SAINT AUGUSTINE OF ENGLAND CATHOLIC CHURCH 1 Herbert Road, Solihull, B91 3QE 0121 705 0228 Registered charity No. 234216 FatherFr Dominic Dominic Kavanagh Kavanagh Fr Father SeanSean McTernan McTernan Deacon Father Andrew Andrew McCann McCann NINETEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (YEAR B) 9th AUGUST 2009 Dear Parishioners, In today’s Gospel Jesus invites us to enter into eternal life He wants us to share His very own life abundantly. He promises us that ‘everybody who believes has eternal life’, and then He goes even further by stating: ‘I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh for the life of the world.’ Let our hearts be filled with praise and gratitude to God for each time we gather to celebrate the Eucharist we receive a pledge of our future glory. We offer our prayerful congratulations to those who will have been married this weekend: Paul Spencer and Orla Murphy; and James McAloon and Mary Partin. Next weekend we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady at all of the weekend Masses. The next two baptismal preparation evenings will take place on Wednesday 19th and Wednesday 26th August at 8.00pm in the Presbytery. All are welcome. We are hoping to arrange a coach for Harvington Hall (6th September) after the Rosary Rally has taken place. We will keep you informed as to the details. The relics of St Therese of Lisieux will visit St Chad’s Cathedral on Saturday 19thand will leave with a Mass and Farewell Ceremony on Monday 21st September at 6.30am. A full programme of events at Chad’s Cathedral for this visit is available on the notice board in both porches. After leaving St Chad’s Cathedral, the Relics will visit the Church of Sacred Heart & St Teresa at Coleshill. The Relics will arrive at Coleshill on Monday 21 st September between 8.30-9.30am. Again, a full programme of events at Coleshill is available in both porches. We will organise a coach to visit Coleshill and give details later. A reminder that our Parish Retreat will take place in October (17th-23rd) with Frances Hogan. Please try to keep some time free to attend the talks. 8th August Saturday St Dominic Fr Kenneth Collins 9th August NINETEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Fr David Condron 10th August St Lawrence Feast Fr Peter Conley 11th August Tuesday St Clare Anniversary Ven John Henry Cardinal Newman 1890 Fr Anthony Conlon 12th August Wednesday St Jane Frances de Chantal Fr Raymond Corbett 13th August St Pontianus/ St Hippolytus/ Bl William Freeman Fr Eamonn Corduff 14th August St Maximillian Kolbe Fr Dominic Cosslett 15th August Saturday Our Lady Fr Ronald Cosslett 16th August Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Deuteronomy 6: 4-13 Matthew 17:14-20 9.00am Celebrant’s Intention 1 Kings 19: 4-8 Ephesians 4: 30-5:2 John 6:41-51 12.30pmMrs Deamer RIP 6.00pm All People of the Parish 1 Kings 19: 4-8 Ephesians 4: 30-5:2 John 6:41-51 9.00am Bill Whitehouse RIP 11.00am Konstanty Czepukjc RIP 1.00pm W Confession/Exposition 11.00-Noon Tea/Coffee available after 12.30pm Mass Confession 5.15pm-5.45pm Tea/Coffee available after 9.00am & Masses edding- James McAloon & Mary Partin 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 John 12: 24-26 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am Gwilym Michael RIP Deuteronomy 31: 1-8 Matthew 18:1-5.10.12-14 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am Patrick Traenor-Intention 12.30pm Mary Foy-Thanksgiving Legion of Mary 6.30pm Deuteronomy 34: 1-12 Matthew 18: 157.30am Celebrant’s Intention 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am Thomas & Ethel White RIP 4.00pm Solihull Hospital Joshua 3: 7-11.13-17 Matthew 18: 21-19:1 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am Tony McCabe -Thanksgiving 12.30pm Danny & Marie Mortimer-Intention Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30am-12.00 Noon SVP Meeting 7.00pm Joshua 24: 1-13 Matthew 19:3-12 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am All People of the Parish 6.30pm Sean(Johnny) Mullarkey-poorly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30am-12.00 Noon Exposition/Holy Hour5.15pm6.15pm Joshua 24: 14-29 Matthew 19: 13-15 9.00am Celebrant’s Intention Apocalypse 11: 19;12: 1-6,10 1 Corinthians 15: 20-26 Luke 1: 39-56 12.30pm Annie & Sydney Forrest RIP 6pm Carmel Andrews -Intention Apocalypse 11;19; 12:1-6.10 1 Corinthians 15: 20-26 Luke 1: 39-56 9.00am Marie & Bernard Adkins & Family 11.00am Ray & Irene Nicholson- Confession/Exposition 11.00am/Noon CAFOD Lunch available after 12.30pm Mass until 2.30pm Confessions 5.15pm-5.45pm Tea/Coffee available after the 9am &11am Masses today Offertory Collection last week :£943: 37( Gift Aid £341: 53 Loose £601: 37) Standing Orders for month of July £920:00 FUND RAISING EVENT ST CHAD’S CATHEDRAL-Barbecue, Music and Song in Cathedral Grounds, Shadwell Street on August Bank Holiday Monday 31st August from 3pm to 7pm.Admission £6 with the proceeds going to Cathedral Maintenance Fund. Tickets available from Cathedral House. 0121 230 6201 LOVE IN THE HEART OF THE CHURCH-A series of Talks Celebrating the Coming of the Relics of St Therese of Lisieux to England & Wales (16th September-21st September ) 12.30pm-5.15pm See poster for dates/details. BIRMINGHAM TO KNOCK PILGRIMAGE -2nd October to 5th October 2009 Direct flight from Birmingham to Knock-Fare £350;for further details contact Josie 0121 241 2945 or Tina 0121 684 1565 or Monsignor T.Fallon 0121 554 0905 ANNUAL HARVINGTON PILGRIMAGE-Sunday 6th September 2009.Principal Celebrant of the Mass, which begins at 3.00pm, will be Monsignor Canon J Moran. For details, please see poster in porch. SIEGE OF JERICHO-Accompany the Blessed Sacrament in daily public Rosary procession in Edgbaston to end abortion. Monday 14th September to Sunday 20th September. Contact 0121 705 9317 or 0121 706 1973 for details, also poster in porch. PARISH MAGAZINE-Articles for the autumn edition of the Parish Magazine need to be submitted by Friday 21st August. ROSARY RALLY- Grace Dieu Manor-Sunday 16th August. Coach arranged, pick up midday at St Augustine’s; Cost £10:00.Picnic lunch; refreshments available, bring a chair with you. Please sign coach list in porch if interested. WALSINGHAM, THE DOWRY of MARY PILGRIMAGE, Sunday 6th September led by H.E. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. See poster in porch for details. Readers this week Saturday 6pm D.Bixby V.Oliver Sunday A.Killeen D.O’Sullivan Mary Clark Ray Nicholson Eucharistic Ministers this week Saturday 6pm B.Ryder & R.Bird B.Ryder & R.Bird Sunday 9.00am Anne & Michael Hallissey Anne & Michael Hallissey Sunday 11am T.Nettikkdan/F.Smith T.Nettikkdan/F.Smith Next week’s rota in italics. Flower Rota: For week beginning 10th August for Services 15th/16th August Madeleine Coburn Please remember in your prayers the sick of the Parish Anita Giblin Michael Hyland Ron Gleen John Thorneycroft Raymond Tarplee Michael O’Connor Helen Oldfield Mary Foy Caroline Burke Samuel Neal Doreen Waite Margaret Jones James Moran Pat Cettler Dennis Oxley Joseph Rushe Damian Crowe Mary Topping Anne White Jayne Hemming Irene Sutton Jane Farmer Michael McAvinney Gary Law Marie Francis Philip Jones Kathleen Burke Susan Joyce Kathleen McLoughlin James Wall Kevin O’Connor Ann Tyndell Agnes Carroll Thomas Mahon Martha Sheridan Sister Pauline Patricia Jones Ann Warren Mary Connolly Tony Farmer Michael & Kathleen Farmer Tony Farmer Prayer to Saint Clare Feast Day 11th August Patroness of Television Workers Patroness of Sore Eyes Dear St. Clare, as a young girl you imitated your mother's love for the poor of your native Assisi. Inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang enthusiastically of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty, you gave your life to Jesus at nineteen years of age, allowing St. Francis to cut off your beautiful hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. All through your life you offered your great suffering for your Sisters, the Poor Clares, and the conversion of souls. You greatly aided St. Francis with his new order, carrying on his spirit in the Franciscans after his death. Most of all you had a deep love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which fuelled your vocation to love and care for the poor. Please pray for me (mention your request) that I will seek to keep Jesus as my first love, as you did. Help me to grow in love of the Blessed Sacrament, to care for the poor, and to offer my whole life to God. Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of St. Clare. Through her intercession, please hear and answer my prayer, in the name of Jesus Your Son. Amen. Dear St. Clare, inspired by St. Francis, you became a poor nun for the sake of Jesus, and established the "Poor Clares." We are told how greatly you cherished Christ present in the Sacrament of the Altar. Help all television workers to broadcast the truth and draw away from falsehood and evil. Amen. Please pray for: Maria Powditch who died recently.( Requiem Mass Wednesday 12th August 9.30am at Blessed Robert Grissold,Meeting House Lane,Balsall Common; followed by Burial at Canley Cemetery, Coventry.) Also Hughie Cooney, Bernard Ereaut, Victor Ruffieux and Francis Rooney whose anniversaries are at this time Protection Representatives are: Anne Ryder 0121 705 3067 Teresa Cund 0121 733 2143