1936 (with Barbara Lawrence). A new eastern race of Galago

1936 (with Barbara Lawrence). A new eastern race of Galago demidovaii. Occasional
Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History 8:255-266.
1941 (abstract)
Observations on certain langurs. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
(Suppl. 1) 18:6.
Technique in primatology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 28:12.
1942 (abstract)
Sequence of epiphysial union in Old World monkeys. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology (Suppl. 2) 29:318.
Skeletal proportions of adult langurs and macaques. (Abridged version of doctoral
dissertation, Harvard University, 1940) Human Biology 14:444-472.
Technique in primatology. Anthropological Briefs 1:6-12; 2:29-32.
1943 (with S.R. Detwiler). An experiment bearing on the problems of physical
anthropology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s., 1:]7]-]90.
The sequence of epiphysial union in Old World monkeys. American Journal of Anatomy
72:339-360. (reprinted in Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1946, pp.125-135).
Technique in primatology. Anthropological Briefs 3:9-17.
Glover Morrill Allen-1879-1942. Journal of Mammology 24(3):301 -302.
The genera of Malaysian langurs. Journal of Mammalogy 25:289-294.
Review of Mankind so Far, by W.W. Howell. American Anthropologist, n.s.,
Thinking about race. Science Education 28:65-76. (reprinted in Smithsonian Institution
Annual Report, 1945, pp. 363-378; This is Race, E.W. Count, ea., 1950, pp. 691-702;
Readings in Anthropology, E.A. Hoebel, J.D. Jennings, and E.R. Smith, eds., 1955, pp.
Review of Chimpanzees: A Laboratory Colony, by R.M. Yerkes. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, n.s., 2:224.
1945 (abstract) The experimental approach of anthropological problems. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s., 3:219.
Review of Anatomy as the Basis for Medical and Dental Practice, by Donald Mainland.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s., 3:213-214.
1946 The effect of facial paralysis on the growth of the skull of rat and rabbit. The
Anatomical Record 94:163-168. (reprinted in Yearbook of Physical
Anthropology, 1946, pp. 115 - 120).
The effect of removal of the zygomatic arch in the rat. Journal of Mammalogy 27: 169172. (reprinted in Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1946, pp. 121 124).
Experimental anthropology. Transactions, New York Academy of Science 8:186187.
The sequence of epiphysial union in the opossum. The Anatomical Record 95:353-364.
Thoracic viscera of the gorilla. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s.,
1947 (abstract) The biological basis of measurement. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, n.s., 5:237.
Review of The South African Fossil Ape-Men: The Australopithecinae, by R. Broom and
G.W. Schepers. American Anthropologist 49:296-297.
The effect of the temporal muscle on the form of the mandibles. Journal of Dental
Research 26:174.
Review of Human Genetics, by R.R. Gates. American Anthropologist 49:488489.
The relation of the temporal muscle to the form of the skull. The Anatomical Record
1948 Review of Outline of Anthropology by, M. Jacobs and B.J. Stern. American Journal
of Physical Anthropology, n.s., 6: 111- 112.
1949 (abstract)
The determination of the sex of skeletons. Anatomical Record 103:516.
Review of Robert Broom Commemorative Volume by A.L. Dutoit, ed.,. American
Anthropologist 51 :649-651.
Review of A New Theory of Human Evolution, by Sir Arthur Keith. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, n.s., 7:263-266.
Sex differences in the pubic bone of Bantu and Bushman. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, n.s., 7:425-432.
(with Davida Wolffson). The Shorter Anthropological Papers of Franz Weidenreich
published in the Period 1939-1948, New York: The Viking Fund.
1950 (abstract)
The analysis of facial growth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s.,
Review of Genetics, Paleontology, and Evolution, by G.L. Jepsen, E. Mayr, and G.G.
Simpson, eds.,. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s., 8:245247.
Thoracic viscera of the gorilla. In W.K. Gregory, ea., The Anatomy of the Gorilla,
Part 3. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 189- 195
(letter to the editor) Constitutional types and physical anthropology. American
Anthropologist 52:437.
1951 (abstract) The analysis of anatomical difference. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, n.s., 9:235.
The analysis of primate evolution with particular reference to the origin of man. In Cold
Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 15:67-78, Origin and Evolution of
Man, New York. (reprinted in: The Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series in Social Sciences, No.
A-232; W.W. Howells, ea., Ideas on Human Evolution, 1969, pp.154-171. and Paul
Ehrlich, R.W. Holm and P.H. Raven eds., Papers on Evolution. 1969. pp.523-540).
