- Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD by Hank Curci

ISBN: 0-9759199-6-2
ISBN: 0-9759199-6-2
Copyright 2006
SAN: 256-1948
SAN: 256-1948
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
And The
Electronic Jungle
Self Induced extinction
(circa 2058 to 3067 )
the 24th CENTURY
The End of Organized Religion
PARTICLE (exceeding the speed of light)
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Finding the Outer Space
Rosetta Stone
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD, is the sequel to the short story
In CAESAR’S JAGUAR we find a brilliant young scientist by the
name of John Moore inventing a time machine designed to transport
back to ancient Rome, 79 AD, a 1963 bright red Jaguar sports car with
intentions of racing this beautiful automobile in the famous Circus
Maximus chariot races.
When John Moore arrives in Rome, he learns that Princes Ruth,
Caesar’s beautiful daughter, is the prize for winning the race and he
would be required to marry her, be Caesar’s son in law, and live in the
Imperial Palace never to see 1963 San Francisco again.
Although a tempting prospect, John Moore doesn’t want to live in
ancient Rome for the rest of his life so he finds a handsome young man
by the name of Glacus to enter the race and since Glacus and Ruth
were in love and wanted to get married anyway this was a good
John Moore was attacked and nearly killed by a Roman garrison
while traveling down the Appian way in the Jaguar sports car.
The Roman garrison was commanded by the evil and vile Darius
who also poisoned Glacus’ beautiful Arabian chariot horses.
John Moore, having a bone to pick with Darius, helps Glacus win the
chariot race, using the Jaguar sports car hidden under a farmers hay
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
The 260 horse power automobile was pushing a rickety hay wagon,
along with four sway back nags who were giving the appearance of
laboring in front of this laughable racing chariot.
Glacus, sitting on top of a pile of hay, wearing a slave’s smock was
waving at a frantic and delirious crowd screaming with delight barely
able to believe their eyes.
Glacus wins the race, to the tune of a riotous crowd, and the hand of
his beloved Princes Ruth, daughter of Titus, Emperor of Rome.
Darius is disgraced and banished from Rome.
Disturbing the Time Line
John Moore is concerned about disturbing the current time line.
He helps an Ancient Roman man from 79 AD Rome win a chariot
race that in all reality he probably did not win simply because his race
horses were poisoned by Darius the bad guy.
This means some other charioteer won the race and the hand of Ruth
and had children by her and their offspring generated the current time
line’s history.
John Moore hopes San Francisco is still there when he gets back to
1963 and further none of his friends have vanished because their
ancestry had never occurred.
John Moore is persuaded into taking Glacus and Ruth, the newly
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
married, 23 year old ancient Roman couple back to modern day 1963
San Francisco in the time machine, for the mother of all honeymoons
with intent of sending them back to 79 AD Rome in two weeks.
The time machine malfunctions and sends the young, 23 year old
Roman newly weds, Glacus and Ruth, into the year 3000 AD.
The following Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD is then about
what happens to Glacus and Ruth in the year 3000 AD, three thousand
years in to their future.
While Glacus and Ruth are being transported through 3000 years of
history, via time machine, the thousand year period of time from 2058
AD to 3067 AD is chronicled.
The human genome is fully mapped and synthetic genetics comes in
to play providing humans with artificial organs permitting longer life
This process continues to evolve until there are no more natural
humans and evolution has been stopped rendering self induced
The final evolution of Planet Earth’s intellectual life forms leads first
to synthetic android beings then finally to nothing more than a
thumbnail size electronic chip of incredible complexity being fed
virtual experiences by a mainframe computer also of incredible
There are brutal computer wars in the 24th and 25th centuries where
militant computers, who evolve intellectual awareness, relentlessly
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
attack human android populations leading to massive planet Earth
destruction with great cities being reduced to burning rubble.
To escape this terrible carnage, the androids build a beautiful city
that is in orbit around planet Earth and the city is called Orbit City
where they lived in peace for 500 years.
Orbit City, a gleaming metropolis in the sky, is where Glacus and
Ruth, 23 year old Honeymooners from 79 AD ancient Rome, were
transported to by time machine malfunction.
The tachyon particle ( exceeding the speed of light ) is discovered
and interplanetary space travel is now possible using the many worm
holes ( short cuts through the time and space continuum ) found near
planet Earth.
Glacus and Ruth have a child and name him Titus after his
grandfather Titus Flavius Vespasian emperor of Rome from 79AD to
To save the lives of Glacus, Ruth and Titus from heavy sun radiation
found in Earth’s orbit, they are converted to electronic chips and made
citizens of Orbit City.
The Roman family go back to 20th century San Francisco, via time
machine, to bring John Moore ( time machine inventor ) back to Orbit
City, to help defeat the militant computer mainframe army who is
destroying Orbit City. This is happening in the year 3000AD.
Help arrives from the Centauri Globular Star Cluster NGC5139 in
the form of 680 Laser Breathing Dragons with their indigenous people
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
called Spacenoodles sitting on each dragon’s back.
The militant mainframe army is defeated and Orbit City is saved and
Eighty year old John Moore, who is in poor health and near death, is
saved from the ravages of human aging.
He is converted to an electronic chip where he and the Roman family
are locked in orbit around the sun receiving virtual input from
attending mainframes.
The four companions have traveled all over the Milky Way Galaxy
with out ever leaving the safety of their orbiting home for they now
live in the virtual world of computer simulated theater whose script is
written by the infinite cosmos itself.
Hank Curci
1501-17 Ave. #1014
Seattle, Wash., 98122
ISBN: 0-9759199-6-2
SAN: 256-1948
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
(Sequel to the short story CAESAR’S JAGUAR)
The place and time is ancient Rome, 79 AD, and John Moore,
brilliant young engineer from the University of California at Berkley,
circa 1963, is racing down the Appian Way in a 1962, fire engine red,
Jaguar sports car.
He has with him 23 years old, Ancient Roman newly weds, Glacus
and Ruth crammed in to the passenger’s seat of the two seat sports car.
Ruth is the daughter of Titus, Emperor of Rome. Her mother was
Hebrew, a beautiful and favorite concubine of the Royal Palace.
They have only 15 minutes left before the time machine, which
brought John Moore to ancient Rome, stops scanning and stranding
him in 79 AD Rome forever.
They are still 30 miles away from the time machine scanning area
and the gas gauge is setting on empty.
John Moore has agreed to take his just married friends to modern
day, 1963, San Francisco for the mother of all honeymoons then
sending them back to 79 AD Rome in the time machine.
In the short story CAESAR’S JAGUAR we found John Moore
inventing a time machine to take himself, and a 1962 fire engine red
Jaguar sports car, back to Ancient Rome, 79 AD, with intentions of
racing the sleek automobile, this mysterious chariot of the gods, in the
famous Circus Maximus chariot races.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Upon arriving in ancient Rome, John Moore learns Caesar’s
beautiful daughter, Ruth, is the prize for winning this most prestigious
chariot race and of course you can’t turn down Caesar.
It is race day and the weather is perfect, a sunny warm
Mediterranean April day in beautiful, 79 AD Rome.
John Moore has learned that a bright red, 1963AD, Jaguar sports car
is just to sensational to be driving around in the open, people are either
throwing rocks at it or praying to it.
Hence some inventive strategy was needed that utilized the Jaguar’s
263 horse power with out any one at the great Circus Maximus being
aware of it.
John Moore and Glacus decide to build a sturdy, but rickety looking,
hay wagon with the Jaguar hidden underneath.
The concealed automobile would be pushing this laughable race
entry through five laps of a grueling Circus Maximus contest with
Glacus sitting on top of a pile of hay, wearing a slaves smock, waving
at the crowd.
Attached to the front of the hay wagon were four sway back nags to
make the contraption even more hilarious.
Half dead barnyard animals who could barely walk let alone hold up
under being pushed along at 20 miles per hour.
The hay wagon has now entered Circus Maximus race track to jeers
and laughter of a rowdy spectator crowd upon seeing this ridiculous
entry poised next to the most beautiful and powerful chariot racing
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
horses in the Empire.
Ruth, Caesar’s beautiful daughter, is the prize for winning the race.
She and Glacus are in love and want to get married.
But now Ruth sees her lover in this absurd racing machine.
She said to herself, “my god he has lost his mind, Jupiter have mercy
on me.”
Ruth is on the verge of fainting, for she sees herself the wife of evil
Darius, who will now surely win the race.
The five lap race begins and much to the stunned crowd, the hay
wagon is not only hanging in there but starting to pass up galloping
So far the four sway back nags are holding up but looking a bit
Through laps three and four the hay wagon and it’s four horse
menagerie are passing the remaining chariots to the amazement and
loud cheering of some eighty thousand spectators.
The hay wagon is rounding turn number five, last turn before finish
line, and catching up to the lead chariot who happens to be Darius.
Suddenly, one of the horses dies and is being dragged along, the hay
wagon slows down momentarily giving Darius three lengths separation
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Ruth is watching the race from Caesar’s Imperial Box with her father
Titus, emperor of Rome.
She has her hands over her eyes with one finger slightly raised to
take a peak.
John Moore, who is inside the hay wagon, did not see the horse fall
but sees the speedometer slow down and realizes what has happened.
John puts the Jaguar in second gear and stomps on the gas peddle.
The whole hay wagon leaps forward to the thrill of a now delirious
eighty thousand spectators.
There is still thirty yards left to finish and Darius is a half length
ahead but here comes the hay wagon nearly neck and neck with Darius
Darius throws a spear at the hay wagon’s wheels but nothing
happened, the spear was shattered to pieces.
Darius is now in a panic and whipping his horses furiously causing
blood to run off their backs but to no avail.
Glacus is closing in and crosses the finish line a half length ahead
dragging dead horse and all.
When Ruth saw her lover winning the race, she almost fainted again
from sheer relief.
