Republic Act 9246

Professional Regulation Commission
Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians
SERIES of 2004
Pursuant to Section 8, paragraph (a), Article II and Section 35, Article V of Republic Act 9246,
otherwise/ also known as “The Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003”, the following Implementing Rules
and Regulations are hereby promulgated:
Rule 1
Title, Policy Statement, Definition of Terms, Scope of the Practice
Section 1. Title. These rules and regulations shall be known as the Implementing Rules and Regulations of
Republic Act. No. 9246, otherwise known as “The Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003”. For brevity it
may be cited/or hereinafter referred to as “IRR of R.A. 9246”.
Section 2. Statement of Policy. The State recognizes the essential role of librarianship as a profession in
the intellectual capacity building of the nation and therefore making library service a regular component for
national development. Towards this end, the State promotes the sustained development of librarians whose
competence has been determined by honest, effective and credible licensure examinations and regulatory
measures through standards of service and practice that are globally competitive brought about by
programs and activities that foster professional growth and advancement as well as well-being.
This IRR of R.A. 9246 shall be interpreted in the light of Section 2, Statement of Policy of Republic
Act No. 9246, as restated above.
Section 3. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this IRR of R.A. 9246, the following definitions shall
a. Librarian – any person who is a bona fide holder of a Certificate of Registration and
Professional Identification Card issued by the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians and
the Professional Regulation Commission in accordance with Republic Act Nos. 6966 and/or
9246. It refers also to a person whose name and registration/ license number is entered in the
Commission registry book and computerized database as one legally authorized to practice
b. Commission – refers to the Professional Regulation Commission.
c. Board for Librarians – or Board, for brevity, refers to the Professional Regulatory Board for
d. Librarianship – the profession concerned with the application of the principles, theories,
techniques and technologies of recorded knowledge that contribute to the establishment,
organization, dissemination, utilization, and preservation of collections of library materials.
e. Library Science – a body of knowledge on the art and science of acquiring, selecting,
organizing, preserving materials, and accessing and disseminating information from the library
collection to the users with the least possible delay.
f. Users Services – assistance provided by members of the library staff to all users in pursuit of
g. Library Management/Administration – (to avoid confusion over semantics, they will be used
interchangeably) a group of executive functions applied to libraries such as planning,
programming, organizing, directing, coordinating, reporting, controlling, and appraising
performance in order to obtain the optimum efficiency and benefit from library service.
h. Technical Services – the area of library operations that includes, selection, acquisition,
organization, and bibliographic control of materials, physical processing and maintenance.
i. Computer Science – the systematic study of algorithmic processes that describe and transform
information: their theory, analysis, design, efficiency, implementation, and application.
j. Information Science – the study of the creation, use, and management of information in
all its forms.
k. Library/Information Center – an organization managed by licensed librarians which collects,
organizes, stores, retrieves, and disseminates information in all forms and provides physical,
bibliographical and intellectual access to such materials.
Multi-Media – combination of more than one type of medium such as print, non-print, and/or
electronic resources.
Library Information System- customized or commercialized computer-assisted
software/hardware package that automates the different library functions and provides access to
online and network services.
Consultancy Service – a special counsel rendered to a library by an expert or group of experts
usually external, commissioned to study and assess the overall operation or specific areas of
concern to improve library service for a corresponding professional fee.
Archives – record offices where non-current records of an institution, organization, business or
person are stored, preserve and in some cases, made available to the public.
Dissemination of Information – the provision of current awareness services to users groups via
selective dissemination of information, abstracts, extracts and the like by a librarian or
information specialist.
Conservation – the use of chemical and physical procedures in the treatment of pest-infested or
damaged books, manuscripts, records and other documents to ensure their preservation.
Modernizing practice of librarianship – refers not only to the application of computers and
information technology in the practice of the profession but also the development of computer
literacy among librarians and the adoption of new techniques and innovative methodologies in
the delivery of library services and programs to target clientele.
Information Communication Technology – electronic means of capturing, processing and
communicating information for fast delivery of services and other operations.
Sec. 4. Scope of the Practice – Librarianship shall deal with the performance of the librarian’s function,
which shall include, but not limited to the following:
Selection and acquisition of multi-media sources of information which would best respond to
clientele’s need for adequate, relevant and timely information;
Cataloguing and classification of knowledge or sources of information into relevant organized
collections and creation of local databases for speedy access, retrieval or delivery of information;
Development of computer-assisted/computer-backed information systems which would permit
online and network services;
Establishment of library systems and procedures; dissemination of information, rendering of
information, reference and research assistance; archiving; and education of users;
Teaching, lecturing and reviewing of library, archives and information science subjects, including
subjects given in the licensure examination;
Rendering of services involving technical knowledge/expertise in abstracting, indexing, cataloguing
and classifying; or the preparation of bibliographies, subject authority lists, thesauri and union
Preparation, evaluation or appraisal of plans, programs and/or projects for the establishment,
organization, development and growth of libraries or information centers, and the determination
of library requirements for space, buildings, structures or facilities;
Provision of professional and consultancy services or advice on any aspect of librarianship; and
Organization, conservation, preservation and restoration of historical and cultural documents and
other intellectual properties.
