LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 1 1. You are working at the reference desk at San José’s King Library. A young man (apparently, an undergraduate student) walks in and asks, “How can I find some books in the library on Latinos in film?” (Note: be sure to help him find some useful subject headings to search under). See Print Screen for results 1ST Search Latinos in Film SJ Library Catalog online RESULTS Book English is broken here : notes on cultural fusion in the Americas / Coco Fusco. Crowding out Latinos : Mexican Americans in the public consciousness / Marco Portales. VHS The bronze screen [videorecording] : 100 hundred years of the Latino image in Hollywood / Bronze Screen 2nd Search Actors actresses = keyword Chicano collection = Print material Location = sjsu RESULTS 1 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 2 The first search was okay – but I thought I could do better – so I jumped into the MODIFY button to tweak what I wanted. I see three books that – judging simply by the title – might be very helpful to the young man (#1,3,5 in picture above) 2. A student has been told by his professor that the journal Hamadryad might have some good articles for his biology paper. He would like to know what kinds of articles might appear in this journal, where it is indexed, and if it is peer-reviewed (refereed). 1ST Search Looked under the BIO’s SJSU Electronic Journal Index Chose Biology & Psychology – Ulrich’s Web RESULTS: could not log in to Ulrich’s Web 2nd Search Hamadryad = journal name (so) EBSCO (Academic Search premier) RESULTS: no results found 3rd Search Clicked on PUBLICATIONS Tab / then “H” / no listing. RESULTS: no results found 4th Search Hamadryad = journal name (so) Health & life science BIOLOGICAL Abstracts Journals @ OVID full text Clicked “journal” tab, typed in hamadryad, no results Okay – stumped at number two – going back to it later with fresh outlook – must be missing something basic! 5th Search H (searched for hama…) SJSU Electronic Journals Index RESULTS: nothing! 6th Search – tried Science Direct – still no luck! I feel like I’m missing something silly but will go at it again – NOT through a science journal list though ;) 2 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 3 7th Search Searched All “H’s” in EBSCO RESULTS: no such luck! (lol – though I did come across the Helsinki monitor and Holzforschung: International Journal of the Biology, Chemistry, Physics, & Technology of Wood (which sounds really cool for my sculptor friend!) 8th Search Ha! Finally thought to look in the SJSU periodical list – of course, no luck…. Giving up! Link number 2 in google. Now that I know it’s real – and not a misspelling – lemme try again (have I mentioned how frustrated I am at stinking so bad on this?? Thank god I jumped ahead and the last five are MUCH easier!!! Am giving up – please just post how these were searched for – I can’t spend any more time on this and still get my reading and the last two ones I struggled with finished! sorry! 3. Who was People magazine’s sexiest man alive in 2000? Brad Pitt Mark 1. Jennifer Aniston: The Friends star said I do to a hefty new TV paycheck--and the Sexiest Man Alive. (The 25 Most Intriguing People 2000)(Brief Article). People Weekly 54.27 (Dec 25, 2000): p93. (278 words) From InfoTrac OneFile. 1ST Search People = Journal Title READER’S GUIDE FULL-TEXT Sexiest man alive = keyword From 2000 to 2001 RESULTS: none 2nd Search To ULRICH WEB – Advanced Search ULRICH WEB – Advanced Search Title (keyword) = sexiest man alive 2000 = keyword (no luck) RESULTS: no results found Try again tomorrow with actual worksheet in front of me. (10 pm after class 9/29) 3rd Search YEAH! At least I found the right magazine! 3 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 4 To finish search – went back and put “sexiest man alive in 2000” (no quotes) in KEYWORD and “People weekly” in Journal (under advanced search) I realize now that the difficulty I’m having is not know the “true title” of it – and while I’ve stayed away from google so I can struggle – I would have gotten the “right” title more quickly googling it! After that – it was easy! kewords. 4. I heard about someone who just recently got her doctorate from Indiana University. Her dissertation (which drew on Carol Kuhlthau’s research) dealt with information seeking among college students. Can you help me find the full citation for this? LINK to full citation: 1ST Search information seeking college students = KEYWORD indiana university = KEYWORD RESULTS: none 2nd Search Got into citation section – don’t know why the JPGs don’t load for me off campus – but makes it a tough database to read (Web of Science – Citation Search = kuhlthau, c PROQUEST digital dissertations RESULTS: Got a list of 37 people who cited her – but this doesn’t reference dissertations – so ….lemme try something else! 4 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 5 Getting better! With this search – I got it down to 6 woooohooo – almost there It’s a “her” so I didn’t look at the guys’ dissertations Opened up citation & abstract on the remaining – and did an “edit/find” for kuhlthau - went backwards ! ha – then just read #1 PUBLICATION AAT 3156319 NUMBER TITLE Thoughts, feelings, and actions: Quantitative comparisons of interactions and relationships among three factors in college students' information seeking AUTHOR Cheng, Yungrang It HAS to be this one – now where do I go to find quotes from Kuhlthau without buying it? Not sure. Would I suggest this