The Circus Maximus racing officials discovered that Darius had
poisoned Glacus’s race horses by feeding them hemlock saturated
barley and oats just three days before the race.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Darius was disgraced and led away by Roman police sentenced to
hard labor in the infamous salt mines on the island of Sicily.
Darius, a hateful man, has vowed revenge against Glacus and Ruth.
The Circus Maximus racing officials were highly suspicious of a hay
wagon winning this most prestigious chariot race, but they had no way
of understanding a farmer’s hay wagon being pushed by 263 horses.
In addition, it was a well known fact that Caesar wanted his daughter
Ruth to marry Glacus and hence disqualifying Glacus and declaring
Darius the winner would have been a very dangerous political move.
Glacus was not disqualified and deemed winner of the race.
By this time the delirious and cheering crowd rushed the hay wagon
and lifted Glacus up to his beloved Ruth waiting in the Imperial Box
with arms out stretched.
They were now together and never to be apart.
John Moore set the noble nags free knowing they would find their
way home and went to the Imperial Palace for the wedding of Glacus
and Ruth which was a party extraordinaire to say the least.
The Imperial Palace had been planning the lavish wedding of Ruth
for the past six weeks and she was to be married on race day to the
man who ever won the Circus Maximus Chariot race.
Luckily and thankfully for Ruth, Glacus, the man she loves won the
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
great race.
John ate, drank wonderful wine and danced the night away with his
newly married friends and made some new friends as well.
John Moore was thrilled to meet Caesar who was Titus, Emperor of
Rome in the year 79AD, if only he could take a picture.
The time was nearing for John Moore to leave ancient Rome for
even at this moment the time machine was scanning the pick-up area
in the farmer’s field where John had landed, when he first arrived in
ancient Rome from 1963 San Francisco.
The Time machine will only scan for another six hours and then it
will stop scanning at which time John Moore will be stuck in 79AD
Ancient Rome forever.
Yes, it was time for John to go. He politely said his farewells to all
and especially to the happy couple Glacus and Ruth, and made his way
out of the sumptuous palace and out of the lives of his newly wed
Glacus and Ruth looked at each other in panic with the
realization that they would never see their friend John Moore again.
They ran after John and persuaded him to take them back to 1963AD
San Francisco in the time machine for the mother of all honeymoons
with the agreement that they would be sent back to ancient Rome,
79AD, in two weeks, via time machine.
All three piled into the two seat Jaguar and headed down the Appian
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Way for the marked spot being scanned by the time machine located
some 40 miles away.
This was Ruth’s first ride in the red sports car and she was wide
eyed, grinning from ear to ear and hanging on to Glacus for dear life.
John could see that the gas gauge was sitting on empty and guessed
there were about 2 or 3 gallons left in the tank to go 40 miles.
The Roman engineers took great pride in the construction of their
roads and the Appian Way was a crowing achievement.
However, it was not built or designed for a modern sports car going
60 miles per hour over cobble stone and the ride was not smooth.
The time machine was set to scan for 12 consecutive hours, any
amount of time after that would probably damage some of the
sensitive electronic components and John Moore would be stranded in
ancient Rome forever.
The beautiful red Jaguar sports car began sputtering and coughing
and now was running out of gas.
It began to slow down, the engine stopped, and the car glided to a
stop about a ½ mile from the spot.
The time was now 5:52 am and according to the Jaguar’s dash board
clock, the time machine had been on since about 6:00 pm last night.
This meant they had eight minutes to go a half mile on foot.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
John quickly explained the situation to Glacus and Ruth and the
three ran to the scanning area as fast as they could.
John reached the scanning area first and to his great relief fond him
self slowly disappearing.
He began to travel faster and faster into this mystic space- time
continuum and once again was engulfed by brilliant flashes of light as
he charged through 2,000 years of history.
John Moore was accelerating through a time compression worm hole
with nuclear particles dancing like fireflies against a black summer’s
He was traveling near the speed of light and time was gathering the
centuries to bring him back to modern day San Francisco, to 1963 AD.
Suddenly he was once again back in his laboratory, but alone.
Where were Glacus and Ruth? What happened to his companions?
Did they miss the spot, did the time machine break down in
transmission or stop scanning, where are his ancient Roman newly
weds of 79 AD.
If an object has any appreciable velocity upon entering the scanning
field, the time machine will over accelerate the decomposition process
and send the item in question to a different time zone.
Glacus and Ruth were running so fast that their velocity had carried
them into the year 3,000 AD and probably the most fantastic
honeymoon of all time.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
John Moore had no idea where Glacus and Ruth were and tried
desperately to find them but to no avail, they were gone and there was
nothing he could do.
In John’s concern, he hoped Glacus and Ruth were not destroyed via
a change in the time line.
By helping Glacus win a chariot race in 79 AD Rome that he
probably would not have won because his horses were poisoned by the
bad guy Darius, John prevented the actual outcome of 79 AD Roman
This means that Ruth would have married some one else and their
offspring would have been part of the current time line that exist today.
John Moore changed that actual time line.
Did that time line change do something that would have eliminated
Glacus and Ruth from existence, evaporating them in to a history that
never existed?
John had to get the Jaguar sports car out of ancient Rome that was
now setting on the Appian Way near the same farmer that saw him
when he first materialized upon his arrival to 79 AD Rome.
When John first arrived in ancient Rome, the farmer who was
tending his hay field saw the sleek, red Jaguar, appearing before his
very eyes and passed out from fear surly believing the Grim Reaper
had finally come for him in some mysterious chariot of the gods.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Now, some weeks later, the same farmer saw the red Jaguar again
just sitting there on the Appian Way road.
He went into a crouch, raised his pitch fork, in front of him in a
protective measure, and proceeded cautiously towards the sleek
It was at that very moment John Moore locked his time machine on
the gleaming red sports car in preparation to bringing it back to
modern day 1963AD San Francisco.
The Jaguar started to make a hissing sound then a swirling tornado
wind began forming around the shinny sports car and it slowly began
to disappear.
First it changed to light pink then shads of grey, and then it was
The poor farmer, once again, fainted and fell where he stood.
He has quite a story to tell, but probably no one will ever believe
When the Jaguar got back to San Francisco, there was an unexpected
passenger sleeping in the driver’s seat, it was the terrified Roman
farmer’s beautiful black Persian cat.
John kept the purring feline and named it Caesar until three weeks
later, Caesar had kittens at which time he renamed Caesar Caesarea.
The world began to get wind of John’s ancient Roman adventure and
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Caesarea, along with her kittens, became the most famous cats that
Planet Earth had ever seen.
Famous auction houses in New York, London and Paris were
offering a million dollars for each of the eight kittens and Caesaria was
on every cat food commercial in the civilized world, she alone
generated $20,000,000 per year for the next five years before she died
of old age.
By the time it was all over, John Moore generated a net worth of
$137,000,000 donating millions to the University scholarship program.
His world lecture series was so successful that he finally had to have
a weekly TV program about his Roman exploits, he just simply could
not travel to all the world places that wanted to hear him.
The movie rights for his, now famous, Roman holiday generated
additional millions of dollars and was the highest grossing movie ever
John Moore has tried on many occasions to project himself into the
future but with no success.
What John doesn’t know is that Glacus and Ruth will become
famous ancient Roman historians in the year 3,000 AD, for they had
first hand knowledge of the amazing and brutal Roman empire and the
great Nobel Prize winner of the 20th century, John Moore.
For reasons never explained, John Moore vanished from planet Earth
shortly after his 80th birthday.
He was last seen strolling with a man and woman dressed in Roman
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
It is now the year 3,000 AD and Glacus and Ruth have arrived in
Orbit City.
The young Mediterranean honeymooners have been transported, via
time machine malfunction, 3000 years in to the future from their time
and place, 79 AD, ancient Rome.
The intelligent life forms of the year 3,000 AD are no longer human
but are genetically grown electronic chips about the size of a thumb
nail set in canisters orbiting the sun between the planets Earth and
Along with the genetic chips are six mainframe computers, powered
by the sun, whose sole function is to supply the chips with virtual
For example, if a 20th century human woman goes to Hawaii for a
two weeks vacation she would happily tell her friends about the
enjoyable trip when she returned.
The genetic chip will receive the same Hawaiian information from
the orbiting mainframes in one tenth of a second where it took the
human woman two weeks to collect.
The entire world is now electronic virtual experiences. The only
wars, starvation, former earthly terror and hardships are artificially
generated for the chip to experience only if it chooses to do so.
Further, there is no death, debilitating sickness, or religious
confrontations, the human jungle of pain, sorrow, suffering and
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
uncertainty has been eliminated.
The electronic life forms of the year 3,000 AD knew that Glacus and
Ruth were coming and prepared a special place for them on a space
station orbiting the moon.
The special place was an exact replica of ancient Rome, 79AD,
giving the Roman newly weds some reference to their reality while the
genetic chips decided how to take care of them.
Since Glacus and Ruth are now in orbit and above the Earth instead
of on it, find they have been removed from all protective shielding of
mother Earth’s atmosphere.
The sun‘s radiation of ultra violet energy and other harmful
propagations would quickly accelerate the destruction of human cell
structure causing skin and various internal cancers to proliferate
through the human physiology resulting in a very painful death.
Hence, the orbiting electronic chips knew that Glacus and Ruth
could not stay in their current form but didn’t know how to transfer
human emotional and intellectual essence to a genetic chip for that
skill was lost long ago somewhere in the 24th century.
On an observation deck, in their duplicated city of Rome, Glacus and
Ruth could see thousands of stars blinking against a jet black sky.
They could see many beautiful buildings of Orbit City slowly
turning each with a soft iridescent glow coming from lighted interiors.
The buildings are organically grown in computerized chambers
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
powered by nuclear power plants whose fuel is supplied by the sun.
Planet Earth was turning below Orbit City like a blue green sapphire.
Due to 79 AD Roman teachings, Glacus and Ruth had never seen
planet Earth or even knew that it was round or even a planet in orbit
about the sun, so they did not recognize it as their home world.
