Museums in Somerset

MiS Winter Meeting
23 February 2009
Bishop's Palace, Wells
Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting
David Hill, Chairman, introduced Sarah Duthie - General Site Manager of the Bishop's Palace who dealt with the Health & Safety procedures for the day.
The Chairman paid tribute to Christine Dore of Dunster Doll Museum who had died. Christine
had been an enthusiastic Committee member of Museums in Somerset. The meeting observed
a minute's silence in her memory.
Formal Business
1.1 Minutes of October 2008 Meeting at Sparkford
These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman
1.2 Matters Arising - there were none
1.3 Chairman's Comments.
David Hill welcomed the more than 50 members present - the largest attendance so
far for an MiS meeting. But he then said that such numbers made it more difficult to
find suitable cost free venues and asked for suggestions for future meetings.
The Chairman mentioned that the position of Secretary/Treasurer would become vacant at the 2009 AGM and asked for volunteers for the position.
1.4 Secretary / Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer reported that the bank balance still stood at £0.00, but he held £8.50
in cash from the refreshment donations from the Sparkford meeting. As Secretary he
had a) written to Haynes Museum thanking them for hosting the previous meeting, b)
written to Tim Corum from SW Hub inviting him to this meeting, c) sent a 'With Sympathy' card to Christine Dore's relatives.
1.5 Any Other Business.
There was none.
1.6 Next Meeting - 2009 AGM - Monday 18 May 2009 at a venue to be decided
Introduction to Bishop's Palace and its HLF bid
Sarah Duthie outlined the building's 800 years history. She described the current plans to
improve public accessibility and restore the gardens to their 19th century glory. The £4m
HLF funded project is due for completion by 2012.
Updates from regional representatives
Museums Libraries and Archives South West. No final report was available.
Tim Corum described some of the SW Hub support activities, in particular their
work with Bishop's Palace HLF bid. With the demise of MLA SW support for local museums seeking Accreditation would be provided by Vic Harding who will
relocate to the Hub. A question from the floor regarding Accreditation reviews
cropping up in the near future was assured that they would be dealt with by
June. Tim was also asked if the Hub would continue MLA's work in seeking a
relaxation of the bureaucratic Risk Assessment requirements that discourage
schools from organising outside visits. This would be a good opportunity for the
Hub to represent the grass roots at a national level.
South West Federation. The Chairman read the report supplied by Liz Neathey.
The Fed will be holding Open Door meetings this year and they too are seeking
Touring Exhibition Progress / 2009 Roadshow Update
Roadshow Postponed. Natalie Watson explained that the 2009 Roadshow had had to
be postponed. The next Roadshow will now be held in May 2010 at Dunster Castle. The
reason for the postponement was that after seeking other sources of funds it had become
necessary to make an HLF bid. Unfortunately the HLF timetable meant that the final decision on the availability of funding would be available only a week or two before the planned
Roadshow date in May 2009. The year's deferral will give time for the bid - for two Roadshows - to be fine-tuned and accepted in good time for the 2010 event.
Somerset Routes Touring Exhibition. Natalie showed examples of the 'tube map', the
full colour booklet and showed some of the video clips to be shown as part of the touring
exhibition. The exhibition covers 107 sites across the county linked on 7 routes. It is designed to be shown at any local event (under cover, but not necessarily indoors). It will be
launched in May at the M5 Taunton Deane Services.
There was then a short tea / coffee break
What is the Victoria County History (VCH)?
Mary Siraut gave an entertaining description of how the VCH had come into existence and
its progress over more than 100 years.
Treasures from the Earth - Archaeology in the Southwest.
Vicky Dawson reported on the content and availability of this new travelling exhibition that
is available to museums in the Southwest. It consists of two display cases - one with a
permanent display, the other allows the host museum to display its own material. Contact
Vicky on 01823 274525 or via to find out more.
Reports from the Museums.
These are now reported in the MDO's regular Newsletter, available in the March 2009 edition.
Computers - Help or Hindrance?
This item was again omitted due to time constraints.
Lunch was then taken in the Bishop's Palace Cafe
After lunch there were still over 40 members present for the afternoon programme.
Museum Development Officer's Update
In response to a request for feedback on the monthly Newsletter, the meeting seemed to
agree that the present arrangement; approximately monthly editions distributed by e-mail
should continue.
Guided tour of the Bishop's Palace and Grounds
Sarah Duthie had kindly organised guided tours for members and we all enjoyed a walk
around the grounds in fine weather and around the buildings open to the public.
The meeting ended at about 16:15
Museums in Somerset
Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting
held at Bishop's Palace, Wells 23 February 2009
Axbridge & District (John Page)
Brick & Tile, Bridgwater (Paul Wilson)
Bruton (Douglas Learmond)
Chard & District Museum (Barbara Dillon, Barry Dillon, Peter Manley, Dee Manley)
Crewkerne (Simon Andrew)
Dunster Castle (John Wood)
Fleet Air Arm Museum (Barbara Gilbert, Susan Dearing)
Frome Museum (Alan Davies, Jennie O'Kane, Joyce Jefferson)
Ilchester Museum (Ros Marsh, Gerry Masters)
Montacute Radio & TV (Alan Hickin, Marcia Hickin)
North Somerset (Nick Goff)
Sedgemoor Museums (Jessica Vale)
Somerset & Dorset Railway Trust (Dave Wright, Joan Wright, Robin Pearson)
Somerset County Heritage Service (Tom Mayberry, Natalie Watson)
Somerset Cricket Museum (Chris Downing, Peter Wallis, David Wood)
Somerset Rural Life Museum (David Walker)
South Somerset Museums and Heritage Service (David Hill, Tanya Camberwell, Joseph Lewis)
South Somerset Community Heritage Access Centre (Anita Jewell-Harrison, Anne Chapman,
Christine Lloyd, Dorothy Bark, Lorna Prudden, Jean Harper, Fernanda Greeke)
Washford Radio (Neil Wilson)
Watchet Boat Museum (John Nash, Bruce Scott)
Wellington Museum (Colin Spackman, Nigel Wood)
Wells & Mendip (Allen Cotton, David Cottle, Jim Hamwell)
Westonzoyland Pumping Station (John Trenchard)
Wincanton Museum (John Atkins, Chris Kemp, Colin Bowie)
Vicky Dawson
Helena Jaeschke (Royal Albert Memorial Museum), Anna Booth (PAS), Tim
Corum (Bristol Hub), Mary Siraut (VCH)
East Somerset Railway
Louse Perrin, Consultant
MLA SW (Rachel Bellamy)
Somerset Military Museum
Thrive! (Barbara Wood)
Watchet Market House