Kennel Cough & Your Dog

Canine cough (sometimes known as Kennel cough) is a disease that exclusively
affects dogs. There are several infectious agents involved, including both viruses
and bacteria. Viruses first attack the upper airways, causing a breakdown in the
security barrier there, then bacteria come in and cause a secondary infection.
Signs can range from mild coughing, to frequent harsh hacking coughing, to the
serious systemic illness seen with pneumonia.
Dogs catch the disease via direct contact with infected dogs, but the bugs can
travel short distances through the air in respiratory secretions. It is often prevalent
in pounds and other areas where large groups of unvaccinated dogs live at close
Unfortunately, the disease can spread before a dog is showing symptoms. If your
dog has been in contact with other dogs in the week prior to coughing, they may
have already transmitted it. Also, dogs are still contagious for 1-2 weeks after
symptoms subside.
As part of our preventative health program, we vaccinate against the two main
components of Canine cough (Parainfluenza and B.bronchiseptica). However,
even fully vaccinated dogs can suffer from Canine cough – these dogs will
generally show milder symptoms than unvaccinated dogs – similar to human flu
People and other species cannot catch Canine cough.
Whilst there is no way to combat the viruses involved in Canine cough infections,
we can definitely do something about the bacterial invaders. Antibiotics are very
effective in targeting the bacterial infections seen in Canine cough and your vet
will have prescribed an appropriate course of antibiotic medication.
Uncomplicated Canine cough infections generally last between 7-14 days. If
your dog seems to be getting worse during this time, call us immediately.
There is a real danger of developing pneumonia if the condition deteriorates
in any way.
It is a good idea to keep your dog away from other dogs for 1-2 weeks after
the cough disappears.
Please do not hesitate to contact Tony’s Practice on 5427 9200 to talk about
your pet’s condition or any treatment plans discussed.