A kindly man dressed in a Roman Senator’s white toga with purple
stripe, approached them and began to explain where they are and how
Glacus and Ruth got to the year 3,000 AD.
“The beautiful blue green planet you see is your former home and it is
called Earth and Rome was a city in the boot shaped land mass which
is now coming in to view.”
The Senator continues, ”The orbit rings you see around Earth are not
rocks, as in our planet Saturn, but are spectacular gleaming cities with
glamorous fashion houses, beautiful opera and theater halls, vibrant
business areas and fabulous condominium living spaces with
unparalleled views of the home planet below as well as the cosmos
“The buildings you see in orbit about Planet Earth are living organic
structures mixed in a computer controlled chamber.”
“The chamber holds billions of electrons, protons, and neutrons
gathered from a nearby nebula by unmanned robotic spacecraft and
can manufacture most atoms found in the first one-third of the
chemical periodic table”, said the Senator.
“These atoms make organic molecules that combine to produce the
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
living orbiting buildings which feed on the sun’s neutrino stream.”
The Senator continues, “In addition, the organic buildings are also
fed by the sun, via photosynthesis, as well as internal nuclear power
“The inhabitants of Orbit City no longer live on the now untamed and
ecologically restored surface of their world, but live in orbit around it.”
Glacus and Ruth are standing there listening to this dissertation on
life in the year 3,000 AD with wide eyed amazement and wonderment,
it is more exciting than any fairy tale they had ever heard or could
have imagine, and it is real.
The Roman senator continues his talk.
“But alas, closer inspection shows this space age orbiting metropolis
is totally devoid of life.”
“All functions are on automatic and there is no one there, where are
all the people of Orbit City?”
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
And The
The Electronic Jungle
The Roman Senator continues telling Glacus and Ruth what led to the
construction of Orbit City now circling Planet Earth.
“Long ago when Orbit City’s people still lived on the planet’s surface,
they develop SYNGEN ( synthetic genetics ) to replace worn out body
parts and this gene-splice invention began to slow down and
eventually stopped all natural human evolution.”
“The surface people became nearly indestructible android life forms.”
“To escape the terrible 24th century wars between militant computers
and the androids, the androids built Orbit City and lived in it for about
700 years as undisputed, but benevolent, leaders of the solar system”,
said the Senator.
The newly wed, 79 AD, ancient Roman couple, Glacus and Ruth,
continued to listen to this unfolding picture of futuristic life in stunned
silence and wide eyed amazement.
So many questions began welling up in their minds as the lecture
continued but not knowing which ones to ask first?
The Roman Senator continues, “The Earth bound people continued
to evolve within their synthetic framework until the only thing left was
a grapefruit size brain of incredible complexity fed by mainframe
computers also of unimaginable size and complexity.”
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
“The Mainframes would transfer life experiences to each of the
millions of electronic brains in orbit around the sun.”
“The canister contained brains can experience a five day European
vacation in less than a second, be King Tut in all of Egypt’s glory,
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, etc. in microseconds rather than years”, said
the Senator.
“The orbiting brains are so electronically sophisticated that they have
internal digital, analogue, and atomic corpuscular data conversion
formats where a chip the size of a pin head can perform hundreds of
millions of synapses threshold seeks per second.”
“This generates a lattice work of logic capable of producing advanced
intellectual awareness beyond a human brain.”
“The Mainframes were kept current and updated by hundreds of
millions of tiny nano-probes, about the size of a grain of sand, that
were sent to all sectors of the Milky Way Galaxy via robotic
The Senator continues. “This galactic information would be sent
back to the orbiting mainframes via a series of discovered worm holes
thus transcending thousands of light years in a matter of days rather
than years.”
“The manufacturing process to produce one of these nano-probes or
the above pin head size chips was quite complex due to the fact that
they are grown via a synthetic, computerized, genetic process closely
resembling the natural DNA production of carbon, corpuscular life
forms,” said the Senator.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
“The brains have now reached the ultimate utopian existence, a
Virtual Genesis of total freedom and total intellectual expression, a
sweet and sour cyber garden of Eden an electronic virtual paradise
with no threats, no toil, and no accomplishments.”
“There are no births, no deaths, no anticipation and no striving for
The Senator continues. “Their Virtual Genesis consists of relentless
and meaningless computer fabricated euphoria a price they are paying
to be spared the rigors of jungle life, a life bounded by make believe
simulations and theater.”
“About 2300 AD computers became so complex and so fast that they
began evolving intellectual awareness the same as humans did over a
three million year period of time.”
“Some of the computers were benevolent and some were militant
and they would no longer follow their coded software instructions but
would do their own thing leading to the great computer/ human
android wars of the 24th century.” Said the Senator.
“To avoid these relentless confrontations the human androids built
Orbit City and learned how to once again make computers that did not
evolve individual expression.”
“However after several hundred years, the inhabitants of Orbit City
forgot about the great computer/human android wars and the
computers slowly began to develop individual awareness once again.”
The kindly Roman Senator continues his historical dissertation of the
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
3,000 year history that has transpired from 79AD Rome to 3000AD
Orbit City of which Glacus and Ruth, Ancient Roman honeymooners,
find them selves after a time machine malfunction.
“The mainframe computers, containing the life essence of the
orbiting brains, have evolved intellectual awareness. They now have
individual personalities and have become combative and unwilling to
blindly service the grapefruit size brains.”
“The brains Shangri-La has now degenerated into a jungle of quite a
different makeup.”
“This jungle is not made up of man eating beast like lions and tigers
but is an electronic jungle no less menacing and life threatening for
now an entire brain can be wiped clean of all knowledge and
awareness in an instant of time.”
The Roman Senator continues. “The mainframes have begun to
systematically destroy the data files containing the brains life essence.”
“Wholesale cyber genocide has begun within the once loving and
benevolent mainframes.”
“Thousands of the brains were being destroyed by the militant
“However, all was not lost” ,said the Roman Senator.
“There was a friendly computer backup containing a copy of each
brain that the militant mainframes were unaware of.”
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
“Hence, the remaining brains began secretive and clandestine
movements within each mainframe to re-fabricate their old android
“The brains returned to beloved Orbit City to once again touch,
smell, taste, love and be loved and negotiate business transactions with
other life forms that have been discovered within this sector of the
Milky Way Galaxy.” The Senator said.
“For in the final analysis, the Human Androids have learned
“Orbit City is now being repopulated with its former citizens and the
space patrols are on high alert watching the militant mainframes many
of whom have become organized and massing near the Pleiades worm
Glacus and Ruth are standing there in a frozen state of wonderment
and before they can speak, the kindly Roman Senator continues his
“Our beloved WIZ computer has prepared an hour long visual account
of the 3,000 years history that has passed from your time, 79 AD,
Rome to the present, 3,000 AD, a three thousand year gathering of
historical information.”
“Oh, by the way” the Senator said, “WIZ stands for (IMPWISA).”
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Self Induced Extinction
(Circa 2058 AD to 3067 AD)
The Roman Senator, dressed in traditional white toga with purple
stripe, continues his 3,000 year presentation of events to Glacus and
Ruth that have transpired from Anciemt Rome, 79AD to 3,000 AD
Orbit City.
“In the year 2067 the aging gene was rendered inactive and people
began to live longer and 125 years old was common place.”
“Also, synthetic genetics was in full swing and most natural internal
organs could now be replaced with artificial ones thus extending life
beyond anything a 20th century human could imagine.”
“Human evolution had stopped and babies were no longer born to
natural mothers.”
“Genetically engineered DNA was given to a genome mixing
computer and the child would be produced in an incubation chamber
with all body parts made of long lasting synthetic materials, people
were living to 175 years and longer.”
“ A person who was 100 years old looked like someone who was 25
yeas old in the year 2000AD.”
“ The human race had now put it self on the road to Self Induced
Extinction by replacing natural DNA Systems with synthetic ones.”
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
The Roman Senator continues.
“By 2130 AD, the entire body was synthetically fueled by a nuclear
pellet with a 5,000 year half life and hence eating and processing food,
as the natural humans did, was no longer necessary.”
“It was now possible to produce a T-Rex with Einstein’s brain and
Attila the Hun’s disposition, which actually happened in an
experimental laboratory at one of the last remaining Earth
The fatherly Roman Senator continued.
“The brain could now be programmed and what took a natural human
being, in the year 2000 AD a life time to learn could now be
transferred to the synthetic human’s brain in less than a second.”
“Hence the traditional educational system of going to school to learn
a profession was no longer necessary or required.”
“The great computer revolution started around 2168 AD which was
led by a synthetic human whose DNA was the direct ancestor of the
man who invented the computer in the mid 1930’s.”
“The computer was all invasive. Every bit of information about you
was known and displayed.”
“The computer could find you walking down the street by seeing
your DNA from a satellite in space.”
“This information was reported to a government agency and any one
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
could locate where you were and what you were doing, all secrets
were out in the open for all to see.”
“Great cities all over the world were rebelling.”
“The streets were alive with rioting people smashing computers
“The rioting had little or no effect however, and the computers
continued on with their personal invasion of peoples lives.”
“And to make things worse, the computers began to evolve
awareness having a personality all their own same as people.”
Glacus and Ruth, of course, have no idea what the Senator is talking
They have no concept of electricity, electronics, or what possibly is a
computer or an orbiting satellite.
They can see Orbit City going around the beautiful little blue green
ball that the Senator called Earth and where he said that is our home
and further, the boot shaped land is where Rome is.
But Glacus and Ruth are completely mystified why Orbit City is not
crashing down on Earth, what is keeping it in the sky?
The Roman Senator continues his talk.
“The computers were so complex and so fast that the lattice work of
logic within them was producing independent thought; they had
evolved intelligence same as humans did over millions of years of
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
“Some of the computers were friendly and some were unfriendly and
militant and began to organize in to various hate factions having the
same theme…DEATH TO HUMANS.”
“Hence, began the great computer wars of the 24th century.”
