Externally: Daimler Chrysler communicates with its stakeholders on

Communication on Progress (COP) for the Global Compact
DaimlerChrysler is a leading supplier of superior passenger cars, sport-utility vehicles,
minivans and pickups, and the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles.
With its strong brands (like Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep) and a
comprehensive portfolio of automobiles ranging from small cars to heavy-duty trucks,
supplemented by tailored financial services along the automotive value chain,
DaimlerChrysler is active in nearly all countries in the world. The Group has production
facilities in a total of 20 countries.
As a multinational corporation we take our worldwide responsibility towards our
customers, shareholders, and employees just as seriously as our responsibility towards
socio-political institutions at local, regional, national, and international level. The
principles governing social responsibility introduced by the DaimlerChrysler AG Board
of Management together with the Global Works Council reflect DaimlerChrysler’s
commitment to the catalogue of principles of the “Global Compact.” Taking this
commitment serious, the company communicates its commitment to the Compact and
both internally and externally initiated several actions.
Public support for the Global Compact
Daimler Chrysler communicates with its stakeholders on corporate citizenship and on
the Global Compact, next to personal dialogue, though its report "Corporate Social
Responsibility in 2004", the "Environmental Report", the "Annual Report 2004" (see
page 80-81) and since this year also with the “Sustainability Profile 2005”
In the CSR Report e.g., Prof. Jürgen E. Schrempp, Chairman of the Board of
Management, reiterates the company's support for the Global Compact (page 5) and
many of the described initiatives illuminate what the company does to implement the
Global Compact principles and to support the initiative (e.g. page 12 and 13).
Also in the new “Sustainability Profile”, the Chairman underlines the support for the
UN Global Compact (page 7). This GRI-oriented Profile is a completely newly
Dr. Wolfram Heger
DaimlerChrysler AG
Ph. +49 711 17 93224
designed Corporate Report. It bundles facts and figures in the field of sustainability
focusing on our strategies, guidelines and tracking systems – including available
performance data and activities. Within that report, the Global Compact principles are
prominently highlighted as “Principles guiding our activities” and basis for numerous
subsequent policies and guidelines.
Global Compact as internal guiding principle
In order to establish both management and employee awareness of the Global Compact,
the company has developed jointly with the "World Employee Committee" - based on
the principles of the Global Compact - the "DaimlerChrysler CSR Principles", which
complement the internal Integrity Code of the company. Furthermore, with the
“Business Practice Office” (BPO) DaimlerChrysler has established another corporate
wide powerful institution to ensure continuous implementation of the Global Compact
and internal principles (including e.g. a whistle blowing process). The BPO initiates,
coordinates and monitors any investigation undertaken in response to complaints or
comments, and report its findings and any corrective measures.
Our CSR related principles are furthermore made accessible to all employees and their
representatives. Managers in the DaimlerChrysler Group are responsible for their
observance. Social responsibility is also audited by the Corporate Audit department.
Corporate management regularly briefs and consults with the World Employee
Committee on the observance of social responsibility within the company. To ensure the
implementation of the principles on social responsibility in all areas and at all corporate
levels, we have integrated the principles into the Integrity Code of the DaimlerChrysler
Dr. Wolfram Heger
DaimlerChrysler AG
Ph. +49 711 17 93224
Actions supporting the Global Compact Goals
DaimlerChrysler has undertaken many init both in bringing the Global Compact itself
forward (like being a supporter of the Global Compact China Summit in November
2005) and by using its core competencies in Global Compact related initiatives.
A main and constant focus of our CSR activities is the fight against HIV/AIDS. Our – in
the meanwhile – long term experiences from the HIV/AIDS workplace initiative in
South Africa have been shared with other Global Compact members through a case
study for the GC learning forum. We have strong non-discriminatory policy in place
providing our employees living with HIV, with antiretroviral treatment and effective
prevention and care. No one infected must be stigmatized or experience any
discrimination in the workplace. We will move on from there and introduce programs
well adapted to local needs in other places, focusing on Russia, China, South-East Asia
and India. Prevention programs are effective already in Brazil, Malaysia, and Nigeria. In
December 2005, the company additionally published its newly developed “HIV/AIDS
Policy”, which is supporting this transferral in other countries where the company
Another focus is our contribution to sustainable mobility in automobile making in line
with the aims and principles of the UN Global Compact - for example through the
commercial utilization of Abaca fibers derived from a special type of banana plant in
the Philippines. Moreover, through the reforestation of eroded landscapes and putting
natural fibers to industrial use, from a social point of view, DaimlerChrysler is also
observing the Global compact principles for poverty alleviation in addition to protecting
the environment. The Abaca initiative is anchored in the Global Sustainability Network
of DaimlerChrysler through the targeted combination of economic, ecological, and
social objectives. The network provides the framework for promotion of renewable
materials, alternative fuels and sustainable mobility. The sustainability network includes
the Abaca project, as well as projects such as the POEMA cocoanut fiber project in
Brazil, the Jatropha Biodiesel Project in India and the joint exploration of the
possibilities for producing synthetic fuels from biomass with the Choren company in
Freiberg, Saxony (Germany). These sustainability initiatives create new jobs and
contribute to reducing the dependency on fossil fuels and lower CO2 emissions.
Dr. Wolfram Heger
DaimlerChrysler AG
Ph. +49 711 17 93224