Rule 2
The Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians
Creation, Organization, Powers and Functions
Section 1. Creation of the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians. - The Professional
Regulatory Board for Librarians, hereinafter referred to as the Board for Librarians, a three-man board
created under the provisions of Republic Act No. 9246, shall be under the administrative supervision and
control of the Professional Regulation Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission.
Sec. 2. Composition of the Board for Librarians. – The Board for Librarians shall be composed of a
Chairperson and two (2) members who shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of the
Philippines from among the list of three (3) recommendees for each position submitted by the Commission
from among the list of five (5) nominees for each position submitted by the accredited integrated national
professional organization of librarians from among the librarians of recognized standing who qualify under
Section 7 of this Act.
Sec. 3. Term of Office. The Chairperson and the members of the Board shall hold office for a term of
three (3) years until their successors shall have been appointed and duly qualified. The members of the
first Board to be appointed after the approval of this Act, shall hold office for the following terms: the
Chairperson for three (3) years, one member for two (2) years and the other member for one (1) year. The
members of the Board may be reappointed for another term of three (3) years but in no case shall the whole
term exceed six (6) years. Each member shall take the proper oath of office.
Sec.4. Vacancies. – Any vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term of the Chairperson or any
member of the Board shall be filled only for the unexpired portion of the term of the immediate
predecessor. The procedure in filling up a vacancy shall be the same manner as in the appointment of the
members of the regular Board.
At the expiration of the term of the Chairperson, the most senior member in the incumbent Board
shall temporarily assume and perform the duties and functions of the Chairperson until a new Chairperson
is duly qualified and appointed by the President of the Philippines.
Sec. 5. Qualifications of Members of the Board.
The Chairperson and members of the Board shall, at the time of their appointment, posses the
following qualifications: be a natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines; possess a good reputation
and moral character; be holders of valid Certificate of Registration/professional license and a valid
Professional Identification Card issued by the Commission; and have at least 10 years library practice, five
(5) years of which is in an executive or management position.
The Chairperson and members of the Board shall, at the time of their appointment, not posses the
following disqualifications: a faculty member in an educational institution conferring the academic degree
or certificate on or for the practice of librarianship, or a reviewer for librarianship, librarian licensure
examinations, nor a person who has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any such institution; and an
incumbent officer of the accredited, integrated national professional organization of librarians.
Sec. 6. Powers, Functions and Duties of the Board. – The Board shall have executive/administrative, rule
making and quasi-judicial powers in carrying out the provisions of this Act. The specific powers, functions,
duties and responsibilities of the Board are as follows:
a. To regulate the practice of librarianship in accordance with the provisions
of R.A. 9246 subject to the administrative supervision by the Commission.
b. To promulgate and administer rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions
of R.A. 9246. The policies, resolutions, rules and regulations issued or promulgated by the
Board shall be subject to review and approval by the Commission.
c. To administer oaths in connection with the administration of R.A. 9246.
d. To adopt an official seal of the Board.
e. To issue the Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card or grant a
temporary/special permit.
f. To suspend or revoke the Certificate of Registration, license, and Professional
Identification Card, or cancel a temporary/special permit, for causes provided by law or to
reissue or reinstate the same after due process.
g. To look into the conditions affecting the practice of librarianship, and when necessary,
adopt such measures as may be deemed proper for the enhancement and maintenance of
high ethical, moral and professional standards of librarianship.
h. To adopt polices and set the standards for all types of libraries, librarians and practice of
i. To ensure, in coordination with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), that all
institutions offering library, archives, and information science education comply with
prescribed standards for curriculum, faculty and facilities for course offerings of library
science, or library and information science.
j. To adopt and prescribe a Code of Ethics and a Code of Technical Standards for
k. To act as an adjudicatory body with powers not limited to the following:
1. To hear and investigate cases arising from violations of this Act, its
Implementing Rules and Regulations, or Code of Ethics or Code of
Technical Standards for Librarians; and for this purpose, may issue
summons, subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum to ensure
the appearance of witnesses/violators to compel their attendance and
presentation of relevant documents in such investigations or hearings.
