C6East Nurse Induction Pack

Pleural Medicine
Student & New Nurses
Information &
Induction Pack
Updated January 2015 by J Bonsall
Aneurin Bevan Health Board
Welcome to C6East
We extend a very warm welcome to you on behalf of the staff on C6East & welcome you
to the team. We hope you maximise your learning whilst working on C6E / or on your
clinical placement here & enjoy your time.
C6East is a 31 bedded ward. 20 of these beds are used for acute respiratory
management, with 10 beds belonging to General Medicine. 1 bed is used in the sleep
apnoea room in bay 5 for patients undergoing sleep studies. Patients will be admitted at
approx.20:00 and monitored throughout the night and discharged home at approx. 07:30
the next morning. C6East specialises in the care & management of patients with Chest
Drains & pleural diseases. C6East is one of the wards which make up the Medical
Directorate within the Royal Gwent Hospital & is situated in C Block of the Hospital.
Access to C6East is either via the stairs or lifts up to level 6 within the main part of the
The ward has 2 main phone numbers both of which are at the nurse’s station in the
middle of C6East: 01633 234118 / 234119.
Visiting is 14:30 – 16:30 & 18:30 – 20.00 7 days per week.
The ward has Quiet Times 13.30 – 14.30 7 days per week.
Exceptions to visiting times are made at the discretion of the Nurse in Charge of the
Protected Meal Times
Patient’s nutrition is a high priority on C6East. Protected Meal Times were implemented
in September 2008 & we try to minimise external interruptions at this time & discourage
visitors unless visiting to help feed a patient. Meal times are:
Lunch 12.15 – 13.15 & Tea 17.30 – 18.30.
As required according to the clinical need of the other patients all available staff help
with giving out meals, to feed patients & keep accurate detailed food records to ensure
patients receive hot meals & have protected time to eat them with the aim of
maximising their nutritional intake to aid healing & recovery. We also use a traffic light
system by each patient’s bedside identifying patients who require assistance at meal
times & the level of assistance required. These are updated each day or as required by
the NA’s on C6East. Each day before 13.30 the ward NA’s help the patients on C6East to
select all their meals for the following day following a new meal system introduced on
30.3.2008. Red Trays should be used for patients requiring assistance with meals
Medication Rounds
Qualified Nurses administer medicines before protected meal times commence. We wear
red tabards & actively try to limit interruptions for qualified nurses during medication
rounds to reduce the risk of medication errors.
Admission Sources
Patients are generally admitted to C6East from Medical Admissions Unit (MAU /
D1West) or from Accident & Emergency (A& E) or the Short Stay Medical Assessment
Unit on D2 East. Patients are also transferred from other wards within the hospital,
maybe admitted electively for procedures or from one of the Consultant’s or Nurse
Specialist out patients’ clinics. C6east has 6 cubicles in total so we provide care for a
high number of patients who require barrier nursing.
Finding your way to & around C6East!
The entrance to C6East is directly into the middle of the 2 respiratory wards, turn right
into C6East & left onto C6West; however we are ONE respiratory unit comprised of two
separate wards. The ward is long & comprises 4 x six bedded bays & 6 side rooms, 2 with
en suite toilet; The ward Nurses Station is central with 2 desktop PC’s & 2 Phones;
sluice, separate male & female patients toilets & shower rooms, fire points, fire doors &
emergency fire doors at the very end of the ward, which are alarmed, & access the
emergency stairs for evacuation.
Staff toilets are on the left as you enter C6East, & the staff room is two thirds of the
way down the ward on the right accessed via a keypad system. We have a limited number
of lockers but no dedicated staff changing room.
The Nurse Call system works across the ward. Red lights light up outside bays & cubicles
when the nurse call is pushed & behind each patients bed / toilet area where they were
set off, but as the ward is long it can be difficult to see lit call bells from the nurses
station so far up & you may need to walk along to see if it is a cubicle that is buzzing.
The emergency bell is a red button beside each bedside which is pulled out by the user,
& is a more continuous bell without much of a pause between rings but is the same
All Bays & cubicles have piped Oxygen, air & Suction points & an emergency supply of
Oxygen & suction delivery equipment in a clear plastic bag which is checked &
replenished each weekend beside each bed.
