General study plan for postgraduate studies in the subject of Clinical Science Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, SLU Established by the Faculty Board 6/12/2008 Subject Clinical science with the following areas of specialisation: Anaesthesiology, diagnostics, veterinary nursing, epidemiology, surgery, medicine and reproduction. Responsible departments The Department of Clinical Sciences; for the specialisation in veterinary nursing, the responsibility is shared with the Department for Animal Environment and Health. The Faculty’s postgraduate study programme is comprehensively regulated by the following documents, among others: The Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen HF) (SFS 1993:100 et seqq.). Ordinance on Doctoral Grants (Förordningen om utbildningsbidrag för doktorander) ( SFS 1995:938 et seqq.) Objectives of Postgraduate Education at SLU (Syfte och mål med forskarutbildning vid SLU) (Dnr 17.31-1940/96) Admission Ordinance for Postgraduate Education at SLU, established by the Board 4/26/2007 (Antagningsordning för utbildning på forskarnivå vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet) (Dnr SLU ua 41-1482/07 Guidelines for postgraduate education at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Adjustment of Research Study Subjects and Adaptation of General Study Plans in the VH Faculty (Justering av forskarutbildningsämnen och anpassning av allmänna studieplaner inom VH-fakulteten) (Dnr SLU ua 42-1296/08) 1. Objectives of the education Study at the postgraduate level aims to give the student both general scientific training as well as broader and more in-depth knowledge within the various areas of specialisation of the subject area, and should result in a licentiate or doctoral degree. The licentiate degree may serve as an intermediate degree which may be credited towards continued studies to a doctoral degree. The contents and scope of the postgraduate study programme shall be adapted so that upon completion of the doctoral degree, the student can perform independent research work and will fulfil the objectives of the degree (HF Appendix 2; Dnr 17.31-1940/96). The research study subject clinical science includes the following areas of specialisation: anaesthesiology, diagnostics, veterinary nursing, epidemiology, surgery, medicine and reproduction. The specialisation anaesthesiology is comprehensive of all types of animals and is focused on increasing knowledge about how the organism is impacted by sedation, analgesia, anaesthesia, euthanasia and slaughter, with the primary goal of constantly developing and refining anaesthesiological methods. The specialisation diagnostics includes the sciences of diagnostic imaging and clinical chemistry. Diagnostic imaging consists of the optimization of various techniques, e.g. x-ray, CAT, scintigraphy, ultrasound and MRT testing, which are used to visualize both normal anatomical structures in animals as well as pathological changes and their development. Within clinical chemistry, the various experimental methods (haematology, cytology or biochemistry) used for analysis of biological material from healthy and diseased animals are developed and optimized. The specialisation veterinary nursing entails disease prevention measures, nursing and health care planning for various disease conditions, rehabilitation and aftercare of animals. The specialisation epidemiology is the science of the spread of disease agents, poor/good health and performance in populations as well as the study of which factors have an impact on these, which can be of direct use in preventative healthcare work. The specialisation surgery entails physiological and patho-physiological events related to surgical treatment of disease, but preventative treatment as well. This specialisation includes all types of animals and all surgical specialties, including neurology, odontology, ophthalmology and oncology, and its primary focus is on clinical issues. The research aims to create, evaluate and convey knowledge that can prevent, relieve, and cure diseases. The specialisation medicine entails physiological and patho-physiological events related to medical treatment of disease, but preventative treatment as well. This specialisation includes all types of animals and all medical specialities and its primary focus is on clinical issues. The research aims to create, evaluate and convey knowledge that can prevent, relieve, and cure diseases. The specialisation reproduction includes the normal function and disruptions of the reproductive system and the udder, primarily in domesticated animals but in wild animals as well, in both the individual animal and the herd/group. Also included in the study subject is normal birth and birth complications, as well as biological reproduction techniques. 2. Eligibility requirements To be eligible for admission to the postgraduate study programme, the applicant must fulfil both the requirements for basic eligibility (HF chap 7 § 39) and for special eligibility (HF 7 chap § 40). For special eligibility, the applicant must have a veterinary or other biomedical or natural sciences degree relevant for the subject area. Applicants with a different, comparable educational background may be determined to be eligible on a case-by-case basis by the head of the department in question. The applicant’s language abilities in English are documented by Eng B in the national high school program in English, or a passing score on a comparable international test (a score of 550 on the international TOEFL or an average score of 6.0 on the IELTS test) (41-1482/07). 