NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND LIVELIHOODS IN THE TONLE SAP BASIN YEM Dararath Water Resources and Environmental Management Specialist Abstract This paper discusses the natural resources conservation and livelihoods. The natural resources are critical to livelihoods of people living in the Tonle Sap Basin. The interactions between natural resources and development activities have been elaborated to show potential effects on the resources in the basin. Efforts by a number of institutions, both national and international, are simultaneously discussed in the paper. It is a great effort that integrated water resources management be integrated into national policy and development dimension. Keywords: Natural Resources Conservation, Livelihoods, poverty, Integrated Water Resources Management, and water flow. 1. Introduction The Tonle Sap is the most important inland aquatic environment in Southeast Asia. It forms a natural floodplain reservoir in the depression of the Cambodian plain. It consists of twelve main tributaries forming sub-basins, and is drained by the Tonle Sap River into the Mekong River near Phnom Penh. The Tonle Sap Basin, defined as the catchment area of the Tonle Sap River at its confluence with the Mekong River, has an area of 85,000 km2, of which 80,000 km2 lies within Cambodia. 1 The annual flow of the Mekong waters into the Lake basin during the wet season raises the Lake’s water level from less than 2 m in the dry season, to deeper than 14 m at peak flood. By late May, when the water level of the Mekong downstream of Tonle Sap reaches a sufficient height of 9 m it starts to push water back upstream, thus reversing the flow in the Tonle Sap River. This results in an accumulation of nutrient rich water from upstream Mekong River sources covering the wetlands and flood plain and increasing the water volume from 1.3 billion m3 to 70 billion m3. By October, the water level in the Mekong River subsides and flow in the Tonle Sap empties into the Mekong delta. However, when the level of the Mekong River is high the flow of the Tonle Sap River is reversed and nutrient-rich water is pushed into the lake, raising its level by up to 10 m and increasing its area from 2,500 km2 to 15,000 km2. This unusual hydrological cycle and the vast area of seasonally flooded low forest and shrubs that it creates, in conjunction with high temperatures, drives a very high biodiversity of fish, reptile, bird, mammal, and plant species. Another important consequence of the hydrology of the basin, is that, strictly (hydrologically) speaking, the basin boundaries are those of the entire Mekong upstream of Phnom Penh (the confluence of the Mekong and the Tonle Sap Rivers). The lake supports a very large human population through its enormous fisheries productivity and provides the last refuge for some of Asia’s most globally significant biodiversity. Additionally, the flooded areas offer breeding grounds and refuge areas for 2 fish that subsequently migrate back to the Mekong River, providing thereby a regionally vital resource. 2. Geography and Population 2.1. Geography The Tonle Sap Basin (TSB) within Cambodia, covers an area of approximately 80,000 km2. Eight provinces and one city share the basin, namely Kampong Chhnang, Battambang, Pousat, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, Preah Vihear, Otdor Meanchey, and Pailin City. Main tributaries connecting to the Great Lake include Stung Baribo, Stung Pousat, Stung Dauntry, Stung Sang Kae, Stung Battambang, Stung Mongkul Borei, Stung Sisophon, Stung Sraeng, Stung Siem Reab, Stung Chikraeng, Stung Staung, Stung Saen, and Stung Chinit (Table 1). * TABLE 1 HERE * 2.2. Population The total population of the Tonle Sap Basin is approximately 4,198,096 in 2004 (Seila Programme, 2004). The population density of the eight provinces and one city ranges from 23 to 91 persons per km2 in 2004. The population density in Battambang and Siem Reap province is higher than in the other provinces (Figure 1). * FIGURE 1 HERE * 2.3. Poverty The reality of poverty is complex, but it is generally defined to be multidimensional deprivation. The dimensions include low income and consumption; a lack of physical necessities and assets; a lack of access to basic services; isolation; vulnerability to shocks and a lack of means to cope with shock-induced losses; and powerlessness (RGC, 2001). 3 Half of the villages have 40–60% of households below the poverty line, with a peak of 80% in some areas (ADB, 2005). Many households have no landholdings and are entirely dependent on fishing and foraging, with access to fishing areas often under dispute. Percentage of poor in 2000 varies from village to village and province to province between 0.4% and 52.6% (Figure 2). * FIGURE 2 HERE * 3. Natural Resources and Livelihoods 3.1. Water Resources Cambodia is generally considered a “water-wealthy” country. In terms of its annual water availability its gross water resources rank third in Southeast Asia. The average annual rainfall varies across the Tonle Sap region from between 1,100 mm to 1,500 mm (Figure 3). Water inputs from the Tonle Sap watershed were estimated at (28 x 109) cubic meters (Table 2). The estimated total volume of rainfall in Cambodia is about 426 billion m3 per year, of which only 212.5 billion m3 (49.9 per cent) flows into water bodies. The remainder is subject to evaporation and evapo-transpiration, and recharging of groundwater. * TABLE 2 HERE * * FIGURE 3 HERE * 3.2. Fauna and Flora Although deforestation in the Tonle Sap basin has been taken place, the forests are still of importance habitats. The flooded forest of the Tonle Sap is still by far the greatest continuous area of savannah swamp forest and inundated forest in the entire Asian region. At least 200 species of fish, 42 species of reptiles, 225 species of birds, and 46 4 species of mammals within the Tonle Sap Lake have been recorded. Most People live within the Tonle Sap region have much more benefited from the resources of the Tonle Sap Basin. 