50-YEAR FLOOD LINES FOR THE VAAL RIVER DOWNSTREAM FROM BLOEMHOF DAM, ON PORTION 69 OF THE FARM, KLIPFONTEIN 334 HQ, DISTRICT BLOEMHOF, NORTHWEST PROVINCE Compiled by Garfield Krige Pr.Sci.Nat. Aquatic Sciences (Reg. No. 400068/10) of African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant en Dal 1751 Tel: 083 657 0560 Fax: 086 670 5102 E-mail: garfield@aed.co.za Report Number AED-205/2012 Date of Report: 23/01/2012 Revision Number: 00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za 50-YEAR FLOOD LINES FOR THE VAAL RIVER DOWNSTREAM FROM BLOEMHOF DAM, NEAR PORTION 69 OF THE FARM, KLIPFONTEIN 334 HQ, DISTRICT BLOEMHOF, NORTHWEST PROVINCE Commission and Hydrology: African Environmental Development (AED) was commissioned by Mutual & Federal to determine the 50-year flood lines for the Vaal River in the vicinity of the Bloemhof Dam at Portions 47 to 78 of the farm, Klipfontein 334 HQ, Northwest Province side of the Vaal River. The particular study area is Portion 69, the location of the River Lodge. The Vaal River rises along the Continental Watershed in Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Kwazulu-Natal Provinces. The catchment surface area of the river up to the target area is 108 308 Km2 and is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: The catchment of the Vaal River upstream from the Bloemhof Dam. The entire Vaal River falls in a single primary catchment, Primary Catchment C and across several secondary, tertiary and quaternary catchments as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Each quaternary catchment has its own rainfall and run-off value. The 533562709 Page 1 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za quaternary catchments are shown in Figure 2 and the rainfall and surface areas are summarised in Appendix 1. Figure 2: The quaternary catchments of the Vaal River up to the target area (Bloemhof Dam). The catchment of the Vaal River up to the target area is very large, spanning over many quaternary catchments, each with its own surface area and annual rainfall. We could not merely add the rainfall values of these quaternary catchments together and determine the average rainfall over the entire catchment, as each of the catchments had different surface areas. To derive a truly representative rainfall, we determined a surface-area-weighted rainfall for each quaternary catchment, in other words, both the surface area as well as the rainfall over that surface was used in determining the rainfall contribution for the catchment. This is shown as an MS Excel workbook in Appendix 1. The entire Vaal River catchment locates in Veld Zone 4 (Grasslands and Interior Plateau) in terms of the Midgley-classification (Midgley, 1972). In addition to the Vaal River, there is a second, much smaller, river, which impacts the study area. This stream, a tributary of the Vaal River downstream from the Bloemhof Dam, passes along the northern border of the study area from east to west, before it flows into the Vaal River, shortly after passing the study area. In fact, the series of stands, Portions 47 to 78 of the farm Klipfontein 334 HQ, of which the study area is one, locate on a narrow “peninsula” formed between the Vaal River and this river. Although this stream does not have an official name, we named it the “Bloem-Stream” for the purposes of this report only. This stream rises on the farm, 533562709 Page 2 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za Diamanddoorns 169 HO, some 24.2 Km to the east of the town of SchweizerReneke. It falls in its entirety in Quaternary Catchment C91A, has a catchment of 781.9 Km² and a rainfall of only 464.23 mm/a (Middleton & Bailey, 2005) and locates in Veld Zone 4 (Grasslands and Interior Plateau) in terms of the Midgley (Midgley, 1972) classification. Methodology: The determination of flood lines is done in two steps, 1) modelling of a “design storm” which gives a discharge in m³/s and 2) modelling this discharge through cross sections across representative sections of the river/stream at the study area. The first part of the process comprises the modelling of a series of “design storms” with statistical return periods of 50-years and durations ranging from 1 to 100 hours in the case of the Vaal River and 1 to 24 hours in the case of the “Bloem-Stream”, falling over the catchment of the study area. When a catchment is larger that approximately 50 Km² (such as the Vaal River and “Bloem-stream”), the standard statistical Hydrological Research Unit model, as described by Bauer & Midgley (1974), is used. Storms with durations