3. Selection and admission The Faculty makes admissions decisions for postgraduate studies after a proposal from the department. Application for admission is carried out using special form (40-2008/07). The head of the department shall ensure that the postgraduate student receives the necessary information on socio-educational relations and support functions. 4. Scope Studies for the doctoral degree correspond to four years of full-time study (240 higher education credits). For the licentiate exam, the corresponding time of study is two years (120 higher education credits). Composition of the doctoral thesis shall correspond to study of at least 120 higher education credits for the doctoral degree and at least 60 higher education credits for the licentiate degree. During the two or four years that make up postgraduate study, these are to be dedicated to one's own postgraduate education. Limited department duty may be included in these four years only if deemed important for a doctoral student’s education. In such cases, the department duty is to be defined in the individual study plan. Individual study plan A detailed individual study plan must be drawn up for each doctoral student. The study plan shall be established by the Faculty Board after consultation with the doctoral student and his/her supervisor. The doctoral student and supervisor are to certify in writing that they have read the individual study plan and any changes made to it. The individual study plan shall contain a schedule for the doctoral student's study programme, a description of the responsibilities of the doctoral student and the Faculty Board during the study period, and what ever else may be necessary for ensuring that the studies can be carried out effectively. The individual study plan shall be followed up by the Faculty Board (delegated to the head of the department) at least once a year. When the doctoral student has completed half the study period, a so-called “half-time follow-up” shall be completed. This follow-up will then be presented to FUN using a special form. The time of study may only be extended under special circumstances, such as leave of absence due to illness, for military or civil service, or for a position of trust within union or student organizations or for parental leave of absence. The study programme normally consists of two main elements: scientific work and coursework. Scientific work Theses shall be compilation theses written in the English language. A licentiate thesis shall contain 1-2 composite papers which shall be of sufficient quality such that they could be published in an international peer-reviewed journal. A doctoral thesis shall contain 3-5 composite papers, of which at least two must be accepted or published in a peer-reviewed international scientific journal. At least half of the composite papers shall list the doctoral student as the "first author." The doctoral student shall acquire the clinical knowledge necessary for performing scientific work. The scope and content is determined by the main supervisor and shall also be indicated in the individual study plan. Coursework The doctoral student shall take postgraduate courses comprising between 30 and 75 higher education credits. For students obtaining a licentiate degree, half of these credits are needed. "Postgraduate courses” refers to organized, announced and scheduled courses/seminars especially aimed towards postgraduate students. Course credits are attained through participation in general basic courses, specific subject courses and seminar series. Examples of general basic courses that should be included in the study subject ‘clinical sciences’ are scientific theory, scientific writing/publication, statistics and an introductory course for postgraduate students. 5. Theoretical test/Examination The thesis defence/licentiate seminar is to be planned, announced and performed in accordance with the applicable rules within SLU and the VH Faculty. For the doctoral degree/licentiate degree, the doctoral student must both have passed the examinations included in the postgraduate study programme as well as have his/her thesis approved. A doctoral thesis shall be defended orally at a public defence. 6. Degree title For students with a veterinary degree, the degree title given is "doctor of veterinary medicine." Students who have not completed a veterinary degree and who are admitted to a postgraduate study programme shall receive a designation corresponding to the degree that granted eligibility to the student, e.g. PhD, doctor of agriculture, doctor of pharmaceutical science, etc. 7. Supervision The Faculty appoints supervisors to postgraduate students after a proposal from the department. The main supervisor shall have associate professor competence and shall be employed or working as an adjunct professor at the department to which the student has been accepted. In addition to the main supervisor, the student shall have at least one assistant supervisor. The assistant supervisor shall have a doctoral degree. The supervisory group shall be so composed as to provide full support for the doctoral student in all aspects of her/his studies. In the event that the main supervisor declines the assignment or the doctoral student desires a change of supervisor, the Faculty shall appoint a new main supervisor.