3.3. Livelihoods 3.3.1. Agriculture The main livelihood in the Tonle Sap Lake Region is rice cultivation, which offers the main source of food for the region’s inhabitants. The rice cultivation is based on floating and wet season rice (recession rice). The farmers do not commonly use fertilisers, pesticides, or have irrigation and thus they are dependent on rainfall, as well as floods. Cultivation of floating and wet season rice is heavily dependent on floods. Total cultivated area in 2002 was approximately 939,745 hectares, accounting for 41.9% of total cultivated area throughout the country (Figure 4). Yield per hectare ranged from 1.2 tons to 2.4 tons in 2002 (Figure 7). * FIGURE 4 HERE * * FIGURE 5 HERE * * FIGURE 6 HERE * * FIGURE 7 HERE * 3.3.2. Fishery The fresh water fishery is extremely important in maintaining minimum nutritional requirements of large numbers of people. It has been recorded that the Tonle Sap alone provides around 60% of the commercial freshwater fisheries production. However there is evidence that the fishery yields are declining in the Tonle Sap Lake. Fisheries and the 5 natural aquatic habitats are under increasing pressure from alterations to flow regimes increasing turbidity and degraded water quality. Wetlands are being filled, drained and encroached upon. Development on the banks of rivers, increased urbanization and industrialization, and aquaculture alter the characteristics of the habitat and the quality of fresh water to support the population of fish (ADB, 2004). According to the NIS, the total annual fish catch for the Tonle Sap Basin in 2002 was about 182,600 tons (Figure 8). * FIGURE 8 HERE * 3.3.3. Tourism Ecotourism is at an early stage of development in the basin. Prek Toel Core area has a significant number of globally rare species of birds and is attracting a number of ornithologists. The site has presently attracted a number of tourists. The Tonle Sap Great Lake landscape, the birds of Tonle Sap wetlands, and tropical forest of the Tonle Sap have also been increasingly visited by tourists from over the world. Local communities can further benefit from ecotourism additional to cultural sites. The ecotourism potential is based on the conservation values of the flooded forest being maintained. Ecologically significant sites are particularly sensitive to damage from overuse by tourists. There are dangers from over concentration of visitors. 4. Major Threats to the Tonle Sap Basin As mentioned above, most people living in the Tonle Sap Basin mainly depend upon rice cultivation, which consumes large volume of water and exploitation of natural resources. It has been indicated that incidence of poverty in the Tonle Sap Basin is higher than that in other areas in the country. The exploitation of natural resources will therefore be extremely increased due to the increase of population and poverty. 6 Major threats to the Tonle Sap are as follows: (i) poverty-driven overexploitation of fisheries and wildlife resources; (ii) conversion of the flooded forest to agriculture; (iii) collection of fuel wood from the flooded forest; and (iv) possibly, decrease of water flow in the wet season. 5. Environmental and Natural Resources Management It has been indicated that most people lives in the Tonle Sap Basin is mostly dependant on agriculture and resource extractive activities. Nine out of 10 poor persons identify agriculture as their main source of income. Poverty is more pronounced in rural areas 40% compared to 30% in urban areas. In fact 90% of Cambodia’s poor are found in the rural areas. The Tonle Sap region has the highest degree of poverty at 38%. 5.1. Institutional Framework Below the Council of Ministers, The Cambodia National Mekong Committee (CNMC) has a membership of ten ministries and a linkage with the regional Mekong River Commission. CNMC's role is to advise the Government on all matters related to the formulation of water policy, strategy, management, preservation, investigation, planning, and restoration and the development of the water and other natural resources of the Mekong River Basin within Cambodia. Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve Secretariat (TSBRS) is also under control of the CNMC, which is headed by Deputy Secretary General of the Executive Committee (Figure 9). It has a permanent Deputy Head and is structured into three divisions: (i) policy, strategy, and networking; (ii) research, monitoring, and data management; and (iii) administration and training. * FIGURE 9 HERE * 7 Environmental management is fallen under responsibility of the Ministry of Environment (MOE). The MOE is empowered to develop environmental policies in the spirit of sustainable country development and to implement the National and Regional Environmental Action Plans in collaboration with other concerned ministries. In practice, it is required that the MOE closely collaborate and coordinate with ministries involved. Those ministries include Ministry of Agriculture Forests and Fisheries (MAFF), Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM), Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (MIME), Ministry of Rural Development (MRD), Ministry of Tourism (MOT), Ministry of Interior (MOI), and Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT). In addition, the provincial and municipal departments of environment are under the direct control of the MOE and have obligations to be responsible for implementing environmental policy, preventing and protecting environmental pollution in cooperation with relevant departments. 5.2. Policy, Strategy and Plans A number of important national strategies and plans regarding the environmental management and natural resources conservation are summarised as follows: The National Water Resources Policy (NWRP) was formulated in 2004 aiming at providing guidelines for efficient and effective water resources management, socio-economic development and welfare of the population and ensuring a sustainable environment. 8 The Strategic Framework for the Water Sector followed on from ADB’s assistance in creating the National Water Sector Profile, and supported MOWRAM in the development of its strategy. The National Water Resources Strategy for Cambodia was formulated more or less contemporaneously with the Strategic Framework for the Water Sector with the support of the World Bank through its Agricultural Productivity Improvement Program (APIP). The Water Sector Roadmap summarises RGC’s goals for the water sector as a basis for setting priorities and planning investment and development assistance. It lists a range of indicators for three areas of ‘water sector outcomes’ (water reforms, water resources management, water service delivery) and for specific sector outputs. The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy (2001 - 2011) focuses on issues and solutions for the small scale schemes that are under the control of the Ministry of Rural Development. The Second Socioeconomic Development Plan, 2001 – 2005 (SEDP II) is the Government’s principal strategy for economic growth and poverty reduction and includes a target to reduce the poverty headcount index from 36 to 31 percent in order to reduce poverty by half in fifteen years. The National Poverty Reduction Strategy 2003 –2005 (NPRS) has been prepared using SEDPII as its key building block. In it the priority poverty reduction actions include maintaining macroeconomic stability; improving rural livelihoods; expanding job opportunities; improving capabilities; strengthening institutions 9 and improving governance; reducing vulnerability and strengthening social inclusion; promoting gender equity; and priority focus on people. The Rectangular Strategy 2003-2008 has good governance and implementation as its backbone and will be announced as soon as the new government is formed. The strategy has four pillars: (i) high economic growth and enhanced competitiveness; (ii) job-creation; (iii) improved social equity; and (iv) increased public sector effectiveness. The enabling environment for successful implementation includes: (i) peace, political stability and social order; (ii) partnership with development agencies; (iii) macroeconomic and financial stability; and (iv) integration into the regional and world economy. The Rectangular Strategy identifies the following as the priority sectors: (i) agriculture; (ii) private sector development and employment; (iii) physical infrastructure; and (iv) human resource development. The Governance Action Plan of April 2001 (GAP) was prepared by the Council for Administrative Reform and has as its main function the definition and relationship of public power and authority to management and control over societal resources. Crosscutting areas covered by GAP include public finance, civil service reform and anti-corruption, judicial and legal system reform, demobilization of armed forces and natural resource management. In the field of natural resource management, issues related to land, forestry and fisheries management are addressed as well as the social question of resource access. The National Environmental Action Plan 1998 – 2002 (NEAP) aims to integrate environmental concerns into economic activity and ensure future maintenance of 10 the functional capacities of Cambodia’s ecosystems. NEAP adopts a precautionary approach, concentrating on environmental protection rather than the more difficult and costly post-impact rehabilitation. Priority areas of intervention are forestry policy, fisheries and agriculture in the Tonle Sap, coastal fisheries management, biodiversity conservation and protected areas, environmental education, energy development and urban waste management. The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NBSAP 2002 (NBSAP) was created with a view towards integration of biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource use concepts into an overall poverty reduction strategy. NBSAP provides a framework for action at all levels that will enhance productivity, diversity and integrity of natural resources. 