might be the one she had in mind – give it to her (the patron) and if not – go hunting again????? Or would I hunt until I had no hair? (okay – getting punchy!) Added “college students” to keyword and came up with 1 result – Cheng! Then re-read question and realized you simply want the full citation! That I can do phew. 5. A patron phones you wanting to know in which California library (or libraries) she might be able to find a DVD version of the famous Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination. Could not answer 1ST Search I moved around a lot of links, beginning with the Library catalog – and trying to “go outward. Went to OTHER OPTIONS - other Local & California Libraries Then to: California Clicked on keyword = zapruder kennedy assassination – and realized it only searched libraries – not what was in them! 2nd Search zapruder kennedy assassination = keyword any Went to LINK+ field 5 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 6 Listed three items: Abraham Zapruder Films the Assassination <= title/producer (from clicking on one of the three links. 3rd Search LOC – searched author/creator=zapruder – looking into the three they had – no mention of film. RLG – no results under author = zapruder No results under LOC – title = Image of an Assassination Can’t take it – giving up on this one again – maybe tomorrow or next day I’ll try again. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (that would be me growling!!! 4th Search I give up? Am sorry! I stink at this! 6. A smiling woman (who looks suspiciously like an MLIS student) approaches the reference desk while you are sitting there and says, “I’d like to find an interesting piece of fiction about a librarian. Could you help me, please?” LIST to choose from FIRST: Bevarly, Elizabeth The Temptation of Rory Monahan Bull, Molly Noble Brides and Blessings Conaway, James America's Library 6 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 7 Dereske, Jo Miss Zukas in Death's Shadow Dereske, Jo Miss Zukas Series Deveraux, Jude An Angel for Emily Gill, Bartholomew Death in Dublin Gillespie, John and Gilbert, Christine Best Books for Children, Preschool through the Middle Grades Goodrum, Charles A Slip of the Tong Grossman, Lev Codex Litfinder Stories/by genre/fiction Keyword = librarian RESULT: COOKE, JOHN MOHUN; OR, THE LAST DAYS OF ESTEN LEE AND HIS PALADINS. Civil war time. 2nd Search Backed out some stuff: 7 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 8 But the 3rd results may NOT be about a librarian! There is a scene IN a library toward the end. Searched for “librarian = Works Subject” in advanced – RESULTS: 90 ITEMS!!! Heck – I’d print the sucker and hand it to her When I added “Works Type = fiction” came up with zero!!!! okay – gonna cry. Browsed by subject within this – no such luck although Women as Seaman looks interesting! Next Steps Chose FICTION (genre) first – THEN typed in librarian. Oops over 11000 items – all in poetry – switched to fiction again – 0 results. New start: Gale Databases…. What do I read next? Chose LIBRARIES as subject – 67 documents….I guess my next step would be to ask the patron: what does “interesting” mean to you?? If it meant “adventure” – and I added it to search, would find NONE. (no sci-fi either) Added ADULTS only (unchecked kids/ya) (unchecked non-fiction) TOTAL = 19 Titles (directly below question – above!) 8 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 9 7. A graduate student comes into the library. She needs help researching acetylcholinesterase and has heard that there are some excellent articles by Leo Pezzementi on this topic. Locate the full citation for one of these articles. SEE last screen in table a few lines down 1ST Search Keyword = acetylcholinesterase Author = pezzementi Result: 1 article by atkins 2nd Search Search by author = pezzementi (articlefirst) Web of science Results: 4 articles by him alone, 3 others co-authored 8. Throughout my childhood, my mother used to quote the end of a poem: “Smiling, the boy fell dead.” Do you know what poem that comes from and who wrote it? 1ST Search Litfinder / Poem subsection “Smiling, the boy fell dead” in basic search Robert Browning: incident of the French camp Wow – that one was spot on – am I goofing it up? Can’t believe I found one in one try! (doing happy dance here – was getting downright saddened!) 9. A professor is interested in a classic psychological study carried out by a Dr. Milgram. In this study, subjects were ordered to shock another person in the context of a learning experiment, with the shocks becoming increasingly severe. Milgram wrote several articles about this, but the professor specifically remembers that he discussed the subjects’ “nervous laughter” in one of the abstracts. Help him find the full citation for that particular article. Here’s the citation: 9 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 10 1ST Search Webspirs - ovid RESULTS: No records found 2nd Search Repeated above search without SHOCK THERAPY Found citation (directly below question – above) 10. I read something in the New York Times a couple of years ago about duct tape curing warts. Please help me find the full text of this article! (and hurry – I think it’s growing!) ANSWER: Head of wart study thinks it has something to do with irritating the immune system! or – **Search the Lexis/Nexis database using: search: DUCT TAPE (title) CHRISTINE DIGRAZIA = author, major papers/general news 1ST Search NYT Index (pqasb.pqarchiver 2nd Search Changed the years found it! No