June 2015 Vestry Minutes

Minutes for June 9, 2015 Vestry Meeting, 6:30 pm
Present: John Hartley, Junior Warden, Frank Governali, Treasurer, Jason Burks, Julie Merriman, Scott
Reed, Jason Burke, Margaret Wise, Mike Watson, Nancy Pezzullo, Julie Merriam, Sue Hamilton,
Father Tim Boggs
Opening prayer – Father Tim
The meeting called to order with a prayer given by Father Tim at 6:34 PM
Approval of April minutes
A motion was made to approve the minutes if the May Vestry meeting. It was seconded and
Debbie Fisher:
Debbie was present to announce to the vestry that she had given her notice of resignation to St.
Albans. After nearly fifteen years of service, Debbie is “now an empty-nester ready for a rest and
new challenges.” We had discussion items on a search for her replacement and some discussion on a
revised curriculum of religious education.
Highlights included: awareness on hiring an applicant who is not a member of the community
or of St. Albans
Decision was made to make an parish announcement in an email on Wednesday, 6/10.
Treasurers Report – Frank Governali
Report attached. We are 50% through the fiscal year. Frank reviewed the individual accounts in the
budget and spoke to deviations from projections:
Expenses and Income are in line with expectations
The vestry fundraiser of the Paul Sullivan concert was in May. Half the proceeds will go to
Preble St. as planned
Liquidity is sufficient for current needs. Report attached.
Buildings and Grounds Update – by Chris Pezzullo from B&G Committee
He reviewed the columbarium stone path work done by Lew Phillips. And the vestry took a
tour and were delighted.
St. Albans received a “Bayscaper Award and designation which is presented by the Friends of
Casco Bay for not using pesticides in lawn care and for utilizing
Rectory Painting: This has been confirmed to start in the later part of August, with the
contractor envisioning a finish date before homecoming in September.
Discussion on the asphalt shingles portion of the roof over Bonoff Hall. There has been some
leaking happening and ice buildup over the winter. There were several recommendations to
address this.
 Paint on membrane cover to the existing shingles
 Re-roof with full membrane shingles
 Replace the roof and some preliminary quotes ran into $25K – Father Tim
recommended that he knows of a contractor he has used to come and give an hour
of time on the roof to assist in forming an informed recommendation on that portion
of the roof. Chris will contact him
Planned Giving Report
Justin LeBlanc presented a revised amendment to the Planned Giving Policy. His proposed
amendments were circulated prior to this meeting.
Highlights of the amended proposed policy includes that instead of gifts being reviewed by the
Planned Giving Committee, that gifts would be reviewed by the Stewardship Committee and that
committee would recruit parishioners as needed in case the gift in question is of a complicated or
questionable nature. This committee would make a recommendation to the Vestry which would
vote on the gift acceptance.
Next steps include a review of this amended policy with the Stewardship Committee and to discuss
themes to present to the parish for planned giving.
Action: The Planned Giving Policy was approved as amended and accepted by the vestry.
Wardens Reports:
Vestry –Staff Retreat
June 17th at SMCC
See prior minutes for details – details are forthcoming next week
Clergy Report:
 Father Tim will be on vacation last two weeks of July – Supply clergy identified with
Audrey Delafield assisting in one of those weeks.
 Week of August 16th – Father Tim will be out for 5 days.
 Father Tim attended our new Assistant Rector Reed Loy’s ordination to the diaconate
in New Hampshire
 Reviewed the impact of Debbie Fishers leaving her position at St. Albans and how the
parish would react and how her position will be filled and a discussion on a
refreshment of the children’s education curriculum.
 Treble Choir – a communication will be sent to the parents introducing the program.
 There is a new parish directory that is being created and to be disbursed by
homecoming in September.
 The Episcopal Church will have their national General Convention and a new presiding
bishop will be elected.
Thank you’s: To Lew Philip and Justin Leblanc
Closing prayer:
Mike Watson