Canadian Road Maps- Archival (Provinces other than Ontario) Year 1951 1934 1948 1949 1942 1946 Unknown 1952 unknown 1944-5 1945-6 unknown Publisher Canadian Government Travel Bureau Provincial Tourist Bureau Imperial Oil Limited Esso- Imperial Oil Limited Government Tourist Bureau;Saskatche wan Motor Club Province of New Brunswick; Department of Lands and Mines Prince Edward Island Travel Bureau Esso- Imperial Oil Limited Department of Public Works Department of Public WorksProvince of Manitoba Department of Public WorksProvince of Manitoba Shell Short Description Southern Canada and Northern USA Scale 1”=50 mi Comments Main Automobile Routes between the USA and Canada; double sided with eastern and western parts Province of Quebec 1”=13 mi Province of Quebec; inlaid maps of major tourist cities in Quebec Province of Quebec 1”=14.5 mi Maritime provinces 1”=21.5 mi Beautiful Saskatchewan, Canada 1”= 20 mi Has provincial highway classification; has information about Quebec and major cities on the other side; displays national/provincial parks Basic tourist information on the other side; inlaid maps and information about major cities Tourist map of Saskatchewan; information about provincial parks; encouraging purchase of victory bonds; informs tourists entering Canada that they get free gas ration cards upon entering Canada; provides basic tourist information New Brunswick 1”=10 mi Highways of New Brunswick; descriptions of historic sites; custom regulations; synopsis of motor vehicle laws; distances Prince Edward Island 1”=4.5 mi “Canada’s Only Island Province”; Tourist based map; local distances; transportation options; distances from major Canadian and American cities; ferry schedule Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Western Ontario Alberta 1”= 28 mi Inlaid maps of major cities; 1”= 25 mi Inlaid maps of major cities; General Information for Tourists; national historic sites Manitoba 1” = 18 mi Historic sites of Manitoba; distances to Manitoba from important Canadian and American cities Manitoba 1” = 18 mi Historic sites of Manitoba; distances to Manitoba from important Canadian and American cities Quebec 1”=14.5 mi Mileage table; inlaid maps of major centres