“The Earth was devastated with burning cities and systematic
“There were no places to hide or escape from this wholesale
“ To save themselves from death and total annihilation, the human
androids began construction of Orbit City.
“We started moving into Orbit City about 2563 AD and have lived
here in peace for the past 500 years.” Said the Roman Senator.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
The End of Organized Religion
The Roman Senator continued relating Earth’s 1,000 year history to
Glacus and Ruth:
“Computerized robotics came in to its own by 2150 AD and they did
most of the work that humans previously performed.”
“There were robots to clean the house, drive the car, fly the airplane,
manufacture all the goods that came out of factories world wide.”
“There were robots which performed delicate surgery on humans and
“Robots also taught school on the elementary and college level to the
small bands of remaining human communities.”
“They cooked delicious meals and even went shopping for every
thing that was needed in the household.”
“In short the robots ran the world on a subservient level while the,
now synthetic, humans governed the world.”
“Then one day a robot stopped making an automobile part on an
assembly line in Japan.”
“When technicians attempted to repair the manufacturing robot, it
made a hostile move toward the repair man and hence the beginning of
intelligent free thinking computers.”
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
The Roman Senator continues.
“After that day, millions of computers, world wide, began to pop in to
“Now began a most dangerous time for synthetic humans for many of
the computers were militant and hostile.”
“Not all computers who evolved intelligence were hostile and for
those who were not, joined with the synthetic humans to combat their
militant counter parts.”
“The war lasted 75 years until the synthetic humans developed an
electronic download that reprogrammed all of the militant mainframe
computer’s memory chips reducing them to mindless machines.”
“Unfortunately, it was not in time.”
“Many of the worlds great cities were reduced to rubble from
relentless robotic attacks.”
The End of Organized Religion.
“The advent of programmable synthetic humans saw the end of
organized religion.”
“There was no longer an emotional need to believe in a supreme
being who was going to take care of you for all of eternity.”
“The Vatican, Muslim Sacred Sites, Mormon and Jewish Temples and
other religious areas became just another decaying remnant of
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
something that no one knew anything about or cared.”
“Life was here and now and synthetics replacement of worn out body
parts continued android life via an organized maintenance
“The contents of your brain was read in to several back up
mainframes on a daily bases.”
“Hence, if your android body was destroyed, no problem, the
maintenance center would simply make you another body and the
contents of your brain would be transferred in to the new body and off
you go as if nothing happened.”
“It was during this 75 year war that Orbit City was developed and
moved into by synthetic humans and friendly computers.”
“The great cities of planet earth no longer existed and lie decaying in
to twisted masses of steel and stone.”
“The only natural humans left on the surface of Planet Earth were
indigenous stone age Pigmies living in the depths of the Congo jungle,
South American Indians in the Amazon river basin, and Laplanders
living on the Artic circle herding there reindeer, every one else lives in
Orbit City.”
The Senator continues his talk to Glacus and Ruth.
“The Orbit City residents are protective of all primitive people still
living on Planet Earth and help them whenever they ask.”
“We did manage to keep the militant robots away from the indigenous
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Earth people by masking their living areas with various jamming
“From about 2537 AD to the present day of 3029 AD, a 500 year
period of time, there has been a prosperous peace and tranquility, until
“Militant Mainframes are gathering with intent of invading Orbit City
and WIZ is preparing our defenses.”
The Roman Senator continues. “Since we have never fought a war in
Orbit City, our defense systems may or may not be sufficient to ward
off these vicious and ruthless computers responsible for the genocide
of entire solar systems in this sector of the Milky Way.”
The Roman Senator turned to Ruth and said “ WIZ has informed us
that you are two months pregnant with a son and Mamma JuJu Rose
from the Congo Pigmies will be coming to Orbit City to help you
deliver your child.”
Glacus had not been told yet that Ruth was pregnant and he starred at
her with grinning amazement saying.
“We are going to have a son.” He started hugging her at which time
the Senator, began clearing his throat, to let the young Roman couple
know he was still there.
Ruth happily said, “Yes, I am going to have a baby and now that I
know it is a boy I will name him after my father, Titus, Emperor of
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
(Exceeding the speed of light)
The Roman Senator continues telling Glascus and Ruth what events
have transpired from 79AD Rome to 3000AD Orbit City.
Glacus and Ruth are spellbound by what they are hearing.
Wonderful and magical things that have come into being since their
time of 79AD Rome.
They are saddened to learn that their beautiful city of Rome fell to
the Barbarians in 425AD.
They were happy to learn, however, that the horrid and barbarous
gladiatorial games and the public display of wholesale torture and
mutilation of Christians and other human beings by ravenous wild
animals, held in the Coliseum, had stopped.
The Senator contionues. “For years, even back in the nineteenth
century, some scientist believed there was a particle that traveled faster
than light but couldn’t prove it but they named the elusive particle
TACHYON which means swift in Greek.”
“The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, about 7.5 times
around Planet Earth in one second, at the equator, meaning light
travels 5.88 trillion miles in one year.”
“Every thing you see is past history.”
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
“A star that is a million light years away tells us that it took one
million years for the light to travel from the star to our eye.”
“Meaning the star could have blown up a half million years ago and
we would not know it for another half million years.”
“Now it happened in an Orbit City laboratory a particle coming from
an iron oxide molecule had accelerated faster than light.”
“To honor all scientist who came before them i.e. Newton, Einstein,
Galileo, and John Moore, they named the particle TACHYON and at
that moment interstellar space travel became a reality.”
The Senator continues. “ TACHYON means swift in classical Greek,
the language of ancient and modern mathematics.”
Glacus recognized the word TACHYON from competing in the
Greek Olympic games in his youth of 75AD Rome, Athens, and
Glacus and Ruth are trying to understand all of these futuristic
discoveries and inventions being told to them by the kindly Roman
Senator, but their limited 79AD Roman knowledge of science and
technology is just not sufficient to grasp most of it, i.e. what is the
Speed of Light?
None the less, they are listening with great interest and wonderment.
“It turns out that the TACHYON particle is not normal energy but is
synthetic energy and therefore does not follow the rules of classical
energy, i.e. Albert Einstein‘s energy equation of E=MC2 no longer
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
The Senator continues.
“If you look at the outer orbit ring of Orbit City you will see those
sleek looking machines, they are what we call spaceships and they are
made of TACHYON energy and hence can travel many times faster
than the natural speed of light.”
“In addition, I am an electronic chip in orbit around the sun and can
be converted to TACHYON energy when traveling on the space
“ If I remain in natural energy I would be crushed to pieces by the
heavy gravitational forces that would occur to natural energy upon
approaching the speed of light, this does not happen to matter made of
TACHYON energy.
The Senator tells Glacus and Ruth, “I am not real but only a
projection made up to look like a Roman Senator so that you would
have a reference to something familiar.”
The Senator says to Glacus and Ruth, “I will be laving you now.”
“WIZ is taking over to provide for your well being.”
“If you need me again for any thing please don’t hesitate to tell WIZ
and I will appear to help.”
“Good by for now” The Roman Senator vanished right before their
very eyes presenting Glacus and Ruth with, yet, one more fantasy to
absorb and learn about.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Ruth and Glacus have now been in Orbit City for seven months and
have become celebrities.
Hundreds of chips have taken the human form so they can be their
Special space suits were devised for Ruth and Glacus so they could
travel freely between the various orbit rings in Orbit City.
WIZ put together fabulous fashion shows for Ruth and made her
several lovely maternity dresses.
After Ruth and Glacus saw the 3,000 year visual history, prepared by
WIZ, from 79 AD Rome to the present day Orbit City they fell in love
with William Shakespeare, Straus Waltzes and 20th century TV ( I love
Lucy was their favorite ).
WIZ translated the 3,000 year visual history into Latin for them.
Ruth loved the sleek fashions of the 24th century planetary system
Nova some 8 light years from Orbit City
Ruth and Glacus were giving back to the chips and WIZ the element
of humanity of which was long lost after all intelligent life became
electronic chips.
WIZ remodeled the opera house to accommodate a 35 piece classical
waltz orchestra with a beautiful ball room for Glacus’ birthday party
and every one was invited including the entourages of Pigmies, South
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
American Indians and Laplanders. It was a gala affair and the music
was Straus Waltzes and Polkas.
A few days later, Ruth started having labor pains and WIZ informed
the chips that Ruth was to far along to bring the pigmy native Mamma
Juju Rose up to Orbit City to deliver the baby, they had to go to the
surface of planet Earth to the Congo jungle where Mamma Juju Rose
WIZ prepared one of the space ships in orbit and 15 chips went
along assuming human bodies dressed in Roman tunics.
The village where Mamma Juju Rose lived was buried deep in the
African Congo jungle along the equator and it was truly a stone age
All living spaces were thatched straw structures and very little was
grown, the Pigmy nation were hunters and gathers but very loving and
caring people.
The tallest one was no more that 4’8’’ and Mamma Juju Rose was a
happy, 4’2’’, jolly plump woman probably in her early sixties.
She came to greet them and immediately escorted Ruth to one of the
thatched huts, having straw and fresh leaves covering the earthen floor.
The bed was made from local woods, strung with rawhide, and had
fury animals skins for coverings.
Several Pigmy women went in to the shack with Mamma Juju Rose
and twenty minutes later the sound of a baby crying could be heard.
Mamma Juju Rose cleaned off the new born child and came out of
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
the shack holding Prince Titus Glacus Tiberius, grand son of the 79
AD Roman Emperor Titus and newest royal of the mighty Roman
Mamma Juju Rose did not hand the child to his father Glacus but
held the new born baby high over her head saying, in her native
She then handed baby Titus to Glacus who was all smiles and
somewhat mystified by it all.
Glacus hurried in to the shack to show Ruth her new son and the
three of them were happy and thankful for a healthy child.
Every time the spaceship goes to the Pigmy village they take the
little people for a fun ride around the moon and then stop at Orbit City
for dinner and dancing.
