Factors influencing nest site selection, breeding density and breeding success in the bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) J.A. DONAZAR, F. HIRALDO and J. BUSTAMANTE*t EstaciOn Biológica de Doñana, (CSIC), Pabellón del Peru, Avda M’ Luisa Sn, 41013 Sevilla, Spain; and *csIRo, Division of Wildlife & Ecology, P0 Box 84 Lyneham, ACT 2602, Australia Summary 1. We examined the nest site selection, breeding density and breeding success in the bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus in relation to physiography, climate, land-use and degree of human disturbance. The study area was in the Pyrenean Cordillera, Spain, where the largest European population of this species occurs. Univariate analyses and Generalized Linear Models were employed. 2. Models correctly classified the 78% of the cliffs analysed (occupied by bearded vultures, and selected at random). The probability of occupation of a cliff by bearded vultures was directly related to the ruggedness of the topography, altitude, distance to the nearest bearded vulture occupied nest, and distance to the nearest village. 3. Breeding density was positively correlated with altitude and ruggedness of the topography and negatively correlated with snow precipitation. Open areas seemed also to have positive effects, probably by increasing the availability of food, although its effects were not separable from that of the relief, as the two factors covary. 4. Bearded vultures showed lower breeding success in areas with high potential human disturbance (density of paved roads). The existence of abrupt and open lands might have a positive effect on breeding success by reducing accessibility to humans, and perhaps by increasing food availability. Key-words: nest-site selection, breeding density, breeding success, bearded vulture, conservation. Introduction The bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus L.) is a cliff-nesting accipitrid vulture inhabiting Old World mountain ranges and feeding on bones, predominantly of medium-sized ungulates (Hiraldo et al. 1979; Brown 1988; Brown & Plug 1990). Its breeding distribution has been greatly reduced in Europe since the last decades of the nineteenth century and is restricted nowadays to the Pyrenees, Southern Balkans and the islands of Corsica and Crete (Hiraldo et al. 1979). The European population is estimated to be c. 120 breeding pairs (Elosegi 1989; R. Heredia, personal communication). The biggest population is that of the Pyrenees with 72 occupied territories (52 on the Spanish side and 20 on the French side (R. Heredia, personal communication)). The species is considered as endangered 504 Present address: Nationalparkverwaltung, Doktorberg 6, 8240 Berchtesgaden, Germany. both in Spain (ICONA 1986) and in Europe (Conseil de l’Europe 1981), and is included in the Annex I of the Directive 79/409/EEC as a species sensitive to habitat alterations. The decline of this species has been attributed to several causes. The cooling of the climate could have been responsible for the decline in the Alps during the nineteenth century (Haller 1983) but direct persecution, killing of adults and robbery of eggs and chicks, and indirect mortality caused by poison baiting of carnivores are the more widely accepted causes for the decline of the species in Europe during the twentieth century. Nowadays these factors seem to have only a limited influence on the population of bearded vultures, at least in Spain (B. Heredia 1991). As a consequence, the population in the Pyrenees has increased steadily during the last two decades (R. Heredia 1991a). Nowadays, mountain habitats are being transformed with the change in human production systems. There is a reduction of areas used for extensive grazing of livestock and an increase in tourism. It has been suggested that changes in the use of mountain areas can reduce the carrying capacity of the environment and the breeding success of the bearded vulture (B. Heredia 1991; Terrasse 1991). Quantitative studies of habitat selection, as a way to predict species requirements, are frequently used to design strategies for the conservation of ndangered species (Morris 1980; Bednarz & Dinsmore 1981; Newton, Davis & Moss 1981; Andrew & Mosher 1982; Peterson 1986; Gonzalez, Bustamante & Hiraldo 1992). This kind of analysis for the bearded vulture can be useful today as there has been a reintroduction project in the Alps since 1978, the release of birds having started in 1986. It is expected that this and other projects will be extended to other mountain ranges in the continent including Spain (FAPAS 1991; AMA—CSIC 1991). Because these reintroduction projects are expensive (Patchlatko 1991) it is important to evaluate the suitability of an area before the birds are released. The present study analyses nest-site selection, density of breeding pairs and breeding success in relation to variables for topography, climate, food availability and human disturbance in the population of bearded vultures in the Spanish Pyrenees. The aims were two. First, to identify possible relationships between variables measured and bearded vulture distribution, density and breeding success. Secondly, to obtain models to evalulate whether a proposed area for reintroduction had adequate cliffs as nesting sites for the species, and what might be the expected productivity and breeding density in the area. Although it is difficult to evaluate the confidence in the values predicted by the models once they are used in an area different from that from which they were calculated, these models are a step forward when compared to a subjective assessment