Page 1 of 2 Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association Past President’s Scholarship Award Criteria The Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA) awards one annual scholarship in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars each to a deserving high school student who will be graduating from a Virginia High School League member school or Independent School in honor of all of the VIAAA Past Presidents. The athletic director of the member school must be a member of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association in order for the member school’s student to qualify for the scholarship. Each school is limited to one nominee. The requirements for this application must include the following: -Must attend an institution of higher learning -Must be in need of financial assistance -Must have a minimum of a B (3.0) grade point average -Must have received no full athletic financial aid -Must have earned one or more Athletic Varsity letters -Must have achieve a leadership position(s) in school and community activities -Must provide a maximum of three letters of recommendation for the nominee The Selection Committee of the VIAAA will select one individual who best meets the above requirements and demonstrates the quality leadership both within and outside of athletics as presented in the letters of recommendation. These criteria are intended as guidelines for selection. Judgment of the Selection Committee will remain the determining factor in the selection process. The Selection Committee will consider only those nominations that have been postmarked on or before the second Monday in January. The President of the VIAAA or his/her designee will notify the award recipient’s. The award will be in the form of a check made payable to the institution in which the recipient has enrolled. A plaque will also be presented to the recipients at the VIAAA Annual Conference Banquet. This application must be postmarked no later than the second Monday in January and forwarded to the VIAAA Scholarship Chairperson. Submit all applications to: Steve Heon, CAA Athletic Director Western Albemarle High School 5941 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932 434.823.8705 Page 2 of 2 The Past Presidents’ Leadership Award Application Sponsored by the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Home Address:________________________________________________________________ Home Telephone:(___)_____________________ Social Security Number:_______________ High School:____________________Classification (circle one): 1A/2A 3A/4A 5A/6A Ind. Name of institution of higher learning the student expects to attend:_______________________ Has the student applied to the above institution of higher learning? Has the student been accepted to the above institution of higher learning? _____Yes _____No _____Yes _____No High School Grade Point Average:______ Class Rank:_______ out of_____ SAT SCORE_____ out of a possible _________ EMAIL: _____________________________ Please provide an attachment for the following information: -List the nominee’s athletic participation and achievements (Minimum of one varsity Athletic Varsity Letter) -List areas in which the nominee has demonstrated leadership roles both within and outside of athletics. -Enclose a maximum of three letters of recommendation for the nominee stressing their leadership to their school, community and athletic team(s). -In two hundred words or less attach a typed essay on: “The importance of leadership” Principal’s Signature:___________________________________ Date:___________________ Athletic Director’s Signature:_____________________ Member #______ Date:____________ Local Newspaper:______________________________________________________________ Local Newspaper Fax Number: (___)_______________ Contact Person:__________________ This application must be postmarked no later than the second Monday in January and forwarded to the VIAAA Scholarship Chairperson. Steve Heon, CAA Athletic Director Western Albemarle High School 5941 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932, 434.823.8705