Review of The Human Species: A Biology of Man, by Anthony Barnett. American
Sociological Review 16:576-577.
Review of Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency, by S. and E. Glueck. American
Anthropologist 53:572-574.
(with B. Patterson). Evolutionary importance of the South African 'man-apes.' Nature
(with H.H. Strandskov). Genetics and physical anthropology. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, n.s., 9:261-263.
The new physical anthropology. In Transactions of the New York Academy of
Sciences, Series II, 13:298-304. (reprinted in Yearbook of Physical
Anthropology, 1951, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
7:124-130; E.A. Hoebel et al., eds., Readings in Anthropology, 1955, pp.59-66; N.
Korn and H.R. Smith, eds., Human Evolution, 1959, pp. 192-201; M.H. Fried, ea.,
Readings in Anthropology, Vol. 1:144-152, 1959; T.W. McKem, ea., Readings in
Physical Anthropology, 1966, pp. 2-6).
Review of The New You and Heredity, by Amram Scheinfeld. American Sociological
Review 16:577-578.
On the interpretation of differences in the form of the skull. Anatomical Record
Review of Varieties of Delinquent Youth: An Introduction to Constitutional Psychiatry,
by W.H. Sheldon. American Anthropologist 53:561-563.
1952 Carelton Stevens Coon, Viking Fund Medalist for 1951. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, n.s., 10:227-228.
(with J. Buettner-Janusch). The definition of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s., 10:251.
(with F. Clark Howell). On the identification of the hypophysial fossa of solo
man. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s., 10:13-22.
(with J.A. Gavan and P.H. Lewis). Photography: an anthropometric tool.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s., 10:331-353.
The strategy of physical anthropology. Presented at Wenner-Gren Foundation
International Symposium on Anthropology, New York, 1952. (reprinted in: A.
Kroeber, ea., Anthropology Today, 1952, pp. 714-727; Sol Tax, ea., Anthropology
Today: Selections, 1962, pp. 1-14; G.W. Lasker, ea., Physical Anthropology 1953-1961.
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 9:1-15).
(with R.J. Havighurst, A. Keys, and P.A. Weiss). The study of growth and its meaning to
mankind, II. The human implications. The University of Chicago Round Table, No. 765.
Reviews of Essay on the Cerebral Cortex, by G. von Bonin.; Frontal Lobotomy and
Affective Behavior, by J.F. Fulton.; The Cerebral Cortex, by W. Penfield and T.
Rasmussen. American Anthropologist, 54:402-403.
1953 (with R.E. Hanna). The determination of the sex of skeletons, as illustrated by a
study of the Eskimo pelvis. Human Biology 25:21-27.
The Piltdown hoax. American Anthropologist 55:759-762. (reprinted in: American
Antiquity 19:313-315, 1954; E.A. Hoebel et al., Readings in Anthropology, 1955, pp.40]
Editorial. American Anthropologist 55:157-158.
1954 An old theory is supported by new evidence and new methods. American
Anthropologist 56:433-441.
On the antiquity of anatomically modern man. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 12:285.
1955 Review of The Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution, by W. LeGros Clark.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 13:545-547.
Human evolution. In J.R. Newman, ea., What is Science? New York: Simon and
Schuster, pp.321-322.
Review of Evolution as a Process, by Julian Huxley, et al.,. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 13: 162-164.
1956 Anthropologic difference between man and the rat. In S.J. Fomon, ea., Report of
the 17th Ross Pediatric Research Conference, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 45-46.
The relationship of form and function of the masticatory apparatus. In . S.J. Fomon, ea.,
Report of the 17th Ross Pediatric Research Conference, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 53-58.
(with L.W. Mednick). The role of the sutures in the growth of the braincase of the infant
pig. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s. 14: 175-191.
1957 Australopithecines:4he hunters or the hunted? American Anthropologist
Ischial callosities as sleeping adaptations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
1958 Review of Body Measurements and Human Nutrition, by J. Brozek, ea., American
Anthropologist 60:207.
Review of History of the Primates, by W. LeGros Clark. American Anthropologist
Review of Bones for the Archeologist, by I.W. Cornwall. American Anthropologist
(with V. Avis) Evolution of human behavior. In A. Roe and G.G. Simpson, eds.,
Behavior and Evolution. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 421-436.