of suitability of proposed reintroduction areas. Study area and methods The bearded vulture population studied is distributed all along the southern slopes of the Pyrenees but is more dense in the area known as Central Pyrenees. The bearded vulture population of the Spanish Pyrenees has been studied since 1977 and all occupied territories are known (n 52 in 1991) (see R. Heredia 1991a). = DATA Nest site selection Thirteen variables representing physiography, landuse and degree of human disturbance were measured on 111 cliffs with bearded vulture nests (Table 1). These nests belonged to 37 different breeding territories. The existence or exact location of the nests was unknown in the remaining 15 territories. Another 111 cliffs without nests were selected at random and used to estimate the nesting habitat available for the species. Random points were selected by pseudo-random generation of coordinates with a calculator, and choosing the nearest point on a cliff without a nest. Since, in the Pyrenees, most of the nests were found near the middle of the cliff (R. Heredia, unpublished), we selected a similar location (half of the cliff height) for the random points. To avoid bias due to different breeding densities, random sampling was stratified and the number of random cliffs sampled on each map sheet where the species was breeding (‘L’ series 1:50000 topographic map of Spain, each sheet covering an area of 26712km2) was made equal to the number of previously sampled nesting cliffs. Variables were measured on topographic maps of the Spanish Cartographic Service and Land-use maps of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture. We also used Table 1. Variables used to characterize bearded vulture nesting cliffs and random cliffs. For randomly selected cliffs, variables were measured from a point in the centre of the cliff topographic irregularity index. Total number of 20-rn contour lines, cut by four 1-km lines starting from the nest in directions N,S,E and W. ALTITUDE: altitude of the nest above the sea-level (rn). CLIFF: cliff height, measured as the number of 20-rn contours cut by a 50-rn line perpendicular to the cliff face at nest level. ORIENTATION: orientation of the cliff face at the level of the nest. Orientations were scored in increasing shelter from cold humid winds from the NW which are dominant in the area: 1 = NW, 2 = N or W, 3 = NE or SW, 4 = E or S, 5 = SE. FOREST: extension (%) of forested areas in a 1000-m radius around the nest. DISTANCE VILLAGE: distance to the nearest inhabited village (km). RELIEF: number of inhabitants in the nearest village. kilometres of paved and unpaved roads in a 1000-m radius of the nest. DISTANCE PAVED ROAD: shortest linear distance between the nest and the closest paved road (km). INHABITANTS: ICILOMETRES ROADS: shortest linear distance between the nest and the closest road, paved or unpaved (km). altitudinal difference between the nest and the closest paved road, measured at the point the road is closer to the nest (rn). If the nest is lower than the road a negative value is obtained. HEIGHT ROAD: altitudinal difference between the nest and the closest road, paved or unpaved, measured at the point is closer to the nest (m). If the nest is lower than the road a negative value is obtained. NEAREST NEIGHBOUR: linear distance between the nest and the closest nest of the nearest neighbour (km). DISTANCE ROAD: HEIGHT PAVED ROAD: the reports on human population census of 1981 (INE 1984). Breeding density We used the distance of the most frequently used nest of a breeding pair to the nearest nest belonging to another bearded vulture pair as an inverse measure of breeding density in the area. Nearest neighbour distances are currently employed as evaluators of raptor breeding density (see e.g. Newton 1979). Nearest neighbour distances, however, are not independent. This is particularly clear when the distance between two pairs is counted twice, but even when this does not occur, independence is unlikely as density is a global measure related to the situation of every pair. Although our analysis does not solve completely the problem of lack of independence of nearest neighbour distances, measures that were repeated were considered only once. We characterized the area surrounding 28 bearded vulture breeding pairs in the Central Pyrenees (58% of the Spanish population). We selected this area because it is known that there the number of breeding pairs has remained almost stable since 1977 (R. Heredia, unpublished), and this suggests that the population is in equilibrium with the environment and we could expect to detect the ecological factors that limit breeding density. For each pair we quantified the topography, vegetation, land-use, climate, food availability and degree of human disturbance in a 15km radius around the most frequently used nest-site (707 km2) (Table 2). According to Brown (1988) bearded vultures in South Africa forage in a circular area of 300—700 km2 around the nest, so we assumed that the variables measured in a circle of 15km radius would be an adequate description of the main foraging area of a breeding pair. The values of the variables were obtained from the same maps as for nest-site selection, and also from the Climatic Atlas of Spain (Instituto Nacional de MeteorologIa 1983), livestock census from 1986 (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, unpublished) and Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) census carried by the Autonomous Communities of Navarra, Aragon and Catalufla (unpublished). Table 2. Variables used to characterize the main foraging areas (a