of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 hours were synthesised for the Bloem-Stream, while storms ranging in duration between 1 and 100-hours were synthesized for the Vaal River catchment, using modelling techniques described in Report No 1/72 “Design Flood Determination in South Africa” (Midgley, 1972) and Report No 1/74 “A Simple Procedure for Synthesizing Direct Runoff Hydrographs” (Bauer & Midgley, 1974), both documents produced by a joint venture of the Hydrological Research Unit, a division of the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of the Witwatersrand and the CSIR. Using the modelling techniques described by the documents above, direct run-off hydrographs were derived from these storms. The hydrograph that produced the highest discharge was selected. A graphical summary of the hydrographs is presented in Figures 3 and 4. Figure 3 Vaal River: A graphical representation of the hydrographs showing the 50-year flood discharges produced by storms ranging from 1 to 100 hours in duration. A storm with an 84-hour duration produced the highest discharge, i.e. 4 606.92 m3/s. 533562709 Page 3 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za Flood Discharge Hydrograph 600 500 Discharge (m³/s) 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Storm Duration in Hours Figure 4 “Bloem-Stream”: A graphical representation of the hydrographs showing the 50year flood discharges produced by storms ranging from 1 to 24 hours in duration. A storm with an 8-hour duration produced the highest discharge, i.e. 585.0 m3/s. In the second part of the process, the discharge in m3/s, produced by the storm with a statistical return period of 50 years which produced the greatest discharge, is routed through cross sections across the river within the study area, as shown in Figure 5, using Mannings formulae for Open Channel Flow. Mannings roughness coefficients for the streambeds were assessed using satellite photography dated 12 October 2008 (Google Earth, 2008). A total of 3 cross sections were plotted across representative sections of the Vaal River and 3 across the “Bloem-Stream” at right angles to the direction of stream flow. For this particular exercise we used a combination of 5-meter contour lines obtainable from the Chief Surveyor General (SG), and 0.5-meter contour lines surveyed particularly for this project. This survey was commissioned, as the SG contour lines had 5-meter intervals and were not of a sufficiently high resolution. For this reason we contracted a land survey company, African Land Surveys, to survey the area in the vicinity of the two streams. During the survey, however, the landowner on the southern side of the Vaal River, denied the surveyors access to his land, located roughly opposite the study area, i.e. on Portion 1 and the Remaining Extent of the farm Goede Hoop 809 on the Free State Province side of the Vaal River. For this reason, we used the SG 5-m contour lines to fill in the missing spaces in the survey. The flood lines in this area are referred to as “Inferred 50-year flood lines”, as opposed to the other flood lines, drawn on the high-resolution contour lines, referred to a “50-year flood lines”. Please note that the 5-m contour lines from the SG are accurate to that particular resolution (5-m), but for this particular project it was necessary to obtain a higherresolution contour line set, hence the survey by African Land Surveys. There is, however, nothing wrong with the SG contour lines, the only difference being the resolution to 5-m instead of the 0.5-m resolution of our survey. The 5-m contour lines were also used to determine the gradient of the Vaal River and to obtain the general 50-year flood lines for a larger length of the Vaal River, while 533562709 Page 4 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za the 1-m contours were used to plot the flood lines in the vicinity of the study area to a higher vertical accuracy. For this reason, we only certify the 50-year flood lines between cross sections 5 and 8 as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: The cross sections used in determining the final 50-year return period flood lines for the Vaal River and “Bloem-Stream”. Also shown are the contour lines and the area where the surveyors were refused access by the landowner. The gradient of the river at this particular site was determined using the difference between the elevation at the crest of the DWA Weir and the elevation at its downstream foot. The gradient (or fall) of the river is particularly low in this section of the