Quarterly Review Report - Gender Mainstreaming in Planning and Development Division and Departments Date: Award ID: Description: Implementing Partners Period Covered: Start and End Date: Jan – March 2007 00014127 Gender Mainstreaming in Planning and Development Division and Departments. Planning and Development Division and Provincial Planning and Development Departments in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, NWFP and AJK January to March 2007 December 2004-2007 1. PROGRAMME ISSUES: Status of Project Risks: 1. Limited institutional capacity (at different tiers of Government) to mainstream gender-sensitive planning and processes. 2. Lack of reliable, disaggregated, transparent and consistent data availability in the reporting of performance indicators against government plans, programs and projects on gender mainstreaming. 3. Limited capacity of Public Sector training institutions to conduct Gender Mainstreaming Capacity building of government servants. Open Project Issues: 1. The issue of coordination & synergy is central to the efforts and strategies for poverty eradication, good governance and gender mainstreaming. It requires successful coordination between Government agencies, donors, private sector and civil society. 2. GMPnD with its diverse partnership base of all federal, provincial and AJK governments is well positioned to mainstream gender concerns within the government policies, plans and projects to achieve complex task of achieving gender equality and mainstreaming in Pakistan. 3. Nomination of part time Project Directors with many more official responsibilities makes their involvement difficult. 4. Frequent transfers and resignations of project directors and other project staff has adversely affected the project progress. 2. PROJECT INTRODUCTION AND PERFORMANCE This three years project (2005 – 2007), is a joint venture of United Nations Development Programme and the Government of Pakistan and is being implemented in collaboration with Planning and Development Division at the centre and provincial Planning and Development Departments as well as the Planning and Development Department of AJK. The basis of the project is gender mainstreaming framework developed after detailed deliberations with the stakeholders and finalized in-consultation with the Government of Pakistan in the Planning and Development Division and Economic Affairs Division, Islamabad under the umbrella of UNDP Gender Support Programme. The project has been conceived to contribute towards the goal of building capacity of government officers to mainstream gender in the formulation, implementation, and monitoring & evaluation of government policies, plans, programmes and projects in all areas of development. Thus multi-pronged approach of the project is directed towards institutional strengthening through awareness rising of government senior officers, professional civil servants working in the top tiers of government, legislators, managers and data managers. The report at hand provides description of the project progress made during a three months period from January to March 2007. PROJECT PROGRESS DURING THE QUARTER The Gender Mainstreaming in Planning and Development Division and Departments project is in the last year of implementation. The Project has achieved substantial progress during the period under report. The Capacity building trainings have continued during the period. The Project has successfully institutionalized the Gender Mainstreaming trainings in the Senior Management Course of BS 19 Officers in the National Management College Lahore and in the Mid Career Management Course (for BS 18 Officers of the Federal, Provincial and AJK governments) of the National Institutes of Public Administration at Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar. The project has successfully entered into partnerships with a number of Provincial governmental training institutes such as the Sind Local Government and Civil Service Academy Tando Jam, Punjab Economic Research Institute Lahore and conclusion of Formal MoUs with these institutions is in final stages. The Project has successfully completed capacity building of Federal Government Officers at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics Islamabad. The response has been so great that the total number of trainees for the federal government has exceeded the targets envisioned in the project document. The project has made progress in the establishment of disaggregated Databases in Pakistan. The project has finalized the arrangements for establishment of a ICT Laboratory at the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) for disaggregating the Social Sector Statistics. The ICT lab is expected to be functional during the second quarter of the current year. The Project has successfully entered into collaboration with the Population Census Organization (PCO) to engender the Census that is scheduled for the year 2008. An Engendering of Census Workshop has been planned for the second quarter of this year. The Assistant Resident Representative of the Poverty Reduction and Gender Unit of UNDP accompanied by the Federal Project Management Unit held a meeting with Member (Social Sector) of the Planning Commission of Pakistan to engender the Planning format i.e. PC – I, to which the Member agreed and presently the case is under active consideration of the Planning Commission. The most important event of the project life was hosting if the International Conference on Gender Mainstreaming in Planning and Development. The conference was held from Jan 17 – 19 2007 in Islamabad with participants from nine countries and papers were presented by speakers of international fame from Pakistan, India, USA, Armenia, Turkey, Yemen, Iran, Indonesia and Turkey. The report of the conference along with the compendium of the papers has been compiled and the draft is presently with the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission for his message. The Conference deliberated on the issues related to Gender Mainstreaming and produced a set of recommendations which were presented before the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission who presided the closing ceremony. The Deputy Chairman accepted the recommendations of the conference and assured that the government will adopt