circle of 15-km radius around the most frequently used nest) topographic irregularity index. Number of 100-rn contours cut by four 15-km lines starting from the nest in directions N,S,E and W. MAXIMUM ALTITUDE: maximum altitude in the main foraging area. MINIMUM ALTITUDE: minimum altitude in the main foraging area. AVERAGE ALTiTUDE: average altitude in the main foraging area = (maximum altitude + minimum altitude)/2. ALTITUDINAL DIFFERENCE: maximum altitude minimum altitude. AREA OVER 1600 m: percentage of the main foraging area over 1600 m. TEMpERATURE: average annual temperature. SUNSHINE: average annual number of hours of sunshine. RAINFALL: average annual rainfall (mm). DAYS WITH RAIN: average annual number of days with rain. DAYS WITH SNOW: average annual number of days with snow. WINTER RAiNFALL: average rainfall in Decernber, January and February, during the courtship and laying period of the bearded vulture. SPRING RAINFALL: average rainfall in March and April, during the incubation and hatching of the bearded vulture. CULTIVATED LANDS: percentage of the main foraging area covered by cultivated lands. FORESTS: percentage of the main foraging area covered by forests. PASTURE LANDS: percentage of the main foraging area covered by pasture lands. HIGH MOUNTAIN: percentage of the main foraging area covered by unproductive high mountain terrain (rocky outcrops, snow patches, screes). SCRUBLAND: percentage of the main foraging area covered by scrubland. OPEN LAND: sum of pasture lands, high mountain and scrubland. DISTANCE TO CAPITAL: linear distance from the nest to the nearest provincial capital. VILLAGES: number of permanently inhabited villages in the main foraging area. VILLAGES OVER 1000 INHABITANTs: number of villages with more than 1000 inhabitants in the main foraging area. RELIEF: — V INHABITANTS: total number of inhabitants in the main foraging area. KILOMETRES OF PAVED ROADS: kilometres of paved roads in the main foraging area. KIL0METRES OF UNPAVED ROADS: kilometres of unpaved roads in the main foraging area. TouRIsM: number of hotel beds and camping places in the main foraging area. KILOMETRES OF ELECTRIC POWER LINES: kilometres of high tension electric power lines in the main foraging area. LIVESTOCK: number of sheep and goat per km2 in the main foraging area. We assumed that the number of sheep and goat from a municipality in a main foraging area was proportional to the percentage of that municipality inside the main foraging area. CHAMoIS: number of chamois (Rupicapra TOTAL UNGULATES: livestock + chamois. rupicapra) per km2 in the main foraging area. To evaluate breeding success we used the average productivity of each breeding pair (defined as: number of fledglings raised per number of years monitored). Productivity values were available for 25 breeding pairs from all the Spanish Pyrenees. These pairs were monitored for more than 5 years (mean 1O2 years, SD 38). Productivity values were compared with the variables characterizing the nest-site (the most frequently used nest of each pair) and the main foraging area. One appropriate link function for a binomial distribution is the logistic function. This means that the probability of a cliff being selected as a nest site or of a chick fledging in a territory a certain year is a logistic, s-shaped function when the linear predictor is a first-order polynomial or a bell-shaped function for second-order polynomials. The logistic function can be expressed as: p = (e’’)/(1 + eLP), eqn 2 where p is the probability of obtaining a positive response and e is the base of the natural logarithm. This expression can be transformed to a linear function: eqn 3 ln[p!(1 First we made a univariate analysis of the data. Mean values for nesting cliffs and random cliffs were compared using t-tests. Nearest neighbour distance of the pairs in the Central Pyrenees was compared with the variables characterizing the main foraging area, and productivity values were compared with the variables characterizing the most used nest-site and the main foraging area. Secondly, we used Generalized Linear Models, or GLM (Nelder & Wedderburn 1972; Dobson 1983; McCullagh & Nelder 1983), to make a mathematical description of the nest-site selection, breeding density and breeding success of the bearded vulture. Generalized Linear Models are a class of models from which the linear regression forms a particular case. GLM permit a wider range of relationships between the response and the explanatory variables and the use of other error formulations when the normal error for the traditional regression is not applicable. Three components have to be defined for a GLM: a linear predictor, an error function and a link function. A linear predictor (LP) is defined as the sum of the effects of the predictor variables as follows, where ln is the natural logarithm. Equations 1 and 3 define the GLM for nest-site selection and breeding success of the bearded vulture. To model the nearest neighbour distance, or breeding density, we used an identity link. In these cases the models do not differ from a multiple linear regression with the dependent variable (nearest neighbour distance) log-transformed. LP = a + bx1 + cx2 + eqn 1 where a, b, c,... are parameters to be estimated from the observed data and x1, x2,... the explanatory variables. These parameters define the effect of the variables on the LP. The error function will depend on the nature of the data. For binary response variables the binomial distribution is an adequate error function. We assumed a binomial distribution of errors in the models of nest-site selection, in which the response variable