LEA PUBLISHERS Dear Reader, We have recently published the book ‘Computer Mathematics and its Applications- Advances and Developments (1994-2005) edited by Professor Elias A. Lipitakis. We hope that you would like to order this interesting new book and for this reason some synoptic information are presented: Mathematics, Scientific Computing and Informatics- Book Series, Computer Mathematics and its ApplicationsAdvances and Developments (1994-2005) Volume Editor: Elias A. Lipitakis 2006, LEA Publishers, Athens, Greece Hardbound, 670 pages ISBN: 960-87275-9-6 ________________________________________ Synoptic Description: This Book is a collection of thirty five papers, written by distinguished researchers, leading experts and dealing with special topics in Computer Mathematics and its Applications. The present volume contains selected articles presented by pioneer researchers, eminent academicians and distinguished university professors, invited speakers in the HERCMA Conference series in the period 1994-2005. Further information and history of the biennial HERCMA conference can be found at the electronic address http://www.aueb.gr/conferences/hercma2007 . All the selected articles, each of which is devoted to a specialized, but to some extent independent topic, could be considered that form a scientific research anthology of representative samples in various directions of research being done in Computer Mathematics and its Applications. The scientific subjects and material presented here have far reaching applications in many areas of Applied Mathematics, Computing Science and Informatics. The main objective of the Book is to offer comprehensive information leading the Reader from the fundamental concepts and results of each field to the forefront of scientific research. It is a valuable and up-to-date introduction for graduate and postgraduate students specializing in these topics, and for science and technology researchers in universities, academic research centers and industry. _________________________________________________________ 1 Contents Preface …………………………………………………………………………. v Applications of adjoint equations to problems of global change and environment protection ……………………………………………………. 1 G.I. MARCHUK, INM-Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Control theory approaches in data assimilation processes, inverse problems and hydrodynamics …………………………………………… V.I. AGOSHKOV, INM-Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia CEDAR: an experiment in parallel computing ……………………… K. GALLIVAN, E. GALLOPOULOS and A. SAMEH*, University of Minnesota, USA 21 41 Stability and regularization in an inverse source hyperbolic problem: degenerate case …………………………………………………… 63 M. YAMAMOTO, University of Tokyo, Japan ____________________________________________________________________ Very rapid oscillations and control ……………………………………. 71 J.-L. LIONS†, College de France, France On the Neumann control of some advection-reaction-diffusion systems ………………………………………………………………………… J.W. HE and R. GLOWINSKI, University of Houston, USA 81 Introduction to wavelets and filters …………………………… G. STRANG, MIT, USA 103 Recent developments in evolution Galerkin methods ………………. K.W. MORTON, Oxford University, England 119 Exact boundary conditions on artificial boundaries ……………….. J.B. KELLER, Stanford University, USA 145 What is an answer: an essay of the theory of functions …………… J.R. RICE, Purdue University, USA 159 A survey of Newton type methods for solving nonlinear boundary value problems ………………………………………………………………. O. AXELSSON and I. KAPORIN, Univ. of Nijmegen, Holland 179 Inverse problems in atmospheric imaging …………………………….. R. J. PLEMMONS, Wake Forest University, USA 195 Mathematics in Industry and Commerce: the changing research environment ………………………………………………………. 205 J.R. OCKENDON, OCIAM, Oxford University, England _____________________________________________________________________ The perceptual and the physical basis for the reality of the world of symbols (the Truth of Mathematics) …………………………………. P.A. LIGOMENIDES, The Academy of Athens, Hellas 2 217 Numerical modeling by delay and Volterra functional differential equations ………………………………………………………. 