Review of Skeletal Age Changes in Young American Males, by T.W. McKern and T.D.
Stewart. American Antiquity 24: 198- 199.
Review of Traite de Paleontologie, Tome VII, by J. Piveteau. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 16:493-494.
1959 Review of The Evolution of the Speech Apparatus, by E.L. Du Brul. American
Anthropologist 61:918.
Speculations on the interrelations of the history of tools and biological evolution. Human
Biology 31:21 -31.
Cultural determinants of brain size. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 18:349.
(with F. Clark Howell). Human evolution and culture. In Sol Tax, ea., Evolution after
Darwin, Vol. II. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 33-56. (reprinted in:
Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series in the Social Sciences, No. A-359; T.W. McKern, ea.,
Readings in Physical Anthropology, 1966, pp.146-151).
(with I. DeVore). K. Imanishi, Social Organization of Subhuman Primates in their
Natural Habitat. Current Anthropology I :405.
Tools and human evolution. Scientific American 203:63-75. (reprinted in M.F. Ashley
Montagu, ea., Culture and the Evolution of Man, 1962. pp.13- 19; C. Gabel, ea., Man
Before History, 1964. pp. 12-20).
(with I. DeVore). Baboon Behavior, 16mm. sound, color film. Motion Picture Production
Department, Berkeley: University of California.
1961 (with T.D. McCown). Review of The Prehistory of Southern Africa, by J.D. Clark:
American Antiquity 26:445.
The genus Australopithecus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s.
Review of Man, Race and Darwin. Papers read at a joint conference of the Royal
Anthropological Institute and the Institute of Race Relations. American Anthropologist
Review of Introduction to Physical Anthropology: Third Edition, by M.F. Ashley
Montagu. American Anthropologist 63 :452-453.
(with I. DeVore). Social behavior of baboons and early man. In S.L. Washburn, ea.,
Social Life of Early Man, Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, No. 31. New York:
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. pp. 91-105. (reprinted in: T.W.
McKern, Readings in Physical Anthropology, ] 966. pp. 48- 57).
(with I. DeVore). Social life of baboons. Scientific American 204:62-71.
(ed.). Social Life of Early Man. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, No. 31. New
York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and Chicago: Aldine
Publishing Company.
962 (with I. DeVore). Ecologic et Comportement des Babouins. La Terre et la Vie 109:
1963 (with I. DeVore). Baboon ecology and human evolution. In F. Clark Howell and F.
Bourliere, eds., African Ecology and Human Evolution, Viking Fund Publications
in Anthropology, No. 36. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for
Anthropological Research. pp.335-367.
Behavior and human evolution. In S.L. Washburn, ea., Classification and Human
Evolution, Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, No. 37. New York: Wenner-Gren
Foundation for Anthropological Research. pp. 190-203.
(ed.). Classification and Human Evolution. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology,
No. 37. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and
Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company.
Comment on The Essential Morphological Basis for Human Culture, by A.L~ Bryan.
Current Anthropology 4:304-305.
Review of The Origin of Races, by C.S. Coon. American Scientist 51: 168A] 70A.
The curriculum in physical anthropology. In D.G. Mandelbaum et al., eds., The Teaching
of Anthropology. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp.39-47.
Review of The Mountain Gorilla: Ecology and Behavior, by G.B. Schaller. American
Scientist 51:438A.
The study of race (presidential address, American Anthropological Association, 1962
Meeting Chicago). American Anthropologist 65:521 -532. (reprinted in: M.M. Tumin,
ea., Race and Intelligence, New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, pp.47-56;
Race, racism and culture, University, A Princeton Magazine 20:6-8; P.B. Hammond, ea.,
Physical Anthropology and Archaeology. New York: Macmillan, pp. 171-180; Ashley
Montagu, ea., The Concept of Race, London: Collier Books, 1969, pp.242-260; Juan
Comas, Estudio Sobre Raza, Anales de Antropologia 1; Mexico.
Tool-using performances as indicators of behavioral adaptability. Current Anthropology
1964 Racial differences in skin color. American Anthropologist 66:1173-1174.
Review of A suggested case of evolution by sexual selection in primates, by C. Jolly.
Man 64:91.
The origin of races: Weidenreich's opinion. 1]67.
American Anthropologist 66: 1165
Race, racism and culture. Princeton University Magazine 5:6-8.
Review of Naturalistic Behavior of Nonhuman Primates, by C.R. Carpenter. American
Scientist 53:468A-470A.
