BIOLOGY 11 Mrs. Garrison Plants Traits of the kingdom Adaptations required to live on land Shoot Roots Adaptations to avoid desiccation Waxy cuticle in stems and leaves (not roots) Stomata (singular = stoma) surrounded by guard cells 1 Adaptations for transport of water and P/S products Vascular system xylem - Function Transpiration phloem - 2 Translocation Leaves (= source) Non-P/S parts of plant (= sink) Sucrose diffusion Plant growth Primary growth Secondary growth 3 Meristematic tissue Apical meristem – Vascular cambium – Tree rings 4 Plant Hormones Hormone Auxins - Shoot growth Abscission Vascular tissue differentiation Secondary growth 5 Phototropism Gibberellins - Stem elongation Rosettes Ethylene Ripens fruit Leaf abscission Fading of chlorophyll Fading of flowers Hormones responsible for: Apical dominance 6 Gravitropism Circadian Rhythms Pigment phytochrome is often involved Pr Pfr Photoperiodism Flowering Short day plants Long day plants Day-neutral plants Mechanism 7