had the value 1 (cliff selected as a nest-site) or 0 (cliff not selected as a nest-site), and in the models of productivity in which the response variable had the value 1 (when a chick had been fledged from a territory a certain year) or 0 (when no chick had fledged). Nearest neighbour distances seemed to be log-normally distributed, so values were logtransformed and a normal distribution of errors was assumed for the models. — p)] LP, STATISTiCAL ANALYSiS ANALYTiCAL PROCEDURE For nest-site selection we divided each predictor variable into six classes and graphically represented the number and percentage of nesting cliffs in relation to total number of cliffs in each class. Average productivity and nearest neighbour distance for each of the 25 and 28 breeding territories respectively were plotted against the values of each predictor variable. Visual inspection of these graphs revealed which shape of response could be expected for each predictor variable (linear or curved response) and whether a transformation of the predictor variable could be recommended. We fitted each explanatory variable to the observed data using the program GUM (Baker & Nelder 1978) following a modification of a traditional forward stepwise procedure. Each variable was tested for significance in turn. The variable contributing to the largest significant change in deviance from the null model was then selected and fitted. Once a variable was fitted to the model we tested if the addition of a second variable significantly improved the model. As we were using a large number of variables we chose a 1% level of significance to include a variable in a model. If the initial bivariate graphs suggested a curved response a quadratic function was tested initially, and a cubic term was then tested to ensure that a higher order polynomial was not necessary to improve the model. Square root and logarithmic transformation of all the predictor variables involving distances were also tested as the graph suggested they had more a multiplicative than an additive effect. Variable es Nesting cliffs Random cliffs Student’s Table 3. Mean (SD) of the variables characterizing nesting and random cliffs 83 (180) 1333 (361•2) 1289 (378) 3•13 (127) 16787 (11154) 308 (2.40) 175 (2587) 66 (154) 1325 (5264) 1021 (323) 303 (121) 15541 (10266) 263 (201) 112 (2062) HEIGHT PAVED ROAD 151 (2.21) 2•06 (158) 102 (O88) 40469 (252.29) 2•42 (295) 234 (171) 1.05 (1.05) 39063 (33027) HEIGHT ROAD 25081 (29097) 25405 (31072) 810 (600) RELIEF ALTITUDE CLIFF ORIENTATION FOREST DISTANCE VILLAGE INHABITANTS RILOMETRES ROADS DISTANCE PAVED ROAD DISTANCE ROAD NEAREST NEIGHBOUR * P<005, 11.10 (544) 7.813*** 0132 5.679*** 0601 0866 1509 2.005* 2.609* 1295 0•192 0356 0080 3.896*** P<0•0O1. Recent papers have criticized automatic stepwise procedures as they are not necessarily able to select the most influential variable from a subset of variables (James & McCulloch 1990). Our modification of a stepwise modelling procedure involved testing the alternative models that were obtained when the second or the third most significant variable was included (provided it was significant at the 1% level) instead of the first most significant one at each of the steps. This branching procedure could eventually produce a set of different models, but in most instances it converged into a single model or to a set of models from which similar causal relationships could be inferred. In addition, a residual analysis was undertaken for the best model or a set of best models. Three diagnostic measures were used to evaluate the fit of the models to the data: a measure of the residual lack of fit, the potential influence, and the coefficient of sensitivity of each observation (Pregibon 1981; Nicholls 1989). Standardized residuals were plotted against fitted value for possible deviations of the initial assumptions of the model. Observations with high potential influence were re-examined looking for errors in the data or possible outliers. Observations with a high coefficient of sensitivity were excluded and models refitted evaluating the effect these observations had on the parameters of the models. The robustness of the nest-site selection model was also tested with a jack-knife procedure. Each observation was omitted in turn and the parameters of the models were recalculated with the remaining observations. We obtained from this model the probability the excluded observation had of being a nesting cliff. Percentages of correct classification obtained by the jack-knife procedure were then compared to those of the initial model. Results NE5T SITE SELECTiON An average of three nests per breeding territory was known in the 37 territories with known nesting sites in the Spanish Pyrenees (range 1—6 nests, SD = 3). The average distance from a nest to the nearest nest in the same territory was 992m (range 50—8450, SD = 1443, n = 104) and to the farthest nest 2696m (range 50—10 150, SD = 2467, n = 104). There were significant differences between nesting cliffs and random cliffs in variables related to relief and cliff height. Nests tended to be located in areas more rugged and at higher cliffs than the average available. Also, nesting cliffs tended to be farther from the nearest occupied nest of bearded vulture than from random cliffs (Table 3). Observations of nesting cliffs (1) and random cliffs (0) were fitted to a GEM model assuming a binomial distribution of errors and using a logistic link (equivalent to a logistic regression). The best model obtained (the one with smaller residual deviance) included the variables: relief, distance to the nearest occupied nest (log-transformed), altitude (quadratic function) and distance to the nearest village (log-transformed) (Table 4). It showed that the bearded vultures selected as nesting cliffs those in areas with the most irregular topography, far from other breeding pairs, at an average altitude (avoiding cliffs at high or low altitudes) and not close to villages. Other alternative models only differed in the order in which the different explanatory variables were included and finally converged with this same model. Cliff heights (which had a highly significant correlation with topography, r = 0674, df = 220, P < 0001) were included in some of the initial models but they had a bigger residual deviance than those which included relief instead, and cliff height did not significantly improve the model once relief Table 4. GLM model for nest-site selection, using binomial error and logistic link. Distance to the nearest neighbour a (negative correlation) and altitudinal difference (negative correlation) in the main foraging range (Table 5). nd distance to village are log-transformed J Parameter estimate Standard error Constant RELIEF NEAREST NEIGHBOUR —33•93 009058 1644 Residual deviance 0009867 —4024 x 10 0945l 190•12 df 216 ALTITUDE (ALTITUDE)2 DISTANCE VILLAGE 5452 001480 03405 0003l74 ll46 x 10 O•2917 had been included. The log-transformation of distance to the nearest occupied nest and distance to the nearest village significantly improved the models compared with the untransformed variables. The coefficients of these variables show that distance to a village is only important when cliffs are very close to villages (coefficient <1), but distance to the nearest occupied nest is important over the range of distances measured (almost all cliffs in a 8-km radius of a breeding pair are unavailable for other pairs) indicating that nests tend to be regularly spaced in the area. Fitted values of the GLM models can be interpreted as the estimated probability (P) of a cliff being a nesting cliff. Those observations with P> 05 were considered classified as nesting cliffs and those with P < 05 as random cliffs. The final model classified correctly 793% of the nesting cliffs and 76.6% of the random cliffs. This classification is 56% better than random (Kappa = 0559, Z = 8337, P <0.001). The jack-knife classification showed the robustness of the model; 78.4% of the nesting cliffs and 757% of the random cliffs were correctly classified. On average, the jack-knife procedure only misclassified 1% more observations than the complete model. The sensitivity analysis of the model did not show any outliers. All observations with high potential influence in the model were checked and data values were found to be correct and reasonable. The observation with the highest coefficient of sensitivity was omitted and parameters refitted. The change in the parameters was less than 4%. Nearest neighbour distance (an inverse measure of breeding density) was log-transformed and a GLM model with an identity link and assuming normal error, was fitted (equivalent to a multiple linear regression). The stepwise branching procedure produced three similarly significant models. Each included one of three variables related to altitude (maximum altitude, altitudinal difference, average altitude, all significantly correlated P < 0.001) and number of days with snow as a second variable (Table 6). All models indicated that density of breeding pairs increased with altitude which means that within the range of altitudes at which nests were found, the distance between nests is greater at higher altitudes. All the models showed also that breeding density decreased with the number of days with snow. The extension of open areas in the foraging range (a variable positively correlated with altitude, r = 0825, df=26, P<0001) was the first variable to come into the model, but no other variable significantly improved this model (although number of days Table 5. Correlation between nearest neighbour distance and variables characteriring the main foraging area in the Central Pyrenees (df 26). *Correlations that remain significant (P < 0.05) after Bonferroni sequential correction (Rice 1989) = r P —0•473 —0514 —0036 —0465 —0565 —0384 0.011 0005 0856 00l3 0.002* 0044 0193 0325 0198 —0•258 —0•246 —0000 —0340 —0418 0268 0.382 —0•179 —0500 —0172 —0585 —0229 0063 0•392 0311 0185 0.207 0077 0027 0•168 0045 0361 0007 0383 0.001* 0240 0751 0039 INHABITANTS 0066 0737 KILOMETRES PAVED ROADS 0274 0158 —0211 —0139 0280 0432 0244 0199 —0394 0.101 0212 0.311 0038 0608 Variable RELIEF MAXIMUM ALTITUDE MINIMUM ALTITUDE AVERAGE ALTITUDE ALTITUDINAL DIFFERENCE AREA OVER 1600m TEMPERATURE SUNSHINE RAINFALL DAYS WITH RAIN DAYS WITH SNOW WINTER RAINFALL SPRING RAINFALL CULTIVATED LANDS FORESTS PASTURE LANDS HIGH MOUNTAIN SCRUBLAND BREEDING DENSITY OPEN LAND DISTANCE TO CAPITAL The average distance to the nearest neighbour in the Spanish Pyrenees was 110Mm (range = 2125—28000, n = 51). In the core area selected for the study of breeding density, the Central Pyrenees, the corresponding estimate was 8813m (range 2125—19500, n = 28). There were significant correlations between nearest neighbour distance and the extent of open areas (pastures, scrubland and high mountain) VILLAGES VILLAGES OVER 1000 INHABITANTS KILOMETRES UNPAVED ROADS TOURISM KILOMETRES ELECTRIC POWER LINES LIVESTOCK CHAMOIS TOTAL UNGULATES 0999 Table 6. GLM models for nearest neighbour distance (log-transformed), using normal error and identity link Parameter estimate Standard error constant MAXIMUM ALTITUDE 0-1982 1-154 x iO 0-006570 9-963 —8-025 x io— 0-03458 2-1987 DAYS WiTH SNOW Residual