There are 2 Treatment Rooms on C6East, the first is open plan on the right immediately
before the central Nurses station. The Controlled drugs cupboard, stock supplies of
medicine, medicines fridge & extra dressings, swabs, specimen containers, blood bottles,
syringes, catheter & suction products etc are kept here.The stores on C6East have been
through a LEAN process & the treatment rooms are colour coded with a key on the wall.
The ward also has a second treatment room half way down on the right which is accessed
via a key. The key for this is kept on all sets of Nurses drug keys. This treatment room
specialises in the insertion of Chest Drains & is stocked accordingly and is maintained as
a clean sterile area.
The ward has 3 medicine trolleys which are locked to walls along the ward corridor.
The Kitchen for C6East is shared with C6West & is located outside of the ward opposite
the lifts. It is accessed via a keypad system.
The Health & Safety Policy for C6East is the same as the rest of the Hospital & located
on the Intranet. Please ensure that you familiarise yourselves with this policy.
The Cardiac Arrest emergency telephone number is 2222 & state “Cardiac Arrest
C6East”. The arrest trolley, Portable Oxygen & suction for use in an emergency situation
are located in the centre of the ward just beyond the nurses’ station on the right. The
defibrillator needs to be unplugged before the trolley is wheeled to an arrest. This
trolley & defibrillator are checked twice daily by a qualified nurse, after midnight by the
Night staff & during the day by the day staff. There is a book to sign once checks are
The Fire telephone number is 3333, if you smell smoke break the nearest fire alarm &
raise help immediately, closing fire doors. Smashing the fire alarm point will trigger the
alarm system a siren will ensure & the fire doors on the ward will close automatically.
The telephone number for security is 6060. They will help in any potential incidents of
threatening behaviour & also deal with security of premises & the staff car parks.
Ward Philosophy
The ward strives to provide seamless, expert clinical care, of the highest standard,
after thorough assessment of patient’s short & long term care needs & to make safe,
realistic, robust discharge plans, meeting both patients & families needs; & to
communicate transparently on a “need to know” basis, respecting patient confidentiality,
with patients, family members, carers & with Multi Disciplinary Team members.
Student Philosophy
Overall aim for the student is to enjoy their placement on C6East, maximise the learning
opportunities available to them, & partake in holistic patient care from assessment to
discharge. The ward is very busy with acutely unwell respiratory & general medical
patients & offers in depth learning around respiratory nursing, chest drain management,
Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) working & discharge planning for both simple & complex
discharge packages.
The ward cares for a wide diversity of patients with often complex co-morbidity &
actively welcomes & encourages the involvement of students in the delivery of patient’s
care from assessment to discharge
We endeavour to meet any cultural considerations that patients & their relatives & our
staff may have & utilise wider hospital resources to meet religious, dietary, language
needs & consider cultural aspects of care planning & delivery.
Students are supernumerary on C6East & are not counted in the staffing levels.
Students will be allocated a mentor & will work at least 50% of their shifts with them.
It is normal for a student to be offered the opportunity to come to work whenever their
mentor is at work. Co mentors are also allocated & the co-mentor is usually within the
same team as the mentor. Students are expected to work the same shifts as their
mentor, be that early, late, nights, weekends but no longer than 3 x 12hour shifts per
week, no more than 2 in a row, & no more than 48 hours in a working week. Assessments
will be undertaken in the first 2 weeks, half way through placement & a week before the
end of placement.
We expect our students to be proactive, enquiring, questioning & to seek opportunities
to achieve the learning outcomes for their placement. We also expect that you will seek
opportunities to enhance your knowledge for learning outcomes that you have already
achieved. Our mentors are flexible & willing to work with you, alongside you, supervise
you, allocate you your own patients, allow you to decide & direct the care delivered &
allow you to take a lead according to your level of training, confidence & prior
From C6East the most common routes for patient’s to be discharged are:
 Back to their own home with/without a Care Package either restarted or new,
 Back to the Residential or Nursing Home where they already live,
 Be assessed for eligibility to move into Residential or Nursing Home care,
 Transfer to Community Hospitals in Newport, Caerphilly, Chepstow or Torfaen
for Rehabilitation or Support Care,
 Be assessed & their needs put forward to Social Services assessment panels for
funding for care packages for home or care home placement,
 Be assessed & if eligible their health needs put forward to the relevant Local
Health Board assessment panel for funding of Continuing NHS Healthcare
package at home or care home placement,
 Transfer to Velindre Hospital
 Transfer to other acute hospital, e.g. UHW, Bristol
 Transfer into Hospice care.