2. To delegate the hearing or investigation of cases filed before them, except
in cases where the issue or question strictly involves the practice of
librarianship, in which case, the hearing shall be presided over by at least
one (1) member of the Board assisted by a Legal or Hearing Officer of the
Commission, subject to the applicable provisions of this Act. Should the
venue of the investigation or hearing be outside of Metro Manila, the
Board shall ensure the attendance of the requisite number of Members to
be present during the hearings as required for the proper carrying out of the
provision of this Act.
3. To conduct, through the Legal Officers of the Commission, summary
proceedings on minor violations of this Act and violations of the general
instructions to examinees committed by examinees, and to render summary
judgments thereon.
4. To render judgments or decisions in all investigations and hearings as a
collegial body and by a majority vote of all its members subject to the
provisions of this Act. Provided, That, all such judgments or decisions
shall, unless appealed to the Commission, become final and executory after
fifteen (15) days from the receipt of the notice of judgment or decision.
l. To prescribe guidelines in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) in coordination with the
accredited and integrated association for professional librarians.
m. To act as a licensure examination body with powers not limited to the following:
1. To prepare, adopt, issue or amend the syllabi or terms of specification of subjects for the
librarian licensure examination consistent with the policies and standards set by the CHED in
consultation with the academe.
2. To determine and prepare the questions for the licensure examinations which shall strictly
be within the scope of the syllabus or table of specifications of the subject for examination.
3. To score and rate the examination papers with the name and signature of the Board member
concerned appearing thereon and submit the results in all subjects duly signed by the
members of the Board to the Commission within ten (10) days from the last day of the
examination unless extended by the Commission for justifiable cause/s.
4. To determine the appropriate passing general average rating in an examination if not
provided for in the law regulating the profession subject to the approval by the
n. To conduct ocular inspections in schools, colleges or universities, in coordination with the Commission
on Higher Education (CHED);
o. To prepare an annual report of accomplishments on programs, projects and activities of the Board for
submission to the Commission after the close of each calendar year and make appropriate
recommendations on issues or problems affecting the profession to the Commission
p. To discharge other powers and duties as the Board may deem necessary for the practice of librarianship
and the continued growth and development of librarians, libraries and library education in the
Sec. 6. Compensation of the Board – The members of the Board shall receive compensation equivalent
to, at least, two salary grades lower than the salary grade of the Commissioners: Provided, That, the
Chairperson shall receive a monthly compensation of two salary steps higher than the members of the
Board; Provided, further, that they shall be entitled to other allowances and benefits provided under existing
laws, and Provided, finally, That this section shall be implemented in accordance with the Circular to be
issued jointly by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the Commission.
Sec. 7. Removal or Suspension of Board Members – The Chairperson or any member of the Board may
be removed or suspended by the President of the Philippines on recommendation of the Commission if
found guilty after a proper administrative investigation, based on the following grounds: neglect of duty,
incompetence, unprofessional, unethical, immoral or dishonorable conduct; any violation of this Act, or the
Code of Ethics and the Code of Technical Standards for Librarians; or commission or toleration of
irregularities in the examination such as manipulation, rigging of examination results, disclosure of secrets
and information on examination questions prior to conduct of examination, tampering of grades or final
judgment, or criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
Sec 8. Executive Officer and the Secretary of the Board – The Chairperson of the Commission shall be
the Executive Officer of the Board and shall conduct the licensure
examination for librarians. The Commission shall designate the Secretary of the Board and shall provide the
Secretariat and other support services to implement the provisions of this Act.
All records of the Board including the examination papers, minutes of deliberations, and records of
administrative proceedings and investigations shall be kept by the Commission under the direct custody of
the Secretary.
Rule 3
Licensure Examination and Registration
Section 1. Venue and Holding of Examination – Licensure examination for the practice of Librarianship
in the Philippines shall be held in Manila and other places for two (2) days, to be recommended by
the Board for approval by the Commission. The program of the examination shall be prepared by
the Board.
Sec. 2. Qualification of Applicants – In order to be admitted to the licensure examination for librarians, an
applicant must meet the following qualifications at the time of the filing of applications:
a. He/She is a citizen of the Philippines or a foreign citizen whose
country has reciprocity with the Philippines as regards the practice
of librarianship;
b. He/She is in good health and good moral character;
c. He/She is a graduate of Bachelor’s degree in Library Science and
Information Science: Provided, That a holder of a master's degree
in Library and Information Science shall be allowed to qualify for
application to the licensure examination: Provided, further, That
within (5) years from the effectivity of this Act, holders of the
following degrees shall also be allowed to qualify for application
to the licensure examination:
1. Bachelor of Science in Education or Elementary
Education; or Bachelor of Arts with a major or
specialization in Library Science;
2. Master of Arts in Library Science or Library and
Information Science; orAny masteral degree with
concentration in Library Science.
