Next Wave -

The Next Wave
The following Revelation was received by Paul Davies in Dec 1994, and later in Oct 1995. As with all prophetic words, these must be
weighed and tested with a spirit of humility and repentance. Where Bible passages are referred to, the interpretations given are not
intended to be seen as the interpretation of the passage, but as God speaking to his people’s current situation by giving an
interpretation. Some of the following words have already seen a measure of fulfilment.
In December 1994, just after the Father’s Blessing was released in Sydney, Australia, the Lord gave me Ezekiel 37 as a framework for His
work in restoring (Malachi 4:6) the Church, and especially an explanation of the Blessing He was pouring out all over the world.
The Toronto refreshing (and other, similar streams) is a fulfilment of Ezekiel 37 - the Valley of Dry Bones. The Lord commanded Ezekiel to
Prophesy to the bones, and as he did there was a rattling sound, and the bones came together. Tendons, and then flesh appeared on the bones, and
skin covered them. Then the Lord told Ezekiel to Prophesy to the Breath, and the bones rose to their feet - “a mighty army” (v. 10). This picture
provides a general overview of the transition of the people of God from dry bones to Joel’s Army.
For over three years now, many dry Christians all over the world have been receiving refreshment from the Lord, despite the strange nature
of many manifestations. At this stage we are seeing the dry bones rattling (the manifestations) and coming together (v 7), as the various streams of
the body of Christ have been coming together to fellowship, and to receive from the Father. The forming of tendons linking the bones together (v 8)
speaks of reconciliation and the rebuilding of relationships between the parts of the body, and this has been witnessed to all over the world with
people attending meetings from all denominations. The next stage is the formation of flesh (maturity of character and holiness) and skin over the
bones, and this is followed later by a release of the Breath or Spirit, which brings the Body to life. The picture of the “mighty army” seems to be a
common metaphor for an aspect of the end-time church walking in the fullness of Joel 2:28ff.
Many mature Prophetic people were given revelation from the Lord about the coming Harvest in the ‘90’s. The Lord was speaking of three
Waves of the Spirit - each taking the church and its mission significantly further in the things of God. I now believe that the Father’s Blessing we have
witnessed so far is either the first of these Waves or the prelude to the first wave (though I lean towards the former). To this date, we have most often
been seeing the first two events from the Ezekiel passage - especially when we look at the body of Christ instead of individual Christians. We are
seeing more “cross-pollination” between different movements than ever before, and there seems to be a much wider acceptance of the Lord’s work
amongst other groups.
This does not discount or deny that many individuals have grown in maturity and holiness, and especially passion for Jesus, but I believe
strongly believe that what we have seen of these so far comes more under the heading of “token” or individual blessing, rather than the full,
widespread release to the whole body. Paul Cain often says that God gives us a foretaste, that we might have a taste-for, and the Lord seems to be
planting a hunger in the hearts of many Christians for more passion for His Son.
Many Pastors and lay people have been concerned for many years about real character change, and I believe we are now on the verge of
the Next Wave, which will see this emerge in fullness, as the “flesh” comes onto the bones (v 8). As the movement of the Spirit continues, we will see
these things becoming more and more evident, until the Lord releases Power on the church (v 9-10). I was shown this wave by the Lord in October,
1995, and many others have spoken of similar revelation.
At the time, I was asking the Lord why the power seemed to be receding - the tide was obviously going out, and where was the next step the maturity and holiness. He responded by giving me a series of crystal-clear visions, which became more and more detailed, over the next fortnight.
The first vision was of an immense storm sweeping through Sydney from the Blue Mountains (to the South-west). The storm obliterated
everything in its path, but the Lord gave me to understand that only the things He wanted destroyed were being torn down. This speaks of the
judgments, many prophesied ahead of time, that will accompany the Next Wave. Remember 1 Peter 4:11 “Judgment begins with the household of
God” We must be very careful in how we discern the Lord’s work at this time, as many are presuming to judge other streams who have not yet
received the same type or level of revelation at this time, yet are still part of God’s work. We must be especially careful about judging Prophecy, and
wary about speaking out against the Lord’s servants operating in this area. I felt strongly that this would incur harsh judgment from the Lord (ref. 2
Kings chapter 1).
The next three visions were of an immense tidal wave coming in towards Sydney, with more and more detail each time. The Lord showed
me several people on the beach in foot-deep water, involved in ministry. They were looking down at their feet in disappointment and asking: “Why is
the tide going out?” “Where is the power going?” “Where is the holiness and maturity we felt the Lord was releasing?” Because they were looking
down, they could not see that the reason the tide was going out was because it was being sucked up into the wave, which was now towering
hundreds of metres above them, curled over and about to fall. Then the vision zoomed out, and I saw the wave fall upon them. It fell vertically, and cut
the beach from under their feet, so that they were immediately struggling to stay afloat in the depth of water.
The Lord explained that the Next Wave was much bigger than anyone expected, and that it would fall very suddenly, with more abundance
of power and maturity than His people foresaw. He impressed that the first wave had been partly to teach us to swim, so we could stay afloat in the
next. Many people could not see the abundance that the Lord had for His people because they were looking down at their feet, rather than up at Him.
I had a sense that the wave would hit around April-June ( I had hoped that meant 1996, but had no clearer revelation).
I believe that the final Wave (in this outpouring) will go even further, and will be the Breath of Life, though what form this takes will become
more apparent as the Next Wave takes hold.
It is important to note that the entire process in Ezekiel 37 is driven by the operation of prophetic ministry. At the moment, the prophetic is
very immature in the church, but God is releasing maturity in this area, and we shall see this increasing, and gaining more widespread acceptance
very rapidly. Every major event in the release of the Father’s Blessing to the church was prophesied several years in advance by a number of mature
prophetic ministers.
God is taking the initiative! In Ezekiel 37, the prophetic only operates at God’s command, and the process continues at the direction of the
Father. This is not man-generated, but is a visitation of God to prepare us for the Last Days. Let us continue to seek His face in a spirit of repentance,
humility and the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 66:2), and cry “More, Lord”.