Nursing Model / Framework & Documentation
The paperwork used on C6East is the All Wales Standardised Unified Assessment (UA),
known more commonly as the Patient’s Care Record (PCR). This is used to perform
baseline assessments of needs & to trigger the need for more in depth assessments.
Waterlow & MUST scores are assessed, Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) & Core Care
Plans implemented for all patients ideally within 24 hours of arrival on the ward &
definitely within 48 hours. All patients who are unsteady or confused have a falls risk
assessment & care plans implemented. These are updated whenever there is a change in
the patient’s condition & at least weekly during each weekend. PCR documentation is kept
in files for the 3 nursing teams on the ward (which are Bay 1 plus cubicles 1, 2 & 3, Bays
2 & 3, Bay 4 plus cubicles 4, 5 & 6). Tests & Risk Assessments, care plans & nursing
care evaluations are kept at the end of the patient’s bedside.
Shift Patterns/Working hours
C6East works 12 ½ hour shifts. Shifts are:
Full Day
06.55 – 13.35
06.55 – 19.35
12.55 – 19.35
Nights 18.55 – 07.35
With 30 beds open the ward runs in 3 teams by day & 2 by night. Staffing levels Monday
to Friday (Including a Ward Coordinator) are:
4 Qualified Nurses, 3 Nursing Auxiliaries
4 Qualified Nurses, 3 Nursing Auxiliaries
2 Qualified Nurses, 2 Nursing Auxiliaries
Saturday & Sunday & Bank Holidays (without Ward Coordinator) are:
4 Qualified Nurses, 3 Nursing Auxiliaries
4 Qualified Nurses, 3 Nursing Auxiliaries
2 Qualified Nurses, 2 Nursing Auxiliaries
On Monday to Friday are the busiest days of the week on C6East for admissions &
discharges, on both Early & Late shifts the ward works in 4 teams with a Nurse
Coordinator. However there are often discharges on weekends and bank holidays as
there is a discharge consultant on duty.
A Wednesday and Friday afternoon is pleural clinic which is run by Consultant Dr
Ionescu, These are patients that have been booked in by Chest clinic who need to have
investigations performed I.E Pleural Tap, Pleural Aspiration, Ultra Sound Scan or deep
tunnel drain. 5 or 6 patients will be seen in any of these clinics.
The Teams are the Red, Green, Blue & Yellow Nursing Team, headed by Team Leaders.
With 30 beds open we split the ward into Bay 1 plus cubicles 1, 2, Bay 2 & cubicle 3. Bay
3 plus cubicle 4, Bay 4 plus cubicle 5 & 6. The teams rotate through the bays every 3
months. Each shift should comprise of a Qualified Nurse & Nursing Auxiliary per team.
At Night the staff split the ward into two halves with a Q Nurse & NA per team.
Despite being split into allocated teams, everyone on C6East works as a team to help
everyone else deliver the highest standard of clinical patient care & effective
C6East Nursing Teams
Ward Manager
Deputy Ward Sister
Red Team
Lynda Raubenheimer
Julie Bonsall
(Navy Uniform)
( Navy Uniform)
Marjorie Chua, RN
Gemma Miles RN
Romeo Ong, RN
Angela McCarthy, HCSW
Trudi Simmons, HCSW
Susan Lanyon, HCSW
Blue Team
Lynsey Rees, RN
Rhian Bunce, RN
Rose Alfonso – Esquita, RN
Jennifer Jones, HCSW
Mary Reason, HCSW
Green Team
Rebecca Dowsell
Sonia Lobo RN
Hayley Ward, RN
Jess Wady, HCSW
Carrie Jones, HCSW
Leanne Devney
Yellow team
Sarah McGlynn, RN
Sarah Jones RN
Judith Maddox , HCSW
Lyn Hunt HCSW
Kelly Treharne HCSW
RNs wear Light Blue all Wales Uniform & HCSWs wear Dark Green all Wales Uniforms
Other Staff
 The Senior Nurse for Medicine above the Ward Manager for C6East is Angela Haley
who occasionally wears a navy uniform & works clinically.
