DISTRIBUTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CYANOBACTERIAL SOIL CRUSTS IN THE MOLOPO BASIN, SOUTHERN AFRICA 1Thomas, A. D. and 2Dougill, A. J. – Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, John Dalton Building, Chester Street, Manchester, M1 5GD, U.K 1 2 – School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK Abstract Recent research has suggested that Southern African soils are resilient to degradation pressures associated with soil erosion and/or soil nutrient depletion. The reasons for this resilience remain unclear, however, one potentially important factor are cyanobacterial soil crusts that typify the soil surface. This paper provides an analysis of the physical, microbiological and chemical characteristics of four morphologically distinct cyanobacterial crust types found in the Molopo Basin, South Africa. It details the influence that soil type, livestock disturbance and vegetation cover provide in controlling the spatial distribution of crusts. Our findings show that as cyanobacterial crusts develop they contribute to retention of total-N at the soil surface. Crusts are more widespread and better developed on ironstone compared to Kalahari Sands. At a more localised scale, crusts are better-developed underneath the canopies of Acacia mellifera where soils are protected from livestock disturbance. This offers a potential contributing factor to explain the increase in A. mellifera cover across Kalahari rangelands if the bushes can utilise the nitrogen fixed by the crusts. Keywords: Cyanobacterial soil crusts; Kalahari; Soil nutrients; Bush encroachment; Acacia mellifera 1 Corresponding author. Fax: + 44 161 247 1568 Email addresses: a.d.thomas@mmu.ac.uk (A.D. Thomas), adougill@env.leeds.ac.uk (A.J. Dougill) 2 Fax: + 44 113 343 6716; 1 1. Introduction Dryland soils are typically coarse and deficient in organic matter and nutrients, reflecting the lack of moisture for vegetation growth and nutrient mineralisation. As a result they have been reported as fragile and easily degraded (e.g. Oldeman et al., 1990; Pimentel et al. 1995; UNEP, 1997). Despite this, there is a growing abundance of literature (e.g. Thomas and Middleton, 1994; Stocking, 1996; Mortimore, 1998; Warren et al., 2001) that emphasises the resilience (a return to functional stable equilibrium) and resistance (the ability to maintain functional stability despite disturbances) of dryland soils. One factor that may be important in this regard is biological soil crusts, that typify many dryland soils, but which have only infrequently been described in previous research on Kalahari soils (Skarpe and Henriksson, 1987; Aranibar et al., 2003, Dougill and Thomas, 2004). Biological soil crusts form from the association of soil particles and organic matter with varying proportions of cyanobacteria, algae, lichens and mosses (Belnap et al., 2003a). They have many important functions, including; retaining soil moisture, discouraging weed growth, reducing wind and water erosion, fixing atmospheric nitrogen and sequestering carbon. A variety of environmental factors influence crust form and distribution at a range of scales. At a continental scale, temperature and rainfall are the greatest influences (Rogers, 1972). At a regional scale, soil type (especially texture) is the predominant control, and several studies show that biological crusts are less likely to develop on sandy soils due to their surface mobility (e.g. Skujins, 1984; Belnap and Gillette, 1997). At a 2 localised scale, there appears to be an inverse relationship between biological crust cover and plant cover because they are in direct competition for light and moisture (e.g. Malam Issa et al., 1999). Shrub canopies can, however, provide protection from disturbance and create shade which can enhance microbiological growth (Belnap et al., 2003b). Consequently, crust - vegetation relationships are complex and scale- and site-specific. Crusts are also sensitive to physical disturbance. Belnap and Eldridge (2003) argue that soils which are frequently disturbed only support large filamentous cyanobacteria as later successional species are not able to develop, thus limiting microbial diversity and altering crust functioning. Marble and Harper (1989) found biological crusts to be particularly susceptible to disturbance through mechanical damage when dry and thus livestock trampling to be one of the major inhibitors of crust development. Consequently there are numerous inter-dependent factors, notably soil type, vegetation cover and disturbance, influencing the development and distribution of biological soil crusts. It is, however, difficult to isolate each causal factor because of their complex interactions across a variety of spatial and temporal scales. The heterogeneity of soil and climatic conditions and the large number of species forming biological crusts mean that there is considerable variation in their range. Despite the extent and wide-ranging influence of biological crusts there are only a limited number of studies on biological soil crusts in Southern Africa (see Ullman and Büdel, 2003 for a recent review). This paper aims to provide an analysis of the distribution of biological soil crusts in the Molopo Basin, South Africa and to assess their role in affecting nutrient characteristics. The objectives are to: 3 1. Document the spatial extent, morphology and taxonomy of the different crust types; 2. Determine the influence of soil type, disturbance and shrubs on the amount and type of crust cover; and, 3. Determine whether crusts contribute to the retention and availability of nutrients at the soil surface. 