The Board shall require any person applying for examination to submit the following
supporting documents with an accomplished prescribed form:
a. Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate
(if married) issued by the National
Statistics Office on NSO security paper.
b. Diploma and Transcript of Records
(photocopy to be retained);
c. Certificate of Naturalization, if necessary.
d. Certificate of good moral character issued
by current employer or local Barangay
official or parish priest or religious
Sec. 3. Scope of Examination. – The licensure examination for librarianship shall cover the following
subjects with their corresponding relative weights by percentage:
Relative Weights
1. Selection and acquisition of multi-media sources of information
2. Cataloguing and classification
3. Indexing and abstracting
4. Reference, bibliography and information services
5. Organization, management and development and maintenance
of multi-media based library or information service, laws,
trends and practices affecting the profession
6. Information technology
The Board may modify or add to the above subjects as needs and demands in the library
profession may require.
Sec. 4. Ratings in the Examination. – To pass the examination, an examinee must obtain an average of
seventy-five percent (75%) with no rating below fifty percent (50%) in any subject.
Sec.5. Report of Results of Examination. – The results of the examination and the ratings of the
examinees shall be reported by the Board to the Commission within ten (10) days after the examination.
Sec. 6. Registration without Registration. – The Board shall grant to any person, upon application and
payment of the required fees, a certificate of registration and professional license as a librarian without
taking licensure examination, who on the date of the effectivityof Republic Act No. 6966 on December 5,
1990, and who qualifies under any of the categories hereunder prescribed under Sec. 19 of this law:
a. A practicing librarian and a supervising librarian eligible and are holders of
bachelor’s degree;
b. A practicing librarian who has a bachelor’s degree with at least eighteen (18) units
in Library Science and at least five (5) years experience in librarianship, and a first
grade eligible or its equivalent;
A practicing librarian with a master’s degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science,
a first grade eligible or its equivalent; or
A practicing librarian with a bachelor’s degree, eighteen (18) units in Library Science, and seven
(7) years experience in librarianship. Provided, That those qualified under any of the foregoing categories
shall be given three (3) years from the from the effectivity of this Act on 17 March 2004 and be included in
the roster of professionals.
The Board shall require the following documents to be submitted with
prescribed application form for exemption:
a. Certificate of a Librarian/Supervising Librarian eligibility duly authenticated by
the Civil Service Commission;
b. Diploma and Transcript of Records with Special Order Number or certified
photocopy by the school authority;
c. Service Records indicating the position title with the duties for the position duly
certified by the Personnel Officer;
d. Certification of good moral character issued by three (3) persons of good
standing in his/her community among whom must be the Barangay
Captain/Chairman (Original copy; and
e. NBI and Ombudsman Clearances for government employees or only NBI
Clearance for private sector.
Sec. 7 Issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. – A person who
passed the licensure examination for librarians and those who are registered without examination shall be
issued a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card by the Commission upon the
recommendation of the Board.
Sec. 8. Oath of Profession. – All successful examinees qualified for registration and all qualified applicants
for registration without examination shall be required to take an oath of profession before any Commission
Officer or member of the Board or any government official authorize to administer oaths prior to entering
into the practice of librarianship in the Philippines on a date and place determined by the Board and
approved by the Commission.
The successful examinee shall register at the Professional Regulation Commission after having
taken his/her oath and, upon payment of the required fees, shall be issued a certificate of registration and a
professional identification card.
Sec. 9. Refusal to Issue Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. – The Board
may refuse to issue certificate of registration to any person convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of
any criminal offense involving moral turpitude or any
person who has been found guilty of immoral and dishonorable conduct or any person of unsound mind. In
the event of refusal to issue a certificate, the Board shall forthwith furnish the applicant a written statement
setting forth its reason for such action which statement shall be incorporated in the records of the Board.
Sec. 10. Renewal of License to Practice. – A duly registered librarian shall renew his/her license every
three (3) years after undergoing Continuing Professional Education (CPE). The total CPE units for
registered librarians shall be sixty (60) for three (3) years. Any excess shall not be carried over to the next
three-year-period, except credit units earned for doctoral and masteral degrees. Attendance to at least one
(1) national conference/congress/training, etc. sponsored by accredited professional organization/integrated
professional association within three (3) years is required of very professional librarian.