 The Ward Clerk for C6East is Tracy. Ward Clerk hours of duty are: 09:30 – 14:30
Monday to Friday.
 The morning and evening ward Housekeeper varies
 The ward domestic is Diane who works 0700 – 14.30 5 days per week. In her absence
Jane covers. All domestics wear green candy striped Uniforms.
Link Staff / Responsibilities
 Lynda Raubenheimer is the link for students & mentors
 Julie Bonsall is BLS & CPR trainer, Pleural Management,
 Charlotte Dent and Angela McCarthy Palliative care
Romeo Org, Jess Wady, Jill Thomas for Infection Control & 1000 Lives Initiative
Rachel Fullalove, Lynsey Rees, Kelly Treharne and Trudi Symmonds Wound Care
Nutrition Peg Feeds
Rachel Fullalove, Rachel Bailey Diabetes
Charlotte Dent – Syringe Driver Trainer
Leanne Deveny Dignity
Admission & Discharges Rose Esquita, Sarah McGlynn,Jen Jones, Sue Lanyon
Marjorie Chua Noel Kalter, Fire Safety, & Evac Training
Julie Bonsall is “sign off” mentors for management placement students
Fitness For Practice (FFP) mentors
Julie Bonsall
(sign off mentor/ qualified staff)
Nikky Marsh
(sign off mentor/qualified staff)
Lynsey Rees
Marjorie Chua
Sonia Lobo
Charlotte Dent
Medical Staff
C6East has 4 Consultants 3 of whom are ward based at any given time. They are Dr
Williamson, Dr Ionescu , Dr Scott who all specialise in Respiratory Medicine & Dr
Llewellyn who is Consultant Physician specialising in General Medicine.
The ward also accepts admissions direct from the Medical Admissions Unit (MAU /
D1W) & Accident & Emergency (A& E). These patients will stay under the care of the
admitting medical consultant until they are seen by that team on the “post take” ward
round & defined.
A patient on C6East who is seen post take & defined respiratory will be allocated to the
care of a Respiratory Consultant who covers C6 east & a patient defined General
Medicine will be defined to Dr Llewellyn.
Consultant Ward Rounds (from Aug 2012) are:
Dr Williamson
Dr Ionescu
Dr Llewellyn
Dr Williamson
Dr Ionescu
Dr M Scott
The Respiratory Consultants rotate so Dr Williamson, Dr Ionescu & Dr Scott all spend 4
months working on C6E & 2 months working in clinic and we always have 2 different
Respiratory consultants based on the ward
Clinical Teachers:
Sharon Morris is the clinical teacher for C6EAST & all the Medical wards at the Royal
Gwent Hospital. Her contact Number is: 01873 732871
In her absence her colleagues are available for help & support for student & mentor.
They are:
Helen Knight
Simon Hyatt
Denise Williams
Vijay Jugmohun
Jean Dadge
01873 732874
01633 238491
01633 623866
(01633) 234794
(01633) 656360
Link Lecturer: Name & contact numbers:
Mary Lynch (029) 20687801 Email: LynchM2@cardiff.ac.uk
Clinical Nurse Specialists
Palliative Care
Infection Control
Moria Bevan
Lung Cancer Nurse Specialists
Helen Caddick, Sam Williams
TB Nurse Specialist
Ruth Screen
Angela Hayley, Sam Jones
Claire Williams
Discharge Liaison Nurses for Newport, Torfaen, Caerphilly & Chepstow
Wendy Davies (NPT) Jill Dunhill (Caer) Bessie Knight (Chep) Helen Price Torfaen
Respiratory Advanced Nurse Practitioners
Multi Disciplinary Team
Physiotherapist (PT)
Occupational Therapist (OT)
(AAI, IW, MS) Ceri (MBL)
Pharmacy Technician
Speech & Language Therapist (SALT) Russell Walker
Anna Pain
Patient Support
Hospital Chaplain
01633 234263
Ward/Unit/Base learning resources
Desktop Computer access is available on C6East on the Nursing Stations & in the ward
office & Drs Office
Internet/Intranet access is on all PC’s
There is a Students Notice board, Mentor Notice Board, Nutrition, Infection Control &
1000 Lives, TCAB Display Boards
We have 2 student / Learning resource files
Information regarding library facilities available on the Intranet
Recommended Reading as per University pre placements recommendations
Educational opportunities
 Capilliary Blood Gases measurements
 Peak Flow monitoring
 Spirometry measurements
 Care of the patient with chest drains for pneumothorax & pleural effusion
 Flushing of Wide Bore Chest Drains
 Flusing of Fine Bore Chest Drains
 Suction application to Chest Drains
 Ambulatory (Rocket) Chest Drain Management
 Removal of Fine Bore Chest Drains
 Removal of Wide Bore Chest Drains
 Streptokinase Medication through Chest Drain
 Talc Pleurodesis of Chest Drains
 Care of the patient with active Tuberculosis
