APPLICATION FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT SPONSORING ORGANIZATION / INDIVIDUAL: ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIPCODE_________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER__________________________________________________________ FAX NUMBER__________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ TITLE OF CONFERENCE OR WORKSHOP: _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ DATE(S) AND TIME SCHEDULED: ________________________________________________ LOCATION / ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ INTENDED AUDIENCE (types of professionals):________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED # OF PARTICIPANTS EXPECTED: _________ PSYCHOLOGISTS: __________ LPA CE Application Page 2 Educational objectives of program (correlated with program evaluation instrument), including relevance to the field of psychology (may attach): _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Course outline/summary of educational content, including detailed time schedule (may attach): _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Teaching Methods__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Total number of contact hours requested (60 minutes = one contact hour of credit) ______________ Psychologist involved in planning/evaluation: ____________________________________________ Degree: __________ Specialization: ______________________ License/Certificate # __________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: ___________________________________ 2 LPA CE Application Page 3 PLEASE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WITH APPLICATION: 1) Curriculum vita or resume for each instructor 2) Program evaluation instrument 3) For individual applicants, verification of expertise of presenter in the area of the proposed presentation (may be included in CV), and documentation of prior effective presentations in this area (may include copies of evaluation summaries or referrals by two professionals who are familiar with the skills/expertise of the applicant). 4) Names, addresses, and contact information of co-sponsors, if any: __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 5) Application fee as follows: $50 for single workshop $75 for a single workshop repeated on additional dates within a 12 month period or $75 for conferences of any length in which concurrent sessions are offered. ($25 late fee for applications submitted prior to five weeks before program) PAYMENT METHOD: Check amount: $________________ Check # __________________ Credit Card (Circle One) VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER Card Number: ____________________________________________________________________ Name on credit card ________________________________________________________________ CSV Code: _______ Expiration Date:__________ Zip Code Associated with Card _____________ Signature of cardholder: _____________________________________________________________ Please submit all above to LPA Director Cindy Bishop and copy to LPA CE Chair Dr. Gail Gillespie Or mail to: Cindy Bishop – LPA Director Louisiana Psychological Association P.O. Box 80053 Baton Rouge, LA 70898-0053 If you have questions, contact Cindy Bishop at (225) 923-1599 The sponsoring organization verifies that this application meets the criterion for authorization as described in the LPA Guidelines for Approving Continuing Education Program Authorized Agent / Title: ____________________________________________________________ Date submitted to LPA:_____________________________________________________________ 3 LPA CE Application Page 4 LPA Guidelines for Approving Continuing Education Programs APPLICANTS Application for approval for continuing education by the L.P.A. may be made by individuals or by accredited schools, professional organizations, social service agencies, Veterans Administration hospitals, hospitals, mental health centers, and other organizations that meet the criteria and conditions below. CRITERIA FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR SPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS Applicants must have: 1. an organizational structure for continuing education with a designated and capable professional staff who administer and coordinate an organized schedule of continuing education; 2. a means of responsibility for control over all aspects of programs to ensure that educational objectives and standards are met; 3. a system for selection and supervision of qualified instructors; 4. a system for evaluation of the individual presentation(s) and overall programs by participants; 5. content which is clearly for use for psychologists in their practice settings; and 6. input by a licensed psychologist in the planning and evaluation of the program. The application must include the name, degree, certification or licensure, and telephone number of the psychologist. (Applicants may not submit CE application forms from other professional associations). PRESENTERS A current vita will be reviewed for each presenter to ensure that he/she is a professional with the appropriate background, as well as proper licensing/accreditation, in the content area of the educational activity. CRITERIA FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR INDIVIDUAL PRESENTERS Individual applicants who are affiliated with a sponsoring organization and who are applying as the applicant and presenter must demonstrate: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. expertise in the area of the proposed presentation; experience as an effective presenter in the topic area; a system for evaluation of programs by participants; content which is clearly of use for psychologists in their practice settings; input by a licensed psychologist in the planning and evaluation of the program. The application must include the name, degree, certification, or licensure, and telephone number of the psychologist. 4 LPA CE Application Page 5 PROGRAM QUALITY Learning objectives and format of the proposed presentation will be reviewed to ensure high-quality learning experiences based on clearly stated learning objectives, educational format, and explicit expectations regarding objective gains to be acquired through participant attendance of this workshop. PROGRAM EVALUATION INSTRUMENT: Methods of evaluation to determine the effectiveness of continuing education should be an integral part of each program. The program evaluation instrument must include a statement of objectives for each program and/or presenter, evaluation of satisfaction with program objectives, presenter’s quality and content, program facilities and arrangements, and suggestions for future programs. Program objectives should be measurable and observable (e.g., Participants will be able to….apply a specific technique, summarize a new diagnostic category, identify the difference between, list three new ways to, etc.). The purpose of such evaluation is to ensure that learning needs of participants have been fulfilled, and to assist in planning better programs in the future. For assistance in writing objectives that will enhance your application’s potential for acceptance, refer to APA’s recommendations on writing learning objectives, or request a sample application from the LPA director. DETERMINATION OF CREDIT HOURS The number of contact hours (60 minutes equals one contact hour) will be determined prior to the beginning of the program and will be based on the program objectives, content, format, methods of instruction, and schedule. Application for approved contact hours must be made by the sponsoring organization, not by individual participants who attend the program. Contact hour credit will include only actual instruction time with the presenter and discussions led by the presenter or staff pre-arranged by the workshop. It shall not include informal discussions over lunch or other non-instructional activities (e.g., welcoming speeches, introductions, awards, etc.). In the event an educational program is connected with a meal function, credit during meal time is only approved if the program specifically denotes that the presentation will occur during that time, along with the duration of that part of the presentation noted in the agenda. DOCUMENTATION OF ATTENDANCE The sponsoring organization must monitor participant attendance at LPA-approved programs through the use of sign-in records and/or distribution of unique course codes at the end of each program. A list of program attendees shall be maintained by the sponsoring organization for a minimum of two years. ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES Certificates will be issued by the approved organization to all participants who have successfully completed the program. Certificates for partial attendance may not be issued. 5 LPA CE Application Page 6 CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATION Applicant agrees to: 1. Submit application information and application fee at least FIVE WEEKS IN ADVANCE for each program. Continuing education will not be approved after the program has ended. 2. Certify the participation of each person in the program for whom contact hour credit is to be awarded; 3. Include in the announcement workshop program/courses and on the continuing education certificate of the following statement:“This program has been approved by the Louisiana Psychological Association for (number) continuing education contact hours”. FEES A nonrefundable fee for each program application is due upon submission of the application, as follows: $50 for a single workshop $75 for a single workshop, repeated on additional dates within a 12 month period $75 conferences of any length in which concurrent sessions are offered $25 late fee (for applications received less than five weeks prior to program) APPROVAL PROCESS Applicant will be notified by email upon receipt of the application, and will receive notification of approval or denial within one week of receipt. If the application is denied, justification will be provided, along with an opportunity to resubmit once, with corrections or adjustments, at no extra cost. 6