Press Release Our ref: 4b.51.11

Press Release
Our ref: 4b.51.11
Date of Release: 15th July 2008
For Immediate Issue
Number of pages: 1
‘The Beechgrove Garden’ visits
New Lanark’s New Roof Garden
The team from ‘The Beechgrove Garden’ TV programme recently spent the day
filming at the new sky-high Roof Garden, which is located on the top of Mill 2 at New
Lanark World Heritage Site. In the programme, which is due to be aired on BBC1
Scotland on Wednesday 30th July, presenter Carole Baxter takes a look at this
unique rooftop garden: its landscaping, location, and planting. She interviews New
Lanark Conservation Trust’s Deputy Director Lorna Davidson about the creation and
development of the Roof Garden and Viewing Platform.
Award-winning Garden Designer and Landscape Architect, Douglas Coltart of
Viridarium designed the garden for the 9,000 sq ft roof of the A Listed mill. The
imaginative design incorporates; a central water feature, decorative planting and
sculptures of birds, animals and insects created by a number of different artists,
using a variety of materials – bronze, wood, and recycled metal.
Carole Baxter commented:
"I’m impressed by how well established the garden is, especially considering the
short time it’s been since being completed. Great attention to detail can be seen in
the design and choice of plants, plus the sculptures provide an extra dimension.
The Roof Garden adds to the whole experience of visiting New Lanark.”
The concept of creating a Roof Garden at New Lanark was influenced by the ideals
of Robert Owen who was both mill manager (1800-1825) and social pioneer, and
quotations from his writings are displayed on bronze plaques around the garden.
The Roof Garden, which is just one of the many attractions on offer at the New
Lanark Visitor Centre, provides access to the Viewing Platform. From this vantage
point visitors are provided with a spectacular bird’s-eye view of the historic village,
the stunning natural beauty of the river Clyde, and the woodland of the Falls of Clyde
Wildlife Reserve. A special Roof Garden “Creature Quest Quiz” for children is also
available. Visit for more information.
Graeme Maciver, Development Officer, New Lanark Conservation Trust,
Tel: 01555 661345 / /