 Inhaler technique & management
 Tracheostomy care
 End of Life Care Pathway
 Pathway of care (Following patient from admission to discharge)
 MDT meetings/Ward rounds
 Clinical investigations / Procedures
 Observations, MEWS & SBAR
 Medicines Management
 Cannulation
 Venepuncture
 Intra Venous, Sub Cutaneous, Inhaled Medications
 Medication administration via Syringe Driver, Alaris & Asena pumps
 Male Catheterisation & Supra Pubic Catheter changes
 Wound Care & Dressings
 PEG feeding
 Infection Control & Barrier Nursing
 Continuing NHS Health Care & Nursing Home assessments
 Care Planning for the patient with multiple co morbidity
 Nursing team / ward management (Commensurate with level of training)
 Liaison with Bed Management
Work with Discharge Liaison Nurses
Assessment of Care needs with Social Services
Opportunities to observe & assist with procedures & investigations, attend scans
etc as student is supernummery
Opportunity to shadow / work with MDT members as appropriate to learning
outcomes & level of training
Suggested learning opportunities are with the Occupational Therapist, Hospital
Based Social Worker Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Chest Clinic visit, Specialist
Nurse visit, Watch procedures such as Bronchoscopy, Thoracoscopy, & CT guided
biopsy of the lung, Research Nurse, ward based pharmacist, Discharge Liaison
Nurses, Palliative Care
Location of policies, protocols, procedures & guidelines (inc NMC)
Policies, protocols, procedures & guidelines are available primarily on the Intranet, in the
ward manager’s office, on the Student’s Resource Board, & on the staff notice board in
the staff room for any new or updated information. There is a shortcut to the NMC
website on each PC & a shortcut to the Guidelines & Standards for Record Keeping which
all staff on C6East are expected to comply with.
The quality of comprehensive nursing documentation is also a reflection of the standard
of professional practice. Good record keeping is a mark of a skilled & safe practitioner &
is fundamental to good risk management practice, whilst careless or incomplete records
often highlight wider problems with the individual’s practice. The NMC Guidelines for
Records & Record Keeping (p8) advocates that client records should not include
abbreviations, jargon, meaningless phrases, irrelevant speculation or offensive
subjective statements.
During your placement you may encounter unfamiliar terminology / abbreviations, this is
a good learning opportunity for you to discuss these with your mentor.
(Adapted from Guide to Good Records & Record Keeping Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust
2002 & the NMC Guidelines for Records & Record Keeping 2002
Common Abbreviations
Arterial Blood Gas
Atrial Fibrillation
Aortic Sternosis
Aortic Regurgitation
Acute Renal Failure
Aortic Valve Replacement
Bi Pap
Bi-Level Positive Pressure / Bi-Phasic Airway
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Capillary Blood Gases
Congestive Cardiac failure
Coronary heart Disease
Chest Infection
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
Central Nervous System
Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease
D& V
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Continuous Positive Airways Perfusion
Chronic Renal Failure
Creatinine Reactive Protein
Cerebral Spinal Fluid
Computerised Tomography
Cerebral Vascular Attack
Cerebral Vascular Event
Central Venous Pressure
Chest X-Ray
Diabetic Keto Acidosis
Diabetes Mellitus
Duodenal Ulcer
Diarrhoea & Vomiting
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Electro cardiogram
Electro Retrograde Cholangio Pantography
Exercise Tolerance Test
Full Blood Count
Forced Expiratory Volume in First Second
Fresh Frozen Plasma
Faecal Occult Blood
Forced Vital Capacity
General Anaesthetic
Glasgow Coma Score
Gastro Intestinal
Genito Urinary
High Dependancy Unit
Hyperosmolar Non – Ketotic (Diabetic Coma)
Integrated Care Pathway
Insulin Dependant Diabetic Mellitus
Ischaemic Heart Disease
Intra Muscular
International Normalised Ratio (prothombin time)
Intensive Care Unit
Jugular Venous Pressure
Left Bundle Branch Block
Liver Function tests
Lumbar Puncture
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
Medical Admissions Unit
Modified Early Warning Score