2. Study Area The Kalahari is a large basin of wind-blown, nutrient-deficient fine sands (Thomas and Shaw, 1990). There is an extensive surface vegetation cover of open shrub savanna (FAO, 1991), although primary productivity is limited by water availability and to a lesser extent soil nitrogen and phosphorus (Dougill et al., 1998). The Molopo Basin lies on the southeastern edge of the Kalahari Sands, forming the border between South Africa and Botswana. It is a semi-arid region, with a mean annual rainfall of c. 450 mm concentrated in the summer-wet season. The population density and thus intensity of agricultural land use is higher than elsewhere in the Kalahari because of the relocation of outside populations by Apartheid policies and subsequent intensive agricultural development projects. The fertility of rangeland soils is important for the livelihoods of communal pastoralists and mixed smallholder farmers due to their reliance on livestock grazing and manure inputs for arable production (Dougill et al., 2002). Recent assessments by UNEP (1997) and Hoffman and Ashwell (2001), however, have concluded that the Molopo Basin is experiencing extensive land degradation. 4 Study sites were approximately 100 km west of Mafikeng in North West Province, South Africa (25o49’52’’S; 24o40’58’’E) between the villages of Loporung and Tsidilamalomo; a site with a series of low parallel ridges of calcrete and ironstone cutting across the Kalahari Sands (Figure 1). Soil characteristics and vegetation vary across the ridges, enabling the investigation of soil type, vegetation and disturbance on crust development. 3. Research Design and Methods Three parallel 50 metre transects set 15 metres apart were demarcated at six study sites (Figure 1). Sites were located on an ironstone ridge and slope colluvium, the Kalahari Sands, a calcrete ridge and slope colluvium and on alluvium adjacent to an ephemeral channel (see Table 1 for site details). Along the transects, crust area (% by morphological type), vegetation cover (% by species), number of cattle tracks and dung pats (within a 2 m wide swathe) were quantified. The latter two grazing disturbance variables were used to provide a livestock disturbance index based on the method of Perkins and Thomas (1993). Every 5 m along the transects the % surface area covered by each crust type, crust depth (the mean at 5 locations) and hardness (using a soil penetrometer to measure resistance to compressive force) were quantified within a 1 m2 quadrat. Intact samples of all crust types found in each quadrat and samples of the soil immediately below the crust to a depth of 10 mm were also collected. This provided between 22 and 96 samples of each crust type for nutrient analysis. All sampling was conducted during July and August during the winter dry season. 5 There are many problems associated with field classification of biological soil crusts due to the small size of the crust components and difficulties with taxonomic identification of cyanobacteria (Eldridge and Rosentreter, 1999). Most classification schemes are therefore based on surface crust morphology as there is a strong relationship between crust morphology and ecological function (reference?). The classification in this study uses crust microtopography, colouration and visible cyanobacterial sheath material to provide an objective classification of soil surface conditions. Plant available nutrient concentrations in all crust and soil samples were measured within 24 hours of sampling using a portable spectrophotometer. Availaible NH4+-N and PO43-P concentrations were determined according to the methods of Anderson and Ingram (1993). Salinity and pH were determined using portable probes after mixing with distilled water at a soil to water ratio of 1 g to 5 ml. Samples of all crust types and unconsolidated soil were air-dried prior to laboratory determination of grain size, organic matter, total-N, total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a. Grain-size distributions were determined on dispersed samples sieved at half-phi intervals from -1.0 to +4.0 phi (2 mm to 0.063 mm) after removal of organic matter using H2O2. Silt and clay were determined on the less than 0.063 mm fraction using a sedimentation method (Rowell, 1994). Organic matter was determined using loss-on-ignition (Rowell, 1994). Total-N concentrations were assessed following a Kjeldahl digestion using the method of Anderson and Ingram (1993). Total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a were determined colorimetrically after extraction with 85 % v/v acetone according to the method of Allen 6 (1989). Light microscopy was used to provide a preliminary assessment of the presence of cyanobacteria species in wetted duplicate samples at a magnification of 200 times according to the method of Alef and Nannipieri (1995). Samples were assessed for the presence of the three main cyanobacteria species identified by Skarpe and Henriksson (1987) in the only previous study of Kalahari soils where crust species have been identified. Statistical analysis of differences in means and distributions between the different crust types was conducted using single factor ANOVA in SPSS ™ after checking the data were normally distributed. A post-hoc Sheffe’s test, which assumes equal variance, was used to…? Statistically significant differences were assigned to p values of < 0.05. 