Genome wide selection: experiences from the Australian Dairy Industry. B.Tier(1,2), J. Cavanagh(1,3), R.E. Crump(1,2), M. Khatkar(1,3), G. Moser(1), J. Sölkner(1,3), P.C. Thomson(1,3), A. Woolaston(1,2), K. Zenger(1,3) and H.W. Raadsma(1,3). 1 Cooperative Research Centre for Innovative Dairy Products, 2 Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit*, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia, 3 Centre for Advanced Technologies in Animal Genetics and reproduction(Reprogen), University of Sydney, Camden NSW 2570. Semen from almost 1900 progeny tested bulls born between 1950 and 2003 and used in the Australian dairy industry was available as well as 300 young bulls born in 2006 as candidates for genome wide selection (GWS). Initially 1546 of these sires, chosen from across the temporal and performance spectra, were genotyped for 15,380 SNP that spanned the whole bovine genome. The genotypic results were validated using information provided by ParAllele (now Affymetrix), by open and blind replication of some samples and by comparing the genotypes of sons with those of their sires for excessive occurrences of opposing homozygotes. After editing to delete poor quality SNP and those where the minimum allele frequency was less than 0.01 only 10,715 SNP remained. Highly accurate estimated breeding values (EBVs) for a number of production, fertility and fitness traits, provided by the Australian Dairy Herd Improvement Scheme, were used with this genotypic information to examine some alternative methods for predicting the genetic merit of animals without (EBV) information. These methods were broadly based on regression of phenotypes (EBVs) on a subset of the 1546 genotyped sires (the ‘training’ set) - to predict the genetic merit of complementary group of sires (the ‘test ’ set), without direct use of the pedigree. With 10,715 variables there are a myriad of regression models that could be used to explain 1546 data points. Considerable use was made of internal cross-validation - where the training set is further divided into a number of other subsets - to find the best models. Of these methods, two - Partial Least Squares (PLS) and regression using a genetic algorithm to find optimal solutions (GAR) - provided moderate to high predictive power (correlations of the order of 0.75 between predictions and EBVs of the ‘test’ subset of individuals without use of pedigree), with PLS more computationally efficient than GAR. These methods were used to identify a subset of important SNP that were subsequently used to genotype 300 young bulls. The genetic merit of these young bulls was used as a basis to select among them for entry into a progeny testing program. An additional 500 sires - made up of two young sire teams, international sires of interest and some of the younger, untested sires from the 1900 original bulls are now being tested to further examine the efficacy of these, and other models for selection of sires and identifying the most useful SNP. Finally, some implications for industry of this new technology are explored. *AGBU is a joint venture of NSW Department of Primary Industries and the University of New England.