Myocardial Infarction
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Mid Stream Urine
N& V
Medical Social Worker
Nutritional Scoring Tool
Nothing Abnormal Detected
Not For Resusitation
Non Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus
Non Invasive Ventilation
Non Invasive Pulmonary Ventilation
Neck of Femur
Next of Kin
Non Steroidal Anti INflammatories
Nausea & Vomiting
On Admission
Oral Contraceptive Pill
On Examination
Oesophageal Gastro Duedenoscopy
Occupational Therapist / Therapy
Pulmonary Embolus
Pulsless Electrical Activity
Pupils Equal & Reactive to Light
Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea
Plaster Of Paris
Proton Pump Inhibitor
Permanent Pace Maker
By Rectum
Prostate Specific Antigen
Physiotherapist / Physiotherapy
Prothrombin Time
Pyrexia Unknown Origin
By Vagina
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Right Bundle Branch Block
Red Blood Count
Right Iliac Fossa
Respiratory Failure
Rapid Response
Right Upper Quadrant
Right Ventricular Failure
Recipe (Treat with)
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Sub Acute Bacterial Endocarditis
Surgical Assessment Unit
Tool To Report A Sick Patient
Sub Cutaneous
Sub Lingual
Systemic Lupus Erythematoso
U& E
Short Of Breath
Short Of Breath On Exertion
Safer Patient Initiative
Slow Release
Social Services
Sexually Transmitted Infection / Disease
Social Worker
Operating Theatre
Trans Ischaemic Attack
Total Hip Replacement
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
To Take Away (Discharge Medications)
To Take Home (Discharge Medications)
To Take Out (Discharge Medications)
Trial Without Catheter
Ulcerative Colitis
Urea & Electrolytes
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
Ultra Sound Scan
Urinary Tract Infection
Ventricular Fibrillation
Ventilation Perfusion Ratio
Ventricular Tachycardia
White Blood Cell
White Cell Count
C6 East is actively involved in TCAB (Transforming care at bedside). At present we
are undergoing the transition to Transforming Care. This process enables staff to
spend more time with patients and relatives and to complete the required
assessment and evaluation documentation per shift.
Staff communication is an important part of team work, adequate communication at
all times enables the shift to run smoothly and effectively, ensuring quality patient
care delivery and staff satisfaction.
Newly qualified staff nurse’s joining C6 East, will have approx one week’s
introduction period. Newly qualified will be allocated a preceptor whom they can
access for support
Training, once settled within the respiratory setting will include:
CWS (two hours study)
Health & Safety (study day)
Policies and Procedures available on intranet
Sickness policy available on intranet
Annual leave (how to book) and what you are entitled to.
Monthly time sheets how to complete the form (all staff responsible for their own)
Rotas usually available 5 - 6 weeks in advance (request book available but please
keep requests to minimum)
Alert study day (1 day)
Infection Control
CPR (Annually)
Blood sugar monitoring
I V’S, Cannulation, bloods, training (available after six months of qualifying) two days
study leave
Capillary blood gases (forms attached see 5 do 5 sign off)
Chest drain care (flushes, removal large bore narrow bore see 5 do 5 sign off)
Pleurodsis - see 5 do 5 sign off, chest drain suction final sign off by Sister L
Raubenheimer, Deputy Sister J Bonsall)
Male Catheterisation (1 study day)
IPR Yearly
Online learning (OWL) fire safety, health safety, food handling hygiene, pump
update, pova, personal safety, bed rails, available on internet (yearly updates to be
done) To be completed within 12 weeks of commencing contract
Staff away days (yearly study day)
Manual handling (every two years)
Sleep apnoea training attaching patients to monitor over night stay.
Various study days available on notice board please put your name forward if
Experienced qualified nurses joining C6 East will also have to undertake training on
all aspects of chest drain care for which full training will be given at ward level.
Please find attached form for you to acknowledge and sign. Once again we welcome
you to C6East.
I staff nurse ----------------------------------------Have been given all documents on commencement of employment