4. Results and Analysis 4.1. Crust Morphology and Taxonomy Five distinct crust types were identified on the basis of microtopography, colouration and the presence of filamentous cyanobacterial sheaths. In three crust types, it was possible to see cyanobacterial sheath material on the underside of the crust with the naked eye. A fourth, weakly consolidated crust, had no obvious surface colouration and no visible sheath material but cyanobacteria were identified using light microscopy. Unconsolidated soils had Microcoleus present in all samples with Scytonema in two of four samples. The fifth crust type was only found on alluvium and was considered to 7 form through desiccation of the finer sediment and independently of bacterial activity and therefore is not considered further in this paper. Type 1 crusts are very weakly consolidated with a mean compressive strength of 1.38kgcm-2 (significantly lower than all other crust types; p < 0.001). They have no surface colouration or visible cyanobacterial sheath material, though light microscopy identified Microcoleus in all samples and Scytonema in 1 of the 4 samples (Table 2). Type 2 crusts are better-consolidated with a mean compressive strength of 3.17kgcm-2, significantly greater than type 1 crusts (p < 0.001). There is no surface colouration, but bacterial sheath material is visible below the crust. Microscope analyses confirm the presence of extensive networks of Microcoleus species in type 2 crusts, as well as Scytonema in 2 of the 4 samples (Table 2). These appear equivalent to the class 1 crusts described for US sites by Belnap and Gillette (1997; p. 356) as “flat crusts, with no visible frost heaving or lichen cover, low cyanobacteria biomass, indicating disturbance within 1 year of observation”. Type 3 crusts have a similar compressive strength (3.44kgcm-2) to type 2 crusts (p = 0.840) but are characterised by a black or brown speckled surface. Bacterial sheath material is visible to the naked eye below the crust surface and light microscopy confirms the presence of Microcoleus and Scytonema (Table 2). Type 4 crusts have a bumpy surface topography of up to 2 cm and an intensely coloured black/brown surface. These appear equivalent to class 2 crusts under the Belnap and Gillette (1997; p. 356) system, which are described as, “moderately bumpy biological crusts with no lichen or moss development and moderate cyanobacterial biomass levels, indicating disturbance 5 – 10 years prior to observation”. The compressive strength of 8 this crust type is significantly greater than all other crust types (p < 0.001 for types 1 and 2; p = 0.03 for type 3). All samples of the type 4 crusts contained Microcoleus and Scytonema (Table 2). 4.2. The influence of soil type, disturbance and vegetation on crust distribution There are significant differences between the crust cover on different soil types (p < 0.001) (Table 3). Crust cover is significantly higher on the soils of the ironstone ridge and colluvium (54.8 %) than on the Kalahari Sand (25.3 %) (p = 0.03). Soils on the ironstone also have the highest cover of type 3 and 4 crusts. An index based on the number of cattle tracks and dung density was used to differentiate sites on the basis of disturbance (Tables 1 and 3). Due to the close proximity of villages livestock frequently disturb all sites and differences in disturbance reflect the relative palatability of vegetation growing on each soil type. The relative level of disturbance correlates with the amount of cyanobacterial crust cover at each site (r2 = 0.51; p = 0.???), with more disturbed locations having the lowest crust cover (Figure 2). Only crust types 1 and 2 are found in areas of relatively high disturbance, whereas crust types 3 and 4 are only found in areas of lower disturbance and under shrub canopies. The relationship between vegetation and crusts is complex and there were no significant relationships between crust cover and total vegetation cover, shrub cover or grass cover. The relationship between vegetation and crust development is best described on an 9 individual shrub basis as a zone of crust formation is typically found under canopies, where soils are protected from disturbance by grazing animals. The size of these crust zones varies with shrub species and the morphology of the canopy and leaf structure (Table 4). Relative to the size of the canopy, crust areas are greatest under Acacia mellifera and least under Grewia flava, such that at a site scale there is a positive correlation (r2 = 0.47; p = 0.???) between A. mellifera cover and crust cover (Figure 3). 