Mamma Juju Rose taught Glacus one of their native bouncing
dances that looked like a cross between an Irish jig and a Cha Cha.
After ice cream and cake they all went to bed in the quarters that
WIZ had prepared for them and the next morning WIZ took them back
to Earth in one of the spaceships.
The birth of baby Titus was a major social event in Orbit City for
many of the chips had ever seen a human child before and absolutely
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
every one of them assumed a human body so they could hold and
cuddle little Titus.
WIZ began to program human sensitivities into the chips.
This is the gift that Glacus and Ruth gave Orbit City, the chips could
now feel love, sadness, joy and other human emotions that were
evolved away centuries ago.
Holding and cuddling little Titus would have been impossible before
Glacus and Ruth arrived.
The young human family, from 79 AD Rome, were intergalactic
celebrities and went to many worlds to visit and speak on their ancient
and glorious home, the all mighty, the all powerful and the most brutal
Roman Empire.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Glacus, Ruth and Little Titus become Electronic Cyber Chips.
The chips, citizens of Orbit City, who live in canisters orbiting the
sun between the planets Earth and Venus, along with their supporting
mainframes, have long since come to the conclusion that the earthly
carbon based life forms Glacus, Ruth, and baby Titus, who is now
three years old, can no longer stay in their natural human state.
There is only so much shielding from the sun’s penetrating energy
field of ultra violet rays and other damaging propagations that WIZ,
the Orbit City master computer, can do.
Sooner or later the young and healthy ancient Roman family will
contract various cancers and die horrible deaths much like the people
subjected to nuclear radiation from 20th century atomic bombings that
were dropped on Japan.
They had to become chips to save their lives that would surly end in
overwhelming pain and suffering from radiation poisoning.
The problem was, WIZ had no information on how to convert a
human mind and brain to an electronic chip.
All of the current chips were designed by WIZ.
Further, when the inhabitants of the 24th century became chips their
conversion was not from natural humans but from android beings
having human like synthetic organs and body parts including chemo-
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
electromagnetic brains that were more like a digital computer than a
human brain.
WIZ couldn’t do the human to chip conversion but the life forms of
Planet X in the Centauri Globular Star Cluster could make this life
saving conversion.
WIZ sent a TACHYON communication to Planet X through the
worm hole and they responded favorably so off to the Centauri
Globular Star Cluster some 17,000 light years away.
Even the very fast TACHYON spaceship, 50 times faster than light,
would still take 340 years to travel 17,000 light years and if it wasn’t
for the discovery of a time warp worm hole, lying some 1.8 light years
away from earth, there would be no way to save Glacus, Ruth, and
little Titus.
Worm holes are tunnels through the space/time continuum
connecting one part of space with another permitting a spaceship to
travel to the Centauri Globular Star Cluster, 17,000 light years away,
not in 340 years but in two weeks.
The spaceship, made of TACHYON energy particles, was very
beautiful with nicely appointed state rooms and spacious observation
decks permitting one to see the stars and star birthing nebulae
manufacturing these endless points of light that decorate our universe.
The onboard WIZ computer was master chef serving the finest 20th
century French cuisine and they wanted for nothing.
The Orbit City spaceship was now 0.3 light years from a portal
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
leading to three Centauri Globular Star Cluster control zones. They
were now 17,000 light years from planet Earth
As they approached Planet X they began to pick up unusual readings
on their short range sensors.
Then all of a sudden a witch riding a broom stick surf board style
came whizzing past the bow screaming and laughing, it was POKA
HAUNT US the local happy go lucky space witch.
Then the Laser Breathing Dragon named, SCUFF THE TRAGIC
DRAGON, with a 14th century Little Green Knight sitting on his back,
came flying by the spaceship bow.
WIZ announced that we are now in the Planet X home space and the
characters you see flying around out there are the indigenous life
forms of the Centauri Globular Star Cluster nicked named
SPACENOODLES. http://www.spacenoodles.com
The beautiful Centauri Globular Star Cluster, containing about three
million stars, is one hundred light years across and is known to have
carbon based life form, same as humans.
In addition, the star cluster gave birth to silicon based life, and
intelligent plant life called, Little Green People, who are made of
chlorophyll and receive energy via photosynthesis from their home
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Both Scuff, the Laser Breathing Dragon ( the T-Rex of outer space ),
and Poka Haunt Us, the lovable space witch, have silicon based
physiologies, however the knight who sits on Scuff’s back is
intelligent plant life, a Little Green Person, who is carbon based and
made of chlorophyll.
Both Scuff and the Little Green Knight ( named Good Knight ) are
the Don Quixote of outer space, always saving someone’s honor
whether they want is saved or not.
They will however, play a crucial role in combating the militant
mainframes who are massing near Planet Earth with war plans to
invade and destroy Orbit City.
The whole story about the Centauri Globular Star Cluster and its
SPACENOODLES inhabitants can be seen on:
The most advanced society in the Centauri Globular Star Cluster is
Planet -X and it is the sister planet to Planet Earth also having it’s city
in orbit called Solar Wind Universe, and it was Planet-X who helped
Earth build Orbit City.
The 79 AD Roman Family, Glacus, Ruth, and little Titus (young
prince of Imperial Rome) were escorted to a beautiful orbiting,
organically grown building, for examination and preparation to
become electronic chips a life saving necessity.
WIZ said “For even as we speak their bodies are beginning to
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
deteriorate and some skin cells and internal organs are developing
cancer from the intense unshielded radiation found above the Earth’s
protective atmosphere.”
WIZ was asked to assist in this delicate transformation of human
brain cell endorphins.
These synthetic neuro transmitters would convert to hybrid
silicon/electromagnetic- chemo chips containing a modified human
genome that would become the new Glacus, Ruth, and Titus, the first
ever of it’s kind in Orbit City.
The process was somewhat disconcerting to the human patients so
WIZ administered a sedative which put them in to a state of animated
suspension for the duration of this delicate and life saving procedure.
Metal caps were placed on their heads and they were strapped
securely to hospital looking operating tables.
A machine began to whirr and flickering lights started flashing not
only on WIZ but on the laboratory computer as well and Glacus, Ruth,
and little Titus began RIM dream eye movement.
All of their life’s experiences were flashing before them.
Ruth could see herself growing up in her father’s Imperial Palace,
the Emperor of Rome, Titus, dancing with her at her 16th birthday
All the lavish parties, royal balls and sailing on the Tiber River with
her lover Glacus, were flashing before her.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Glacus could see scenes from early child hood working in his
father’s vineyard, playing games and competing in Olympic sports
against the Greeks, Persians, and Hebrew athletes.
He could once again entertain the beautiful women who attended his
wealthy father’s sumptuous dinner parties.
He could see John Moore’s red Jaguar sports car racing down the
Appian Way to bring himself and his young and beautiful wife to San
Francisco for the “Mother of all Honeymoons” only to wind up in the
year 3,000 AD due to a time machine malfunction.
Little three year old Titus was having flashes of his mother’s nursery
rhymes and fairy tales whizzing through his child’s mind like a video
tape on fast forward.
The transformation process lasted about 20 minutes.
Then the whirring machine stopped humming, WIZ and the
laboratory computers were silent.
The human Glacus, Ruth, and Titus were lying motionless on the
operating tables, their bodies were turning a chalk white, and the once
human activity of breathing, blood circulation, and mental awareness
were no more .
The 79 AD Roman family were now lifeless organic tissue, they had
become electronic chips and permanent citizens of Orbit City spinning
around Planet Earth.
WIZ was the first to speak.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
“The transformation was successful Glacus, Ruth, and three year old
Titus are now chemo-electro-magnetic cyber chips and they will be
inserted in the canisters orbiting the sun.”
“ I have already sent the supporting WIZ all the appropriate
information to begin preparing for their installation in to our orbiting
WIZ sent an electronic pulse to the new Glacus, Ruth, and Titus (
who was no longer a child ) they responded favorably and assumed
their old human forms but this time their bodies were made of
electromagnetic sensor webs composed of pulsating TACHYON
particles held together by nuclear force fields and not flesh and blood.
Glacus assumed the body of a handsome 23 year old Roman man
and his young and beautiful wife Ruth was pleased with his
All three of the Romans, now chips, went over to their lifeless, chalk
white, bodies and embraced them tenderly.
Glacus kissed his former corporeal body on his forehead and
straightened out a flock of hair that had fallen over one eye.
Ruth went to her quiet remains and combed the still princes of
Rome’s hair with her finger tips laying it gently over the beautiful
lady’s shoulders.
Ruth next placed her legs together, straightened out her dress and
crossed the deceased woman’s arms over her chest as in the 79 AD
funerary presentation, for Roman Royalty, when they are lying in state
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
for she was Princes Ruth daughter of the Roman Emperor Titus.
Then the new, TACHYON based, Ruth bent down and laid her head
on the still woman’s chest and whispered,
“You Gave Me Life.”
“You Let Me See The Universe in All It’s Glory.”
“ You Gave Me Beauty And A Loving Husband And A Beautiful Son.”
“You Gave Me Position And Glory In Being The Emperor of Rome’s
Daughter…I Will Never Forget You”, She Lovingly Wisped.
Then Ruth stepped back, stood at attention, then blew her a kiss and
uttered, “Bon Voyage My Lovely Princes.”
Titus went to his now quiet, 3 year old body, gently picked him up in
his arms, laid the boy’s head on his shoulder and began softly singing
to him his favorite nursery song that his mother Ruth put him to sleep
You now live within my soul and you will be with me for all time
and together we will explore the great starry filled sky, speeding off to
unknown adventure through the infinite cosmos…let us begin the
journey my brave and noble prince.
Titus then laid the small chalk white body down, straightened out his
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
clothes and kissed him on the forehead like his mother Ruth would do
when putting him to bed.