river, with a fall of only 0.000 352 9 m/m. the water level in the Vaal River for all intents and purposes was the same all the way from the weir up to the Bloemhof Dam wall. In spite of the surveyors not covering the area they were refused access, we were still able to produce 3 cross sections across the Vaal River, one upstream and two downstream from the area. It turned out that, due to the relatively narrow area where the weir was constructed, the cross section immediately upstream from this weir produced the highest elevation for the 50-year flood. This elevation was subsequently used for the entire distance from the weir to the Bloemhof Dam wall for the 50-year flood line. 533562709 Page 5 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za Results: The elevation containing the maximum discharge, at each cross section along the two rivers, were plotted on either side of the rivers’ centre-line and transferred, in plan, to the drawing, to demarcate the 50-year flood lines. The resulting flood lines are supplied as a separate CAD file together with this report. For convenience, we have also converted the AutoCAD files to a Google Earth file. Please note that the latter file is meant as a guide for easy reference only, but it should be noted that the Google Earth resolution is not nearly as accurate as the AutoCAD files from which all the graphics used in this report were produced. The flood lines for the study area are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Figure 6: The 50-Year flood lines for the Vaal River and “Bloem-Stream”, shown on a colourcoded elevation map of the area covered by the high-resolution survey. As can be seen, the flood lines of the “Bloem-Stream” is at a lower elevation than the flood lines for the Vaal River and therefore the Vaal River flood lines will “flood” the lower “Bloem-Stream” flood lines. 533562709 Page 6 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za Photo 1: The DWA Weir in the foreground, some of the buildings neighbouring the River Lodge to the left of the photo and the Bloemhof Dam wall in the distance. It can be observed that most of the buildings are built on stilts, presumably in an attempt to clear the floodwaters. Photo 2: The same buildings shown in Photo 1, but this time during the January 2011 floods! (Both Photos 1 and 2 courtesy Panoramio, http://www.panoramio.com) 533562709 Page 7 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za Comments: Flood Line Elevations: Due to the presence of the DWA weir shown in Photo 1, the 50-year flood line along the entire length of the Vaal River within the study area is at a single elevation. This elevation is 1 220.36 mamsl (mamsl = “metres above mean sea level”). The “BloemStream”, however, show a more traditional trend in the flood line, i.e. it follows the fall of the river. The 50-year flood line begins at an elevation of 1 217.04 mamsl at Cross Section 1, remains at that elevation up to Cross Section 2 as a result of the damming effect of the bridge (access road to the study area) over the stream and then falls to 1 216.65 mamsl at Cross Section 3. It is therefore clear that the Vaal River flood lines are considerably higher than those of the “Bloem-Stream” and therefore the only flood lines that would be effective will be the flood lines of the Vaal River. The flood lines of the Vaal River are significantly higher that the highest elevation on the “peninsula” between the Vaal River and the “Bloem-Stream”, where the River Lodge locates. The highest elevation of the entire strip of land was actually recorded at the River Lodge itself. This elevation was at the residence of the landowner (on the front porch of the homestead) and was recorded as 1 219.48 mamsl, while the 50year flood line was at an elevation of 1 220.36 mamsl. The highest part of the “peninsula” will therefore be covered with water to a depth of almost 900 mm during a flood with a return period of 50-years. The “peninsula” will also be cut-off form the town of Bloemhof as the lowest point of the bridge over the “Bloem-Stream” is only located at an elevation of 1 216.5 mamsl. This means that this road would be covered by 3.86 m of water during a 50-year flood. The Potential Impact from the Bloemhof Dam: The Bloemhof Dam in the Vaal River upstream from the study area (refer Photo 3) has a total of 20 radial sluice gates. Theoretically each of these sluice gates can discharge a maximum of 500 m³/s for a short while when the dam is at 100 % full supply level. This means that theoretically this dam can produce a man-made flood of 