4.3. The influence of crusts on nutrients Salinity, pH, total-N, available ammonium-N (NH4+-N) and phosphate-P (PO43--P) were determined for each crust type and for unconsolidated soils (Table 5). All crusts were neutral to slightly alkaline with consistently low salinity. Total-N concentrations in all samples were classified as very low (< 0.1 % as per classification of Landon, 1991). Available PO43--P concentrations were also low, reflecting the inherent infertility of Kalahari soils. There are some significant differences between crust types and total-N concentration. The total-N contents of crust types 3 and 4 are both significantly higher than for the type 2 crust (p = 0.008 and p = 0.039 respectively). Available NH4+-N concentrations, however, are not significantly different between the crust types, or between crusts and unconsolidated soils (p > 0.05). PO43-P was significantly greater in type 3 crusts compared to both type 2 and 4 crusts (p = 0.001 for both), but there was no difference between type 2 and 4 crusts (p = 0.913). 10 The relationship between nutrients in crusts and the subsoil under each sample was also explored. There are no significant differences in salinity, pH, NH4+-N and PO43--P in surface crusts compared with the soil immediately below the crust (p > 0.05 in all cases). Indeed, subsoil and crust pH, NH4+-N and PO43--P are correlated (see Figure 4 for r2 and p values). Subsoil and crust pH and NH4+-N are positively correlated suggesting a close relationship between crust properties and the underlying soil. Conversely, PO43--P is negatively correlated indicative of its insolubility and the long-lived surface concentration of P in Kalahari soils. 5. Discussion This paper details the widespread occurrence of cyanobacterial soil crusts in the Molopo Basin and the factors affecting their distribution in a small, regularly disturbed area of differing soil types. Four cyanobacterial crust types were identified and total average crust cover ranged from 24 % to 55 % (Table 3), demonstrating that despite frequent livestock disturbance, a significant crust cover remains. Two species of cyanobacteria (Microcoleus and Scytonema) were found in all crust types. The presence of both species in unconsolidated soils suggests an ability to lie dormant and to rapidly reform crusts given favourable conditions. Microcoleus and Scytonema are both filamentous cyanobacteria and impart stability to the upper soil surface, thus decreasing surface sediment mobility. Microcoleus commonly occurs in bundles surrounded by a polysaccharide sheath, which forms a web of sticky material in the upper soil layers 11 (Belnap et al., 2003a). Individual filaments become active upon wetting, moving out of the sheaths and towards the soil surface in a phototactic reaction. On drying the exposed filaments secrete new sheaths that bind and aggregate soil particles (Belnap et al., 2003a) leading to the crusting of the soil surface. Scytonema has heterocysts (cells devoid of oxygen) which allow the enzyme nitrogenase to fix atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) into ammonium (NH4+-N) (Belnap et al., 2003b). In addition, although non-heterocystic, Microcoleus has been shown to fix atmospheric nitrogen (Belnap, 1996) through association with other bacteria and because various processes exclude oxygen from micro-sites on the bacteria (Rogers and Gallon, 1988). Given that recent research suggests that most shrub species (including Acacia species) are not able to fix atmospheric nitrogen in the Kalahari (Aranibar et al., 2004), the widespread cover of cyanobacterial crusts mean nitrogen inputs from crusts could be important for the nutrition of many grass and shrub species. Disturbance restricts the amount of crust cover and the occurrence of type 3 and 4 crusts (Table 4, Figure 2). Similar findings have been reported from the United States by Belnap and Eldridge (2003) where disturbance leads to a simplified community dominated by a few cyanobacteria species. A predominance of type 1 and 2 crusts in the most disturbed locations across the study sites suggests that these crust types are able to re-establish quickly after disturbance. Crust recovery is seen as a key attribute of Kalahari Sands imparting a level of resilience to regular livestock disturbance. 12 Soil type also affects the spatial extent and type of crust cover. Kalahari Sand is the most common substrate in the Kalahari and across the study area and an average of 25 % was covered in cyanobacterial crust. Over 50 % of the soils developed on ironstone were covered in cyanobacterial crust. Alluvium and calcrete sites had an average crust cover of 40 % and 30 % respectively. The reduced crust cover on Kalahari Sand reflects the coarser grain size and the surface mobile surface layer which both inhibit the formation of crusts (Dougill and Thomas, 2002). The lower shrub cover on Kalahari Sand (Table 1) also reduces the area of protected sub-canopies better-suited to crust formation. Developing crusts are subject to periodic burial under wind-blown material and may die from lack of light, restricting cyanobacterial colonisation to the large and mobile Microcoleus species (Belnap et al., 2003a). The more consolidated soils on calcrete and ironstone are less erodible and vegetation cover is denser and these soils are therefore better suited to crust development. Shrub cover also affects crust distribution (Table 4). There is no relationship between the amount and type of crust cover and shrub cover; however, there is a positive relationship