Sec. 11. Revocation and Suspension of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification
Card or Cancellation of Temporary/ Special Permit. – After due process, the Board may revoke or
suspend the Certificate of Registration or cancel a temporary or special permit of any librarian for causes
provided by Sec. 23 of this Act.
Sec. 12.. Reissuance of Revoked Certificate of Registration and Replacement of Lost Certificate of
Registration and Professional Identification Card. - The Board after two (2) years from the date of
revocation of the Certificate of Registration may reissue a certificate upon application.
Replacement of lost, destroyed or mutilated Certificate of Registration and Professional
Identification Card or temporary/special permit may be issued after payment of the required fee prescribed
by the Commission.
Sec. 13. Roster of Librarians – The Board, in coordination with the accredited national organization of
librarians, shall maintain an up-to-date, complete and properly organized Roster, which shall include those
who had been issued Certificates of Registration under Republic Act No. 6966 and those who shall qualify
under RA No. 4296 to contain the following data:
alphabetical list by surname of librarians with their addresses and license numbers;
the list of licensees, numerically arranged by license numbers; and
such other list which the Board may deem necessary.
The National Library, the Civil Service Commission, and the accredited national organization of
librarians shall be provided with copies of the Roster.
Rule 4
Practice of Librarianship
Sec. 1 Illegal Practice of Librarianship. – An individual who has not issued a valid Certificate of
Registration and Professional Identification Card or a temporary/ special permit by the Commission shall
not practice or offer to practice librarianship in the Philippines or assume any position, which involve
performing the function of a librarians as provided under Section 5 of this Act.
Sec. 2. Certificate of Registration/Professional Identification Card and Professional Tax Receipt.- The
Certificate of Registration, Professional Identification Card and Professional Tax Receipt number of the
librarian shall be reflected in any document issued/signed in connection with the practice of the profession.
Sec. 3. Foreign Reciprocity. – A librarian from another country shall be admitted for licensure
examination, be issued a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card and be entitled to
the rights and privileges appurtenant to this Act, if the country or state he/she is a citizen of or subject,
permits Filipino librarians to practice librarianship on an equal basis as the librarians of said country or
state: Provided, that the requirements for Certificate of Registration in said country or state are substantially
the same as the requirements under this Act; Provided, further, That the law of such country or state grants
Filipino librarians the same privileges as the citizens/subjects of the country/state.
Sec. 4. Vested Rights: Automatic Registration of Practicing Librarians. - All librarians who are
registered at the time this Act takes effect on 17 March 2004 shall automatically be registered.
Sec. 5. Integrated and Accredited National Organization of Librarians. - Upon payment of the
required fees and dues, a librarian duly registered and licensed by the Board and the Commission shall
automatically become a member of the integrated and accredited professional and shall receive the benefits
and privileges appurtenant thereto.
Membership in the integrated and accredited professional organization shall not be a bar to
membership in any other association of librarians.
Sec. 6. Employment of Librarians. – Only qualified and licensed librarians shall be employed as
librarians in all government libraries. Local government units shall be given a period of three (3) years from
the approval of this Act on 19 February 2004 to comply with this provision.
Sec. 7. Suppletory Rules. – The set of professional and ethical principles covered by the “Code of Good
Governance for the Profession in the Philippines” shall be suppletorily applicable.
Rule 5
Penal and Final Provisions
Sec. 1. Penal Provisions – Any person who violates any of the provisions of Republic Act No. 9246, its
Implementing Rules and Regulations, shall, upon conviction, be penalized by a fine of not less than Thirty
thousand pesos (P30,000.00) nor more than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00), or imprisonment
of not less than one (1) month nor more than three (3) years at the discretion of the court.
Sec. 2. Separability Clause. – If any provision of this Rules and Regulations or the application of such
provision to any person or circumstances is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of this Rules
and Regulations or application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected by
such declaration.
Sec. 3. Repealing Clause. – Republic Act No. 6966 is repealed by Republic Act. No. 9246. Likewise, all
laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations, ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of
Republic Act No. 9246 are repealed.
Sec. 4. Effectivity. – This IRR of R.A. 9246 shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its complete
publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of nationwide circulation in the Philippines, whichever
comes first.
Done in the City of Manila, Philippines on this _______
Perla T. Garcia
Chairperson, BFL
Corazon M. Nera
Member, BFL
Antonieta Fortuna-Ibe
Chairperson, PRC
Elizabeth R. Peralejo
Member, BFL
Avelina De La Rea-Tan
Commissioner, PRC
Attested to :
Leonor Tripon-Rosero
Commissioner, PRC
Carlos G. Almelor
Secretary, Regulatory Board