Dissertation/Thesis Cover Sheet - Psychology

Thesis title page
sub title
September 2012
[Delete as applicable]
A thesis submitted in part fulfilment of the regulations for the degree of
Master of Research in Psychology, Oxford Brookes University
A dissertation submitted in part fulfilment of the regulations for the degree of
Master of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience, Oxford Brookes University
A thesis submitted in part fulfilment of the regulations for the degree of
Master of Science in Psychology, Oxford Brookes University
A thesis submitted in part fulfilment of the regulations for the degree of
Master of Research in Developmental Psychology, Oxford Brookes University
Statement of originality
Statement of originality
Except for those parts in which it is explicitly stated to the contrary, this thesis is my own
work. It has not been submitted for any degree at this or any other academic or
professional institution.
The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. Information derived from it should be
I agree that the thesis may be made available for reading and photocopying at the
discretion of the Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Law. Permission for anyone
other than the author to reproduce or photocopy any part of the thesis must be obtained
from the Dean of School who will give his/her permission for such reproduction only to an
extent which he/she considers to be fair and reasonable.