5.3. Legal Framework The Ministry of Environment (MOE) was created in September 1993 with a responsibility to define environmental planning and actions, to oversee the environmental impact assessment, the protection of the environment and preservation of ecological balance, and development project monitoring and inspection in collaboration with lineinstitutions and agencies. The followings are the national laws and regulations related to environmental protection and management, and natural resources management: Constitutional Law (1993); Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management Law (1996); Fisheries Law (1987); Forestry Management Law (1988) Environmental Impact Assessment Process Sub-decree (1999); 11 Implementation of the Law on Investment Sub-decree (1997); Water Pollution Control Sub-decree (1999); Solid Waste Management Sub-decree (1999); and Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance Control Sub-decree (2000). 6. Conclusion The paper presents the natural resources conservation and livelihoods in the Tonle Sap Basin. As mentioned above, most people living in the basin are mostly dependant on extractions of natural resources, particularly water resource, from the basin. The natural resources, for instance, biodiversity throughout the watershed is declining with increased development, the destruction of habitats and the exploitation of endangered species. Widespread deforestation, habitat encroachment, the decline in environmental quality, and the hunting of animals for food and commercial purposes are prime contributors to natural resources depletion. Ecotourism is also another pressure on the natural habitats and wetlands in the basin. The importance of effective management and sustainable exploitation of the nation's natural resources as a vital tool in reducing poverty is becoming more widely accepted. Recognizing the depletion of natural resources within the basin, a number of efforts made by the MOE in collaboration with other ministries involved to suppress any activities that are likely to deteriorate the natural resources in the basin as a whole and local communities as a particular. 12 At the same time, a number of institutional arrangements and legal instruments have been developed to successfully accomplish the goals of sustainable development and poverty reduction. Acknowledgement The author would like to thank H.E. Sin Niny, , who gave the author the great opportunity to attend the International Forum on Integrated Water Resources Management of the Mekong River Basin to be held in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Special thanks are due to Dr. Tue Kell Nielsen for his invaluable advice and material supports. References ADB. (2002) The Tonle Sap in ADB’s country strategies and programme. The Tonle Sap initiative. ADB. (2005) The Tonle Sap Basin strategy. Author, Manila, p. 5. CNMC. 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Author, Phnom Penh. 14 List of Tables Table 1: Main Tributaries Connecting to the Tonle Sap Great Lake No. Name Area, Km2 1 Daun Tri 3,530 2 Sangke 4,370 3 Mongkul Borei 11,350 4 Sisophon 3,120 5 Sreng 10,380 6 Siem Reap 3,060 7 Staung 4,370 8 Chikraing 2,750 9 Sen 16,250 10 Chinit 6,770 11 Boribo 6,080 12 Pursat 5,980 Source: ADB, 2004. Table 2: Water Balance of the Great Lake Basin: Surface Water Availability Inputs Annual Volume, (109 m³) Inputs from the Tonle Sap watershed ( 67,600 km² ): Inflow from the rivers +24.3 Rainfall on the Lake +13.9 Evaporation -10.4 Total inputs from the Lake Basin +28.0 Inputs from the Mekong River through Tonle Sap river: Inflow to Tonle Sap at Prek Kdam to the Lake -45.0 Outflow from the Lake +72.9 Net Balance +27.9 Sources: Carbonnel, 1962-63 in CNMC, 2004. 15 List of Figures Figure 1: Population Density in the Tonle Sap Basin in 2004 (Person/km2) Figure 2: Percentage of Poor in the Tonle Sap Basin in 2000 16 Figure 3: Average Annual Rainfall (mm), 1998-2002 Average Annual Rainfall, mm 1800 1674.38 1525.42 1600 1465.58 1327.78 1400 1181.54 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Battambang Kampong Chhnang Kampong Thom Pursat Siem Reap Province Figure 4: Cultivated Areas by Province in the Tonle Sap Basin in 1993 (ha) 17 Figure 5: Cultivated Areas by Province in the Tonle Sap Basin in 2002 (ha) Figure 6: Percentage Change of Cultivated Area (1993-2002) 18 Figure 7: Rice Yield in the Tonle Sap Basin in 2002 (tons/ha) Figure 8: Fish Catch by Province in the Tonle Sap Basin in 2002 (tons) 19 Figure 9: Cambodia National Mekong Committee Structure COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Cambodia National Mekong Committee Executive Committee General Secretariat Planning Department Administration and Finance Department Projects Department TSBR Secretariat Planning Bureau Administration and HRD Bureau Agriculture Bureau Administration and Training Division Socio-economic Research Bureau Accounting Bureau Water Resources Bureau Strategy, Policy and Networking Division Book-keeping and Information Bureau Management and Procurement Bureau Waterways and Tourism Bureau Research, Monitoring and Data Mgt Division Basin Development Plan Unit Capacity Building Program Team Water Utilization Program Unit Finance Monitoring Unit Environment Program Unit 20 Figure 10: Percentage Change of Forest Area in the Tonle Sap Basin (1993-2002) 21