Funding scheme Marie Curie Actions—Networks for Initial Training (ITN) Call (part) identifier FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2012 Project number 316906 LUMINET The Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Wroclaw invites applications for a post of one early stage researcher (ESR) to be employed as research assistant for the period of three years at the University of Wroclaw within the project LUMINET founded from the 7th Framework Programme (Marie Curie Actions - Network for Initial Training, ITN). The successful candidate will work on the theme no. __ of the ITN LUMINET with a specific topic ‘Nanocrystalline powders for lighting and imaging (WP 2,3)’. The employment period: 1 November 2013 till 31 October 2016. The ESR will be expected to register for 4 years PhD programme at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław. Job details: The fellow shall be involved into: Modelling the chemical composition of phosphors for lighting and X-rays detection Synthesis of nanocrystalline phosphors of defined compositions Structural and morphological characterization of the synthesized phosphors Optimization of the phosphors morphology Characterization of the luminescent and radioluminescent properties of the phosphors Optimization of the phosphors spectroscopic properties Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher) University of Wrocław (Host institution) Duration: 36 months Project title: Nanocrystalline powders for lighting and imaging (WP 2,3) Supervisor: Professor Eugeniusz Zych Objectives: Literature studies to select host materials for novel X-ray phosphors and photoluminescent phosphors Dopant ions for broad band, fast luminescence Selection of preparation techniques and rough estimation of preparation conditions Synthesis of the phosphors Structural and morphological analysis of synthesized compositions Spectroscopic (mostly photo- and radioluminescence) analysis of the fabricated phosphors Measurements of quantum efficiency of the photoluminescence and light output (light yield) of scintillators In-depth analysis of the phosphors properties (together with correlation of the structural, morphological and spectroscopic properties) Planned secondment: University of Tartu, Lediko or another industrial partner Living and Mobility Allowances Living and Mobility Allowances are calculated by means of the application of countryspecific correction coefficients to standard allowances across all countries, as specified in the FP7 People Work Programme. They are subject to the compulsory reductions (taxation, social charges) of the countries concerned. Annual Living Allowances for Poland: 29 298,00 Euros for Early Stage Researcher Monthly Mobility Allowance for Poland: 539,70 Euros for researchers without a family and 771,00 Euros for researchers with a family. Researchers also have access to training monies for eligible activities in the project, to be determined and agreed in advance under the direction of the relevant supervisor, management supervisory board and coordinator. Eligibility requirements Early stage researcher: means a researcher who, at the time of recruitment by the beneficiary, has not yet been awarded the doctorate degree and is in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of his/her research career. Candidates can only apply for a position in a country in which they have not been domiciled for more than 12 months in the previous three years prior to appointment. In addition, to qualify for the post, at the time of appointment, ESR applicants must have less than the equivalent of 4-years full-time research experience since gaining the University degree which would entitle them to embark on doctoral studies in the country in which the degree was received. Consortium members are bound by the equal opportunity policies of their respective institutions. Language Requirements Candidates for ESR positions should present very good knowledge of English to efficiently communicate, as well as write reports and papers, give seminars and lectures in the language. Mobility requirements At the time of appointment, the researcher may not have resided or carried out his/her main activity in the country of the appointing institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her appointment. Short stays such as holidays are not taken into account. Specific requirements at the University of Wroclaw Good knowledge of electron-spectroscopic processes Experience in research on luminescent materials Experience in characterization of X-ray detectors and intensifying screens Ability to work within a group Independence in research and deep motivation The applications should include following elements: Job application cover letter Curriculum Vitae Copy of MSc diploma List of publications (if applicable) Other supportive documents that might be relevant All documents should be scanned and sent in an electronic format to: with subject: Application LUMINET CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 24 October 2013