1965 (with D.A. Hamburg). The implications of primate research. In 1. DeVore, ea.,
Primate Behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp. 607-622.
Introduction. In S. Elmerl and T. DeVore, eds., The Primates. New York: Time, Inc., p.7.
(with D.A. Hamburg). The study of primate behavior. In I. DeVore, ea., Primate
Behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp.1-13.
(with P. Jay and J.B. Lancaster). Field studies of Old World monkeys and apes. Science
An ape's eye view of human evolution. In The Origin of Man. Wenner-Gren Conference,
Chicago, pp.89-96.
Review of the naturalistic behavior 53:468a-470a.
of nonhuman primates. American Scientist
1966 Conflict in Primate Society. In Conflict in Society. London: Ciba Society, pp. 3-15.
Double projection. American Anthropologist 68:504-505.
Educational Board. Daily Californian, Berkeley (March 31, 1966), p. 3.
(with J.B. Lancaster). Psychology and the evolution of man. Harvard Educational
Review 36:333-335.
What is a Primate? Primate News 4:6-7. Beaverton: Oregon Regional Primate Center.
Seminars. Daily Californian, Berkeley (March 28, 1966), p.12.
(with J. Shirek). Human evolution. In J. Hirsch, ea., Behavior-Genetic Analysis. New
York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 10-21.
Perspectives and prospects. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 27:367-373.
The summer quarter. Daily Californian (October 13, 1967).
Review of Social Communication Among Primates, by S.A. Altmann. Science 158:481
Review of Men and Apes, by D. Morris. Quarterly Review of Biology 42:559.
Review of Processes of Organic Evolution, by G.L. Stebbins. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 27:224-225.
(with P.C. Jay). More on tool use among primates. Current Anthropology
1968 Behavior and the origin of man. Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute
of Great Britain and Ireland, 1967, pp.17-21. (reprinted in: Rockefeller University
Review, January-February, pp. 10-19).
Franz Weidenreich. York: Macmillan, pp. 502-503.
In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. New
Speculations of the problems of man's coming to the ground. In B. Rothblatt, ea.,
Changing Perspectives on Man. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 191-206.
The study of human evolution. Condon Lectures. Eugene: University of Oregon Press.
One hundred years of biological anthropology. In J.¢. Brew, ea., One Hundred Years of
Anthropology. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. 97-115.
(with D.A. Hamburg). Aggressive behavior in Old World monkeys and apes. In P.C. Jay,
ea., Primate Behavior: Studies in Adaptation and Variability. New York: Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, pp. 458-478.
(with C. Lancaster). The evolution of hunting. In R.B. Lee, ea., Man the Hunter.
Chicago: Aldine, pp. 293-303. (reprinted in: S.L. Washburn and P.C. Jay, eds.,
Perspectives on Human Evolution. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp.
(with J.B. Lancaster). Human evolution. International Encyclopedia of the Social
Sciences. New York: Macmillan, pp. 215-221.
On Holloway's "Tools and Teeth". American Anthropologist, 70:97-101.
(ea. with P.s. Jay). Perspectives on Human Evolution. Vol. ]. New York: Holt Rinehart
and Winston.
Review of Evolution and Human Behavior, by A.A. Alland, Jr.. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 29: 105.
Review of Man-Apes or Ape-Men? The LeGros Clark. American Anthropologist
Story of Discoveries in Africa by W F.
Review of Social Organization of Hamadryas Baboons: A Field Study, by H. Kummer.
Man 3:66s.
Review of Race and Modern Science: A Collection of Essays by Biologists,
Anthropologists, Sociologists, and Psychologists, by R.E. Kuttner, ea.. American
Anthropologist 70:103S-1037.
Review of Man and Aggression, by M.F.A. Montagu. New York Times Book Review
(October 6, 1968).
Review of The Apes: The Gorilla, Chimpanzee, History and Their World, by V.
Reynolds. Man 3:661-662.
Orang-utan, and Gibbon: Their
Review of Olduvai Gorge, by P.V. Tobias. Quarterly Review of Biology 43:318.
1969 The evolution of human behavior. In J.D. Roslansky, ea., The Uniqueness of Man.
Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company. pp. l 67- 189.
Review of Men in Groups, by L. Tiger. New York Times Book Review. (July27, 1969).
1970 (with R.S.O. Harding). Evolution of primate behavior. In F.0. Schmitt, ea., The
Neurosciences: Second Study Program. New York: Rockefeller University Press. pp.
