Profiler Plus and/or COfiler Sample / CE Set-up

Worksheet Page: ______
Batch # ____________
QC Lot#:______
Profiler Plus and/or COfiler Sample/CE Set-up
Standards and Controls:
1) Reagent Blank: as specified in the extraction procedure used
2) Substrate Control: if used in the extraction process
3) QC sample: one required per case
4) Positive Amplification Control: extracted DNA of specific, known type supplied with the
Profiler Plus or COfiler Typing kit plus amplification reagents;
5) Negative Amplification Control: Profiler Plus or COfiler amplification reagents, but no added
Remove samples from the refrigerator/freezer and allow thawing if necessary. Remove the
Blue Ice trays from the freezer. Turn on thermal cycler and run File No. 13. (File 13 is
programmed at 95oC for 999 minutes.)
Prepare a GS-500 Internal Size Standard Master Mix solution as follows:
(#Samples_____ +2 = _____) X 26 L de-ionized formamide = ________L
(#Samples_____ +2 = _____) X L GS-500 = ________L
Gently mix and centrifuge briefly.
Aliquot 26L of each of GS-500 Master Mix into each of the required 0.5 mL injection sample
tubes. The tubes are labeled with the tray position and sample description.
Transfer >0 to 3.0 L of each of the samples or 1.5 L Profiler Plus or COfiler Allelic Ladder
to the appropriately labeled tube containing the GS-500 Master Mix. Gently mix each sample
while adding to the GS-500 Master Mix using the pipette tip. One tube does not contain
amplified product (GS500+formamide only). Cap each injection sample tube with a septum.
Place all injection sample tubes in a thermal cycler and denature for 3 minutes at 95oC
(File No. 13 is programmed to heat at 95oC for 999 minutes).
Snap-chill the injection samples in the Blue Ice block for at least 3 minutes.
Place each injection sample tube in a 48 well tray according to the ABI Prism 310 CE Set-up
sheet and the tray designation on the tube.
Set-up the ABI Prism 310 CE as per SOP
Number of injections on capillary:_______ New capillary needed?: Yes___ No___.