they take a long time to get hard.
Men are like laxatives...
they irritate the shit out of you.
Men are like parking spaces...
the good ones are taken and what's left is handicapped.
Men are like snowstorms...
you never know when he's coming, how many inches you will get, nor
how long it will last.
Message: 12
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 10:54:39 +0300 (IDT)
From: Oded Regev <>
Subject: Treble
Jonathan Marshall,a Liverpool fan,predicted our victory yesterday after
our cup victory over Liverpool.Read his report
fan's reports
By the way,the report is surprisingly unbiased,so I won't be surprised if
he's a United fan in disguise!
Message: 13
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 09:05:06 +0000
Subject: "We are the Champions, and we'll keep on fighting to the end"
"We are the Champions, and we'll keep on fighting to the end"
Never did Freddie Mercury write such prophetic words. It is not
the United way to win in a clinical manner. The emotions that
went with last night typified what being a Red is all about.
Supporting United is not for the faint-hearted.
This season we have seen similar late, late drama. Giggs saved us
from defeat against Juventus. The late goals that saw off Liverpool.
When five minutes were left on the clock I was just willing us to
drag it into extra time. The longer the game went, the more Bayern
concentrated on steely defiance. Hitzfeld is a great tactician, and
for much of the game he stifled our attacking strengths.
It can be argued that they hit the woodwork twice in the closing
minutes, but that was only because Ferguson chose to gamble to win.
In the end, Bayern could not keep the lid on the United coffin faced with more and more attacking options they finally cracked.
German arrogance proved their undoing at the death, they did not
contemplate us scoring, and could not pull themselves together
as the trophy slipped from their grasp.
All hypothetical, but with Keane and Scholes in midfield, Beckham on
the right and Giggs on his natural left wing, surely we would have
broken them down sooner. As it was, someone in the gods belatedly
realised that it was indeed Sir Matts day as much as it was Alex
Fergusons day.
Debates will rage over which was the greatest United team.
The side that was cruelly decimated at Munich in 1958 never had
the opportunity to show us how truly great they were. They could have
been crowned Champions of Europe 40 years ago and opened up
an even bigger dynasty for us to cherish in years to come.
The 1968 side probably peaked before their golden night at Wembley,
but still managed to land the biggest prize. The 1994 team for some
is a contender as the best, but was restricted in Europe due to the
'foreigner' rule. One thig we can be sure of, this is the best SQUAD
that Old Trafford has ever assembled. To be able to being on the
likes of Sheringham and Solskjaer off the bench to clinch a European
Cup is remarkable. To do it without two key midfielders is
magnificent. It must be only a matter of time before Ferguson is
knighted and joins the elite club that already includes Busby and
Charlton. His players typified the man - stubborn, no surrender,
never give in.
The 'big' treble even eluded the Liverpool side of 1977. And this was
done the United way, in the tradition of entertaining and skilful
football, not the containing and dour way others have adopted.
Seeing an emotional Bobby Charlton in the stand was indeed
poignant. Even the manager was lost for words at the end.
The achievement has not fully sunk in to all of us just yet. For the
1968 side it was the pinnacle of a dream, and the end of the road.
For the 1999 side, they have the chance to repeat their glory.
Next season, everybody both at home and abroad will be giving
their all to depose the English and European Champions, we can
be sure of that. Until then, savour the moment. Older supporters
will recall many heartbreaking moments through the years, many
disappointments, and that is what makes winning the sweeter.
It may seem strange to say this now, but no matter what Martin
Edwards may say, now is the time to look at improving the squad where
necessary. A goalkeeper may not be enough. If United are to stay as
Europes Number 1, they have to show ambition to achieve it.
Paul Hinson (email
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Message: 14
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:07:17 +0800
Subject: New memories
For years to come, those of us too young to remember United's 1968 heroics
can now recount to anyone who cares to hear (and even those who don't) that
we watched Peter the Great pull off spectacular saves time after time, talk
about how Teddy and Ole snatched victory from the fast-closing jaws of
defeat, how the 1998/1999 lads took the hardest and most ardous route (via
Barcelona, Inter, Juve, Bayern abroad and Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool at
home) to become the first English club to complete the historic treble. And
on what would have been Sir Matt's 90th birthday too, no less!!!
All of which has left me walking around with an incessant beatific smile on
my face. Life can't get any better than this. Here's to the new memories
Continued at: