Sample Newsletter Article - (Encourage participation in SAC) JOIN THE SAC TEAM As a parent or guardian, you are an important part of the (insert name of school) community and we want to know your opinions about our school and its plans for the future. We hope you will consider becoming a member of our School Advisory Council (SAC). The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a team of people that represents various segments of the community–parents, teachers, students, administrators, support staff, business/ industry people and other interested community members. They meet to discuss our school’s academic plan and progress and help create the School Improvement Plan (goals and objectives for the school). The purpose of the School Improvement Plan is to increase student performance. The SAC committee also assists the principal with the budget and makes recommendations on how school monies are spent or allocated. Parents and families are the heart of the education process. You can make a difference by becoming a SAC member. By working together we can provide a positive educational experience for every student. The next SAC meeting will be (insert date/time/location). We will be discussing (insert topics). We hope to see you there! Sample Newsletter Articles Announcing Upcoming SAC Agenda Topics (Following September meeting) SAC HOLDS FIRST MEETING On September (insert date), our school’s School Advisory Council held its first meeting. The group discussed possible amendments to its bylaws and began to develop proposals for using any School Recognition Funds we may receive from the state. Those plans will be finalized when the group meets on (insert date/time/location). Also at the October meeting, members will review the results of the BAT 1 (Broward Achievement Test) and make any necessary changes to our School Improvement Plan (SIP). SAC will also establish procedures for collecting data on continuing waivers. (Following October meeting) RESULTS OF BAT 1 TEST REVIEWED AT SAC MEETING At the October SAC meeting, members reviewed the results of the BAT 1 (Broward Achievement Test) and made changes to our School Improvement Plan (SIP). SAC also finalized plans for using any School Recognition Funds we may receive from the state. It was decided that any funds received be (insert how funds will be used). At the November meeting, which will be (insert date/time/location), SAC will continue to assess the progress we are making in completing our School Improvement Plan (SIP) action steps and our progress in reaching our objectives. SAC will also establish procedures for collecting data on continuing waivers. (Following the November meeting) PROGRESS ON SIP ACTION STEPS REVIEWED When our school’s SAC (School Advisory Council) held its November meeting the group continued to assess the progress we are making in completing our School Improvement Plan (SIP) action steps and our progress in reaching our objectives. It also established procedures for collecting data on continuing waivers. At its December meeting, which will be (insert date/time/location), SAC will begin to prepare new waiver requests. Those requests include (insert descriptions of new waivers being requested). SAC members will also hear a report on periodic assessment measures. (Following the December meeting) PUBLIC MEETINGS ON WAIVER REQUESTS TO BE HELD IN JANUARY At the December SAC (School Advisory Council) meeting, members began to prepare new waiver requests. Those requests include (insert descriptions of new waivers being requested). Public meetings on the waiver requests will be held in January (insert dates/time/locations). At the next SAC meeting, to be held (insert date/time/location), the results of the BAT 2 (Broward Achievement Test) will be reviewed and, based on those results, SAC will make any necessary changes to the School Improvement Plan (SIP). (Following the January meeting) RESULTS OF BAT 2 TEST REVIEWED AT SAC MEETING At the January SAC (School Advisory Council) meeting, the results of the BAT 2 (Broward Achievement Test) were reviewed and, based on those results, SAC made changes to the School Improvement Plan (SIP). At the next meeting, to be held (insert date/time/location), will continue to review and assess our progress in reaching the objectives of the plan. (Following the February meeting) SAC TEAM REVIEWS PROGRESS ON SIP At the February School Advisory Council meeting, members continued to review and assess our progress in reaching the objectives of our School Improvement Plan (SIP). At the next meeting, to be held (insert/date/time/location), SAC will begin the process of developing next year’s plan and will also review and update our school’s partnership plans. (Following the March meeting) NEXT YEAR’S SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BEING DEVELOPED At their March meeting, SAC members reviewed and updated our school’s partnership plans and began the process of developing next year’s School Improvement Plan (SIP). The SIP is a vitally important document that will guide our school as we move forward toward our goal of increasing student performance. At the next meeting, to be held (insert date/time/location), members will draft objectives and develop new action steps to reach those objectives. (Following the April meeting) NEW OBJECTIVES AND ACTION PLANS DRAFTED SAC (School Advisory Council) drafted new objectives and developed new action steps at its April meeting. The objectives and action steps will be part of our school’s SIP (School Improvement Plan) for the coming school year. The SIP is a vitally important document that will guide our school as we move forward toward our goal of increasing student performance. At its next meeting, to be held (insert date/time/location), a final draft of the plan will be developed which will be presented to the faculty, parents and the community. In June, a draft of our SIP will be submitted to the District. (If applicable in bylaws, add the following – SAC will hold election of officers at its May meeting. (Following the May meeting) FINAL DRAFT OF SIP COMPLETED At its May meeting, SAC (School Advisory Council) developed a final draft of our school’s School Improvement Plan. The plan will be presented to parents and the community at a meeting to be held (insert date/time/location). In June, the draft will be submitted to the District. (If elections were held - SAC held elections at its May meeting. Officers for next year include: (insert names and offices held).