session 4: literature and politics

MSt Theory Reading List
Session 1:
The Notion of Literature
Session 2:
Authors and Readers
Session 3:
Session 4:
Literature and Politics
There are two excellent Readers in which you will find much of the material you will
 Modern Criticism and Theory, 2nd ed., Lodge and Wood eds., Longman, 2000
Literary Theory: An Anthology, Rivkin and Ryan eds., Blackwell, 2nd edition,
Do try to read as much as you can before the start of term. You will be expected to
prepare for every seminar by reading the core texts; you are also required to produce
at least one (15 minute max.) class presentation, in which you should present the
texts and consider what is at stake in them.
For the 5000-word essay that you submit for the MSt/MPhil examination, you must
choose a different topic from the seminar presentation. You will be asked to submit a
short statement (title, approach and reading list) for the essay by 5th week of Hilary
Term. The last class will be in 7th week to allow you good time to write up.
Core Reading:
ARISTOTLE, Poetics I and IV. Russell and Winterbottom (eds.), Classical Literary
Criticism (1989); (eds.) Murray and Dorsch, Classical Literary Criticism
Roman JAKOBSON, ‘Linguistics and Poetics’, David Lodge (ed.), Modern Criticism
and Theory: A Reader (2000)
Viktor SHKLOVSKY, ‘Art as Technique,’Literary Theory: An Anthology, Rivkin and
Ryan eds., Blackwell, 2nd edition, 2004
Roland BARTHES, Leçon (1978), translated as Inaugural Lecture in Susan Sontag
(ed.) Barthes: Selected Writings (1982)
Jean-Paul SARTRE, What is Literature? (original 1948), Chapters 1 (‘What is
writing?’) and 2 (‘Why write?)
Jacques DERRIDA, ‘This Strange Institution Called Literature’, Derek Attridge (ed.),
Acts of Literature (1991)
Further Reading:
PLATO, Extracts from The Republic, in Russell and Winterbottom (eds.), Classical
Literary Criticism (1989); (eds.) Murray and Dorsch, Classical Literary
Criticism (2000)
HORACE, The Art of Poetry (eds.) Also available in the above volumes.
Derek ATTRIDGE, The Singularity of Literature (Routledge 2004)
Terry EAGLETON, ‘Introduction: What is Literature?’, Literary Theory: An
Introduction (1983)
Gerard GENETTE, Fiction and Diction (original 1991)
Nicholas HARRISON (ed.), The Idea of the Literary, Paragraph 28.2 (2005)
Raymond WILLIAMS, ‘Literature’, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society
Core Reading:
Roland BARTHES, ‘The Death of the Author’, (Lodge Reader)
Michel FOUCAULT, ‘What is an Author’ (Lodge Reader)
Roland BARTHES, Le plaisir du texte (1973), trs. The Pleasure of the
Text, S. Sontag (ed.) Barthes: Selected Writings (1982) contains an extract
Wolfgang ISER, ‘The Reading Process: A Phenomenological Approach’ (Lodge
Stanley FISH, ‘Is there a text in this class?’ in Is There a Text in this Class? (1980)
Further Reading:
Roland BARTHES, S/Z (1970)
Seán BURKE (ed.), Authorship: From Plato to the Postmodern: A Reader (1995)
[contains essays by Wimsatt, Hirsch, Barthes, Foucault, and Borges] and The
Death and Return of the Author: Criticism and Subjectivity in Barthes,
Foucault and Derrida (1992)
Jonathan Culler, ‘Readers and Reading’, On Deconstruction (1983)
Jane TOMPKINS (ed.), Reader-Response Criticism (1980) [contains essays by
Riffaterre, Poulet, Iser, Culler, Holland and Bleich, plus a good introduction]
Robert HOLUB, Reception Theory (1984)
Stanley FISH, ‘Why no one’s afraid of Wolfgang Iser’, in Is There a Text in this
Class? (1980)
Core Reading:
FREUD, Art and Literature, Pelican Freud Library, vol. 14, especially:
 ‘Jensen’s Gradiva’
 The Interpretation of Dreams (Rivkin and Ryan Reader)
 ‘The Uncanny’ (Rivkin and Ryan)
Jacques LACAN
 « L’instance de la lettre dans l’inconscient », Écrits (1966); trs. ‘The insistence
of the letter in the unconscious’ (Lodge Reader; Rivkin and Ryan Reader)
« Le stade du miroir comme formateur de la fonction du Je », Écrits; trs. ‘The
Mirror Stage,’ (Rivkin and Ryan Reader)
Peter BROOKS, ‘Freud’s Masterplot: A Model for Narrative’, Reading for the Plot:
Design and Intention in Narrative (1984)
Shoshana FELMAN, ‘Competing Pregnancies: The Dream from which
Psychoanalysis Proceeds,’ What Does a Woman Want? Reading and Sexual
Difference (1993)
Further Reading:
Maud ELLMANN (ed.), Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism (1994)
LAPLANCHE and PONTALIS, Vocabulaire de la psychanalyse (1967); trs. The
Language of Psychoanalysis (1973)
Elizabeth WRIGHT, Psychoanalytic Criticism (1984, 2nd ed. 1998), and ‘Modern
Psychoanalytic Criticism’, Modern Literary Theory (eds. Jefferson and Robey)
Slavoj ZIZEK, ‘Two Ways to Avoid the Real of Desire,’ Looking Awry. An
Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture (1992)
Jacques LACAN, « Le séminaire sur ‘La lettre volée’ », Écrits (1966); trs. ‘The
Purloined Letter’, Yale French Studies, 48, 1972
Shoshana FELMAN, ‘The Case of Poe: Applications/ Implications of
Psychoanalysis’, Jacques Lacan and the Adventure of Insight (1987)
Core Reading:
Mikhaïl BAKHTIN, ‘From the Prehistory of Novelistic Discourse’ (Lodge Reader) or
‘Discourse in the Novel’ (Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Louis ALTHUSSER, ‘Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses’ (Rivkin &
Ryan Reader)
Pierre BOURDIEU, ‘The Field of Cultural Production: Or, the Economic World
reversed’, first chapter of The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and
Literature (1992)
Jacques RANCIERE, ‘Politique de la littérature’, in Politique de la littérature (2007)
‘The Politics of Literature’, in The Politics of Literature (2011)
Jean-Luc NANCY, ‘Le Communisme littéraire’, in La Communauté désoeuvrée
‘Literary Communism’, in The Inoperative Community (1991)
Further Reading:
Pierre MACHEREY, Pour une théorie de la production littéraire (1966)
trs. ‘For a Theory of Literary Production’ (Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Frederic JAMESON, ‘The Politics of Theory’ (Lodge Reader)
Georg LUKACS, The Meaning of Contemporary Realism (1963), esp. ‘The Ideology
of Modernism’
Raymond WILLIAMS, Marxism and Literature (1977), Keywords (1976)
Karl MARX, ‘Capital. Commodities’ (Rivkin & Ryan Reader 2nd ed.)