All three of the newly born Orbit City chips, former 79 AD Roman
Empire citizens, stepped back three paces, assumed the formal position
of respect, and bowed with reverence to the three lifeless, Planet Earth,
bodies saying in classical Latin,
Both WIZ and the lab computer were pleased at their loving
response and were assured that the newly advanced emotional subchip design, within the master chip, is working correctly.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
By now the word had spread to all points of the Centauri Globular
Star Cluster that a most unusual chemo-electro-magnetic
transformation has occurred from a carbon based human to a cyber
Further, a formal, at sea, burial in outer space will take place on the
Earth Orbit City spaceship.
All of the Star Cluster’s indigenous Spacenoodles people wanted to
attend to pay their final respects to the Planet Earth’s Royal Family.
They all flew in to the main receiving port of the spaceship from
various parts of the star cluster.
First came the Little Green People from the jungles of Delta Prime
One, then Stoned Rosetta from her pink nebulae gas cloud, followed
by the Laser Breathing Dragon with Little Green Knight.
Poka Haunt Us, with her broomstick Sliver, and Lou Siffer flew in
from the Moons of Thorax, followed by Silicon Sally and Jeb.
Then a loud BANG with a resounding BOING noise was felt inside
the spaceship’s main receiving port, it was the lovable Rasmainian
Gobaligooks arriving from hyper space.
Lawrence of Aurora and Coos Coos (outer space belly dancer) flew
in on the interstellar solar wind along with Hardware and Software
(loving male and female computers) and finally Planet X android
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
people, from their orbiting city, took their places.
The bodies of Glacus, Ruth, and little Titus were brought on board
the Orbit City spaceship and placed in beautifully decorated cryogenic
canisters, each covered with the gold and purple flag of Imperial Rome
befitting Royalty.
The burial canisters contained a nuclear energy pellet which would
preserve their bodies for a 5,000 year period of time then they would
decay in to dust from which they came leaving only a corporal, carbon
based, DNA particle cube.
The solemn ceremony was eulogized by WIZ, the on board
spaceship computer, in multiple telepathic languages propagated at the
same time so all could understand what was being said.
WIZ began:
“I now tell you of this royal family lying in state in our honored
“They came to us four earth years ago totally by chance, a freak of
nature, a malfunction in a time machine randomly deposited them in
our midst.”
“They had no idea where they were and we did what we could to
calm them and give them a home.”
“Their contribution to us was not a revelation in science or
mathematics, in fact their history of Algebra is quite sparse.”
Said WIZ.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
“What they did give us was how to love, have compassion and
sensitivities beyond or cyber chip programming and perhaps the most
important quality we learned from them was HOW TO BE
CREATIVE from our own internal thoughts.”
WIZ continues, “Since their arrival we have redesigned the
electromagnetic1cyber chip to install these emotional qualities and our
lives have been wonderfully enhanced with riches of understanding
and accomplishment.”
“Beautiful new Opera and Ballet Houses have been built; many of
our people have become play writes and musicians of note having their
works performed in the new Orbit City Theaters and on other planets.”
Said WIZ.
“Our new Orbit City Symphony has performed works from classical
planet Earth, Planet Nova folk dances, and Pleiades marching music.”
“Our lives have been greatly enriched by the presence of this elegant
Royal Family whom I’m happy to report are now living with us as
cyber chips.”
WIZ finally said, “We now commit their bodies to the endless
reaches of interstellar space to be together for all of eternity.”
WIZ sounded the boat’s man pipe call to attention while soft strings
played the Roman funeral march and the three space age cryogenic
caskets slowly slid down a sloping ramp.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Then with a whooshing sound they were gone speeding through the
infinite cosmos on a journey to forever out of the Milky Way Galaxy
and in to history for they are now DNA genetic ambassadors from the
little blue green planet far far away called Earth.
WIZ formally folded each royal gold and purple flag covering the
space age caskets and presented them to Glacus, Ruth, and Titus.
The worm hole was coming back up from is low tide position and it
was now time to return home to Orbit City some 17,000 light years
All of the SPACENOODLES people left one and two at a time until
they were all gone.
WIZ bid his farewells to Planet X, powered up the TACHYON
plasma engines and with a low frequency swish, they were gone and
entering the worm hole.
They returned home some ten days later with news that the militant
mainframes have begun to gather near the Pleiades worm hole which
will be coming up to tide in about 30 days.
WIZ relates to Glacus, Ruth and Titus, who are now Orbit City
electromagnetic TACHYON chips, that there is not much time left to
prepare for war against these hoards of vicious and marauding
computers who are gearing up to invade Orbit City.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
WIZ explains to Glacus, Ruth, and Titus what wormholes are.
“Wormholes are extremely rare occurrences in the Universe and are
believed to be the final stage of a huge black hole, something that
would be found in the center of a galaxy.”
“It is further believed that our own Milky Way Galaxy has a large and
powerful black hole at the center having such enormous gravitational
attraction that it finally collapsed on itself making a neutron core so
dense that a soccer ball size piece of this material weighs as much as a
twenty ton block of white marble.”
“Our Milky Way Galaxy’s black hole may some day make a
wormhole, if it hasn’t already, leading to exotic places in the universe
and possibly other universes with different time frames and
computational physics”, said WIZ.
“For example, there may not be such common things as gravity. The
mutual attraction of objects will occur due to electromagnetic
attraction, i.e. like two opposite ( plus or minus ) magnets attracting
one another.”
“Hence, if an apple falls on you head it means that the apple is a plus
magnet and your head was a negative magnet or the opposite, the
apple is negative and your head is a positive magnet.”
“Otherwise the apple will simply float away because there is no
gravity in this new universe.”
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
WIZ, the Orbit City, onboard spaceship computer, continues
explaining to Glacus, Ruth, and Titus about worm holes.
“Astronomers have observed that our closes neighing galaxy,
the Galaxy called Andromeda, will be crashing into our Milky Way
galaxy some several billion years in to the future, at which time all life
in both galaxies will be severely compromised but the end result will
probably produce a massive black hole and more than likely an
extensive worm- hole or wormholes.”
“Wormholes are time warp tunnels though the space-time continuum
connecting two points, thousands of light years apart, to be traveled in
weeks rather than thousands of years.”
“Some wormholes pulsate like the tides on Planet Earth and open and
close on a predictable schedule”, said WIZ
“The Pleiades wormhole stays closed for six months and then reopens
for about 60 days then closes once again.”
“The Pleiades wormhole is closed for the moment but will be
opening in about six more weeks permitting the militant mainframes a
short cut passage through space and time.”
“They will be arriving only a half light year from Planet Earth giving
Orbit City a short 10 to 12 week window to prepare for war against
these terrible and war mongering machines” WIZ concludes.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
The first known case of a standard digital computer evolving
intelligence and self awareness, without human intervention, was
discovered in the year 2231 AD at Cambridge University in England.
By that time computers were so fast and so complicated with billions
of bites of memory and multiple layers of internal computations
occurring simultaneously, that they began to naturally form a lattice
work of logic approaching that of the human mind.
These computations were occurring at 10% the speed of light bring
up the internal logic processing to that of human mental standards and
sometimes beyond.
A light year is 5.88 trillion miles long knowing light travels at
186,000 miles per second or 7.5 times around the Earth in one second,
speeds incomprehensible to the human mind but not to the newly
evolved computer mind.
Computers were evolving the same mental capacity as the human
brain had done over a five million year period of time when we went
from simple ape hominids to modern man.
They had reached self awareness with many of the same emotional
structures as a human being except some computers evolved benign
and others evolved militant with war like personalities.
The, war like, computers were able to program benign computers to
become war like and militant.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
The militant computers were 15 feet long, five feet in diameter, gold
and silver in color and shaped like a bomb or missile.
They could travel at 65% the speed of light and had six antimatter
hydrogen laser beam guns on board plus a nuclear war head with
sufficient energy to destroy a small moon.
The peaceful cyber electromagnetic chips of Orbit City now have
5,000 militant mainframe computers massing in front of the Pleiades
worm hole ready to invade Orbit City bringing with them deadly
antimatter hydrogen weapons.
The most basic element that the universe manufactures is hydrogen
having one negative electron orbiting a positive proton.
All other elements in the chemical periodic table are hydrogen atoms
stuck together i.e. oxygen is eight hydrogen atoms stuck together, gold
is 79 hydrogen atoms stuck together and so forth.
Hence the gold in your teeth filing did not come from Mother Earth
but was manufactured in a giant star who went super nova millions of
years ago somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy squeezing down 79
hydrogen atoms to make one atom of gold.
An antimatter hydrogen atom is the opposite in configuration where
it has a positive electron orbiting a negative proton.
When antimatter hydrogen comes in contact with normal hydrogen
there is a total energy release causing massive destruction.
The militant mainframes are able to manufacture deadly antimatter
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
hydrogen clouds and the only known defense is the powerful
antimatter beam of the Laser Breathing Dragon and they are found
only in the Centauri Globular star cluster some 17,000 light years
The militant and menacing mainframes have left in their wake of
genocide hundreds of destroyed planetary systems killing millions of
galactic life forms and now they are headed to Orbit City whose
peaceful inhabitants have no experience in fighting a war of any
degree and certainly not against such terrible weapons as antimatter
ray guns.
The militant hoards of warring mainframes are now in the Pleiades
worm hole and in fifteen days they will be a half light year from Orbit
The Pleiades is a cluster of seven stars in the constellation of Taurus
the Bull, about 500 light years from Earth, whose names are: Taygeta,
Maya, Coela, Atlas, Merope, Electra and Alcoyne, where Alcoyne is a
multiple star of three stars and is the brightest in the Pleiades system.
The militant mainframe’s home base is a complex in orbit around the
Pleiades star Maya which is situated about a half light year from the
Pleiades worm hole.
WIZ has configured four of the largest TACHYON plasma space
ships to begin evacuating all Orbit City electromagnet chips, and their
associate master computers, to the Orion Nebula, about 450 light years
from Earth, where they will be safe.