SS df F(2,25) 25 Constant 23-67 (P<0-01) ALTITUDINAL DIFFERENCE 9-681 DAYS WITH SNOW 0-1703 io —8-022 x Residual SS df F (2,25) 1-156 x 1o4 0-02782 2-2033 0-005909 25 Constant 23-67 (P<0-01) AVERAGE ALTITUDL 10-20 —0-00153 DAYS WITH SNOW Residual SS df F (2,25) io— 0-007448 0-04005 2-3330 25 22-89 (P<0-01) Null Model SS 6-4580 df = = 27. With SnOW Was nearly significant, 001 <P < 005). Although the reduction in deviance by extension of open areas was Slightly greater, it wa not significantly different from the variables related With altitude. Once number of days With snOw was included in the model the inclusion of an altitudinal variable improved the model more than the inclusion of extension of open areas. The altitudinal variable of the model could also be substituted by relief. Inspection of the residuals showed that the logtransformation of the nearest neighbour distance, the normal error and the identity link, were reasonable assumptions for the model. No outliers were detected from the potential influence measure. Removal of the observation with the highest coefficient of sensitivity produced a 12% change in the parameters, which seemed reasonable given the number of observations (n 28). = BREEDING 0-2343 2-339 x SUCCESS Of the variables characterizing the nesting cliff, productivity was significantly correlated only with the relief (Table 7). Pairs nesting in cliffs in more rugged terrain had higher productivity. Of the variables characterizing the main foraging area, number of inhabitants and kilometres of paved roads were significantly negatively correlated with productivity while the extent of open areas (pastures, scrubland was significantly positively and high mountain) correlated. We considered the number of chicks fledged in a territory (a maximum of one chick is fledged per year) as a variable with a binomial distribution, and use it as binomial denominator for the models in which breeding success of the territory was known for a number of years. The best model included only the variable ‘kilo­ metres of paved roads’ in the main foraging area, and showed that breeding success was lower in areas with a high density of paved roads (Table 8). The residual deviance of the model was still quite large but no other variable significantly improved it. Other variables (extent of open land, number of inhabitants, relief of the main foraging area, relief of the nesting cliff, maximum altitude in the main foraging area, and nesting cliff height) also significantly decreased the deviance in relation to the null model. All these variables were significantly correlated with kilometers of paved roads, but models with these variables still had a significant (P <001) or nearly significant (P <0.05) decrease in deviance when kilometres of paved roads was included. The sensitivity analysis pointed out some territories with high potential influence. These corresponded to territories with valus close to the maximum and minimum of the variables (number of chicks fledged, and kilometres of paved roads), and with a high binomial denominator (number of years the breeding success was known). There were no reasons to consider them as outliers. Omitting the pair with the highest coefficient of sensitivity in the model produced a 10% change in the coefficient of kilometres of paved roads. Discussion NEST SITE SELECTION The results show that the bearded vulture has a strong selection for certain nesting cliffs from those available. The 78% correct classification of cliffs by the GLM model can be considered good, given that Table 7. Correlation between productivity (Average number of fledglings per year) and variables characterizing nesting cliff and the main foraging area (df = 23). *Correlations that remain significant (P < 005) after Bonferroni sequential correction (Rice 1989) P Nesting cliff 0561 RELIEF 0323 0518 —0251 0042 0219 0•029 —0135 —0247 ALTITUDE CLIFF ORIENTATION FOREST DISTANCE VILLAGE INHABITANTS KILOMETRES ROAOS DISTANCE PAVED ROAD 0• 003* O•115 0008 0•226 0843 0292 0889 O•519 0233 DISTANCE ROAD 0121 0564 HEIGHT PAVED ROAO 0210 0313 HEIGHT ROAD 0340 —0312 NEAREST NEIGHBOUR Main foraging area RELIEF 0•487 MAXIMUM ALTITUDE 0501 MINIMUM ALTITUDE AVERAGE ALTITUDE ALTITUDINAL DIFFERENCE AREA OVER 1600m TEMPERATURE 0•305 0485 0•509 0452 —0140 —0146 0149 SUNSHINE RAINFALL WINTER RAINFALL 0042 0t93 0•090 SPRING RAINFALL 0193 DAYS WITH RAIN DAYS WITH SNOW —0304 —0430 0385 0384 0178 0•594 0273 CULTIVATED LANDS FORESTS PASTURE LANDS HIGH MOUNTAIN SCRUBLAND OPEN LAND DISTANCE TO CAPITAL VILLAGES VILLAGES OVER 1000 INHABITANTS INHABITANTS KILOMETRES PAVED ROADS KILOMETRES UNPAVED ROADS TOURISM KILOMETRES ELECTRIC PUWER LINES LIVESTOCR —0113 —0•391 —0.638 —0•623 —0008 0•096 —0219 —0203 OO14 0.011 0138 0•014 O•023 O•504 0•487 0477 O•668 O356 0•139 0032 0•393 0.002* 0186 059t 0.001* O•969 0•648 0193 0369 CHAMOIS —0146 TOTAL UNGULATES 0•486 it can be expected that not all the cliffs adequate for the species will be used. The model Shows that relief, distance to the nearest nest of a neighbouring pair, altitude and Table 8. GLM model distance to villages are, in this order, the main factors conditioning the selection of a cliff as a nesting site. Relief can be considered the main factor, as it alone classifies correctly 69% of the cliffs. There are three reasons why bearded vultures should have preference for areas of rugged topography to locate their nests. 1. In rugged areas slope winds are a frequent phenomenon (Pennycuick 1972), and these are frequently and efficiently used by the bearded vulture (Hiraldo et al. 1979; Brown 1988). This will probably facilitate food search in the adverse weather which is common in mountain areas. Brown (1988) found that in South Africa radlo-tagged bearded vultures used escarpments during their movements more than expected. 