Mechanisms of Succession in Natural Communities and Their Role in Community Stability and Organization Joshua Lobe Succession and climax communities are terms used very often in ecology. These terms have spread to an even wider crowd than ecologists. Occasionally, climax and succession will slip into the mainstream media’s coverage of science news. Sometimes, they are models taught in high school science classes. Despite these signs of establishment, these ideas are misunderstood often enough to drive good ecologists nuts. Many ecologists have tried to answer the hard questions about what these terms mean exactly, but few have done as well as J.H. Connell and R.O. Slatyer did in 1977. The idea of succession leading to climax communities was a popular idea in ecology for much of the 20th century. R.H. Whittaker stated in 1953, “The succession of populations on disturbed or newly exposed sites is one of the best-established phenomena of ecology…”(p.43) However, there was much confusion as to what exactly a climax community was and how succession led to a mature ecosystem or climax community. As Whittaker pointed out in 1953, “A brief review of the development of climax theory in different schools of ecology indicated the confusion existing and the need for reconsideration of the concept.” (p.61) He was referring primarily to the American and British views on climax and succession. The American view, according to Whittaker was a belief in the monoclimax. The British view was one of polyclimax. Whittaker attempted to mesh all evidence of climax communities available at the time and create an all encompassing climax theory. The idea of climax communities was still a prominent idea in the 1970’s. In 1969, Odum published a paper in Science illustrating a way to characterize climax communities en route to describing a world where humans would use this knowledge to support a mushrooming population. His paper incorporated ideas, namely those of F.E. Clements, that were suspect early in the century. The assumptions he used about climax communities were argued against much more forcefully in the 1960’s and 1970’s than climax theories had been argued against before. The concept that was most controversial was the idea that only certain species could colonize a disturbed area and, in turn, only a certain other type of species could follow.(Connell and Slatyer p.1119) Connell and Slatyer’s classic paper about succession and community organization was published in American Naturalist in 1977. The authors contrast three models of succession that they present in the paper. The first is the facilitation model proposed by Clements. This model describes a community where the colonizers change the environment in a way that inhibits the recruitment of their own offspring and at the same time, makes the environment suitable for another species. In turn, that species does the same thing for another species in the line of succession. The second model they described was the based on life-history characteristics of the species in the community. In this model, the tolerance species’ have for certain conditions either limit or allow them to grow and thrive in the environment. The third model Connell and Slatyer portrayed was the one they favored for most types of succession. “In contrast to the other two [models], in model 3 the species of individual that replaces a dying resident need not have life-history characteristics different from the original resident…This being the case, it is possible that a resident may be replaced by another of the same species or of a different species also having ‘early succession’ characteristics. Then the traditional sequence won’t occur. If, on the other hand, the replacement happens to be a species having ‘late succession’ characteristics, then the traditional successional sequence will be observed. Since the early-succession species are shorter lived, they will be replaced more often than would the longer-lived late- succession species. If propagules of these later species are available for invasion, then after several years of transitions the latter species will tend to accumulate, with the result that the early species will gradually decrease in relative abundance…In this way the operation of the inhibition model 3 will produce a succession of species leading from short-lived to long-lived species, as is commonly observed.”(p.1123) This elegant description of their inhibition model made it obvious that they were onto a bright idea. Besides describing this new mechanism of succession, Connell and Slatyer also bring up the question of climax communities. They state that since their inhibition succession model is based on life-history and resistance to dying, that a climax community is simply the species most resistant to damage and elimination. They also concluded that, since they never found a sexually reproducing community in steady-state equilibrium, that succession never stops. These clear and thoughtful descriptions of a muddled and complex topic in the field made this an important paper, but its influence in the future of ecological studies came also from the clearly described needs for future work in particular areas. The authors described experiments and field tests that they claimed would support some of the models and discount others for the communities being investigated. Overall, the paper provides a good base for any investigation into community structure and succession as it is clear and provides very solid models and arguments supporting them. These ideas that climax communities really do not exist in the world began to take a hold of the ecological community around the time of Connell and Slatyer’s paper. In 1984, W.P. Sousa wrote about the role of disturbance in natural communities. He also discussed how disturbance happens too frequently for a community to truly stabilize. Sousa wrote, “Physical disturbance is one of the major mechanisms that break this inhibition[of germination] and generate conditions favorable for recruitment, growth, and reproduction.” This is very similar to Connell and Slatyer’s inhibition model 3 of succession. Another example of their influence on ecology was published in Science in 1984. The paper by Harris et al. described community recovery after disturbance. Specifically, how a kelp forest regenerated after a series of storms. During the storms, rocks were broken creating new surfaces. On the fresh rock surfaces, filamentous brown algae grew instead of the normal red algae that grew on older rock surfaces. The researchers manipulated kelp sporophyte habitats and discovered that these brown algae actually facilitated the kelp’s growth. Without the brown algae, the kelp was eaten by fish. This was an example of primary succession allowing facultative growth. It was also important because it showed the facilitative growth during primary succession due to a disturbance. The study was perfect evidence of a community that seemed to be a climax community, but was still going through succession due to disturbance. Ecology, more and more, must deal with human influences on ecosystems. When humans do affect ecosystems, it usually creates disturbance. Humans can also introduce new species into ecosystems that may compete with native species. In a study of a forest’s change in upper Wisconsin, human influence played a large role. There was initially logging, which was a large disturbance on the forest. For over 50 years, though, the forest was not logged. This was a perfect place to study a young forest to see what kind of succession, if any, was taking place and how it was affecting the species diversity. As it turned out, there was not a measurable amount of succession taking place. Instead, there was heavy grazing by large deer populations and exotic species spreading through the forest. These two factors contributed to a more homogenous forest. (Rooney et al. p.787) In the paper, the successional models of Connell and Slatyer were discussed, showing how accepted their theory has become in ecology. In forest studies now, successional models much like Connell and Slatyer’s are used regularly. Another interesting place that successional models are being applied are to microbes. Bacteria in the soil are essential to our earth to break down organic matter. The questions being studied now are how the communities of microbes are built. In a study done in 2004 by Manfred Wanner and Willi Xylander, the microbes seemed to have fairly stable populations. It is also known that microbes in the soil do fill multiple and can be classified as a community. However, the question of succession probably needs to be looked into deeper to truly understand the workings of these invisible communities. As the theory of succession and climax communities has been adjusted and augmented over the last century, probably no one has made as big a contribution as Connell and Slatyer in their classic paper. It has influenced thousands of other papers directly as evidenced by its being cited more than 1200 times. They were the turning point in changing from the older, outdated idea of climax communities being the result of succession to a more accurate theory where disturbance maintains a regime of constant succession. Connell, J.H. and R.O. Slatyer. 1977. Mechanisms of succession in natural communities and their role in community stability and organization. American Naturalist. 111:1119-1144 Harris, L.G, A.W. Ebeling, D.R. Laur, and R.J. Rowley. 1984. Community Recovery after Storm Damage – A Case of Facilitation in Primary Succession. Science. 224, (4655): 1366-1338 Odum, E.P. 1969. The Strategy of Ecosystem Development. Science 164: 262-270 Rooney et. al. 2004. Biotic Impoverishment and Homogenization in Unfragmented Forest Understory Communities. Conservation Biology. 18: 787-798 Sousa, W.P. 1984. The Role of Disturbance in Natural Communities. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 15: 353-391 Whittaker, R.H. 1953. A Consideration of Climax Theory: The Climax as a Population and Pattern. Ecological Monographs. 23: 41-78