(with R.S.O. Harding). The selection of nonhuman primates in biological research. In R.
S. Harris, ea., Feeding and Nutrition of Nonhuman Primates. New York: Academic
Press, pp. 1-13.
Origin of aggressive behavior. In Behavior Sciences and Mental Health. Chevy Chase:
Nation al Institute of Mental Health. pp. 54-71.
Comment off A possible evolutionary basis for aesthetic appreciation in men and apes,
by J.S. Bleakney. Evolution 24:477-479.
(with R.S.O. Harding). Review of Evolutionary Trends in Fossil and Recent Hominids,
by J. Nemeskeri and G. Dezso, eds.. Quarterly Review of Biology 45:224.
Review of Naked Ape or Homo Sapiens?, by J. Lewis and B. Towers. American
Anthropologist 72:955-956.
Review of The Life of Primates, by A.H. Schultz. Man 5:314-315.
1971 On the importance of the study of primate behavior for anthropologists. In M.L.
Wax, S. Diamond, F.O. Gearing, eds., Anthropological Perspectives on Education. New
York: Basic Books, pp. 91-97.
On understanding man. Rehovot 6:22-31.
Review of The Human Animal, by H. Hass. American Anthropologist 73: 1425.
(with J.B. Lancaster). Comment on On the Origins of Language, by L. Carini. Current
Anthropology 12:384-385.
Comment on Assumption and Inference on Human Origins, by C. Quigley. Current
Anthropology 12:533-535.
1972 (ea. with P. Dolhinow). Perspectives on Human Evolution, Vol. 2. New York: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston.
(with P. Dolhinow). Introduction. In S.L. Washburn and P. Dolhinow, eds., Perspectives
on Human Evolution, Vol. 2. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. pp. 1 - 13.
(with S. Strum). Concluding comments. In S.L. Washburn and P. Dolhinow, eds.,
Perspectives on Human Evolution. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. pp. 469-491.
Human evolution. In T. Dobzhansky, M Hecht, W. Steere, eds., Evolutionary Biology,
Vol. 6, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. pp. 349-360.
Man: On the origin of species. California Monthly (June/July) 82(8):12-13.
Aggressive behavior and human evolution. In G.V. Coelho and E.A. Rubinstein, eds.,
Social Change and Human Behavior. Rockville: National Institute of Mental Health, pp.
(with E.R. McCown). Evolution of human behavior. In R.H. Osborne, ea., Social
Biology 19:163-170.
1973 Primate studies in human evolution. In G.H. Bourne, ea., Nonhuman Primates and
Medical Research. New York: Academic Press, pp. 467-485.
The promise of primatology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 38:177-182.
Primate field studies and social science. In L. Nader and T.W. Maretzki, eds., Cultural
Illness and Health. Anthropological Studies Series No.9. Washington, DC: American
Anthropological Association. pp. 128-134.
The evolution game. Journal of Human Evolution 2:557-561.
(with E.R. McCown). The new science of human evolution. In 1974 Britannica
Yearbook of Science and the Future. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica. pp. 32-49.
(with M.J. Raleigh). Human behavior and the origin of man. Impact of Science on
Society 23:5-14.
Review of Not from the Apes, by B. Kurten. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Comment on Primate communication and the gestural origin of language, by G.W.
Hewes. Current Anthropology 14: 18.
1974 (with R. Moore). Ape into Man. Boston: Little, Brown.
Evolution and education. Daedalus 103:221-228.
Human Evolution: science or game? Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 1973,
(with R.L. Ciochon). Caninie teeth: poses on controversies in the study of human
evolution. American Anthropologist 76:765-784.
(with D.A. Hamburg and N.H. Bishop). Social adaptation in nonhuman primates. In
G.V.Coelho, D.A. Hamburg, J.E. Adams, Coping and Adaptation. New York: Basic
Books. pp. 3-12.
Human evolution. In H. Boardman and S.A. Ross, eds., Biology in Human Affairs.
Washington, DC: Voice of America Forum Series. pp. 223-232.
Review of The Predatory Behavior of Wild Chimpanzees, by G. Teleki. American
Anthropologist 76:687-688.
Review of God or Beast, by R. Claiborne. American Scientist 63:476.
1975 (with R.S.O. Harding). Evolution and human nature. In D.A. Hamburg and H.K.H.
Brodie, eds., American Handbook of Psychiatry, Vol. VI. New York: Basic Books. pp. 313.