2. In rugged areas it is easier to find slopes with rocky outcrops exposed to the wind and free of snow that can be used as ossuaries (Boudoint 1976). Ossuaries are usually located close to the nests, and are important for the species to facilitate the breaking of bones (Boudoint 1976; Brown 1988) and as stores of food (R. Heredia 1991b). 3. Rugged terrain near the nesting cliff will make human access to the area more difficult; furthermore cliffs on rugged areas are on average higher than other cliffs. This will tend to reduce human disturbance during reproduction. Distance to the nearest occupied nest as a factor conditioning selection of the nesting cliff suggests a limited availability of cliffs suitable for nesting, and thus the need for active defence of such nest cliffs within the home range of a territorial pair. Bearded vultures accept other conspecifie searching for food in their foraging area because their presence is beneficial in the location of carcasses (Brown 1988). Brown suggested that the actual density in South Africa is not limited by territorial behaviour or by availability of nesting sites, but the situation in the Pyrenees could be different. Eighty per cent of bearded vulture nests are in caves on cliffs (Hiraldo et al. 1979; Canut et al. 1987). As the availability of caves is limited in South Africa this determines the distance between alternative nests of a breeding pair (Brown 1988; Brown, Brown & Guy 1988). In the Pyrenees, distance between alternative nests of a breeding pair is on average four times greater than in 74 pairs studied in South Africa (922 m vs. 230 m), although nearest neighbour distance between pairs is smaller (11 lOOm vs. 15300m). Breeding pairs in for breeding success (probability of rearing a chick to fledging) using binomial error and a logistic link Parameter estimate Constant KILOMETRE5 PAVED ROADS Residual deviance df 3436 —001861 33572 Standard error 05400 0004006 23 the Pyrenees have on average three alternative nestsites (range 1—6, SD 3, n 37 pairs) and a low rate of reoccupancy of the same nest in consecutive years (29.1%, R. Heredia, personal communication). The use of alternative nests would permit the avoidance of parasite infestation by consecutive use (Newton 1979). All this suggests that adequate nesting sites in the Pyrenees are a more limiting factor than in other parts of the species’ distribution area; each pair has a number of nests which are utilized alternatively and they could be defended from other neighbouring pairs over a great part of the home range. A bell-shaped response to altitude with a maximum at 1230 m indicates that bearded vultures avoid cliffs at low altitude, probably because a greater extension of a circular area around the nest site will be forested and not adequate for foraging and, moreover, more intensively used by man. Cliffs at high altitude are avoided, probably because of greater exposure to inclement weather and because of the energetic disadvantage of having the nest high in relation to the foraging area (Bergier & Cheylan 1980). Avoidance of cliffs which are near villages clearly points to human disturbance as a limiting factor for the bearded vulture. Similar tendencies have been found in other large raptors (Newton 1979; Andrew & Mosher 1982; Donázar, Ceballos & Fernández 1989) and may be the result of the intense persecution that this and other species have suffered during the last century (Bijleveld 1974; Hiraldo et al. 1979). = BREEDING = DENSITY The results are not as clear as those for nest-site selection, probably because of the limited sample. The models suggest an increase in breeding density with altitude (within the range selected by the species) and ruggedness of the topography, and a decrease in density in those areas with more snowfall. The altitude and ruggedness of the topography probably influence the existence of adequate breeding places. As cliff availability seems limited (see above) breeding density would be favoured by the uneven terrain. A similar trend was found by Ceballos & Donázar (1989) in a population of Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus): the breeding density was directly related to the availability of cliffs. In other raptor species the availability of food has an important role in the regulation of the breeding densities (Newton 1979). It is difficult to assess the influence of this factor in the case of the Pyrenean bearded vultures. Open areas, whose extent is correlated with altitude and with breeding density, are used in the Pyrenees by wild and domestic ungulates (Dendaletche 1973). Density of chamois is positively correlated with this variable (r=0.781, df=26, P <0.0001) but not density of livestock (r —0517, df 26, P 0.005). The lack of positive correlation with density of livestock could be due to an erroneous estimate of density of livestock in the main foraging areas around bearded vulture nests. In the Pyrenees, the livestock has a clumped distribution in favourable areas and has seasonal altitudinal movements (Elosegi 1989). All these spatial variations could not be detected in our estimates, as the livestock census only gives numbers per municipality. Also, the location of carcasses is easier over open areas. It can be expected, therefore, that the extent of open areas provides a better estimate of food availability than density of ungulates. Ruggedness of the terrain, also correlated with altitude, means