the recommendations within the frame work of the governmental policy. OUTPUT I: Senior and mid level Planning and Development officials gender sensitized at the Federal, provincial and district level. Q 1 2007 Achievements: Key Achievements under the output Most of the Sensitization sessions and trainings were completed in the year 2006 therefore there was no progress in the quarter as all were complete. Quality Criteria Date Results of Activities User Perspective End users, particular women and marginalized N.A population, participating in the trainings benefit Satisfactory Resource Status Satisfactory Timelines All Activities are according to required timelines. LESSON LEARNT: 1. The combined sensitization of such a large number of senior government managers is difficult therefore an alternate strategy has to be devised such as newsletters etc. 2. The Sensitization of parliamentarians is difficult without involvement of the respective house committees of the National Assembly and Senate. A partnership is being forged with these committees through sister UNDP Projects working with the Parliament. 3. There is a need for conducted Refresher Courses, so that the trainers could be updated about the latest developments in the international and national scenario, etc OUTPUT II: Capacity Built of senior and mid-level officers to conduct gender analysis, planning, monitoring and evaluation. 2007 Q1 Achievements: The Key achievements under the institutional pillar include: The capacity building trainings achieved the targets at the federal level in 2007. Against a target of 50 a total on 93 officers were trained. The Sind PMU forged a new alliance with the Sind Local Government and Civil Service Academy Tando Jam to impart capacity building training to provincial civil servants from Sind. Four activities of T1 and T2 were conducted during February and March 2007. Due to engagement of PMU in GSP meeting, EAD-UNDP Workshop and International Conference held at Islamabad during January 2007 and late release of plea for 1st quarter the trainings were started from 19th February 2007. Therefore two activities were postponed. Against a total of 150 trainings planned a target of 95 was achieved. The institutionalization of gender sensitization modules in the government training institutes at the federal, provincial and district level is being undertaken and has become an integral part of the curriculum of National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) under NSPP, by integrating these modules in the promotion course of senior civil servants (Grade 19). Balochistan and NWFP entered into agreements with their fresh partners to provide Capacity Building trainings to provincial civil servants. Balochistan entered into arrangements with Audit and Accounts Academy Quetta and Rural Development Academy Quetta. NWFP entered into agreement with PARD, Health Service Academy and Staff Training Institute. During the period, the Project in NWFP conducted three day course of T1 held from March 12-14, 2007 in NIPA Peshawar. A total of 24 officers participated in the course which included Executive District Officers, District Officers and Assistant Coordination Officers. The Project in NWFP which had integrated Gender Mainstreaming as a subject in the mandatory courses of the Staff Training Institute, Government of NWFP, assisted the STI for conducting two day sessions on ‘Gender Mainstreaming in Development’ as part of the regular advance course for a group of 29 under promotion section officers. The sessions were held from March 12-13, 2007 at STI and the Project’s trainers delivered the customized modules (T2) on the subject. Against a target of 100 officers a total of 53 officers were trained. In AJK one session of T1 training was conducted in the first quarter. Total 25 participants were trained against the target of 25. Quality Criteria Date The Quality Criteria is linked to the output so that the end user benefits, particular women and marginalized population. The addition of Gender Mainstreaming training aspect in the regular training of Civil Servants has received acceptance in the government. N.A Results of Activities User Perspective Resource Status The various workshops, training, seminars and committee meeting were useful and the user’s perspective and feedback was satisfactory and appreciative. Satisfactory The addition of Gender Mainstreaming training aspect in the regular training of Civil Servants has been greatly appreciated. Timelines All Activities could not be conducted due to pre occupation of NIPAs with other courses however the backlog will be covered in the second quarter as agreed by NIPAs. Lesson Learnt: 1. The strategic positioning of the project is vitally important for its success. The ownership of the project has to be at the highest level, as the commitment level is directly proportional to the success of the project. 2. It is important to see how the integration of gender concerns in the trainings of civil servants effects their attitude towards the gender issues. 3. The Gender Concerns have received greater acceptability with in the broader governmental circles. The project activities have once again brought home to the policy makers that operationalization of GRAP is of paramount importance. 4. The non availability of project staff is a major impediment and utmost efforts should be made to avoid a situation where a vacancy remains vacant for a longer period of time. 5. The cooperation of provincial governments is importance and the all efforts should be made to keep them keep them OUTPUT III: User-friendly toolkits of materials on gender mainstreaming developed Project ID & Description: Q 1 2007 Achievement: The toolkits have been prepared and being disseminated during the training courses. Quality Criteria Date Results of Activities User Perspective The GMPnD training result in Gender Sensitive Planning and Development. The marginalized sections of society and specially women benefit equally and equitably from all developmental activity. NA The projects’ design and training has been widely appreciated at all levels of the government and the trainee officers are provided with necessary training material which helps them in continuous sharpening of their skills in gender sensitive planning. The various workshops, training, seminars