233 C.T.H. BAKER, G. BOCHAROV, A. FILIZ, N. FORD, C. PAUL, F. RIHAN, A. TANG, R. THOMAS, H. TIAN and D. WILLE University of Manchester, England Lie groups and the computation of the invariants …………………… A. ISERLES, DAMTP-University of Cambridge, England 257 Difference schemes for the transport equation ………………………. A. A. SAMARSKII and P.N. VABISHCHEVICH, IMM-Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 273 Recent developments in Computer Mathematics …………………… D. J. EVANS†, Loughborough University of Technology, England 285 High Performance Computing trends ……………………………… 323 J. DONGARRA, H. MEUER, H. SIMON and E. STROHMAIER, University of Tennessee- Oak Ridge National Lab., USA _____________________________________________________________________ Radial basis function methods for interpolation to functions of many variables ………………………………………………………………. M.J.D. POWEL, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, England 331 Asymptotically optimal algorithms for stationary problems in energy spaces ……………………………………………………………. E.G. DIAKONOV, CMC- Moscow State University, Russia 355 Mathematical modeling of the crystallization process of polymers M. BURGER, V. CAPASSO and A. MICHELETTI, MIRIAM- University of Milan, Italy Subspace acceleration and preconditioning for large sparse linear systems ……………………………………………………………….. H. VAN DER VORST, Utrecht University, The Netherlands 381 411 Computerized Models for Virtual Humans and Crowds ……………. 425 D. THALMANN, CGL-EPFL, Swiss Fed. Inst. of Technology, Switzerland _____________________________________________________________________ Dynamic programming algorithms for partitioning sequence variation in human chromosomes ………………………………………. 431 K. ZHANG, F. SUN, M.S. WATERMAN and T. CHEN, University of Southern California, USA Reconstruction algorithm for the brain imaging techniques of PET and SPECT ……………………………………………………………… A.S. FOKAS and V. MARINAKIS, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, England Wiener chaos expansions and numerical solutions randomly forced equations of Fluid Mechanics ………………………………….. T.Y. HOU, H. KIM, B. ROZOVSKII and H.M. ZHOU, DACM- California Institute of Technology, USA 3 443 461 Fast adaptive domain decomposition algorithms for hpdiscretizations of 2D and 3D elliptic equations: recent advances … V. KORNEEV, U. LANGER and L. XANTHIS, St. Petersburg State University, Russia 475 Numerical simulation for Yacht design ………………………………… 489 N. PAROLINI and A. QUARTERONI, CMCS-EPFL, Switzerland & MOX- Polytechnic of Milan, Italy _____________________________________________________________________ Distributing distinct integers uniformly over a square matrix With application to digital halftoning ……………………………………. 497 T. ASANO, S. CHOE, S. HASHIMA, Y. KIKUCHI & S-C. SUNG, Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Japan The two scale methods for Mechanics parameter computation of composite materials with periodic distribution ………………………. J.Z. CUI and X.G. YU, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 509 Irreversibility in reversible systems ……………………………………… J. HOFFMAN and C. JOHNSON, Chalmers University, Sweden 539 Adaptive numerical solutions of stochastic differential equations………………………………………………………… 561 X. WAN and G.E. KARNIADAKIS, Brown University- MIT, USA Fast algorithms for setting up the stiffness matrix in hp-FEM: a comparison ………………………………………………………………… T. EIBNER and J. MENLEK, University of Reading, England 575 A universal iterative solver based on the Euclid’s algorithm for the numerical solution of general type Partial Differential Equations … 597 E. A. LIPITAKIS, Athens Univ. of Economics & Business, Hellas _____________________________________________________________________ Appendix 1: AUEB Honorary Doctorate of Science Recipients: Prof. B. Mandelbrot, Yale University, USA-1998 Prof. D.E. Knuth, Stanford University, USA- 2001 Prof. R. Merton, Harvard University, USA- 2003 (Nobel Price in Economics 1997) Prof. Sir R. Penrose, Univ. of Oxford, England-2005, Talks and citations for their degrees ………………… 643 Appendix 2: International scientific meetings of Athens ……….. 649 _____________________________________________________________________ For additional information, visit the web site http://www.aueb.gr/hercma/books/cma-ad-book/ In the case you are a LEA Publisher author/editor you can get a special discount. Otherwise you can send an e-mail message to leapublishers@yahoo.co.uk and ask for details. ____________________________________________________________________ Computer Mathematics and its ApplicationsAdvances and Developments (1994-2005) Volume Editor: Elias A. Lipitakis 4 Hardbound, Page number: 670 ISBN: 960-87275-9-6 Price: 120 Euro (plus Air-Mail & insurance: 20 Euro) _________________________________ LEA PUBLISHERS 44A SINOPIS STREET AMPELOKIPI ATHENS 11527 GREECE _________________________________ Tel/ Fax: +3- 210- 7475 347 E-mail: leapublishers@yahoo.co.uk alexlipitakis@yahoo.com ************ ORDER FORM You can order now through our E-mail address: leapublishers@yahoo.co.uk Please fill in your particular details below. For your convenience you can order by e-mail, fax, telephone or post to the Publishers Office below or if you wish you can send your order directly to your regular book supplier. 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