DOC - Europa

Brussels, 19 February 2003
Travelling with pets: simplified EU system approved
Agreement was reached yesterday in the conciliation committee between
the European Parliament and Council on a new system that will pave the way
for pet owners to travel more easily within the European Union with their
domestic pets. Parliament and Council are expected to give their formal
approval shortly, which will allow the Regulation to enter into force.
Welcoming the agreement on the proposed Regulation, David Byrne, the
Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, said: “This is excellent news for
pet owners like myself. Today marks a significant step towards harmonisation of the
rules governing the movement of pets within the EU, a step that was made possible
by dramatic advances made in our fight against rabies. Rabies is now close to
having been totally eradicated from the EU.”
Cats and dogs travelling within the EU
For movements of pets between Member States other than Ireland, Sweden and the
United Kingdom, valid rabies vaccination will be the sole requirement for travel
across borders. An electronic microchip (or a tattoo for a transitory period of 8 years)
will allow for easy identification of the animals. Additionally, an EU-passport will
facilitate the veterinary checks. Young pets which cannot be vaccinated yet, may be
allowed to travel without vaccination. The same rule will apply to neighbouring third
countries where the rabies status matches that of the EU e.g. Switzerland and
For the entry of animals into Ireland, Sweden or the United Kingdom, antibody
titration1 will need to be carried out after the vaccination.
Cats and dogs travelling from third countries
The agreement also reinforces the strict rules applying to cats and dogs entering the
EU from third countries, to guard against the risk of rabies. For countries where
rabies is endemic, vaccination and testing three months before movement will be
required for entry into Member States other than Ireland, Sweden and the United
Kingdom – where quarantine will be maintained in the case of direct movement. In
the case of third countries free of rabies (or where the disease is under control)
vaccination will be the only requirement (except for Ireland, Sweden and the United
Kingdom where a test six months after vaccination will be required before the pet
may enter those countries).
Full harmonisation of the pet movement rules may happen after a five-year
transitional period that will apply to Ireland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. After
that time, new proposals will be made in the light of experience of the new system,
the rabies status of the EU at that time and expert scientific advice.
a test to see if the vaccine has been effective
Progress in this sensitive area has been very difficult in the past. The background to
today’s breakthrough stems from the spectacular success over the past decade of
efforts to eradicate rabies within the Union. Vaccination programmes for foxes in EU
regions where the disease still occurred have led to a drop in rabies cases among
household pets: from 499 in 1991 to 7 in 2001. The fight against rabies must
continue – to stamp it out – and keep it out.
The Agriculture Council reached a common position on the proposal in June 2002.
However, final approval by the European Parliament and Council proved elusive due
to disagreement on a few amendments. The most difficult point to resolve concerned
an amendment to introduce the co-decision procedure for the eventual decision to be
taken on whether or not to extend the special regime for the UK, Ireland and Sweden
beyond 2008. Final agreement on this point was reached through the conciliation
procedure, concluded on 18 February. It was concluded that the co-decision
procedure will be used and the other contentious amendments have been dropped,
paving the way for final approval of the Regulation.
Next steps
The outcome will now be submitted for formal approval to the European Parliament
and the Council. Following their approval, the Regulation can become law. It will
enter into force on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal
and is applicable one year after entering into force.