Evolution and learning: p context for evaluation. Principal 54:4-10.
Comment on Ecology and australopithecine taxonomy. American Anthropologist 77:618.
Comment on Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence, by H.J. Jerison. Current
Anthropology 16:412.
1976 The war between words: Biological versus social evolution and some related
issues. American Psychologist 31 :353-355.
Comment in Section 1, Biological versus Social Evolution. American Psychologist 31
Foreword. In R.B. Lee and I. DeVore, eds., Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press. pp. xv-xvii.
The extinction of dinosaurs. American Anthropologist 78:902.
Comment on Sociobiology. Reviews in Anthropology 3:558-559.
Foreword. In W. Montagna, Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press. pp. ix xi.
(with R.L. Ciochon). The single species hypothesis. American Anthropologist 78:96-97.
1977 Postscript: Physical anthropology at Berkeley. Kroeber Anthropological Society
Papers 50:121-122.
The fun of human evolution. In R.K. Wetherington, ea., Colloquia in Anthropology, Vol.
I.. Fort Burgwin Research Center, Taos, New Mexico.
Beyond the basics: some future uses of the past. Principal 57:33-38.
Field studies of primate behavior. In G.H. Bourne, ea., Progress in Ape Research. New
York: Academic Press. pp. 231 -242.
Discussion. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 1976. 20:466-467.
1978 Animal behavior and social anthropology. Gregory et al., eds., Sociobiology and
Human Nature. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pp. 53-74. (reprinted in: Society 15:35-41)
The evolution of man. Scientific American 239:194-208.
Human behavior and the behavior of other animals. American Psychologist. 33:405418.
What we can't learn about people from the apes. Human Nature 1 :70-75.
(with R. McCown, eds.) Human Evolution: Biosocial Perspectives. Perspectives on
Human Evolution, Vol. IV. Menlo Park, California: Benjamin/Cummings.
(with E.R. McCown). Human evolution and social science. In S.L. Washburn and E.R.
McCown, eds., Human Evolution: Biosocial Perspectives. Menlo Park, California:
Benjamin/Cummings. pp.285-295.
(with F.C. Howell and R.L. Ciochon). Relationship of Australopithecus and Homo. Journal
of Human Evolution 7:127-131.
Reflections on the development of studies of primate behavior. American Journal
of Physical Anthropology 48(3):446.
1979 Ethnologists do not study human evolution. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2:49.
Montezuma's zoo. New York Review of Books 26:52.
(letter Wits B. Benedict) Non-human primate culture. Man 14:163-164.
The Pill down hoax: Piltdown 2. Science 203:955-958.
1980 A View of the Primates. In S.S. Kalter, A. Hellman, and J. Gruber, eds., Primates
and Ht man Cancer. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Publication No. (AH)
79-1889, pp. 3-9.
Back to back. New York Review of Books (May 29) 27:49-50.
(letter) Ape language. Psychology Today 13:5.
(with Ruth Moore). Ape into Human: A Study in Human Evolution. Boston: Little,
On Brace's review of Origins. American Anthropologist 82:392-394.
(with J.M. Lowenstein). Species specific proteins in fossils. Naturwissenschaflen
1981 (letter)
Ape language, or more on ape talk. New York Review of Books. (April 2) pp.
Review of Human Nature and History: A response to sociobiology, by Kenneth Bock.
New York Review of Books (April 6) 28:6.
Reagan on Evolution. San Francisco Chronicle. (October 14, 1981).
Statement on Human Evolution. Prepared at the request of the American
Anthropological Association for the annual meeting, December 1980.
Language and the fossil record. In L.L. Mai, ea., The Perception of Evolution: Papers
honoring Joseph Birdsell. Los Angeles: University of California Monographs in
Language and the fossil record. In L.L. Mai, et al., eds., The Perception of Evolution.
Anthropology UCLA Series 7:231 -238.
Review of Who brought home the bacon?, by F. Dahlberg, ea., In Woman the Gatherer.
New York Review of Books (September 24, 1981).
William King Gregory, 1876- 1970. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Longevity in primates. J.L. McGaugh and S.B. Kiesler, eds., Aging Biology and
Behavior. New York: Academic Press. pp. 11-29.
A Defense of Father Teilhard de Chardin: A reply to the Piltdown Conspiracy by
Stephen Gould. Natural History 90:12-31.
1982 Human biology and social science. In E.A. Hoebel, R. Currier, and S. Kaiser, eds.,
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