and committee meeting were useful and the user’s perspective and feedback was satisfactory and appreciative. Resource Status Satisfactory Timelines All Activities are conducted according to required timelines. Lessons Learnt: The toolkits should be translated from official (English) to local languages (Urdu, Sindi , Pushto etc ) for making them more usable at the lower levels. OUTPUT IV: Gender desegregated databases created Q1 2007 Achievement: The Establishment of Disaggregated Databases is one of the major activities of the project and the project has held number of sessions during the last year. The Project established a linkage with Population Census Organization as the holding of Census has been planned for the year 2008. To incorporate the gender concerns with in the Population Census, a consultation has been planned for April 2007 with representation from different government departments, academia and the PCO. The Computer Training Component C1 is also a part of the output however the same could not be started in the federal government as the training Computer Trainings for government officers C 1 Target for Q1 Trained in Q 1 Federal 25 0 Punjab 0 0 Sindh 50 23 Balochistan 0 0 AJK 0 0 NWFP 25 21 Total 100 44 Percent Achieved Quality Criteria The GMPnD contribution to establishment of disaggregated data have been appreciated and the Bibliography of Gender Data in Pakistan has been widely appreciated and a positive feedback has been received in this regard. 44% Date Results of Activities User Perspective NA The projects’ contribution has been appreciated at the highest level of the Planning Commission of Pakistan. The Members of the Planning Commission and Secretary Planning and Development Division have visited the project training and other related activities on various occasions and have been highly appreciative of the contribution. Resource Status Satisfactory Timelines All Activities are conducted according to required timelines. Lessons Learnt: 1. 1. The Establishment of Disaggregated databases is a tall order and the project should make small contributions to achieve the ultimate goal of disaggregated data. 2. The Census is a major constitutional activity which is undertaken once a decade and needs to be undertaken with a gender perspective for availability of disaggregated data in Pakistan to be used for Planning and Development Purpose. 3. There is a lot of data on social sector such as the health, education etc that is already Available but not being used therefore there is a need to publicize the availability of such data for use by planners. 4. The District is now the basic functional unit of the local government and planning therefore the data must be available to the district planners. OUTPUT V Knowledge based networking promoted. 2006 Key Achievements: The Federal PMU has revamped its website and the website has been uploaded by the Ministry of Planning and Development Web Administrator. The website has been updated and all available publications have been placed there for easy access by all users. The most important event of the project life was hosting if the International Conference on Gender Mainstreaming in Planning and Development. The conference was held from Jan 17 – 19 2007 in Islamabad with participants from nine countries and papers were presented by speakers of international fame from Pakistan, India, USA, Armenia, Turkey, Yemen, Iran, Indonesia and Turkey. The report of the conference along with the compendium of the papers has been compiled and the draft is presently with the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission for his message. The Conference deliberated on the issues related to Gender Mainstreaming and produced a set of recommendations which were presented before the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission who presided the closing ceremony. The Deputy Chairman accepted the recommendations of the conference and assured that the government will adopt the recommendations within the frame work of the governmental policy. The project has forged regional and international networks using this occasion and the project is using the experiences of the international practitioners to achieve its targets. In the meanwhile a large number of officers have been trained in the use of internet and email. These officers will form the group of the practitioners who would be able to share their best practices and on field experiences during the discussions. Computer Training C 2 Target for Q1 Federal 25 Trained in Q1 0 Punjab 0 0 Sindh 75 57 Balochistan 0 0 AJK 0 0 NWFP 0 0 Total 100 57 Percent Achieve 57% Quality Criteria Date The knowledge networking is aimed at increased interaction of gender practitioners through use of ICT tools and the establishment of a website has been a major improvement. The website has been placed prominently on the Planning Commission’s website and there have been a large number of users who have benefited from the material available on the site. N.A Results of Activities User Perspective Resource Timelines Status Various participants of training events, workshops and seminars have appreciated the availability of training and other knowledge All Activities are material. in Sync and conducted Satisfactory according to required timelines. Lessons Learnt: 1. 2. 3. The availability of internet facility has to be ensured to planners at all levels. This facility is available at the federal and provincial level but the same is not available in the districts, which have to be ensured. The government policy of not allowing the use of internet on the official computers for security reasons has to change as this seriously discourages the use of latest information in official business. The government servants have to be encouraged to use internet and the government has to expedite the establishment of paperless working environment which has been the major function of the government’s E – Government Initiative. Financial Summary (US$) Account 71300.00 71400.00 71600.00 72100.00 72200.00 74500.00 Fund Code 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 Donor - R. Party GMPND GMPND GMPND GMPND GMPND GMPND Budget 402,732 311,920 163,536 1,705,354 18,173 319,477 Expenditure 40,674 20,894 183,220 7,943 Balance 402,732 271,246 142,642 1,522,134 18,173 311,534