between the amount of crust cover and A. mellifera (Figure 3). This species has a dense canopy covered in double thorns that is highly effective at reducing disturbance under its canopy. The leaves are small and leaf litter rarely completely covers the soil surface under the canopy. A. mellifera, therefore, provides ideal conditions for crust formation with minimal livestock disturbance and adequate light levels reaching the surface. G. flava, in comparison, has no thorns and large leaves producing a thicker leaf litter cover. Consequently, despite similar canopy dimensions to A. mellifera, crust development is 13 greatly reduced under this species. Brachylaena rotundata has an intermediate level of crust development under its canopy, reflecting the larger leaves and consequently reduced light at the surface compared to A. mellifera. The total-N and available nutrient content of all soils was very low, reflecting the inherently poor fertility of Kalahari soils. Crust cover did, however, affect total-N concentrations at the surface. Type 3 and 4 crusts have significantly higher total-N than type 2 crust (p = 0.008 and p = 0.039). Previous research in Southern Africa (Dougill et al., 1998) has shown that in sandy Kalahari soils nutrients remain concentrated in a topsoil layer (0 – 20 cm depth), even where intensive grazing has removed the perennial grass cover. Cyanobacterial crust may be a factor contributing to nutrient retention at the surface. The pH and NH4+-N of the soil below crusts are also correlated with that in the overlying crusts (Figure 4), indicating an impact of crusts on the soils immediately below them. The implications of these findings for soil fertility and shrub encroachment processes remain uncertain. Samples were collected during the dry season when bacteria are inactive and most nitrogen remains organically bound (Table 5). However, the significantly higher total-N in crust types 3 and 4 (Table 5) will provide an enhanced organic-N pool for mineralisation after rainfall, capable of providing available nitrogen to vascular plant roots in the vicinity of these crust types. 14 The situation for phosphorus is different. The insolubility of PO43--P in Kalahari soils results in a longevity of PO43--P surface enrichment that override the shorter-term impacts of biological crusts on P mineralisation and retention. Patterns in P availability are therefore determined by a number of small-scale soil type, vegetation or historical land use differences that control P cycling in dryland soils (Blackmore et al., 1990; Tiessen, 1995). In the Kalahari, the main threat to agricultural sustainability is the ecological change associated with the transition of grass-dominated rangelands into more uniform shrubencroached ecological communities (Dougill et al., 1999). A. mellifera is the most prevalent woody species responsible for shrub encroachment in the Kalahari (Moleele et al., 2002). The shallow rooting system of A. mellifera (Skarpe, 1990; Hipondoka et al., 2003) suggests it will be able to secure surface available nutrients, especially when grass competition is diminished through intensive grazing. Aranibar et al. (2004) suggest that A. mellifera do not fix atmospheric nitrogen but obtain N from other mechanisms in addition to mineralization of soil organic matter. Further works is needed to establish whether the enhanced cyanobacterial crusts under A. mellifera canopies (Figure 3) are the source of this additional N and if the shrub is afforded a competitive advantage that could lead to the stability of the woody plant encroached ecosystem. 6. Conclusions 15 This paper provides an account of the widespread occurrence of cyanobacterial soil crusts in the Molopo Basin, South Africa. The relative importance of soil type, disturbance and shrub cover on crust distribution is determined and the impact on nutrients is examined. Our findings have identified four cyanobacterial crust types using surface topography, colouration and visible sheath material. Soil type, shrub cover and livestock disturbance levels influence spatial patterns of crust cover. Crusts are more extensive on ironstone soils compared to Kalahari sands reflecting the soil texture, surface mobile layer and shrub types found on Kalahari sands. Disturbance reduces crust cover and the occurrence of type 3 and 4 crusts. In disturbed locations, crusts are found preferentially under A. mellifera shrub canopies where they are protected from livestock trampling. As total-N concentrations are significantly enhanced in type 3 and 4 crusts, there the potential for a positive feedback mechanism that can help to explain the rapid spread of A. mellifera encroachment in Kalahari rangelands requires further investigation. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by the Manchester Geographical Society and the Universities of Salford and Leeds. We are also grateful to Dr David Eldridge who provided detailed and useful comments on an earlier draft of this paper and to the useful input of two anonymous reviewers. We thank Kate Berry and Jennifer Byrne who helped with field data collection. 16 References Alef, K., Nannipieri, P., 1995 Methods in Applied Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. 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