ANNEX A to Chapter 4 SERVICE DESIGNATED UNDER SECTION 2(3) OF THE BRITISH NATIONALITY ACT 1981 SERVICE DESIGNATED COMMENTS This includes: 1. Service as: (a) an officer administering the government of a territory for whose external relations the United Kingdom is responsible; or (b) an official in the government of such a territory; or (c) a judge or magistrate of such a territory 2. Service in pursuance of an appointment outside the United Kingdom in respect of which the person concerned is on secondment from Crown service under the government of the United Kingdom or of a qualifying territory 3. Service in respect of which the person concerned – (a) is, under section 209(2) of the Army Act 1955, subject to Part II of that Act by virtue paragraph 2, 3 or 4 of Schedule 5 to that Act (civilians outside the United Kingdom subject to Part II when not on active service); or (b) is, under section 209(2) of the Air Force Act 1955, subject to Part II of that Act by virtue of paragraph 2, 3 or 4 of Schedule 5 to that Act (civilians outside the United Kingdom subject to Part II when not on active service); or (c) is, under section 118(2) of the Naval Discipline Act 1957, subject to that Act by virtue of paragraph 2, 3 or 4 of Schedule 3 to that Act (civilians subject to the Act outside Her Majesty’s dominions). DATE OF DES 1.1.83 a. existing British overseas territory, Channel Islands and Isle of Man government officials b. those in Crown Service under the government of the UK as defined in s.32(1) read with s.33(1) of the British Nationality Act 1948 c. past and present members of HM Overseas Civil Service Persons are on "secondment" from Crown service if they were in such service but are for the time being in temporary service elsewhere under arrangements whereby they are to return to Crown service when that temporary service ends. “Qualifying territory” means any British Overseas Territory except the Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus A. This includes service with: 1. The South-East Asia Collective Defence Treaty Organisation (SEATO) 2. The Baghdad Pact Council 3. The Australia, New Zealand and Malaya Defence Organisation 4. The Central Treaty Organisation 5. Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI) 6. Services Sound and Vision Corporation 7. British Red Cross Society 8. The Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem 9. Council of Voluntary Welfare Work (which includes the YMCA, YWCA, the Catholic Women's League, the Salvation Army, the Church Army, the Church of Scotland Committee on Hut and Canteen Work for HM Forces, Methodist Church Forces' Centres, Toc H, Church of England Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Clubs, Mission to Mediterranean Garrisons, Royal Sailors' Rests and Sandes' Soldiers' and Airmen's Homes) 10. Soldiers' and Airmen Scripture Readers' Association 1.1.83 (in respect of secondment from UK government Crown service) 16.6.06 (in respect of secondment from qualifying territory government Crown service) 1.1.83 11. Malcolm Clubs 12. Women's Royal Voluntary Service 13. Royal Naval Film Corporation 14. Royal Naval Lay Readers' Society 15. British Sailors' Society 16. Missions to Seamen 17. Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association (SSAFA) SERVICE DESIGNATED . Service under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (N.A.T.O.) COMMENTS B. The following organisations were revoked by the Service Departments Registers (Amendment) Order 1988. Designation will apply for the period indicated only. 1. 2. 3. 4. This includes service with agencies and units of N.A.T.O. for example S.H.A.P.E. and its subordinate units. From 16.6.06 such service falls within category 23 below. . Service under the Medical Research Council 1.1.83 to 16.6.06 1.1.83 Only service paid wholly by the British Council may be regarded as designated. . Service under the British Tourist Authority . Service under the Commonwealth Development Corporation 1.1.83 to 30.9.88 Combined Services Entertainments Services Central Book Depot St Andrews' Ambulance Association Forces Help Society and Lord Roberts Workshops . Service under the Commonwealth War Graves Commission . Service under the British Council DATE OF DES 1.1.83 1.1.83 The former statutory corporation became a public limited company and then, from 2004, two separate companies (“CDC” and “Actis LLP”). Service under the successor organisations has NOT been designated. 21.12.84 to 16.6.06 21.12.84 SERVICE DESIGNATED ervice under the Science and ngineering Research Council COMMENTS Ceased to exist on 31.3.94. Most employees will, thereafter, be covered by 16, 17, 18 or 19 below ervice under the Natural nvironment Research Council DATE OF DES. 21.12.84 to 31.3.94 21.12.84 ervice under the Agricultural nd Food Research Council Ceased to exist on 31.3.94. Most employees will, thereafter, be covered by 16 below 30.4.87 to 31.3.94 ervice outside the UK with any rganisation while on secondment rom a Research Council mentioned n 9-12 above. Persons are on "secondment" if, having been in designated service with a Research Council, they are temporarily serving elsewhere under arrangements whereby they are to return to designated service with that Research Council when the temporary service ends. 30.4.87 ervice under the European atent Office. From 16.6.06 such service falls within category 23 below. 