greater availability of nesting cliffs and of rocky outcrops that can be used for ossuaries and, in general, a topography more suitable for the flying behaviour of the bearded vulture. Snowfall could also affect food availability in winter and early spring because areas with higher snowfall will have a greater percentage of the ground covered by snow reducing the availability of carcasses and forcing the birds to forage over a wider area. = = = BREEDING SUCCESS Several variables are significantly correlated with productivity but also with each other. The bearded vulture shows lower productivity in areas with a high density of paved roads in the main foraging area, but these are also areas at lower altitude, more densely populated, with smaller extension of open terrain and more uniform relief. The modelling points out that density of paved roads is the best predictor, suggesting that human disturbance may be the main factor limiting the bearded vulture productivity in the area. Other factors like food availability, represented by extent of open areas, might also have an influence on productivity. It could be expected that similar factors were affecting both breeding success and breeding density (Newton 1979). However, our results show that altitude and number of days with snow are the main factors limiting breeding density, while human disturbance most affects breeding success. This apparent contradiction may be due to the recent human use of the mountain. In species with a long generation time like the bearded vulture the strong habitat selection may change slowly with temporary decreases in the breeding success provoked by human disturbance. In fact, although some bearded vulture pairs suffer egg or young losses every year due to human activities, they do not desert their breeding areas (R. Heredia 1991a). Conclusion In the Pyrenees, the probability of a cliff being 513 J.A. Dondzar, F. Hiraldo & J. Bustamante selected as a nesting site by the bearded vulture increases if it is located in rugged areas, far from the nests of other breeding pairs, far from villages, and reaches an optimum at an altitude of 1226m. The equation that gives the probability (P) of a cliff being selected is: In general, the predictions of our models will be more reliable in areas with a similar range of variables to that of the Pyrenees, and we think they could be applied to other mountainous areas in the centre and south of Europe. p) = —3393 + 009058 RELIEF + 1•644 4•024 + 0•009867 ALTITUDE 10_6 ALTITUDE2 + 09451 DISTANCE VILLAGE. Acknowledgements Ln (p/i — NEAREST NEIGHBOUR — The breeding density that an area can maintain seems to increase with ruggedness and altitude (within the range selected by the species) but decreases in areas of high snow precipitation. One of the models that gives the nearest neighbour distance is: Ln NEAREST NEIGHBOUR MAXIMUM ALTITUDE = 9963 — 8•025 i0 + 0•03458 DAYS WITH SNOW. The potential productivity of a breeding territory depends on the degree of human disturbance and in our model is inversely related to kilometres of paved roads in a circle of 15km radius around the nest. The model that predicts the probability of successfully rearing a young is: Ln (p/i — p) = 3436 — 001861 We are indebted to R. Heredia for unpublished data, Y. Menor de Gaspar for part of the habitat measurements, and Drs A.O. Nicholls, M. Ferrer and 0. Ceballos for their constructive comments on the manuscript. Generalized Linear Models were fitted with GLIM at CSIRO Division of Wildlife & Ecology (Australia). This study was supported by the AMA—ECC project for regeneration of habitats of endangered species in the Natural Park of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas. KILOMETRES PAVED ROADS. The applicability to other areas of the models developed here will depend on the similarity of these areas to the Pyrenees, and to the extent that the variables used in our models determine the breeding distribution of the species. The breeding habitat (mountains), the nesting sites (cliffs), the diet (bones) and the absence of predators and competitors are similar in its whole area of distribution (Hiraldo et a!. 1979). This suggests that the factors affecting the selection of a cliff as a nesting site, the breeding density and the productivity in the Pyrenees may be similar in other areas of its present or former distribution. Our models might not be applicable in areas where the food for the bearded vulture is limited. Other studies (Canut et a!. 1987) have shown that an excess of food is available in the Pyrenees for the bearded vulture population. Before using our models in another area it would be necessary to estimate whether the food available is sufficient for a certain population size. The food supply necessary for a breeding pair of the European subspecies G.b. barbatus has been estimated as 350 kg of bones and meat per year (Hiraldo et a!. 1979); Brown (1988) calculated a yearly food requirement of around 300 kg for a breeding pair of the smaller African subspecies Gb. meridionalis. Our productivity model might also be unsuitable for underdeveloped areas in which kilometres of paved roads may not be a good indicator of the degree of human disturbance. References AMA—CSIC (1991) Censo y seguimiento del quebrantahuesos (Gypaetus barbatus) y plan de reintroducción. Estación Biologica de Doflana—CSIC, Sevilla. Andrew, J.M. & Mosher, J.A. (1982) Bald eagle nest site selection and nesting habitat in Maryland. Journal of Wildlife Management, 46, 383—390. Baker, R.J. & Nelder, J.A. (1978) The GUM System: Release 3. 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