Homeopathic Treatment of Flu

Sue Townsend, RSHom
Every winter season we begin to experience friends, family, even whole classes at the local school
"dropping like flies" from some flu epidemic. Sometimes you succumb to it yourself, other times you
don't. If you are under a lot of pressure, emotional strain, not sleeping well or eating on the run your
body may be more SUSCEPTIBLE to an illness which is making the rounds. It is this susceptiblity that
creates a window of opportunity for viruses to multiply in the body.
Have you ever noticed that you flu symptoms were slightly different from you neighbor's? Our bodies are
always reacting to the environment, rebalancing and producing symptoms of dis-ease. People react
differently when ill and will produce symptoms unique to themselves. The term "influenza" is a blanket
word used to describe an acute infectious disease characterized by sudden onset of fever, aches and
pains, catarrh and sometimes gastric disturbance. One person may get a high fever with chills and
aching bones while someone else has a pounding head, low grade fever and nausea. Yet another
person may have nausea, and vomiting with cold sweats and terrible thirst.
Homeopathy offers remedies which can help shift a flu through the system very quickly and not leave the
patient suffering from malaise for yet another week or more. Getting the flu isn't necessarily a bad thing
because it will challenge and strengthen the immune system. You just don't need to suffer for long if you
use homeopathic remedies.
Each remedy has it's own specific "flu" picture which you can match to the symptoms you are observing
in your patient. Here is a small example of 12 common flu remedies with a brief picture of each one.
Next time someone has the flu, try matching their symptoms to these and if one of them seems to fit, go
ahead and try it! You may end up with a very grateful family member, not to mention the gratifying
experience of seeing homeopathy work! There are, however, quite a few remedies for flu. For more
information contact your local homeopath.
ACONITE: Sudden onset of a chill with hot burning face, after exposure to cold dry wind or
shock/fright. Patient is very restless, agonised, fearing he will die and feeling faint when sitting or getting
up. Best given as close to onset as possible.
ARSENICUM: Onset in middle of the night; restlessness with prostration and weakness which seems
out of proportion to the illness; headache and backache; vomiting or diarrhea with thirst for small sips of
warm drinks; pains are burning but is better for heat.
BAPTISIA: Rapid onset with prostration, putrid breath and a look of stupidity on the face. Patient
may be confused, delirious, restless and saying he has been split in two, or looking for his limbs which he
is convinced are scattered about the bed. Mottled red, purple face. Eyes and brain feel sore. Bed
feels too hard. Can only swallow liquids, gags on solid food.
BRYONIA: Slow onset of illness with lethargy and desire to be left alone, not moving at all. Face is
flushed, eyelids are heavy, everything aches and is much worse the least movement, so he will lie very
still with the curtains closed and not want any noise or disturbance; there may be profuse sweat. Thirsty
but may not be able to lift the glass to drink.
EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM: Flu which comes on during warm, mild weather. Patient has
extreme aching right down to the bones complaining that they feel they will break; very restless, not
finding any comfortable position/ bed feels too hard; very hot but without sweat.
GELSEMIUM: Slow onset of illness often during warm mild winters or summer. Often triggered by
nervous shock, fear or emotional upset. So exhausted that he can't even exert himself to turn around;
wants to be left alone; thirstless; face looks congested. Feels better after urinating.
HEPAR SULPH: Onset with cold, dry northeast winds. Feels cold on back of neck so will cover with
a scarf. May have stitching pain in throat; nasty and irritable with pains. Profuse sweating.
Complains about everyone who tries to help. "Bear with a sore head."
NUX VOMICA: Exposure to cold east or northeast winds or overindulgence in rich foods, alcohol,
stimulants. Patient feels cold, shivery on any motion, will hide under the covers with just his nose
showing. Bad tempered, critical patient who seems to want to be left alone but still wants you to answer
to his beck and call. Aching limbs, severe headache, eyeache which is worse moving eyes or looking at
light; nausea.
OSCILLOCOCCINUM: This is often recommended to be used at the onset of any flu, especially for
people who succumb to flu year after year. Bursting headache with muscle aches. Chilly, pale, catarrh
of nose and eye; congestion of bronchioles and ears; sometimes gastrointestinal troubles.
PYROGEN: Deep aching in bones with excessive restlessness despite the pain; profuse sweat which
soaks the bed; delirium (often confused with eup perf) but with a septic aspect. Look for fast pulse with
low fever, or slow pulse with high fever.
RHUS TOX: Flu comes on after getting wet. All limbs/joints ache and are worse on first movement
but better once up and about; restless, has to keep moving; cannot find a restful place; tongue has a red
triangle on tip.
VERATRUM ALBUM: Copious discharges of stools, vomiting, urine, saliva, sweat with ICY
COLDNESS; nausea with vomiting after drinking or moving; deathly cold, pale, blue face; collapse. May
act quite stupid and indifferent, or be manic with shrieking and cursing in delirium.
If possible try to use a 30c potency. One pillule every two hours not exceeding 6 doses. If the
symptoms change at any point, or your patient falls into a much needed deep sleep, then stop, wait and
observe. Remember, less is more with homeopathy. It may only take 2-3 doses to bring respite.
Most of these remedies can be bought from Boots, Holland and Baratt, or Grampian Whole Foods. If
you want to have a selection of remedies at hand you can buy a homeopathic kit (42 remedies and a
handy leaflet) from Chelsea House Clinic in Peterculter or Inverurie.