16.2.90 to 16.6.06 ervice under the Customs Coperation Council. From 16.6.06 such service falls within category 23 below. 1.4.94 to 16.6.06 ervice under or on secondment rom the Biotechnology and iological Sciences Research ouncil. Assumed some of the responsibilities of the former Science and Engineering Research Council and all those of the former Agricultural and Food Research Council (see 10 and 12 above). 1.4.94 ervice under or on secondment rom the Engineering and Physical ciences Research Council. Assumed some of the responsibilities of the former Science and Engineering Research Council (see 10 above). ervice under or on secondment rom the Particle Physics and stronomy Research Council Assumed some of the responsibilities of the former Science and Engineering Research Council (see 10 above) 1.4.94 1.4.94 to 31.3.07 Merged with the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (category 19 below) on 1.4.07 to form the Science and Technology Facilities Council (see 24 below). ervice under or on secondment rom the Council for the Central aboratory of the Research ouncils Formerly part of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (see 17 above) 1.4.95 to 31.3.07 Service under the European Conference of Ministers of Transport. From 16.6.06 such service falls within category 23 below. 1.4.95 to 16.6.06 Service under the International Energy Agency From 16.6.06 such service falls within category 23 below. 1.4.95 to 16.6.06 Service under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development From 16.6.06 such service falls within category 23 below. 1.4.95 to 16.6.06 Service under an international organisation of which the United Most such organisations are listed 16.6.06 Merged with the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (category 18 above) on 1.4.07 to form the Science and Technology Facilities Council (see 24 below). Kingdom or HMG in the United Kingdom is a member in Chapter 18 Annex F(i). 4. Service under the Science and Technology Facilities Council Formed as a result of a merger of the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council and the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (see 18 and 19 above). 5. Service under the Welsh Assembly Government 1.4.07 14.02.08 to 05.11.09 ANNEX A(i) to Chapter 4 Guidance on the definition of "recruitment" for the purpose of section 2(1)(b) of the BNA 1981 1. Section 2(1)(b) of the British Nationality Act 1981 refers to children born after commencement to British citizens in Crown or designated service. Any child who is recognised as having a claim to British citizenship under s.2(1)(b) will be a British citizen otherwise than by descent. 2. In order to have a claim, the relevant parent's recruitment to Crown or designated service must have taken place either in the United Kingdom or, on or after 21 May 2002, in a qualifying territory. No further definition is given in the Act. However, when deciding whether a claim may be recognised, the following factors are taken into consideration: Was the relevant parent employed as a result of recruitment initiatives - advertisements, university/career fair visits etc - in the United Kingdom or, if applicable, a qualifying territory? or Did the relevant parent go through a selection process in the United Kingdom or, if applicable, a qualifying territory? or Does the relevant parent hold a contract of employment made in the United Kingdom or, if applicable, a qualifying territory? 3. Should the applicant parent fail to meet these criteria, it is unlikely that the child would qualify under s.2(1)(b). 4. Similar considerations apply to the question of whether recruitment to service under a community institution can be said to have taken place in a Community Member State, as required by s.2(1)(c). 5. Evidence 5.1 Normally, a letter from the employing organisation will be sufficient place. the to confirm where that recruitment took Should further evidence be required, a copy of contract of employment, or correspondence to the parent from the employing organisation at the time of selection, showing the process took place in the United Kingdom/qualifying territory (if applicable), would serve to confirm that this requirement is met. 6. The Armed Forces, Home Civil Service, and H M Diplomatic Service 6.1 Officers in Her Majesty's forces are, in all cases, recruited in the United Kingdom; other ranks are regarded as having been process of Service and recruited attestation. of Her where they Members Majesty's of go the Diplomatic through Home the Civil Service are regarded as having been recruited in the United Kingdom.