AmpFlSTR Identifiler Amplification using TC 9700 ____ 1. Bring each sample to be amplified to 10 L with TE-4, if necessary. For the positive amplification control, use 10 L (1 ng) of Control DNA 9947A from kit. For the negative amplification control, use 10 L TE-4. ____ Prepare the 10 L sample to be amplified in a Thin -Walled GeneAmp tube or 96-well amplification plate. OR ____ Prepare the 10 L sample to be amplified in a transfer tube. ____ 2. Determine the number of samples to be amplified: ____________ (Kit lot # ______________________) # of samples x 10.5 L = ___________ L of PCR Reaction Mix # of samples x 0.5 L = ___________ L of AmpliTaq Gold DNA Polymerase # of samples x 5.5 L = ___________ L of AmpFlSTR Identifiler Primer Set ____ 3. ____ Deliver 15L of the above master mix into each sample tube or into the corresponding wells of a 96-well amplification plate. OR ____ Deliver 15 L of the above master mix into each Thin-Walled GeneAmp tube, or a 96-well amplification plate. Add 10 L of sample to each tube or well. ____ 4. Choose User identi and Method Identifiler. Thermal cycler #: _______________. Verify parameters: ____ 5. Taq Activation @ 95°C, 11 min; 28 cycles: Denature @ 94°C, 1 min, Anneal @ 59°C, 1 min, Extend @ 72°C, 1 min; Final Extension @ 60°C, 60 min; Hold at 5°C. Start Method Identifiler. Case #(s): ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Date/Analyst: ___________________________ Page: ___________________________ Issue Date: 08/01/08, Revision 0