NEW ZEALAND THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM I wish to become a member of the New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders' Association and share in the excitement of breeding, racing and other membership benefits NAME(S) (in the case of a couple or partnership please include both names): First Name Last Name First Name Last Name Address: Phone (res): Mobile: Phone (bus): Email: Cheque enclosed: NZ$195 (incl GST) Bank Account deposits Or Credit Card Visa Australia NZ$235 International NZ$260 : 02 0360 0034917 00 Mastercard Card No: ……………../……………./……..……../…………… Card Name: (Tick one) Expiry Date:…………/………….. Amount: $............... Signature (print & sign): Scan and email to: Or Mail to: PO Box 1058, Cambridge, 3450 New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association, PO Box 1058, Cambridge, 3450, New Zealand Telephone: (07) 827 7727