results – but why it brought up a 1857 grand rally article makes me wanna get the full text! Do I tell her to buy it from the site? For 10 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 11 $3.95 1. SECURITY MEMO; Duct Tape: The Cure for All Ills ... excuse to buy duct tape. What's it been ... few months since duct tape was last flying off store ... October, the tape had a bigger comeback than ...View free preview February 23, 2003 - By CHRISTINE DIGRAZIA (NYT) - New York and Region - News - 814 words Went to National Newspaper Index – typed in “security memo duct tape the cure for all ills (KEYWORD) no results security memo duct tape the cure for all ills = title no results search: DUCT TAPE (title) CHRISTINE DIGRAZIA = author, results: The New York Times, Feb 23, 2003 p1(L) col 01 (18 col in) Duct Tape: The Cure for All Ills. (Connecticut Weekly Desk) Christine Digrazia. (this won’t give full text either though – I can do an “extended citation” on screen – or have a citation only sent to my email.) went to lexis/nexis next – Guided News Tab – search: DUCT TAPE (title) CHRISTINE DIGRAZIA = author, major papers/general news FOUND IT! 11. (worth twice as much) A high school student poses the following question to you: “My parents are afraid that if I play violent video games it will make me violent. Is this true?” Please select one appropriate subject-specific index from among those on the source list and carry out a search on this topic. Explain thoroughly the steps you take, in terms of analyzing the concepts in this question; selecting an appropriate database; identifying appropriate search terms; combining the search terms using Boolean logic; viewing a few search results; and revising your search (if needed) based on these results. Based on the material you find, what do you think is the answer to this student’s question? If you could choose one other index to search, which one would you choose and why? ANSER TO STUDENT: While the majority of the articles reviewed tended to believe violent video games enhanced / increased violence/aggression in behavior - the authors of the articles also questioned the validity of the claim, wondering if other pre-existing aggressive traits played a more active role in the person’s choice of game, and “choice?” to become more aggressive. It seems there is a scientific leaning toward violent video games cause violence – and even statistical data, but researchers are not fully confident with the studies as of yet. 11 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 12 NEXT DATABASE: Definitely would choose a PSYCH info database to get hard data and parameters to determine validity of research, crossing out of background factors or factoring in of same. PSYCH INFO type database will be chosen – TERMS: behavior / affect of on / video games / teen / young adult / violence / video games violence in teens / video games cause / affect of video games on behavior (violence is a behavior….right?) PhsychInfo and PsychArticles seemed too focused – went with OMNI – wilson’s 6 d/b covering humanities, science and social science (figure video game studies might be across disciplines) 1st Search Keyword: affect of video games on Selected years 2000-2005 behavior Reading briefs on Anderson article gave term: General Affective Aggression Model - also – Barnette article pointed to frontal lobe changes from violent vs non-violent video games (frontal handles behavior) but questioned still if aggression pre-cursor making person more apt to become agressive SEARCHED: Video game / Affect Got 32 results Went back to search – checked ONLY FULL TEXT 15 results added <NOT> violence violent aggress* to search string – came up with same 15 great quote from Antonietti (summed it up kind of!): THE PLAYING OF VIDEO GAMES has increased dramatically over the past 30 years, a fact that has encouraged researchers to study the behavioral, affective, and cognitive characteristics of the players. Video game users tend to prefer competitive activities, challenges, science fiction movies, reading books (McClure & Mears, 1984), and television viewing (Selnow, 1984). The playing of video games has been associated with high levels of aggression (Anderson & Ford, 1986; Anderson & Morrow, 1995; 12 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 13 Cooper & Mackie, 1986; Silvern & Williamson, 1987), hostility (Schutte, Malouff, Post-Gorden, & Rodasta, 1988), impulsivity (Lin & Lepper, 1987), and anger (Mehrabian & Wixen, 1986) and with low levels of prosocial behavior (Chambers & Ascione, 1987; Van Schie & Wiegman, 1997) and tolerance for frustration (Fling, Smith, Rodriguez, & Thornton, 1992). Introverted people expressed a greater preference for video games than did extroverted individuals (Barnett et al., 1997). Video game players scored higher on an Escape-Solitude Scale (a scale measuring the tendency to abandon life-roles; Selnow, 1984) than infrequent players. Finally, habitual video game players were found to be brighter (McClure & Mears, 1984), and practiced performance in video games was associated with psychomotor abilities (Yuji, 1996) such as tracking (Bliss, Kennedy, Turnage, & Dunlap, 1991) and with intelligence as measured by IQ tests (Rabbitt, Banerji, & Szymansky, 1989). ANTIONETTi QUESTIONS this… Another quote from Columbine Echoes Abstract: According to U.S. psychologist Dave Grossman, violent video games that provide military-quality training at a young age are the main culprit for the killings. 13 LIBR_210_02_ASH_Exercise_1.doc 14 14