10 000 m³/s, significantly more than the 50-year flood of 4 606.92 m³/s or the 100year flood of approximately 5 220.59 m³/s. This, flow, can, however, only be sustained for a short period, i.e. until the dam’s level begins to drop. Unlike the Vaal Dam, which was constructed with an additional 26 % spare capacity above its 100% mark, which is intended to be used for flood attenuation purposes, under normal circumstances, the Bloemhof Dam can only let out what flows into it. The Potential Impact from the Road Bridge Downstream from the DWA Weir: There is a bridge immediately to the west of the study area crossing the Vaal River. This bridge connects the R59 road with the town of Bloemhof. The impact from this bridge was not assessed during this study. The survey we commissioned did not cover the extent of this bridge. However, this bridge was constructed taking into account the floods likely to occur in the Vaal River, it has a wide span and would probably not cause a significant backup of water during a 50-year flood. 533562709 Page 8 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za Photo 3: The 20 radial sluice gates at the Bloemhof Dam spillway CAD Drawings: The GIS program, ArcView/ArcGIS, was used to produce the drawings used in this document. Please note this programs swaps the + and – signs of the X and Y coordinates in the drawing when compared to AutoCAD files. General: It is likely that even the highest point of the ground surface of the entire “peninsula” on which Portions 47 to 78 of the farm Klipfontein 334 HQ are located will be underwater during a flood with a return period of 50 years in the Vaal River. River Lodge (Portion 69) Figure 7: Portions 47-77, Klipfontein 334 HQ. The River Lodge is located on Portion 69. 533562709 Page 9 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za 100-Year Flood Lines: Vaal River at Bloemhof Certification of Methods Used 23/01/2012 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, This is to certify that the 50-year flood discharge values for the Vaal River and the smaller river to the north of the Vaal River, between the town of Bloemhof and the Vaal River were derived using methods described in the Report No 1/74 “A Simple Procedure for Synthesizing Direct Runoff Hydrographs” of the Hydrological Research Unit, a division of the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of the Witwatersrand. The 50-year return period storms were synthesised from direct run-off hydrographs developed using methods described in Report No. 1/72 “Design Flood Determination in South Africa” of the same unit. Both the above reports were developed as a joint venture between the CSIR and the University of the Witwatersrand and are considered to be the only accurate methods for use under rainfall conditions in South Africa. The flood discharges determined in terms of paragraph 1 were routed through crosssections plotted across the two rivers at regular intervals and using Mannings theory for Open Channel Flow. These design floods through these cross sections produced the flood elevations for the 50-year return period storms, as indicated in the accompanying CAD files. P. R. Bond Pr. Eng. (Reg. No. 740216) 533562709 Page 10 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za References: Midgley, D. C.: (1972) CSIR/University of the Witwatersrand Report No. 1/72, ‘Design Flood Determination in South Africa‘ Bauer, S. W., Midgley, D. C.: (1974) CSIR/University of the Witwatersrand Report No. 1/74, ‘A Simple Procedure for Synthesizing Direct Runoff Hydrographs‘ Midgley, D. C.; Pitman, W, V.; Middleton, B. J. (1994). ‘Surface Water Resources of South Africa’, Water Research Commission Report No. 298/94 Middleton, B. J.; Bailey, A. K. (2005): Water Resources of South Africa, 2005 (WR2005) Version 1. Water Research Commission Project No. K5/1491 533562709 Page 11 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp Appendix 1: African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za AutoCAD and Google Earth Files Double-click on the above icon to open the zipped folder 533562709 Page 12 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00 African Environmental Development No 129 Malmani Road Sterkfontein Country Estates Krugersdorp African Environmental Development PO Box 1588 Rant-en-Dal 1751 Tel: - 083 657 0560 Fax:- 086 670 5102 E-mail: - garfield@aed.co.za http://www.aed.co.za Appendix 2: Catchment Surface Areas and AreaWeighted Rainfall Values Double-click on the above icon to open the MS Excel Workbook 533562709 Page 13 Created on 23/01/2012 11:49:00