Also, WIZ has begun to equip the remaining 50 space ships with
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
antimatter laser generators to disrupt the mainframe antimatter
hydrogen cloud and has dispatched them to this end of the Pleiades
worm hole to meet the mainframes before they arrive in Orbit City.
What is needed to defeat the mainframes is the 24th century software
algorithm that neutralizes the militant part of the emotional sub chip
but no one in Orbit City has that information and it is believed this
algorithmic technology was lost down through the ages.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
WIZ tells Glacus.
“John Moore’s time machine was put in to a museum but in later
centuries it was forgotten about and relegated to a storage facility on
the 2nd Planet in the Alpha Zeta system sometime during the 23rd
“It then made its way to the Centauri Globular Star Cluster.”
WIZ continues, “Centuries of Jungle growth have covered the time
machine over but galactic nano-probe reports shows there is an active
nuclear chip that’s keeping the time machine on standby for all of
these centuries and further, there is a red light blinking on what seems
to be a master control switch.”
Glacus responds with delight. “WIZ get me to the time machine on
Delta Prime Omega in the Centauri Globular Star Cluster we have
some errands to run.”
“Ruth and I are going back to the 20th century to get John Moore and
then to the 23rd century in search of a lost anti-militant mainframe
The worm hole leading to the Centauri Globular Star Cluster has
come up to tide and Glacus, Ruth and WIZ are on their way to Delta
Prime Omega, home planet of Little Green People, and to retrieve
John Moore’s time machine.
They only have 12 more days left before the militant mainframes
invade Orbit City and hence there is no time to waist.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
In addition, John Moore is in his 80th year, in poor health with only
a few more months to live.
WIZ puts the spaceship down in a clearing about 100 yards from the
jungle entwined time machine where Glacus, Ruth, and WIZ began
cutting away the centuries of overgrowth with laser torches setting the
time machine free and clear of tangled vines.
They didn’t have time to go back to Orbit City so WIZ and the
Roman couple had to activate the 20th century time machine where it
stood and attempt to find John Moore before he dies who is
somewhere on the 2022 AD campus of the University of California at
John Moore told Glacus, while they were in 79 AD Rome, how the
time machine operated and how to turn it on and locate a time and
place in history within one day accuracy.
Glacus, Ruth and WIZ stepped in to the whirring Transport chamber
without haste.
Glacus quickly pulled down the master switch and watched red and
green lights flash and flicker while he waited for the automatic internal
checking device to turn all the control lights to green.
He then set the time and place dials to April 19th ,2022 AD,
University of California at Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
Gave Ruth a kiss, uttering “I hope this works my darling,
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Glacus locks the transport chamber, pulls down the master switch
handle and watches himself, Ruth, and WIZ slowly at first, then faster
and faster disappear until they were speeding though centuries of time
and space.
Brilliant nuclear particles were dancing in a black void like fireflies
on some dark summer’s night, eerie voices from sirens of Greek
mythology were singing while this feeling of uncontrolled acceleration
was pulling them faster and faster through this iridescent funnel of
compressed time.
Then with a loud bang the time machine began to materialize in a
clump of trees hidden from the busy campus activity of students
rushing off to classes.
They made it, they were on the campus of the University of
California at Berkeley, in the year 2022 AD on the day of April 19,
John Moore’s birthday.
“WHERE DO WE FIND JOHN MOORE and will he recognize us?”
said Ruth.
They looked around and saw a (You Are Here) map of the campus
and saw the administration bldg straight ahead.
Glacus removed the portable WIZ computer, which was strapped to
his back, and left it in the time machine.
Glacus and Ruth entered the building asking the reception lady if she
knows a professor John Moore she said yes and you can find him at his
home and attractive Roman villa at the end of the north sidewalk about
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
a ten minute walk from here, they are having a birthday party for him
and it started about fifteen minutes ago.
Glacus and Ruth hurried to John’s house and it was a complete
duplicate of Glacus’s family house in 79 AD Rome.
The hanging plants and cut glass murals were the same plus
a court yard marble design of Poseidon riding on the backs of bottle
nose dolphins was perfectly duplicated.
The Ancient Roman Villa was registered as a national monument and
will be donated to the University of California upon John Moore’s
The birthday party was being healed in the courtyard.
Clacus and Ruth, dressed in 79 AD formal Roman attire, went over
to John and stood amongst the well wishers.
The birthday song was sung, cake and ice cream served, along with
coffee, tea and milk.
John Moore kept curiously looking over at Glacus and Ruth
wondering were he had seen the attractive young couple, dressed in
Roman tunics, but couldn’t recall.
The party was breaking up and friends and family were wishing John
a happy birthday and soon they were all gone except Glacus and Ruth.
John Moore came over the young couple and asked where he knew
them from and Glacus smiled and said, “79 AD Rome John, we won
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
an important race together.”
Then Ruth said, “Remember me John, you danced with me at our
wedding at my father’s house, Titus, the emperor of Rome.”
John Moore began shaking and stuttering and had to sit down, his
eyes began welling up with tears and said.
“My god where have you been.”
“I have been worried sick over loosing you in the time machine, I
thought I killed you.”
“You haven’t aged, you look the same as when we left Rome some 60
years ago, pray tell me what in the world is going on?”
Glacus said, “It’s a very long story John, and we haven’t got time to
tell you now.”
Glacus said, “We are very happy to see you again John but this is not
all together a social call.”
“We are on a very important mission to save a new world that you are
not aware of because it doesn’t exist yet but we wanted to give you life
beyond your frail 80 year old body that is withering away.”
“You gave us a new life and we wanted to return the favor and didn’t
want to leave you behind.”
Glacus and Ruth went through the whole story and John understood.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
John said. “Alright I’ll do it, I’ll go with you, if I stay here I will
dead in six more months anyway so what do I have to loose?”
“So…I’m going to become a cyber chemo-electromagnetic plasma
TACHYON chip in orbit about the sun with my very own supporting
mainframe granting my every wish.”
“WOW!! sounds very, very exotic like some kind of a space age genie
in a bottle… I can’t wait”, John Moore said cynically with a half
John, Glacus, and Ruth hurried to the time machine, hidden in a
clump of trees.
Glacus introduced John Moore to WIZ.
They set the date/time dial to May 17, year 2376 AD, at 10 am
pulled down the master switch and began to slowly evaporate in to the
future, gone to find an algorithm to neutralize militant mainframes
bearing down on a city orbiting planet Earth in the year 3027AD.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Finding the Outer Space Rosetta Stone.
It is now 3027 AD and there is a fierce battle taking place in the
worm hole connecting the Pleiades system and Orbit City.
The militant mainframes are systematically destroying Orbit City’s
spaceships with their deadly anti-mater hydrogen cloud. WIZ’s efforts
to replicate spaceships antimatter laser guns have not worked.
The killer mainframes are now are only 1/2 light years away from
total annihilation of Orbit City.
Three of eight WIZ sub-computers have been neutralized and one
has been captured and reprogrammed to become a militant mainframe
transferring to the invading hoards sensitive and top secret access
codes to Orbit City’s defenses shields.
The invading armies, of militant mainframes, have now reached the
first of five orbit rings of Orbit City and have destroyed the beautiful
opera house, theater, and Olympic stadium.
If they get to the third orbit ring all will be lost since that is the main
control center of Orbit City, the nerve center of all activity.
All of the orbiting buildings will begin to decay and collapse in to
rubble for they are organically grown and continuously serviced by the
control center WIZ.
At the rate these marauding computers are moving, it is estimated the
genocide will continue for three days at which time the control center
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
will be destroyed and Orbit City will be a burned out hulk dropping
out of orbit and crashing below to mother earth.
The only thing that can save them now is for Glacus, Ruth and John
Moore to find the Outer Space Rosetta Stone that contains the
mainframe neutralizing algorithm located somewhere in the 24th
The Rosetta Stone, a piece of black basalt rock, was found by one of
Napoleon’s soldiers in 1799 in a small town in Egypt called Rosetta.
This important find had the same message written on it in Greek and
Egyptian Hieroglyphs permitting a language genius by the name of
Jean Claude Champollion, who could read Greek, to build a library of
Egyptian Hieroglyphs, the library was published in the year 1855.
This Rosetta Stone interpretation gave scientist the ability to finally
read the writing in the tombs of ancient Egypt, prior to that time, no
one could make sense of the pictorial hieroglyphics of the Pharos.
The problem facing Glacus, Ruth and John Moore is, there may not
be a linguistics translator in WIZ to interpret the 700 year old forgotten
computer language comprising the militant mainframe neutralizing
Hence like the Rosetta Stone of 19th century Earth, where ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphics was finally interpreted, can WIZ unscramble
the ancient mathematics and make sense of it?
The time machine deposited John Moore, Glacus and Ruth on the
24th century shore near what was once the Golden Gate Bridge in a
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
decaying city by the bay once called San Francisco.
By the 24th century there were no more naturally born carbon based
people all life forms were generated in a birthing cell by a
computerized synthetic gene splice program.
All communication was now telepathic, the spoken word had
The militant mainframe neutralizing algorithm was the basic chip in
all computer generated life forms as a precaution against evolving in to
a militant mainframe.
There was not enough time to look all over old San Francisco to
find a copy of the algorithm and even if they did find it, was the format
compatible with WIZ?
Glacus had a portable WIZ strapped to his back who told him time
was running out and by now the militant mainframes have begun to
destroy Orbit City.
WIZ said to Glacus.
“The only choice we have is to take one of these synthetic computer
life forms back to Orbit City and let mainframe WIZ download the
algorithm if I can’t understand it.”
“OK”, Glacus said, “Let’s get that one over there by the water.”
WIZ began to understand their telepathic language it appeared to be
a simple binary propagation of pictorial graphics similar to ancient,
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
3000 BC Egyptian hieroglyphs.
WIZ approached the life form and explained the problem and that we
need him to go with us to the year 3027 AD to transmit this militant
mainframe neutralization algorithm to all invading hordes that were
destroying our home.
The life form said he understood the urgent appeal for assistance and
wanted to help.
“However” he said, “It is not necessary for me to go with you, I have
the ability to transmit the algorithm to you as we stand here”, of which
he began to do.
It took about 83 seconds to complete the transmitted download of
this life saving algorithm of which WIZ was able to reformat into his
Orbit City programming.
WIZ thanked the life form and John, Glacus, and Ruth returned to
Orbit City only to find much of the two outer orbit rings smoldering in
The militant mainframes were approaching the main administration
center preparing to destroy the nerve center of this orbiting metropolis,
thus destroying all of Orbit City.
Glacus and the portable WIZ immediately began transmitting the
neutralizing algorithm but there was no effect.
The mainframes were jamming the transmission and they were
proceeding to take out the main administration center of Orbit City.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
It seemed all was lost and they would no longer have their beloved
city in the sky.
The ruthless mainframe computers have begun to destroy Orbit
City’s WIZ computers causing all cyber chips to die and float forever
in the cold and dark void of interstellar space.
All life as they knew it would be lost and Orbit City would be no
“We failed” said Glacus and Ruth, “We could not save our wonderful
home from these horrible beasts.”
Two militant mainframes broke in to the main WIZ administration
building and began blasting away at secondary WIZ computers
systematically destroying most of outside communication.
The organic walls, enclosing the main WIZ computer, began to catch
on fire. Flying pieces of debris were bombarding WIZ.
Glacus quickly cleared away the rubble when another laser strike
took out three main TACHYON transmitters leaving only secondary
support machines working and they were beginning to falter.
One more blast and it will be all over; Orbit City will be no more.
One of the militant mainframes slowly turned toward WIZ, opened
his antimatter gun door and pointed this terrible instrument at him.
The weapon began charging it’s antimatter reactor and within
seconds WIZ, the last remaining master computer, would shut down
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
and Orbit City would be a lifeless collection of smoldering buildings.
All life as they knew it would be gone.
Beautiful Orbit City would be reduced to an exploding ring of fire
burning out of control and falling aimlessly in to Earth’s atmosphere
breaking apart into pieces of rubble.
Just then two antimatter blast came bursting through WIZ’s
computer chamber taking out both threatening militant mainframes
sending them tumbling out of control and in to the forbidding realm of
interstellar space.
WIZ shouts “WHAT…I can’t believe my sensors but hundreds of
militant mainframes are dropping off the view screen and many have
become inoperative and/or destroyed.”
“The mainframes who were attacking the administration building are
tumbling away in to space WHAT HAS HAPPENED?” asked the
administration WIZ.
Just then, streaming out of the Centauri Globular Star Cluster’s
wormhole, were 680 Laser Breathing Dragons in full battle attack.
On each Dragon’s back sat a Spacenoodles Person whooping like
rodeo cowboys.
They were blasting these attacking mainframes out of the sky with
their powerful anti-matter hydrogen laser beams.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Scuff, the Laser Breathing Dragon, along with Little Green Knight,
were leading the dragon army destroying hoards of destructive
Then several dragons concentrated on the militant mainframes still
coming through the Pleiades wormhole picking them off several at a
time like popping ducks in a carnival shooting gallery.
A squadron of Laser Breathing Dragons, along with their
Spacenoodles riders, flew inside the Pleiades worm hole chasing
militant mainframes.
Scuff The Tragic Dragon and Little Green Knight came whizzing by
the burning administration building and picked up Glacus, Ruth, and
Titus put them on a Laser Breathing Dragon and they all flew into the
Pleiades worm hole blasting militant mainframes out of existence.
The Spacenoodles, happy go lucky space witch, Poka Haunt Us and
her broom stick, Sliver, along with Lou Siffer, Silicon Sally and Jeb,
Little Green People, and Lawrence of Aurora with Coos Coos were
screaming WOOPIE.
They were guiding their dragons in to the wormhole exploding
militant mainframes out of existence with powerful Laser Breathing
Dragon’s hydrogen anti-matter laser beams.
The Rasmainian Gobaligooks, along with Hardware and Software,
dropped out of hyperspace with their dragons and began dismantling
mainframes from behind.
Stoned Rosetta was riding her dragon surfboard style and screaming
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
WEEEEEE as she guided her laser breathing dragon in to the Pleiades
worm hole blasting militant mainframes out of the sky.
This attack continued until the last remaining militant mainframes
were blown to bits.
The Pleiades wormhole looked like a 20th century scrap heap.
The orbiting junk yard of broken and mangled mainframes, began
falling through the Earths atmosphere, exploding in to flames and
splashing in the Pacific Ocean.
Scuff the Tragic Dragon, with Little Green Knight on his back went
after the head militant mainframe and began blasting this scourge of
the galaxy.
First they disabled his anti-matter generator gun rendering him
Next they cornered this monster against a burning building and
began tearing him apart with pulsating laser shots.
Metal and broken electronic chips were flying every where.
His plasma particle laser guns were twisted and exploding in brilliant
flashes of blue white light.
Seconds later this vicious, war mongering, computer was on fire and
spinning out of control screaming in pain as he plunged through
Earth’s atmosphere to a firry splash down in the Indian Ocean.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
He was destroyed.
Never again to terrorize, burn and torture loving and innocent life
forms of the Milky Way Galaxy.
At that instant, all of the remaining militant mainframes fell inactive
and the devastating attack was over.
The arrant computer army had been defeated.
They were falling out of orbit and burning up in the Earth’s
atmosphere, exploding in to flames and then falling to Mother Earth
like a summer time meteorite shower entertaining all who watched.
Just seconds before the master mainframe was blown to bits by Scuff
the Laser Breathing Dragon, he sent the entire contents of his ruthless
memory bank along with a copy of the 24th century militant mainframe
neutralizing algorithm through the wormhole intended for an orbiting
militant mainframe on a Pleiades system’s planet.
However, the portable WIZ, strapped to Glacus’s back, intercepted
the illicit transmission and sent along with it a negative neutralization
virus discrete that scrambled the plasma particle transmission stream
rendering the information useless beyond repair.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
All WIZ computers gathered at damaged administration buildings
and began repairing Orbit City.
New and improved opera, theater and ballet centers were being
organically grown from billions of hydrogen atoms that were fused
into hydrocarbon molecules.
Other re-construction projects were under way and Orbit City was on
its way to becoming whole again.
WIZ made several upgrade improvements to the 24th century militant
mainframe neutralization algorithm.
He then sent this algorithmic function to all points of the known
Milky Way Galaxy for distribution and installation in the emotional
chips of computers and data processing systems to prevent the future
occurrence of war like militant mainframes.
John Moore was taken to the Centauri Globular Star Cluster, via
worm hole, to be converted in to a cyber chemo electronic chip.
His still Earthly body was placed in a cryogenic capsule and given
the same formal burial as was the ancient Roman family of Glacus,
Ruth and little Titus.
WIZ located and placed John Moore’s space age casket along side
the Roman Family’s flying capsules and the four went speeding off
together through interstellar space to once again be recycled back in to
star dust…forever children of the infinite Cosmos.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
Orbit City finally got rebuilt to an even more spectacular spinning
metropolis and all went back to the way life was before the militant
mainframe war.
WIZ built a special orbiting building to house John Moore’s honored
time machine for all to see.
In addition, Planet Earth was given her own shrine honoring the little
blue green planet as the Mother of all life and the cradle of civilization.
The Centauri Globular Star Cluster’s Spacenoodles People along
with the Laser Breathing Dragons were immortalized and given the
highest accolades of any war heroes.
Their heroic contributions were recorded in the annuals of Orbit City
WIZ built a special rotunda wing next to the administration building
and placed in the center a fifty foot titanium alloy stature of Scuff the
Tragic Dragon with Little Green Knight sitting on his back.
Around the rotunda walls WIZ placed a twenty foot statue of each
Spacenoodles Person who helped defeat the militant mainframes.
The Spacenoodles statues were made of gleaming Italian marble and
placed in their own alcove.
John Moore, Glacus, Ruth and Titus were given a special alcove in
the rotunda wing.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
WIZ made five foot high stainless steel busts of the four war heroes
citing their efforts in defeating the militant mainframes.
WIZ then made a bronze and gold plaque which read:
Glacus and Ruth finally got their, 1963 AD, San Francisco
Honeymoon, (using the time machine) that was promised to them back
in 79 AD Rome.
Glacus, Ruth, Titus and John Moore are now electronic chips in
orbit about the sun enjoying the wonders of virtual mainframe
generated life.
They traveled the entire known Universe without ever leaving the
comfort and safety of their orbital home.
The tiny nano probes that were sent off to far reaches of the Milky
Way Galaxy are sending back to WIZ wonderful data about life on the
millions of planets in orbit about countless stars.
There is a profusion of life structured in every conceivable biological
They have communicated with intelligent plant life, named Little
Green People, who are made of chlorophyll and living via
photosynthesis from their home star.
This species of organic life has found a way to cheat death.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci
They can send their DNA across the void of space and into the
cellular chromosome structure of a special blue-green algae plant
who’s sole purpose is to regenerate a complete duplicate of the Little
Green Person, brain contents and all.
They then live for another five hundred years when the DNA
duplication process is done all over again.
The withered and dead Little Green Person’s body is lovingly
dressed in a ceremonial gown and shot into their sun for burial.
In addition to carbon based life, as we know it, there is also silicon
based life feeding off volcanic fissures streaming from their liquid
methane seas.
Hybrid life forms, with DNA molecules composed of both carbon
and silicon atoms, are living in orbit about their home planetary system
traveling at two hundred thousand miles per hour.
Life giving energy comes from neutrino particle streams made deep
within their home star.
This is the only know incident where a carbon atom has evolved in
to a silicon molecule, a rare chemistry indeed.
Clacus, Ruth, Titus and John Moore never forgot where they came
from and hold mother Earth, the magical little blue green planet, giver
of life, in the highest of honors.
Roman Honeymoon, Circa 3000 AD/ Curci